hello Friends Today I am trying to make small wpf app present for my wife. I want she can wrıte at runtime and print what she write in flowdocument. ı can do everthings at design time but ı want write ar run time here my solution probably ı must use ı ınotifyProperty changed or binding text of flowdocument to printDlg What should I do can you hellp me please
/// <summary>
/// This method creates a dynamic FlowDocument. You can add anything to this
/// FlowDocument that you would like to send to the printer
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private FlowDocument CreateFlowDocument()
// Create a FlowDocument
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument();
// Create a Section
Section sec = new Section();
// Create first Paragraph
Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph();
// Create and add a new Bold, Italic and Underline
Bold bld = new Bold();
bld.Inlines.Add(new Run("First Paragraph"));
Italic italicBld = new Italic();
Underline underlineItalicBld = new Underline();
// Add Bold, Italic, Underline to Paragraph
// Add Paragraph to Section
// Add Section to FlowDocument
return doc;
private void print(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Create a PrintDialog
PrintDialog printDlg = new PrintDialog();
// Create a FlowDocument dynamically.
FlowDocument doc = CreateFlowDocument();
doc.Name = "FlowDoc";
// Create IDocumentPaginatorSource from FlowDocument
IDocumentPaginatorSource idpSource = doc;
// Call PrintDocument method to send document to printer
printDlg.PrintDocument(idpSource.DocumentPaginator, "Hello WPF Printing.");
For WYSIWYG editing, WPF provides a ready-made control. The WPF RichTextBox control can edit XAML Flow Documents natively.
I am totaly forgot lıke you said FlowDocument in RichTextBox is Editable here ı Fınd the best solution you can print and save pdf,xps.format
// Handle "Save RichTextBox Content" button click.
private void SaveRTBContent(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
// Clone the source document's content into a new FlowDocument.
// This is because the pagination for the printer needs to be
// done differently than the pagination for the displayed page.
// We print the copy, rather that the original FlowDocument.
MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream();
TextRange source = new TextRange(document.ContentStart, document.ContentEnd);
source.Save(s, DataFormats.Xaml);
FlowDocument copy = new FlowDocument();
TextRange dest = new TextRange(copy.ContentStart, copy.ContentEnd);
dest.Load(s, DataFormats.Xaml);
// Create a XpsDocumentWriter object, implicitly opening a Windows common print dialog,
// and allowing the user to select a printer.
// get information about the dimensions of the seleted printer+media.
PrintDocumentImageableArea ia = null;
System.Windows.Xps.XpsDocumentWriter docWriter = PrintQueue.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(ref ia);
if (docWriter != null && ia != null)
DocumentPaginator paginator = ((IDocumentPaginatorSource)copy).DocumentPaginator;
// Change the PageSize and PagePadding for the document to match the CanvasSize for the printer device.
paginator.PageSize = new Size(ia.MediaSizeWidth, ia.MediaSizeHeight);
Thickness t = new Thickness(72); // copy.PagePadding;
copy.PagePadding = new Thickness(
Math.Max(ia.OriginWidth, t.Left),
Math.Max(ia.OriginHeight, t.Top),
Math.Max(ia.MediaSizeWidth - (ia.OriginWidth + ia.ExtentWidth), t.Right),
Math.Max(ia.MediaSizeHeight - (ia.OriginHeight + ia.ExtentHeight), t.Bottom));
copy.ColumnWidth = double.PositiveInfinity;
//copy.PageWidth = 528; // allow the page to be the natural with of the output device
// Send content to the printer.
In RichTextBox of my WPF app, following print method is creating unexpected line breaks. Question: What I may be missing here, and how can we fix the issue?
For example, when I enter the following text in the RichTextBox (RTB), the RTB looks like as shown in image 1. But when I call the following two print methods the first one does not create the unexpected line breaks, but the second method does create unexpected line breaks:
<RichTextBox Name="richTB" />
<Button Click="PrintCommand1">Print RTB Content</Button>
<Button Click="PrintCommand2">Print RTB Content</Button>
Method 1
private void PrintCommand1(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog();
if ((pd.ShowDialog() == true))
pd.PrintVisual(richTB as Visual, "printing as visual");
Method 2
private void PrintCommand2(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog();
if ((pd.ShowDialog() == true))
pd.PrintDocument((((IDocumentPaginatorSource)richTB.Document).DocumentPaginator), "printing as paginator");
The text I enter [Note: There is only one line break]
This is a test for testing purpose only. Another test: x6. Let us do some background and foreground colors.
This is a new line with formatting, as well.
Snapshot of the RichTexBox with above text
Snapshot of "Print to PDF" (on Windows 10) using Method 1 [Printed correctly with one real line break]
Snapshot of "Print to PDF" (on Windows 10) using Method 2 [Printed incorrectly with unexpected line breaks]
Because of the DocumentPaginator class takes context of the FlowDocument and split in into multiple pages to get desired result some of FlowDocument parameters should be configured before printing:
private void PrintCommand2(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
var pd = new PrintDialog();
if (pd.ShowDialog() == true)
FlowDocument doc = richTB.Document;
// Save all settings that will be configured for printing.
double pageHeight = doc.PageHeight;
double pageWidth = doc.PageWidth;
double columnGap = doc.ColumnGap;
double columnWidth = doc.ColumnWidth;
// Make the FlowDocument page match the printed page.
doc.PageHeight = pd.PrintableAreaHeight;
doc.PageWidth = pd.PrintableAreaWidth;
doc.ColumnGap = 5;
// Set the minimum desired width of the column in the System.Windows.Documents.FlowDocument.
doc.ColumnWidth = doc.PageWidth - doc.ColumnGap - doc.PagePadding.Left - doc.PagePadding.Right;
pd.PrintDocument(((IDocumentPaginatorSource)doc).DocumentPaginator, "A Flow Document");
// Reapply the old settings.
doc.PageHeight = pageHeight;
doc.PageWidth = pageWidth;
doc.ColumnGap = columnGap;
doc.ColumnWidth = columnWidth;
With respect to Matthew MacDonald this way of the flow document content printing and more advanced techniques described in his book Pro WPF 4.5 in C# Windows Presentation Foundation in .NET 4.5 (Chapter 29).
I am trying to print a FlowDocument directly to a pdf using Microsoft Print to pdf. Each time I want to print it sets the printer to the last printer that was used, I need it to set to "Microsoft Print to PDF".
// Create a PrintDialog
PrintDialog printDlg = new PrintDialog();
// Create a FlowDocument dynamically.
FlowDocument doc = CreateFlowDocument();
doc.Name = "OrderReceipt"+orderNo;
// Create IDocumentPaginatorSource from FlowDocument
IDocumentPaginatorSource idpSource = doc;
// Call PrintDocument method to send document to printer
printDlg.PrintDocument(idpSource.DocumentPaginator, "Save PDF");
Is this possible?
You might be using the default printer setting, which can be set to the last printer used:
Have you tried calling PrintDialog.ShowDialog()? It pops up the printer options and lets you select which printer to send to and set preferences.
// Create IDocumentPaginatorSource from FlowDocument
IDocumentPaginatorSource idpSource = doc;
// Display printer options
if( printDlg.ShowDialog() ?? false )
// Call PrintDocument method to send document to printer
printDlg.PrintDocument(idpSource.DocumentPaginator, "Save PDF");
Below is the process I worked in Windows forms for printing.
I used PrintDocument class. It contains PrintPage event and I used that to draw the graphics of what I need to print and obtained the result successfully as I expected.
Below is the code:
public PrintDocument Printing
m_printDocument = new PrintDocument();
m_printDocument.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(OnPrintPage);
The code for OnPrintPage as follows:
protected virtual void OnPrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
//Image img = I have the things to be printing in the form of image.
e.Graphics.DrawImage(img, new Point(0,0));
I am working with Fixed document and by using the below code I can print
PrintDialog print = new PrintDialog();
print.PrintDocument(FixedDocument.DocumentPaginator, "Print") //Where Fixed document contains the data to be printed.
This results is insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
But I got Fixed document without any problem.
Any solutions ...?
I hope the similar thing as like Windows form would be there in WPF too...
I used to get this when my pages contained lots of visual elements (drawings/images/ complex diagrams). Instead of printing the complete document at once (which can lead to out of memory)
print.PrintDocument(FixedDocument.DocumentPaginator, "Print")
I printed one of its page.
PrintQueue selectedPrntQueue = printDialog.PrintQueue;
XpsDocumentWriter writer = PrintQueue.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(selectedPrntQueue);
SerializerWriterCollator collator = writer.CreateVisualsCollator();
var paginator = FixedDocument.DocumentPaginator;
FixedPage fixedPage = paginator.GetFixedPage(printedPageCount)
ContainerVisual newPage = new ContainerVisual();
Size sz = new Size(pageSize.Height.Value, pageSize.Width.Value);
fixedPage.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(), sz));
I had to do GC after printing few pages (my magic number was 10).
You may need to tweak the this up to your requirement.
So I am printing out some text from a textbox, which has wordwrapping enabled, but when I print out the document, the string that should be wordwrapped does not, and cuts offs on the page. I'd like to simply enable word wrapping for my printed document. Also is there a way to set the margins for the printed document, some of the text gets cut off from both the top and left margins. Thanks! Code attached below.
FixedDocument document = new FixedDocument();
document.DocumentPaginator.PageSize = new Size(printDlg.PrintableAreaWidth, printDlg.PrintableAreaHeight);
FixedPage page1 = new FixedPage();
page1.Width = document.DocumentPaginator.PageSize.Width;
page1.Height = document.DocumentPaginator.PageSize.Height;
MessageBox.Show(page1.Height.ToString() + page1.Width);
PageContent page1Content = new PageContent();
printDlg.PrintDocument(document.DocumentPaginator, "My first document");
Your textbox setting won't applied in PrintDoc .. you must recalculate all in your printdoc printpage event
I am trying to print the content of RichTextBox including the Adorner Layers inside.
I am using this code to print
double w = Editor.ExtentWidth; // Editor is the RichTextBox
double h = Editor.ExtentHeight;
LocalPrintServer ps = new LocalPrintServer();
PrintQueue pq = ps.DefaultPrintQueue;
XpsDocumentWriter xpsdw = PrintQueue.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(pq);
PrintTicket pt = pq.UserPrintTicket;
if (xpsdw != null)
pt.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Portrait;
PageMediaSize pageMediaSize = new PageMediaSize(w, h);
pt.PageMediaSize = pageMediaSize;
The problem I'm facing is that this code only prints the content that is visible on the screen, not the whole content of the Editor.
The pictures are adorner layers, If I print using the method above, it only prints the visible part on the screen not the whole document.
I'm trying to print each page separately but I cant force Editor.InvalidateVisual(); after doing a Editor.PageDown(); Is there a way I can do that in my method ?
When controls draw on the adorner layer, they search up the tree until they find an adorner layer. Often times this is a the window level. In some cases, you'll want an adorner layer closer to the control, or directly around the control. In this case, wrap the control with an <AdornerDecorator><RichTextBox /></AdornerDecorator>
In your case, you'd probably want to pass a parent element of adorner decorator, or the decorator itself to the print logic. This way the print logic would include the adorner layer as part of the visual. Maybe something like this:
<Grid Name="EditorWrapper">
<RichTextBox />
Then, pass "EditorWrapper" to the print logic.
If you just want to print the contents of the RichTextBox, then you might be best to use the built-in pagination capabilities of the FlowDocument. FlowDocument implements IDocumentPaginatorSource, which will return a paginator that can print the document. Pass that paginator to the XpsDocumentWriter and it should dump the content properly.
var doc = Editor.Document;
var src = doc as IDocumentPaginatorSource;
var pag = src.DocumentPaginator;
I found this code here:
// Serialize RichTextBox content into a stream in Xaml or XamlPackage format. (Note: XamlPackage format isn't supported in partial trust.)
TextRange sourceDocument = new TextRange(richTextBox.Document.ContentStart, richTextBox.Document.ContentEnd);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
sourceDocument.Save(stream, DataFormats.Xaml);
// Clone the source document's content into a new FlowDocument.
FlowDocument flowDocumentCopy = new FlowDocument();
TextRange copyDocumentRange = new TextRange(flowDocumentCopy.ContentStart, flowDocumentCopy.ContentEnd);
copyDocumentRange.Load(stream, DataFormats.Xaml);
// Create a XpsDocumentWriter object, open a Windows common print dialog.
// This methods returns a ref parameter that represents information about the dimensions of the printer media.
PrintDocumentImageableArea ia = null;
XpsDocumentWriter docWriter = PrintQueue.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(ref ia);
if (docWriter != null && ia != null)
DocumentPaginator paginator = ((IDocumentPaginatorSource)flowDocumentCopy).DocumentPaginator;
// Change the PageSize and PagePadding for the document to match the CanvasSize for the printer device.
paginator.PageSize = new Size(ia.MediaSizeWidth, ia.MediaSizeHeight);
Thickness pagePadding = flowDocumentCopy.PagePadding;
flowDocumentCopy.PagePadding = new Thickness(
Math.Max(ia.OriginWidth, pagePadding.Left),
Math.Max(ia.OriginHeight, pagePadding.Top),
Math.Max(ia.MediaSizeWidth - (ia.OriginWidth + ia.ExtentWidth), pagePadding.Right),
Math.Max(ia.MediaSizeHeight - (ia.OriginHeight + ia.ExtentHeight), pagePadding.Bottom));
flowDocumentCopy.ColumnWidth = double.PositiveInfinity;
// Send DocumentPaginator to the printer.
Adorner layers are are drawing oriented. So one option left is to convert the entire RichTextBox into a drawing and print that as an Image in XPS.
Although this poses multiple issues...
It will print the external and internal contents that occupy or occupied by the richtextbox i.e. editor toolbar (if it is part of the control template of the rich text box), internal scroll bars etc.
If there are scrollbars then the content out of the scrollbars are not going to be printed as the image will be the exact "snapshot" of the textbox (with remaining text clipped by srollbars).
Will you be happy with that?
I didn't find any way that works 100% for this problem, so I'm trying to transform all my adorner layers to actual images. I'll update the question once I get a 100% working solution.