"Class is not licensed for use" error - c#

In a Win32 C# App, when I run my application and hit some button I get this error ""Class is not licensed for use" and jumps to this code in my VS....
if (oUCMRWPTemplate.ResultLayoutExistsInd)
if (oTextSvc_UnmarshallText == null)
oTextSvc_UnmarshallText = new SelectTemplate.TextSvc();
int replyHandle = lReply.Handle.ToInt32();
sText = new StringBuilder(oTextSvc_UnmarshallText.BuildTextFromSRV(ref replyHandle, moUCMRWPTemplateLoadQual.PageWidth));
catch { }
Debugger stops at the line that says sText = new StringBuilder....
I was wondering from this point what should I look at to find what is the issue?

I suspect the problem is your moUCMRWPTemplateLoadQual instance. This is likely a third party control which is not properly licensed.
The reason the debugger stops on that line is that is where you retrieve a property (PageWidth) which is obviously checking licensing.


Puma.NET DLL Recognition of car numbers

I want to make an application - license plate recognition from image. I use OpenCvSharp and Puma.NET.
But when I start my application,writes that the number is not found.
When I use breakpoints - Exception - "Recognition engine halted with code:0"
I loaded three dll - dibapi.dll, puma.net.dll, puma.interop.dll.
Why numbers are not recognized?
public void RecognizePlate() //
int i = 1;
foreach(var plateImage in plate)
plateList.Add(i.ToString()+ " ) " + RunPuma(plateImage));
string RunPuma(IplImage img) //
PumaPage Image = new PumaPage(img.ToBitmap());
using (Image)
Image.FileFormat = PumaFileFormat.RtfAnsi;
Image.AutoRotateImage = true;
Image.FontSettings.DetectBold = true;
Image.FontSettings.DetectItalic = true;
Image.EnableSpeller = false;
Image.Language = PumaLanguage.English;
string s = Image.RecognizeToString();
return s;
catch(Exception e)
return "This is NOT NUMBER";
return "Error";
You will need to restart Visual Studio as Administrator and you should be able to work then.
The problem is an unsuccessful registration.
According the documentation, apuma.dll component should be registered during the installation. But *.bat file seems to be wrong, at least for my computer.
I solved problem with:
moving all files from Puma.NET\COM Server\Register to Puma.NET\COM Server
open console in Puma.NET\COM Server directory.
Typing this command: regsvr32 APuma.dll
If you get a successful registration message, George is your uncle!!

Stop process if webBrowser control hangs

I am using the WebBrowser control.
This works fine most of the time however wehn navigating to a new page or waiting for a new page to load can sometimes hangs.
Is there a way to catch this? i.e. if the page is failing to navigate or load after a certain amount of time then kill the process?
I am using the - webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted event to pick up ertain behaviours when the page loads/navigates as expected however not sure how to catch if a page is hanging??
Maby you should try to implement some kind of timeout logic? There are quite many samples in web about this. F.e. this one
Also you might be interested in this event of WebBrowserControl ProgressChanged
This is due to that webbrowser component is very basic model of internet explorer, and it get stuck at ajax pages. You can fix this problem explicitly to use latest version of internet explorer... Using this code...
string installkey = #"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION";
string entryLabel = "YourExe.exe";
string develop = "YourExe.vshost.exe";//This is for Visual Studio Debugging...
System.OperatingSystem osInfo = System.Environment.OSVersion;
string version = osInfo.Version.Major.ToString() + '.' + osInfo.Version.Minor.ToString();
uint editFlag = (uint)((version == "6.2") ? 0x2710 : 0x2328); // 6.2 = Windows 8 and therefore IE10
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey existingSubKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(installkey, false); // readonly key
if (existingSubKey.GetValue(entryLabel) == null)
existingSubKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(installkey, true); // writable key
existingSubKey.SetValue(entryLabel, unchecked((int)editFlag), Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.DWord);
if (existingSubKey.GetValue(develop) == null)
existingSubKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(installkey, true); // writable key
existingSubKey.SetValue(develop, unchecked((int)editFlag), Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.DWord);
MessageBox.Show("You Don't Have Admin Previlege to Overwrite System Settings");
Right Click Both your Exe. And vshost.exe and Run as Administrator To Update Registry for this Application....

Outlook 2010 VSTO - Non-Admin users receive "The operation failed." when Task.Save is called

I have an Outlook add-in that is working successfully for about 100 users. It interacts with our application and creates/updates Tasks and Appointment items. However, one client cannot get it to work for anyone who is not a network administrator. Through some logging, I can see that it works fine until it gets to the part where it should save the Task, and then it throws the infamous "The operation failed." error. I have tried in vain to get more error details by investigating inner exceptions and such, but "The operation failed." is all I can seem to get out of it.
To make it simpler to debug, I eliminated our application from the picture and wrote them a test add-in that just creates 9 tasks (hard-coded to "Task 1", "Task 2", etc.) and it fails in the same place with the same error. I have asked them to write a macro to see if a macro is able to create tasks for these users. I am awaiting their reply on that.
Anyway, I have been on MSDN for over a month trying to get help on the issue and nobody has been able to help. I am hoping someone here could shed some light. If you can provide any insight on what might be happening or suggestions to help me track down the problem, it would be greatly appreciated!
This is the function I am using to create the sample tasks in the test add-in:
private void CreateTasks()
int i = 1;
Outlook.TaskItem t = null;
Outlook.UserProperties ups = null;
Outlook.UserProperty up = null;
string name = string.Empty;
while (i < 10)
name = string.Format("Task {0}", i.ToString());
t = Application.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olTaskItem);
t.Subject = name;
t.Status = Outlook.OlTaskStatus.olTaskNotStarted;
t.Body = string.Format("Task {0} description", i.ToString());
t.Categories = "Test Task";
t.Importance = Outlook.OlImportance.olImportanceNormal;
t.ActualWork = 0;
t.TotalWork = 5 * 60;
//mimic dates that might come in main add-in
DateTime st = Convert.ToDateTime("12/10/2013");
st = st.AddDays(i);
t.StartDate = st;
DateTime end = Convert.ToDateTime("01/02/2014");
end = end.AddDays(i);
string EP = end.ToShortDateString() + " 5:00:00 PM";
end = Convert.ToDateTime(EP);
t.DueDate = end;
//mimic how we keep track of our items in the main add-in
ups = t.UserProperties;
up = ups.Find("ID");
if (up == null)
up = ups.Add("ID", Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText);
up.Value = string.Format("ID {0}", i.ToString());
//This is where the "The Operation Failed." error occurs on every single task.
catch (Exception ex)
//logs message to file
//Release objects
if (up != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(up);
if (t != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(t);
According to MSDN:
Saves the Microsoft Outlook item to the current folder or,
if this is a new item, to the Outlook default folder for the item type.
Does the "non administrator user" have access to this folder?
I'd hedge a bet it is something to do with Access permissions. This would be the first place to start.
Is this in an Exchange mailbox? I've seen this error before when connection to the server becomes spotty. If it is, see if the error occurs if you switch from cached mode to online mode. I don't think it's a code issue.

Can I use SetErrorMode in C# process?

I'm preparing for writing an online judge core,
A program that can compile user's code and run the program to check the answer like uva online judge.
And I'm having problem in catching the exception of submit program like below.
int main()
while(~scanf("%d %d",n,&m))
return 0;
it's access denied at first line because it scan an integer to error position.
how can I catch runtime error for my process?
I used to use "try catch" to catch the exception,
but it didn't reply anything about runtime error.
so I only check the exit code of the submit program although it's not a good method to check except for a process..
and it shows like photo
I have to close the error message box manually,
and I find a solution that is to use a SEH Handler DLL for the process.
but I don't know how to use it in C# process.
and below is my code of judger
timer = new Stopwatch();
submitProg = new Process();
submitProg.StartInfo.FileName = outputFile;
submitProg.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
submitProg.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
submitProg.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
submitProg.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
submitProg.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
submitProg.StartInfo.ErrorDialog = false;
submitProg.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
submitProg.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
progInput = submitProg.StandardInput;
progOutput = submitProg.StandardOutput;
while (!submitProg.HasExited)
peakPagedMem = submitProg.PeakPagedMemorySize64;
peakVirtualMem = submitProg.PeakVirtualMemorySize64;
peakWorkingSet = submitProg.PeakWorkingSet64;
if (peakPagedMem > memLimit)
if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
timeLimitExceed = true;
timeUsed = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
if(submitProg.ExitCode!=0)systemRuntimeError = true;
Thanks for helping, and so sorry for my poor English.
the question is how can I set error mode for the child process in C#.
My English is not good enough to explain the problem, so sorry.<(_ _)>
If you mean the Win32 API function SetErrorMode then you'll need to use P/Invoke, which is easy with such a simple signature:
static extern ErrorModes SetErrorMode(ErrorModes uMode);
public enum ErrorModes : uint {
(The Site http://www.pinvoike.net/ is always a good place to start to get the right declaration.)
You cannot set the error mode in another process without injecting code into that process. Which is impossible to do easily in C#. It isn't going to work well in C/C++ either, these kind of programs don't live long enough to give you time to inject.
It doesn't solve your problem anyway, you also have to protect against programs that never exit after they got stuck in an endless loop. The simple solution is to give every program a limited amount of time to execute. Say 10 seconds. If it doesn't complete then Process.Kill() it and declare a failure. This will also take care of the programs that bomb with a message box.
Trivial to implement with the Process.WaitForExit(milliseconds) overload.

C# SAPI in a web service

var speechEngine = new SpVoiceClass();
SetVoice(speechEngine, job.Voice);
var fileMode = SpeechStreamFileMode.SSFMCreateForWrite;
var fileStream = new SpFileStream();
fileStream.Open(filePath, fileMode, false);
speechEngine.AudioOutputStream = fileStream;
speechEngine.Speak(job.Script, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak | SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFDefault); //TODO: Change to XML
//Wait for 15 minutes only
speechEngine.WaitUntilDone((uint)new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0).TotalMilliseconds);
This exact code works in a WinForm app, but when I run it inside a webservice I get the following
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException was unhandled
Message="Exception from HRESULT: 0x80045003"
Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this error? The error code means
For completeness here is the SetVoice method
void SetVoice(SpVoiceClass speechEngine, string voiceName)
var voices = speechEngine.GetVoices(null, null);
for (int index = 0; index < voices.Count; index++)
var currentToken = (SpObjectToken)voices.Item(index);
if (currentToken.GetDescription(0) == voiceName)
throw new Exception("Voice not found: " + voiceName);
I have given full access to USERS on the folder C:\Temp where the file is to be written. Any help would be appreciated!
I don't think the System.Speech works in windows service. It looks like there is a dependency to Shell, which isn't available to services. Try interop with SAPI's C++ interfaces. Some class in System.Runtime.InteropServices may help on that.
Our naming convention requires us to use a non-standard file extension. This works fine in a Winforms app, but failed on our web server. Changing the file extension back to .wav solved this error for us.
Make sure you explicitly set the format on the SPFileStream object. ISpAudio::SetState (which gets called in a lower layer from speechEngine.Speak) will return SPERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT if the format isn't supported.
I just got the webservice to spawn a console app to do the processing. PITA :-)

