C# - LINQToExcel - Null Values - c#

I'm trying to learn how to use LINQTOExcel to query a CSV file. Following the tutorial on the site I adapted their example to work with my data (filename is passed to it via an OpenDialog component):
var csv = new ExcelQueryFactory(filename);
var test = from c in csv.Worksheet<TestData>()
select c;
foreach(var t in test)
I've got a separate TestData class/model which looks like this:
class TestData
public string Transaction_Id { get; set; }
public string Value_Date { get; set; }
public string Transmit_Date { get; set; }
public string Transmit_Time { get; set; }
public string Contract_Id { get; set; }
public string Contract_Amount { get; set; }
public string Contract_Rage { get; set; }
public string TestAmount { get; set; }
public string Employer_Code { get; set; }
public string Test_Acceptor { get; set; }
public string Institution_Id { get; set; }
But when I loop through, all of the values for each item are 'null'. Am I missing a step somewhere?
Example CSV Data:

The CSV file needs a header row that matches the property names:


How do I parse this JSON data in C# and would it be more benefical to simply switch over to javascript?

I'm looking to parse this JSON and I've had nothing but problems. The link to the JSON is here. I'm trying to access the "href" field. While writing this up, I realized that that the data field is actually an array so that is part of my problem.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(#"C:\Users\...\file.json");
Root myDeserializedClass = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Root>(json);
var x = myDeserializedClass.result.extractorData.data;
public class Newcolumn
public string text { get; set; }
public string xpath { get; set; }
public string href { get; set; }
public string filepath { get; set; }
public string fileMimeType { get; set; }
public int fileTotalBytes { get; set; }
public string fileLastModifiedTime { get; set; }
public class Group
public List<Newcolumn> Newcolumn { get; set; }
public class Datum
public List<Group> group { get; set; }
public class ExtractorData
public string url { get; set; }
public List<Datum> data { get; set; }
public class PageData
public int statusCode { get; set; }
public long timestamp { get; set; }
public class Inputs
public string _url { get; set; }
public class Result
public ExtractorData extractorData { get; set; }
public PageData pageData { get; set; }
public Inputs inputs { get; set; }
public string taskId { get; set; }
public long timestamp { get; set; }
public int sequenceNumber { get; set; }
public class Root
public string url { get; set; }
public Result result { get; set; }
This ends up returning: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ConsoleApp3.Datum]
I notice that the field name data actually turns into an array though I'm not sure how to structure that. data.[0].new Column.[0].group.etc... does not work obviously. The space in the "new Column" field is also problematic. Additionally, when I debug and look at the JSON viewer, the "new column field is null. I also tried this code:
public static void Main()
var json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(#"C:\Users\...\file.json");
dynamic stuff = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
var a = stuff.result.extractorData.data;
string b = a.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
This actually does return the data field object however, if I do stuff.result.extractorData.data.group; I get this:
Message='Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray' does not contain a definition for 'group'
Source=<Cannot evaluate the exception source>
<Cannot evaluate the exception stack trace>
I assume that this is probably because of the array contained within the data field, regardless the "new Column' field is also an issue with this method due to the space.
in your above code
public class ExtractorData
public string url { get; set; }
public List<Datum> data { get; set; }
where data is List and you are trying to access as string
in data variable Datum is List ( where your variable have multiple Data) and in every element there is a List. (Nestest List Concept Applied in This JSON)
Try to Add Break Point on below Line and check the line by line Excution of Code.
var a = stuff.result.extractorData.data;
After Looking Your JSON File Image Try This Code

How to fix Error while converting Json string to Object C#?

Im using C# to get a file from my local pc data folder.
This is the code to do that:
var _rootpath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + directory;
var ENC = new Encryption();
var s = File.ReadAllText(_rootpath + "json");
var x = ENC.RijndaelDecrypt(s, App.EncryptionPassword);
This works fine so far.
x got now this value (so this is the string I want to convert to an object) :
After this I want to convert this to an object
var _response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CrmJobListResponse>(x);
This line gives an error:
{"Error converting value x to type 'ServiceModel.CrmJobListResponse'. Path '', line 1, position 991."}
namespace ServiceModel
public class CrmJobListResponse : ResponseBase
public CrmJobListResponse();
public List<CrmJob> Items { get; set; }
CrmJob class:
namespace ServiceModel.DTO
public class CrmJob : IHasId<int>
public CrmJob();
public string WorkerBearerToken { get; set; }
public string SKU { get; set; }
public string ShopId { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
public string Vendor { get; set; }
public int ConnectorCategoryId { get; set; }
public string WorkerRefreshToken { get; set; }
public string ConnectorTypeIcon { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public int ConnectorId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Guid { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public int ConnectorTypeId { get; set; }
public string WorkerUri { get; set; }
Does anyone know why it can't convert my Json string to an object?
I didn't made the code myself, but I don't see why It should go wrong...
If you have a hard time creating DTOs you have some tools that may assist you https://app.quicktype.io/
You can also use paste special in VS to paste a Json directy to a C# class.
This also shows you if you malformed a Json.

Extract all .jpg File Name strings in List from string in c#

I have following big string and I want all .jpg file name with extension in to string List in C# but I don't know how to get it.
I want below list from sting :
Thank You... in advance
If you just need .jpg file name, you can try this simple Regex:
Demo: https://regex101.com/r/KMWtZY/1
You can use it with C# as follows:
var regex = new Regex(#"\w+\.jpg");
return regex.Matches(strInput);
Source: 1
Your string seems like it is a JSON String. and thus it would be easier and convienent approach to desealize the JSON into an object and fetch the values like
Create a class for the Object of your JSON String
public class YourData
public string url { get; set; }
public string href { get; set; }
public string filename { get; set; }
public string url_master { get; set; }
public string path_master { get; set; }
public string data_center { get; set; }
public string menu_type { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public string menu_type_class { get; set; }
public string real_menu_type { get; set; }
public int is_salt_special_menu { get; set; }
public string start_date { get; set; }
public int consumer_upload { get; set; }
public string start_date_formatted { get; set; }
public string end_date { get; set; }
public string end_date_formatted { get; set; }
public int id { get; set; }
//From wherever you are reading it.
string jsonstr = "Your Json String";
//I Removed all the / and \ from the string
jsonstr = jsonstr.Replace("/", "");
jsonstr = jsonstr.Replace("\\", "");
//at last of the string you have something like this
//;\n .menuTypes = [\"DEFAULT\",\"FOOD\",\"BAR\",\"DELIVERY\",\"SPECIAL\",\"TAKEAWAY\",\"INTERNAL\"];\n
//which is not the part of the JSON string. So I removed that part as well to make it a valid JSON
jsonstr = jsonstr.Remove(jsonstr.IndexOf(";n"));
//Console.WriteLine(jsonstr); //You can uncomment it to see how JSON looks after cleaning.
//Just Deserialize the JSON
List<YourData> yd = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<YourData>>(jsonstr);
//Loop to get all the filenames or any other fields you want
foreach(YourData ydd in yd)

How to bind multilevel json data to a repeater in asp.net or converting json data to data table

I want to bind the Json data to the repeater I know only one process that is converting the Json data to data table and then binding data but here I am receiving multilevel json data i do't know how to convert them to data table
input json data:
[{"droppingPoints":null,"availableSeats":40,"partialCancellationAllowed":false,"arrivalTime":"01:00 AM","cancellationPolicy":"[{\"cutoffTime\":\"1\",\"refundInPercentage\":\"10\"},{\"cutoffTime\":\"2\",\"refundInPercentage\":\"50\"},{\"cutoffTime\":\"4\",\"refundInPercentage\":\"90\"}]","boardingPoints":[{"time":"07:40PM","location":"K.P.H.B,Beside R.S Brothers","id":"2238"}],"operatorName":"Apple I Bus","departureTime":"8:00 PM","mTicketAllowed":false,"idProofRequired":false,"serviceId":"6686","fare":"1000","busType":"Hi-Tech A/c","routeScheduleId":"6686","commPCT":9.0,"operatorId":203,"inventoryType":0},
"droppingPoints":null,"availableSeats":41,"partialCancellationAllowed":false,"arrivalTime":"06:00 AM","cancellationPolicy":"[{\"cutoffTime\":\"1\",\"refundInPercentage\":\"10\"},{\"cutoffTime\":\"2\",\"refundInPercentage\":\"50\"},{\"cutoffTime\":\"4\",\"refundInPercentage\":\"90\"}]","boardingPoints":[{"time":"08:00PM","location":"Punjagutta,","id":"2241"}],"operatorName":"Royalcoach Travels","departureTime":"8:00 PM","mTicketAllowed":false,"idProofRequired":false,"serviceId":"6736","fare":"800","busType":"VOLVO","routeScheduleId":"6736","commPCT":9.0,"operatorId":243,"inventoryType":0}
I am trying to convert it to data table by
public void getavailablebuses()
string url = string.Format(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("files/getavailablebuses.json"));
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
string json = client.DownloadString(url);
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(json);
string mm = JObject.Parse(json).SelectToken("apiAvailableBuses").ToString();
// var boardingpoint = JObject.Parse(mm).SelectToken("boardingPoints").ToString();
var Availablebuses = JObject.Parse(json).SelectToken("apiAvailableBuses").ToString();
DataTable dt = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Availablebuses, (typeof(DataTable)));
public class apiresult
public string message { get; set; }
public string success { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public apiresult apiStatus;
public List<apiAvailableBuses> apiAvailableBuses{ get; set; }
// public string apiAvailableBuses { get; set; }
public class apiAvailableBuses
public string serviceId { get; set; }
public string fare { get; set; }
public string busType { get; set; }
public string departureTime { get; set; }
public string operatorName { get; set; }
public string cancellationPolicy { get; set; }
public List<boardingpoints> boardingpoints { get; set; }
public string droppingPoints { get; set; }
public string inventoryType { get; set; }
public string routeScheduleId { get; set; }
public int availableSeats { get; set; }
public string arrivalTime { get; set; }
public Boolean idProofRequired { get; set; }
public Boolean partialCancellationAllowed { get; set; }
public int operatorId { get; set; }
public double commPCT { get; set; }
public string mTicketAllowed { get; set; }
public class boardingpoints
public string location { get; set; }
public string id { get; set; }
public string time { get; set; }
public class cancellationPolicy
public string cutoffTime { get; set; }
public string refundInPercentage { get; set; }
Here in the data table I am unable to get the boarding points, dropping points and cancellation policy
if I load cancellation policy as list or JObject I am getting error
so here I am loading cancellation policy as string.
but I am unable to load boarding points and dropping points.
Please help with this I am scratching my head from two days. Thanks in advance
"I know only one method to bind data to a repeater i.e data table." So this is a perfect opportunity to learn other ways, wouldn't you say?
Why don't you work with the result of JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(json);? This is a RootObject that has a property called apiAvailableBuses which seems to be exactly what you need to bind to your repeater, no?
By the way, a bit of code review:
apiresult and apiAvailableBuses violate Microsoft's rules WRT class names: those should be in PascalCase. Same for the properties of apiresult, e.g. message and success. Same for the properties of apiAvailableBuses.
RootObject has a public field: apiStatus. That probably needs to be a a property with a getter/setter.
Moreover, apiAvailableBuses is plural, which is incorrect, since the data therein is of only one bus. Same for boardingpoints: the class contains data for a single point, not multiple.
Be consistent: if you use string, then also use bool and not Boolean.

Nested XML deserialization to c# gives null values

I have searched alot to find a solution, but couldn't come up with one after all.
So I hope that someone here can help me out.
I have an xml structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<TemplateLocation>Path to the template location</TemplateLocation>
<OutLocation>Path to the outlocation</OutLocation>
<ChangesHeader>Change ID</ChangesHeader>
<ProblemsHeader>Problem ID</ProblemsHeader>
<AuthorReleaseNote>Vincent Verweij</AuthorReleaseNote>
<CustomerResponsible>Customer name</CustomerResponsible>
<UrlProjectPortal>Url to project site</UrlProjectPortal>
<Customer_x0020_Name>Customer company name</Customer_x0020_Name>
<Customer_x0020_Reference>No reference</Customer_x0020_Reference>
I have used an online generator to create a json from my XML and then json2csharp to obtain the classes that I need. So eventually it came up with this c# code:
public class ReleaseNoteProperties
public string TemplateLocation { get; set; }
public string TemplateFileName { get; set; }
public string OutLocation { get; set; }
public string ReleaseName { get; set; }
public string ChangeOrder { get; set; }
public string ChangesHeader { get; set; }
public string ProblemsHeader { get; set; }
public string Environment { get; set; }
public class DocProperties
public string AuthorReleaseNote { get; set; }
public string CustomerResponsible { get; set; }
public string PlannedTestInstallDate { get; set; }
public string PlannedAccInstallDate { get; set; }
public string PlannedProdInstallDate { get; set; }
public string TestInstallDate { get; set; }
public string AccInstallDate { get; set; }
public string ProdInstallDate { get; set; }
public string TestInstaller { get; set; }
public string AccInstaller { get; set; }
public string ProdInstaller { get; set; }
public string UrlProjectPortal { get; set; }
public class SpecialProperties
public string Customer_x0020_Name { get; set; }
public string Customer_x0020_Reference { get; set; }
public string Approval_x0020_Date { get; set; }
public string MyFerranti_x0020_Reference { get; set; }
public string Project_x0020_ID { get; set; }
public class ReleaseNoteConfig
public ReleaseNoteProperties ReleaseNoteProperties { get; set; }
public DocProperties DocProperties { get; set; }
public SpecialProperties SpecialProperties { get; set; }
This code will read my XML file and deserializes the XML to the objects.
public ReleaseNoteConfig ReadXmlToObject(string xmlPath)
StringReader stream = null;
XmlTextReader reader = null;
var xDocument = XDocument.Load(xmlPath);
string xml = xDocument.ToString();
// Serialise the object
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ReleaseNoteConfig));
// Read the XML data
stream = new StringReader(xml);
// Create a reader
reader = new XmlTextReader(stream);
// Convert reader to an object
return (ReleaseNoteConfig)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
return null;
if (stream != null) stream.Close();
if (reader != null) reader.Close();
Now the problem; when I debug in Visual Studio, I see that two of the three objects are filled. Here is a screenshot that I took from the debugger:
As you can see, DocProperties and ReleaseNoteProperties are filled correctly but SpecialProperties has all null values. First I thought it had something to do with the underscores, but when I added an underscore to a property in DocProperties it was also filled correctly.
I also tried adding the attributes above the properties like XmlElement, XmlRoot etc. but that didn't help either.
I also double checked for typos but it seems that there are none...
Hopefully you guys can help me out on this one.
Thanks in advance.
Change your SpecialProperties class to this:
public class SpecialProperties
[XmlElement("Customer Name")]
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Customer Reference")]
public string CustomerReference { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Approval Date")]
public string ApprovalDate { get; set; }
[XmlElement("MyFerranti Reference")]
public string MyFerrantiReference { get; set; }
[XmlElement("Project ID")]
public string ProjectID { get; set; }
You can change the property names if you want, the important parts are the XmlElement attributes.
I have checked your code.
Can you Remove the underscores in the "Customer_x0020_Name" ? at the same time you need to change the property names in the class.
Its going to work.
Will this suggestions helps you?
i have checked it .. its working.
I am not sure , whether the tag name with underscore is legal or not.
Mark the answer , if it has solved you question

