Component installed yes/no list like in the VisualStudio Setup - c#

I'm search a component/possibility that allows me to create such a nice looking "Component installed Yes/No" list like this:
What is the best way to do this?
A modified "CheckedListBox", a Table or paint it myself?

The control rendered is a list view. You can add images and headers.

I advice you to use an ObjectListView.
It's easier to use than a ListView (and more fun) and it allows such things easily.


Use datatemplate without listview

I would like to know if it's possible to use a data template and a list system without the listview controller on xamarin forms.
You can definitely roll your own controls that use the templating engine. It would just take a whole lot of additional work with custom renderers for each platform etc. If you want to look into that you can check out the source code for Xamarin Forms since it's open source to see how they implemented the ListView. I think the negative voting is because this is quite a broad question that doesn't have an easy answer.

How can I create/skin a C# UI?

Ive been working on a C# project for a while now and I fell it needs change its look.
I have found a UI kit that I really like, which can be seen below:
Does anyone know how to do this?
EDIT: Im using WinForms
EDIT2: Maybe I should convert over to WPF? Is this doable?
You can subclass most common controls and draw their appearance yourself. However, unless for novelty applications I doubt your users will thank you for doing so.
Your example is a library of controls. For you to have an appearance such as that you'll have to create or acquire a similar library of controls and replace all your controls in your project to get that appearance.
If you want to update colors (background, foreground, etc.) and such you can make a class that recurses through controls and sets the settings using reflection and a switch statement to process each control. Then just run this on each form before you show it. One word of caution about this, some controls don't respect your changes and get overridden with themes from the OS (datetimerpicker being the biggest culprit). You'll also need to consider whether your users will appreciate the extra work put in for color/appearance changes.
If you don't have very good design skill and have a good know how about creating such templates, its better to buy them.
And C# is just a language. You're looking to create templates and skins for either for ASP.NET website/application or for windows forms.
Have a look at DevExpress Skins
If you can afford it.

A good listview component for C# WinForms

Does anyone know of a good listview component other than the one included with Visual Studio (as it looks kinda boring)?
Devexpress are good too.
(Quick edit missed the Winforms bit). For Winforms controls, I'd recommend Telerik.
If you want to modify the look of your form and controls try DotNetSkin. You can modify controls from existing windows themes or your own controls by modifying it.
If you want a free ListView, you should try ObjectListView, it has a LOT of features.
You better be careful about the license if you want to use it in a commercial product though. See these answers for more information about the license: here and there.
You may try Better ListView.
It has native look and feel. It also supports many nice features, like hierarchical items, multi-column sorting, data binding, three-state check boxes... the list goes on :-)
It is not a ListView wrapper, but self-contained control so it fixes all inherent flaws of .NET ListView (these are enumerated on ComponentOwl's website).
Take into account the 10Tec iGrid control:
Its main features are:
Multi-column sorting with indication in column headers.
Grouping and autofilter are also available.
"Subitems" (cells) can be edited.
Rows can have different heights.
Rows/cells can be formatted dynamically easily.
Built-in incremental search.
TreeListView mode.
No flickering and fast work with 100'000+ rows.
To find out more, start from reading this article:
Editable ListView Replacement
See also other cross-referenced articles on the site.

Its possible to modify a datagridview to this?

I need to create an interface similar to this mock-up (sorry, drawing is not my thing). It was impossible for me to create " the component" in the second column, the one with the link-buttons and and the formatted text. Is there any way to do this or some third-party component to do something similar?
The mock-up
This should be easily possible using Template Field (this is assuming that you are talking about ASP.NET application)
I think that you're looking into the DataRepeater control
It is part of the VIsual Basic Power ToolPack but it is a .net control so it will work from C# as well.
Here is a detailed video showing an example of almost exactly what you're trying to accomplish.

Free advanced dropdown list control (Windows Forms .Net)

I'm looking for a free advanced dropdown list control. Basically something that provides a dropdown list which can have icons, and multiple bits of text per entry (preferably one large bit of text and then a smaller bit of text underneath).
Anyone know of such a control? I've had a look but can't seem to find one.
If I can't find it I spose I'll have to create it myself. I've done a bit with custom controls but I'm not really sure how I'd go about would one take a ComboBox or something but make each entry completely graphically customisable?
Any links to controls, or hints on how to create one would be greatly appreciated.
it's not a drop down list, but I think you can use the knowledge here to do the same thing
I haven't found anything on the free side of WinForms that lets you do this. If you have green fields, however, WPF gives you what you're looking for out of the box.
Check out Krypton Toolkit which is free.

