I am working with C#. I need to write a select inline query.
The table name should be taken from config. I cannot write a stored procedure.
SqlCommand myCommand= new SqlCommand();
myCommand.CommandText = "Select * from " + tableName;
myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
myCommand.Connection = connString;
How to avoid sql injection ?
Just create a query with a real param and check for the existence of the tablename - somthing like:
IF that returns 1 then you know that the table exists and thus can use it in the SELECT you showed in the question...
However I strongly recommend to try anything to get rid of the need for any code prone to SQL injection!
I would ensure table name contains only these characters:
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[]. -_0123456789
Regex regex = new Regex(#"^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\[\]. -_0123456789]{1,128}$");
if (!regex.IsMatch(tableName)) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid table name");
To do a more comprehensive job including non-English languages see this reference on what a valid table names:
You need to verify that tableName is appropriate. After some sanity checking (making sure it has no spaces, or other disallowed characters for table names, etc), I would then first query the database for the names of all tables, and programmatically verify that it is one of those table names. Then proceed to run the query you show.
I'd look at moving the SQL to a stored proc and review this article by Erland Sommarskog as it has some great ideas for using dynamic SQL within stored procs. I'd certainly look into it. It discusses a lot of the issues around SQL injection and possible alternatives to dynamic SQL.
He also has another great article on ways to use arrays in stored procs. I know you didn't ask for that, but I often refer to these two articles as I think they are quite insightful and provide you with some useful ideas with regards to writing your procedures.
In addition to some of the suggestions linked above, I still have some basic parameter sanitisation mechanisms that I use if I am ever using dynamic SQL. An example of this is as follows;
IF LEN(#TableName) < 5 OR LEN(#TableDisplayName) < 5
RAISERROR('Please ensure table name and display name are at least 5 characters long', 16, 1)
IF NOT (#TableName not like '%[^A-Z]%')
RAISERROR('The TableName can only contain letters', 16, 1)
IF NOT (#TableDisplayName not like '%[^0-9A-Z ]%')
RAISERROR('The TableDisplayName can only contain letters, numbers or spaces', 16, 1)
This combined with using parameters within your dynamic sql and then executing using sp_executesql certainly help to minimise the possibility of a SQL injection attack.
I am very new to working with databases. Now I can write SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT commands. But I have seen many forums where we prefer to write:
SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = #salary
...instead of:
SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = txtSalary.Text
Why do we always prefer to use parameters and how would I use them?
I wanted to know the use and benefits of the first method. I have even heard of SQL injection but I don't fully understand it. I don't even know if SQL injection is related to my question.
Using parameters helps prevent SQL Injection attacks when the database is used in conjunction with a program interface such as a desktop program or web site.
In your example, a user can directly run SQL code on your database by crafting statements in txtSalary.
For example, if they were to write 0 OR 1=1, the executed SQL would be
SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = 0 or 1=1
whereby all empSalaries would be returned.
Further, a user could perform far worse commands against your database, including deleting it If they wrote 0; Drop Table employee:
SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = 0; Drop Table employee
The table employee would then be deleted.
In your case, it looks like you're using .NET. Using parameters is as easy as:
string sql = "SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = #salary";
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(/* connection info */))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection))
var salaryParam = new SqlParameter("salary", SqlDbType.Money);
salaryParam.Value = txtMoney.Text;
var results = command.ExecuteReader();
Dim sql As String = "SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = #salary"
Using connection As New SqlConnection("connectionString")
Using command As New SqlCommand(sql, connection)
Dim salaryParam = New SqlParameter("salary", SqlDbType.Money)
salaryParam.Value = txtMoney.Text
Dim results = command.ExecuteReader()
End Using
End Using
Edit 2016-4-25:
As per George Stocker's comment, I changed the sample code to not use AddWithValue. Also, it is generally recommended that you wrap IDisposables in using statements.
You are right, this is related to SQL injection, which is a vulnerability that allows a malicioius user to execute arbitrary statements against your database. This old time favorite XKCD comic illustrates the concept:
In your example, if you just use:
var query = "SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = " + txtSalary.Text;
// and proceed to execute this query
You are open to SQL injection. For example, say someone enters txtSalary:
1; UPDATE employee SET salary = 9999999 WHERE empID = 10; --
1; DROP TABLE employee; --
// etc.
When you execute this query, it will perform a SELECT and an UPDATE or DROP, or whatever they wanted. The -- at the end simply comments out the rest of your query, which would be useful in the attack if you were concatenating anything after txtSalary.Text.
The correct way is to use parameterized queries, eg (C#):
SqlCommand query = new SqlCommand("SELECT empSalary FROM employee
WHERE salary = #sal;");
query.Parameters.AddWithValue("#sal", txtSalary.Text);
With that, you can safely execute the query.
For reference on how to avoid SQL injection in several other languages, check bobby-tables.com, a website maintained by a SO user.
In addition to other answers need to add that parameters not only helps prevent sql injection but can improve performance of queries. Sql server caching parameterized query plans and reuse them on repeated queries execution. If you not parameterized your query then sql server would compile new plan on each query(with some exclusion) execution if text of query would differ.
More information about query plan caching
Two years after my first go, I'm recidivating...
Why do we prefer parameters? SQL injection is obviously a big reason, but could it be that we're secretly longing to get back to SQL as a language. SQL in string literals is already a weird cultural practice, but at least you can copy and paste your request into management studio. SQL dynamically constructed with host language conditionals and control structures, when SQL has conditionals and control structures, is just level 0 barbarism. You have to run your app in debug, or with a trace, to see what SQL it generates.
Don't stop with just parameters. Go all the way and use QueryFirst (disclaimer: which I wrote). Your SQL lives in a .sql file. You edit it in the fabulous TSQL editor window, with syntax validation and Intellisense for your tables and columns. You can assign test data in the special comments section and click "play" to run your query right there in the window. Creating a parameter is as easy as putting "#myParam" in your SQL. Then, each time you save, QueryFirst generates the C# wrapper for your query. Your parameters pop up, strongly typed, as arguments to the Execute() methods. Your results are returned in an IEnumerable or List of strongly typed POCOs, the types generated from the actual schema returned by your query. If your query doesn't run, your app won't compile. If your db schema changes and your query runs but some columns disappear, the compile error points to the line in your code that tries to access the missing data. And there are numerous other advantages. Why would you want to access data any other way?
In Sql when any word contain # sign it means it is variable and we use this variable to set value in it and use it on number area on the same sql script because it is only restricted on the single script while you can declare lot of variables of same type and name on many script. We use this variable in stored procedure lot because stored procedure are pre-compiled queries and we can pass values in these variable from script, desktop and websites for further information read Declare Local Variable, Sql Stored Procedure and sql injections.
Also read Protect from sql injection it will guide how you can protect your database.
Hope it help you to understand also any question comment me.
Old post but wanted to ensure newcomers are aware of Stored procedures.
My 10ยข worth here is that if you are able to write your SQL statement as a stored procedure, that in my view is the optimum approach. I ALWAYS use stored procs and never loop through records in my main code. For Example: SQL Table > SQL Stored Procedures > IIS/Dot.NET > Class.
When you use stored procedures, you can restrict the user to EXECUTE permission only, thus reducing security risks.
Your stored procedure is inherently paramerised, and you can specify input and output parameters.
The stored procedure (if it returns data via SELECT statement) can be accessed and read in the exact same way as you would a regular SELECT statement in your code.
It also runs faster as it is compiled on the SQL Server.
Did I also mention you can do multiple steps, e.g. update a table, check values on another DB server, and then once finally finished, return data to the client, all on the same server, and no interaction with the client. So this is MUCH faster than coding this logic in your code.
Other answers cover why parameters are important, but there is a downside! In .net, there are several methods for creating parameters (Add, AddWithValue), but they all require you to worry, needlessly, about the parameter name, and they all reduce the readability of the SQL in the code. Right when you're trying to meditate on the SQL, you need to hunt around above or below to see what value has been used in the parameter.
I humbly claim my little SqlBuilder class is the most elegant way to write parameterized queries. Your code will look like this...
var bldr = new SqlBuilder( myCommand );
bldr.Append("SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE ID = ").Value(myId);
bldr.Append("SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE NAME LIKE ").FuzzyValue(myName);
myCommand.CommandText = bldr.ToString();
Your code will be shorter and much more readable. You don't even need extra lines, and, when you're reading back, you don't need to hunt around for the value of parameters. The class you need is here...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public class SqlBuilder
private StringBuilder _rq;
private SqlCommand _cmd;
private int _seq;
public SqlBuilder(SqlCommand cmd)
_rq = new StringBuilder();
_cmd = cmd;
_seq = 0;
public SqlBuilder Append(String str)
return this;
public SqlBuilder Value(Object value)
string paramName = "#SqlBuilderParam" + _seq++;
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramName, value);
return this;
public SqlBuilder FuzzyValue(Object value)
string paramName = "#SqlBuilderParam" + _seq++;
_rq.Append("'%' + " + paramName + " + '%'");
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramName, value);
return this;
public override string ToString()
return _rq.ToString();
This question already has answers here:
How can I add user-supplied input to an SQL statement?
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have to program an application management system for my OJT company. The front end will be done in C# and the back end in SQL.
Now I have never done a project of this scope before; in school we had only basic lessons about SQL. Somehow our teacher completely failed to discuss SQL injections, something which I have only now come in contact with by reading about it on the net.
So anyway my question is: how do you prevent SQL injections in C#? I vaguely think that it can be done by properly masking the text fields of the application so that it only accepts input in a specified format. For example: an e-mail textbox should be of the format "example#examplecompany.tld". Would this approach be sufficient? Or does .NET have pre-defined methods that handle stuff like this? Can I apply a filter to a textbox so it only accepts email-address format or a name textbox so it doesn't accept special chars?
By using the SqlCommand and its child collection of parameters all the pain of checking for sql injection is taken away from you and will be handled by these classes.
Here is an example, taken from one of the articles above:
private static void UpdateDemographics(Int32 customerID,
string demoXml, string connectionString)
// Update the demographics for a store, which is stored
// in an xml column.
string commandText = "UPDATE Sales.Store SET Demographics = #demographics "
+ "WHERE CustomerID = #ID;";
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection);
command.Parameters.Add("#ID", SqlDbType.Int);
command.Parameters["#ID"].Value = customerID;
// Use AddWithValue to assign Demographics.
// SQL Server will implicitly convert strings into XML.
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#demographics", demoXml);
Int32 rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
Console.WriteLine("RowsAffected: {0}", rowsAffected);
catch (Exception ex)
My answer is quite easy:
Use Entity Framework for communication between C# and your SQL database. That will make parameterized SQL strings that isn't vulnerable to SQL injection.
As a bonus, it's very easy to work with as well.
SQL injection can be a tricky problem but there are ways around it. Your risk is reduced your risk simply by using an ORM like Linq2Entities, Linq2SQL, NHibrenate. However you can have SQL injection problems even with them.
The main thing with SQL injection is user controlled input (as is with XSS). In the most simple example if you have a login form (I hope you never have one that just does this) that takes a username and password.
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = '" + username + "' AND password = '" + password + "'"
If a user were to input the following for the username Admin' -- the SQL Statement would look like this when executing against the database.
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = 'Admin' --' AND password = ''
In this simple case using a paramaterized query (which is what an ORM does) would remove your risk. You also have a the issue of a lesser known SQL injection attack vector and that's with stored procedures. In this case even if you use a paramaterized query or an ORM you would still have a SQL injection problem. Stored procedures can contain execute commands, and those commands themselves may be suceptable to SQL injection attacks.
CREATE PROCEDURE SP_GetLogin #username varchar(100), #password varchar(100) AS
DECLARE #sql nvarchar(4000)
SELECT #sql = ' SELECT * FROM users' +
' FROM Product Where username = ''' + #username + ''' AND password = '''+#password+''''
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sql
So this example would have the same SQL injection problem as the previous one even if you use paramaterized queries or an ORM. And although the example seems silly you'd be surprised as to how often something like this is written.
My recommendations would be to use an ORM to immediately reduce your chances of having a SQL injection problem, and then learn to spot code and stored procedures which can have the problem and work to fix them. I don't recommend using ADO.NET (SqlClient, SqlCommand etc...) directly unless you have to, not because it's somehow not safe to use it with parameters but because it's that much easier to get lazy and just start writing a SQL query using strings and just ignoring the parameters. ORMS do a great job of forcing you to use parameters because it's just what they do.
Next Visit the OWASP site on SQL injection https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection and use the SQL injection cheat sheet to make sure you can spot and take out any issues that will arise in your code. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet finally I would say put in place a good code review between you and other developers at your company where you can review each others code for things like SQL injection and XSS. A lot of times programmers miss this stuff because they're trying to rush out some feature and don't spend too much time on reviewing their code.
SQL injection should not be prevented by trying to validate your input; instead, that input should be properly escaped before being passed to the database.
How to escape input totally depends on what technology you are using to interface with the database. In most cases and unless you are writing bare SQL (which you should avoid as hard as you can) it will be taken care of automatically by the framework so you get bulletproof protection for free.
You should explore this question further after you have decided exactly what your interfacing technology will be.
This question already has answers here:
How can I add user-supplied input to an SQL statement?
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have to program an application management system for my OJT company. The front end will be done in C# and the back end in SQL.
Now I have never done a project of this scope before; in school we had only basic lessons about SQL. Somehow our teacher completely failed to discuss SQL injections, something which I have only now come in contact with by reading about it on the net.
So anyway my question is: how do you prevent SQL injections in C#? I vaguely think that it can be done by properly masking the text fields of the application so that it only accepts input in a specified format. For example: an e-mail textbox should be of the format "example#examplecompany.tld". Would this approach be sufficient? Or does .NET have pre-defined methods that handle stuff like this? Can I apply a filter to a textbox so it only accepts email-address format or a name textbox so it doesn't accept special chars?
By using the SqlCommand and its child collection of parameters all the pain of checking for sql injection is taken away from you and will be handled by these classes.
Here is an example, taken from one of the articles above:
private static void UpdateDemographics(Int32 customerID,
string demoXml, string connectionString)
// Update the demographics for a store, which is stored
// in an xml column.
string commandText = "UPDATE Sales.Store SET Demographics = #demographics "
+ "WHERE CustomerID = #ID;";
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection);
command.Parameters.Add("#ID", SqlDbType.Int);
command.Parameters["#ID"].Value = customerID;
// Use AddWithValue to assign Demographics.
// SQL Server will implicitly convert strings into XML.
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#demographics", demoXml);
Int32 rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
Console.WriteLine("RowsAffected: {0}", rowsAffected);
catch (Exception ex)
My answer is quite easy:
Use Entity Framework for communication between C# and your SQL database. That will make parameterized SQL strings that isn't vulnerable to SQL injection.
As a bonus, it's very easy to work with as well.
SQL injection can be a tricky problem but there are ways around it. Your risk is reduced your risk simply by using an ORM like Linq2Entities, Linq2SQL, NHibrenate. However you can have SQL injection problems even with them.
The main thing with SQL injection is user controlled input (as is with XSS). In the most simple example if you have a login form (I hope you never have one that just does this) that takes a username and password.
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = '" + username + "' AND password = '" + password + "'"
If a user were to input the following for the username Admin' -- the SQL Statement would look like this when executing against the database.
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = 'Admin' --' AND password = ''
In this simple case using a paramaterized query (which is what an ORM does) would remove your risk. You also have a the issue of a lesser known SQL injection attack vector and that's with stored procedures. In this case even if you use a paramaterized query or an ORM you would still have a SQL injection problem. Stored procedures can contain execute commands, and those commands themselves may be suceptable to SQL injection attacks.
CREATE PROCEDURE SP_GetLogin #username varchar(100), #password varchar(100) AS
DECLARE #sql nvarchar(4000)
SELECT #sql = ' SELECT * FROM users' +
' FROM Product Where username = ''' + #username + ''' AND password = '''+#password+''''
EXECUTE sp_executesql #sql
So this example would have the same SQL injection problem as the previous one even if you use paramaterized queries or an ORM. And although the example seems silly you'd be surprised as to how often something like this is written.
My recommendations would be to use an ORM to immediately reduce your chances of having a SQL injection problem, and then learn to spot code and stored procedures which can have the problem and work to fix them. I don't recommend using ADO.NET (SqlClient, SqlCommand etc...) directly unless you have to, not because it's somehow not safe to use it with parameters but because it's that much easier to get lazy and just start writing a SQL query using strings and just ignoring the parameters. ORMS do a great job of forcing you to use parameters because it's just what they do.
Next Visit the OWASP site on SQL injection https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection and use the SQL injection cheat sheet to make sure you can spot and take out any issues that will arise in your code. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet finally I would say put in place a good code review between you and other developers at your company where you can review each others code for things like SQL injection and XSS. A lot of times programmers miss this stuff because they're trying to rush out some feature and don't spend too much time on reviewing their code.
SQL injection should not be prevented by trying to validate your input; instead, that input should be properly escaped before being passed to the database.
How to escape input totally depends on what technology you are using to interface with the database. In most cases and unless you are writing bare SQL (which you should avoid as hard as you can) it will be taken care of automatically by the framework so you get bulletproof protection for free.
You should explore this question further after you have decided exactly what your interfacing technology will be.
I have the following code:
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT TOP 0 * FROM [tableName]", conn);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
adapter.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Mapped);
I am using this to build a DataTable of the table schema.
Normally, when people are asking about SQL injection, they are talking about query params :), my question is about the table name:
FROM [tableName]
[tableName] is actually going to be dynamic / determined at runtime (this is for a framework btw)...
The tableName passed into the method is not trusted, so I want to make sure there isn't any funny business going on?
Do I have to manually scrub the table name (and I'm sure I'll miss something)? Or is there a built in method for that? Or somehow to prevent the SQL injection on the table name?
You could just go with the rules for valid table names
128 char - letters, numbers, and limited other special characters
In those rules I don't think you could do an injection
CreateTable see table_name
You can use the following query to get a list of all tables in the database and use that as a white list:
with your database name.
If someone attempts to input a table name which is not in that list, then don't execute the query.
As for the "multiple connection strings" case, you can also use a simple query to check the current database name:
SELECT db_name()
So you should be able to easily craft a method that simply gets a list of valid table names from the current database, no matter if the connection-string/db-name is dynamic or not. And in the grand scheme of things, I doubt that these two queries are going to affect the performance of your application, like you said, you could easily cache the table list, if necessary.
The tableName passed into the method is not trusted, so I want to make
sure there isn't any funny business going on?
One method is to first execute a parameterized query, passing the table name as a parameter (nvarchar max length 128) to the QUOTENAME function:
SELECT QUOTENAME(#TableName) AS ScrubbedTableName;
The returned value can then be used in your TableAdapter query without the risk of SQL injection. However, this will not prevent disclosure of meta data if a table other than one expected is specified.
You can keep sqlDataAdapter and use
Adapter.selectcommand.parameters.add(#"whatever", value)
Edit: Sorry! I missed the part about this being related to a table name, this code doesnt work. :( I apologize.
I have created a small survey web page on our company Intranet. This web page is not accessible from the outside.
The form is simply a couple of radio buttons and a comments box.
I would like to maintain good coding practices and would like to guard against SQL Injections.
Can SQL injections happen on a insert statement with comments from the textbox?
If so, how can I guard against it using .NET 2.0?
Injection can happen on any SQL statement not run properly.
For example, let's pretend your comment table has two fields, an integer ID and the comment string. So you'd INSERT as follows:
INSERT INTO COMMENTS VALUES(122,'I like this website');
Consider someone entering the following comment:
'); DELETE FROM users; --
If you just put the comment string into the SQL without any processesing this could turn your single INSERT in to the following two statements followed by a comment:
This would delete everything from your users table. And there are people willing to spend all day finding the right tablename to empty using trial and error and various tricks. Here's a description of how you could perform an SQL Injection attack.
You need to use parameterized SQL statements to prevent this.
And this isn't just for security reasons. For example, if you're creating your SQL statements naively the following comment:
I'm just loving this website
would cause an SQL syntax error because of the apostrophe being interpreted by SQL as a closing quote.
Use parameterized queries so that the text is automatically quoted for you.
SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "insert into dbo.Table (val1,val2,txt) values (#val1,#val2,#txt)";
command.AddParameterWithValue( "val1", value1 );
command.AddParameterWithValue( "val2", value2 );
command.AddParameterWithValue( "txt", text );
SQL injection can happen any time you pass a query back to the database. Here's a simple demonstration:
SQL Injection Explained
The key, within .NET, is to do as Dave Webb has given. It will prevent the injection attempt by encompassing the entire string as one parameter to be submitted, handling all characters that might be interpreted by SQL Server to change the query or append additional commands.
And it should be pointed out that SQL injection can occur on any application, not just web applications. And that an internal attack is usually the most costly to an organization. One cannot safely assume that an attack won't originate from within.
In addition to using prepared statements and parameters rather than concatenating strings into your SQL you should also do the following:
Validate and format user input on the server side. Client side validation and limits can easily be bypasses with tools like WebScarab, or by spoofing your form.
Configure appropriate permissions for the database user account. Web application should use a separate account or role in your database with permissions restricted to only the tables, views and procedures required to run your application. Make sure that user does not have select rights on the system tables
Hide detailed error messages from users, and use less common names for your objects. It amazes me how often you can determine the server type (oracle, mysql, sqlserver) and find basic schema information in an error message and then get information from tables called 'user(s)', 'employee(s)'. If you haven't set your permissions as in (2) and I can determine your server type you are open to statements like this for SQL Server
SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.table
EXECUTE sp_help foundTableName
Yes, they can happen. The easiest way to guard against this is to use prepared statements rather than building the SQL manually.
So, rather than this:
String sql =
String.Format("INSERT INTO mytable (text_column) VALUES ( '{0}' )",
myTextBox.Text); // Unsafe!
You would do something like this:
String sql = "INSERT INTO mytable (text_column) VALUES ( ? )"; // Much safer
Then add the text of the text box as a parameter to your DbCommand which will cause it to be automatically escaped and replace the "?" in the SQL.
Prevent SQL Injection by using prepared statement. The use of placehoder(?) totally eliminates sql Injection Vulnerability.
String sql=Select * from user_table where username='+request.getparameter("username")+';
the above statement is vulnerable to sql injection.
To make it safe against sql injection.
Use following the snippet
String sql=Select * from user_table where username=?;
Yes, it can. Let's say the client sends this:
OR 1 = 1
That can be very painfull for your
SELECT * FROM admin WHERE name = #name AND password = #password
You can prevent this with
using Parameter class from ADO.NET
using regexp
reading, reading: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/SqlInjectionAttacks.aspx
The easiest way to guard against that form of SQL injection, is to use parameters and stored procedures rather then building sql statements to run. (In C# or internally to SQL Server).
However I'm not entirely sure you should be spending time on this, unless of course it's your corporate policy, as the chances of it ever occuring internally are minimal at best, and if it did occur, I would hope you would know immediately who it is.