i am trying to write a test code of wsdl web service in java. This code return me some values of variables and have to place an order. Of this code i have en equivalent on C# but i don't understand how to convert in java. This is my code in Java:
package betdaqclient;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
public class test
public static void main(String[] args)
ExternalApiHeader externalAPIHeader = new ExternalApiHeader();
externalAPIHeader.languageCode = "en";
externalAPIHeader.username = "myusername";
externalAPIHeader.password = "mypassword";
externalAPIHeader.version = new BigDecimal ("2.0");
ReadOnlyService_Service ro = new ReadOnlyService_Service();
ReadOnlyService readOnlyService = ro.getReadOnlyService();
SecureService_Service ss = new SecureService_Service();
SecureService secureService = ss.getSecureService();
GetAccountBalancesRequest getAccountBalanceRequest = new GetAccountBalancesRequest();
GetAccountBalancesResponse2 getAccountBalanceResponse = secureService.getAccountBalances(getAccountBalanceRequest, externalAPIHeader);
System.out.printf("%n%nUser : " + externalAPIHeader.username);
System.out.printf("%nBalance : " + getAccountBalanceResponse.balance.toString());
System.out.printf("%nExposure : " + getAccountBalanceResponse.exposure.toString());
System.out.printf("%nAvailable: " + getAccountBalanceResponse.availableFunds.toString()+"%n");
SimpleOrderRequest bet = new SimpleOrderRequest();
bet.selectionId = (long) IdMarket;
bet.polarity = (byte) 1 ; //<-----BACK?
bet.stake = new BigDecimal("1.00") ;
bet.price = new BigDecimal("1.01") ;
bet.cancelOnInRunning = true ;
PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest request = new PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest();
/* Lacking Code */
PlaceOrdersNoReceiptResponse2 response = secureService.placeOrdersNoReceipt(request,externalAPIHeader);
I guess that my bet has to be converted in a list and then passed to request. This is the code in C# that i have found in the examples:
public long[] PlaceOrdersNoReceipt(long selectionId, byte polarity, decimal amount
, decimal odds, byte resetCount)
SimpleOrderRequest order = new SimpleOrderRequest();
order.SelectionId = selectionId;
order.Polarity = polarity;
order.Stake = amount;
order.Price = odds;
order.ExpectedSelectionResetCount = resetCount;
PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest request = new PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest();
request.Orders = new SimpleOrderRequest[1] {order};
PlaceOrdersNoReceiptResponse response = _proxy.PlaceOrdersNoReceipt(request);
if (response.ReturnStatus.Code != 0)
throw new Exception(response.ReturnStatus.Description);
return response.OrderHandles;
This is the definition of the class built from wsdl:
#XmlType(name = "PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest", propOrder = {
public class PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest {
#XmlElement(name = "Orders", required = true)
protected PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest.Orders orders;
#XmlElement(name = "WantAllOrNothingBehaviour")
protected boolean wantAllOrNothingBehaviour;
public PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest.Orders getOrders() {return orders;}
public void setOrders(PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest.Orders value) {this.orders = value;}
public boolean isWantAllOrNothingBehaviour() { return wantAllOrNothingBehaviour; }
public void setWantAllOrNothingBehaviour(boolean value) {this.wantAllOrNothingBehaviour = value;}
#XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {"order"})
public static class Orders {
#XmlElement(name = "Order", required = true)
protected List<SimpleOrderRequest> order;
public List<SimpleOrderRequest> getOrder() {
if (order == null) {
order = new ArrayList<SimpleOrderRequest>();
return this.order;
The question is how i have to convert bet element of thee class SimpleOrderRequest into request of the class PlaceOrderNoRecepeit ?
May be a very stupid question but i am a newbie in java programming.
Lacked code should be
PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest.Orders orders = new PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest.Orders();
PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest request = new PlaceOrdersNoReceiptRequest();
I was wondering if some one can help here. I have a project as a general which includes 5 layout. Now I'm trying to write api with dotnet core which use data access and commone Lay out of this general. so I added these 2 dll as assembly reference(they are using dotnet framwork) and in my api I call their classes:
public IActionResult login(LoginDto user)
General.Common.cLoadUserPermission.stcLoginInfo _LI = new cLoadUserPermission.stcLoginInfo();
if (user.UserName.ToLower() == "adminy" && user.Password.ToLower()== "rddddlad91")
_LI.LoginError = enmLoginError.enmLoginError_NoError;
_LI.UserID = "d56d79f4-1f06-4462-9ed7-d4292322555d";
_LI.UserName = "مدير سيستم";
_LI.UserLoginName = "adminy";
_LI.PersonelID = Guid.Empty;
_LI.IsSupervisor = false;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserID = _LI.UserID;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserPLE = _LI.UserLoginName;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserName = _LI.UserName;
_LI.LoginError = enmLoginError.enmLoginError_UserNameNotFound;
//DateTime _t = General.Common.cPersianDate.GetDateTime("1364/02/03");
General.Common.cLoadUserPermission _cLUP = new General.Common.cLoadUserPermission();
_LI = _cLUP.login(user.UserName, user.Password, 0);
switch (_LI.LoginError)
case General.Common.enmLoginError.enmLoginError_NoError:
case General.Common.enmLoginError.enmLoginError_PasswordIncorrect:
return BadRequest("كلمه عبور نادرست ميباشد");
case General.Common.enmLoginError.enmLoginError_UserNameNotFound:
return BadRequest("نام كاربري يافت نشد");
cCurrentUser.CurrentUserID = _LI.UserID;
cCurrentUser.CurrentPersonelID = _LI.PersonelID;
cCurrentUser.CurrentUserLoginName = _LI.UserLoginName;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserID = _LI.UserID;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserPLE = _LI.UserLoginName;
GlobalItems.CurrentUserName = _LI.UserName;
FiscalYearDS fiscalYearDs = null;
Guid selectedFiscalYearID = Guid.Empty;
using (IFiscalYear service = FacadeFactory.Instance.GetFiscalYearService())
fiscalYearDs = service.GetFiscalYearByOID(user.FiscalYear.ToString());
selectedFiscalYearID = fiscalYearDs.tblFiscalYear[0].FiscalYearID;
Configuration.Instance.CurrentFiscalYear = fiscalYearDs;
this.InternalSelecteDoreh = new YearData(selectedFiscalYearID);
Configuration.Instance.CurrentYear = this.SelectedDoreh;
General.Common.Data.FiscalYearDS generalfiscalyearDS = null;
using (General.Common.IFiscalYear service = General.Common.FacadeFactory.Instance.GetFiscalYearService())
generalfiscalyearDS = service.GetFiscalYearByOID(user.FiscalYear.ToString());
General.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentFiscalYear = generalfiscalyearDS;
General.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentYear = new General.Common.YearData(selectedFiscalYearID); ;
Sales.Common.YearData _SMSYearData = new Sales.Common.YearData(General.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentYear.FiscalYearID);
Sales.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentYear = _SMSYearData;
Sales.Common.Data.FiscalYearDS fiscalyearSMSDS = null;
selectedFiscalYearID = Guid.Empty;
using (Sales.Common.IFiscalYear service = Sales.Common.FacadeFactory.Instance.GetFiscalYearService())
fiscalyearSMSDS = service.GetFiscalYearByOID(General.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentYear.FiscalYearID.ToString());
//selectedFiscalYearID = fiscalyearDS.FiscalYear[0].FiscalYearID;
Sales.Common.Configuration.Instance.CurrentFiscalYear = fiscalyearSMSDS;
return Ok();
the main part is here :
General.Common.cLoadUserPermission _cLUP = new General.Common.cLoadUserPermission();
_LI = _cLUP.login(user.UserName, user.Password, 0);
This is my login method in general.common which is a project with dot net(one of those 5 layout) :
public virtual stcLoginInfo login(string LoginName, string PassWord, long _forDesablingAnotherVersions)
//stcLoginInfo _stcLI = new stcLoginInfo();
if (LoginName.ToLower() == "admin" && PassWord == "rdssolad91")
_stcLI.UserID = new Guid("D56D79F4-1F06-4462-9ED7-D4292322D14D").ToString();
//_stcLI.UserID = new cCrypto().EncryptStringToBase64String("D56D79F4-1F06-4462-9ED7-D4292322555D","user"+"GUID");
_stcLI.UserLoginName = "adminy";
_stcLI.UserName = "مدير سيستم";
_stcLI.LoginError = enmLoginError.enmLoginError_NoError;
_stcLI.PersonelID = Guid.Empty;
_stcLI.UserPass = "";
return _stcLI;
if (LoginName.ToLower() == "admin" && PassWord == "dddddd")
_stcLI.UserID = new Guid("D56D79F4-1F06-4462-9ED7-D4292322D14D").ToString();
//_stcLI.UserID = new cCrypto().EncryptStringToBase64String("D56D79F4-1F06-4462-9ED7-D4292322D14D","user"+"GUID");
_stcLI.UserLoginName = "admin";
_stcLI.UserName = "**مدير سيستم**";
_stcLI.LoginError = enmLoginError.enmLoginError_NoError;
_stcLI.PersonelID = Guid.Empty;
_stcLI.UserPass = "";
_stcLI.IsSupervisor = true;
return _stcLI;
UsersDS _ds = new UsersDS();
UsersDS.vwUsersDataTable tbl;
_stcLI.UserID = Guid.Empty.ToString();
using (IUsers service = FacadeFactory.Instance.GetUsersService())
SearchFilter sf = new SearchFilter();
sf.AndFilter(new FilterDefinition(_ds.vwUsers.LoginNameColumn, FilterOperation.Equal, LoginName));
tbl = service.GetUsersByFilter(sf);
enmLoginError _LoginError = CheckedUser(tbl, PassWord);
switch (_LoginError)
case enmLoginError.enmLoginError_NoError:
//_stcLI.UserID = new cCrypto().EncryptStringToBase64String(tbl[0].UserID.ToString(), "user" + "GUID");
_stcLI.UserID = tbl[0].UserID.ToString();
_stcLI.PersonelID = tbl[0].PrincipalLegalEntityRef; //tbl[0].PersonelRef;
_stcLI.UserName = tbl[0].UserName;
case enmLoginError.enmLoginError_PasswordIncorrect:
case enmLoginError.enmLoginError_UserNameNotFound:
case enmLoginError.enmLoginError_AccessDenied:
_stcLI.UserID = Guid.Empty.ToString();
_stcLI.PersonelID = Guid.Empty;
_stcLI.UserName = "";//tbl[0].UserName;
_stcLI.LoginError = _LoginError;
_stcLI.UserLoginName = LoginName;
_stcLI.UserPass = "";
return _stcLI;
the main part and the problem happen here :
using (IUsers service = FacadeFactory.Instance.GetUsersService()) // here I got error
SearchFilter sf = new SearchFilter();
sf.AndFilter(new FilterDefinition(_ds.vwUsers.LoginNameColumn, FilterOperation.Equal, LoginName));
tbl = service.GetUsersByFilter(sf);
in this line using (IUsers service = FacadeFactory.Instance.GetUsersService()) I get this error :
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Object System.Activator.GetObject(System.Type, System.String)'.
at General.Common.FacadeFactory.GetUsersService()
at General.Common.cLoadUserPermission.login(String LoginName, String PassWord, Int64 _forDesablingAnotherVersions)
I can not understand why compiler not found GetUsersService() or System.Object System.Activator.GetObject(System.Type, System.String) in that method. this facadfactory is a class in General.common assembly and the code is here:
public class FacadeFactory
public static FacadeFactory Instance
if (InternalFacade == null)
InternalFacade = new FacadeFactory();
return InternalFacade;
public IUsers GetUsersService()
string typeName = "General.Facade.UsersService";
IUsers temp = null;
if (Configuration.Instance.RemoteMode)
return new UsersClientProxy((IUsers)Activator.GetObject(typeof(IUsers), GetClientTypeURL(typeName)));
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(Configuration.Instance.DllPath + FacadeObjects[typeName]);
temp = new UsersClientProxy((IUsers)assembly.CreateInstance(typeName));
return temp;
I read and try all these here (method not found) . but non of them works, even clean and rebuild. thanks for reading this.
The method Activator.GetObject(Type, String) does not exist on .NET Core as you can see in the documentation for the Activator class. Refer to this comment for some more information.
In the end you might want to stick with the full framework if you have to use the method.
I received an C# DLL to access an API and another C# to invoke the DLL.
I'm trying to make an ABL program to INVOKE the DLL.
Ive tried the USING, also run it as an EXTERNAL but no luck.
Never used C#, but it looks like a very simple program can't find how to instatiate the DLL from ABL.
Thanks in advance,
Here is the C# code, will appreciate any help
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CayanConnectSample
public partial class MainFrm : Form
public MainFrm()
private string merchantName = "Test Dynamic Payments";
private string merchantSiteId = "2Q5JSJH3";
private string merchantKey = "GQPXT-GTJTP-66A1Y-RWT5G-CNULU";
private string terminalIPAddress = ""; //ip address in CDI Technologies
private int requestTimeout = 60;
private void btnCreateTransaction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
decimal amount = Convert.ToDecimal(0.09);
string clerkId = "MIKE";
//only transactionType used are sale & refund
CayanConnect.CreateTransaction.Request request = new CayanConnect.CreateTransaction.Request()
MerchantName = merchantName,
MerchantSiteId = merchantSiteId,
MerchantKey = merchantKey,
TransactionType = CayanConnect.CreateTransaction.TransactionTypeEnum.SALE,
ClerkId = clerkId,
Dba = merchantName,
Amount = amount,
//[Amount] is always positive. TransactionType has the sign. Sale or Refund
OrderNumber = "1234"
CayanConnect.CreateTransaction createTrx = new CayanConnect.CreateTransaction();
CayanConnect.CreateTransaction.Response ctr = createTrx.Process(request, CayanConnect.ThemeEnum.None);
if (ctr.Success)
CayanConnect.InitiateTransaction it = new CayanConnect.InitiateTransaction(terminalIPAddress, ctr.TransportKey, null, CayanConnect.ThemeEnum.None, "Waiting for customer...");
CayanConnect.InitiateTransaction.Response response = it.Process(requestTimeout, true);
string emvDetail = response.EMVDetail;
bool approved = false;
if (response.Success)
if (response.Status.ToUpper() == "APPROVED")
if (Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Abs(amount)) == response.AmountApproved)
approved = true;
txtResponse.Text = "Good to go!!";
string v = this.VoidApprovedTransaction(response.Token);
string em = v.IsEmpty() ? "Transaction was voided succesfully." : v;
txtResponse.Text = $"Invalid approved amount.{Environment.NewLine}Amount: {amount.ToString("C")}{Environment.NewLine}Approved Amount: {response.AmountApproved.ToString("c")}{em}";
txtResponse.Text = response.DeclinedMessage(amount);
txtResponse.Text = response.ErrorMessage;
txtResponse.Text = ctr.ErrorMessage;
private string GetStatus()
string rt = string.Empty;
CayanConnect.GetStatus status = new CayanConnect.GetStatus(this.terminalIPAddress, null, CayanConnect.ThemeEnum.None, "Verifying terminal status...");
CayanConnect.GetStatus.Response statusResponse = status.Process(this.requestTimeout);
rt = statusResponse.ToXml();
return rt;
private string VoidApprovedTransaction(string token)
string rt = string.Empty;
CayanConnect.Void _void = new CayanConnect.Void();
CayanConnect.Void.Request request = new CayanConnect.Void.Request()
MerchantName = this.merchantName,
MerchantKey = this.merchantKey,
MerchantSiteId = this.merchantSiteId,
Token = token,
Timeout = this.requestTimeout
CayanConnect.Void.Response response = _void.Process(request, CayanConnect.ThemeEnum.None);
if (!response.Success)
rt = $"Error voiding transaction.{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{response.ErrorMessage}";
return rt;
private void btnIsOnLine_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtResponse.Text = GetStatus();
You don't need to 'invoke' the DLL. I have found that the DLL's doc is very important to read - you'll need to know things like who's in charge (ABL or the DLL) of memory allocation and deallocation, structure sizes etc. Also, the AVM is not re-entrant (so cannot be registered as a callback for any DLL).
For an example of calling DLL/SO functions from within an ABL class, take a look in the repo at https://github.com/PeterJudge-PSC/abl_odbc_api .
You'll need to create function prototypes (see an example at https://github.com/PeterJudge-PSC/abl_odbc_api/blob/master/src/OpenEdge/Data/ODBC/ODBCConnectionProto.i ) and you can then call those functions from within a method . Take a look at https://github.com/PeterJudge-PSC/abl_odbc_api/blob/master/src/OpenEdge/Data/ODBC/SqlCommonFunctions.cls for examples.
I'm trying to access Amazon MWS API from my .Net application, using Products API Section Client Library - C# (https://developer.amazonservices.com/doc/products/products/v20111001/cSharp.html/138-8219342-3408216)
Everything works fine, except for GetMyFeesEstimate calls.
I use this method from example:
public GetMyFeesEstimateResponse InvokeGetMyFeesEstimate()
// Create a request.
GetMyFeesEstimateRequest request = new GetMyFeesEstimateRequest();
string sellerId = "example";
request.SellerId = sellerId;
string mwsAuthToken = "example";
request.MWSAuthToken = mwsAuthToken;
FeesEstimateRequestList feesEstimateRequestList = new FeesEstimateRequestList();
request.FeesEstimateRequestList = feesEstimateRequestList;
return this.client.GetMyFeesEstimate(request);
And I add item to FeesEstimateRequestList like this:
feesEstimateRequestList.FeesEstimateRequest.Add(new FeesEstimateRequest
MarketplaceId = marketplaceId,
IdType = "ASIN",
IdValue = "B0078LENZC",
PriceToEstimateFees = new PriceToEstimateFees { ListingPrice = new MoneyType { Amount = 30.49M, CurrencyCode = "GBP" }, Shipping = new MoneyType { Amount = 3.5M, CurrencyCode = "GBP" }, Points = new Points { PointsNumber = 0 } },
Identifier = "request_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
IsAmazonFulfilled = false
But constantly get MalformedInput error with no message describing what is wrong:
Have someone any ideas how to make it work?
I have found solution:
Due to my OS regional settings, decimal separator in price had being set to comma, instead of dot when converting parameters to string.
I have to modify method putValue of MwsAQCall class like this:
private void putValue(object value)
if (value==null)
if (value is IMwsObject)
(value as IMwsObject).WriteFragmentTo(this);
string name = parameterPrefix.ToString();
if (value is DateTime)
parameters.Add(name, MwsUtil.GetFormattedTimestamp((DateTime)value));
string valueStr = value.ToString();
if (value is decimal)
valueStr = valueStr.Replace(",", ".");
if (valueStr==null || valueStr.Length==0)
if (value is bool)
valueStr = valueStr.ToLower();
parameters.Add(name, valueStr);
I try to use Irony.Net with this syntax:
where !!test - global variable
and !test1 - local variable
I wrote this code:
var local_identifier = new IdentifierTerminal("localidentifier","","!");
var global_identifier = new IdentifierTerminal("globalidentifier","","!!");
var param_identifier = new NonTerminal("paramidentifier");
param_identifier.Rule = local_identifier | global_identifier;
and I get shift-reduce error
What I am doing wrong?
With help from codeplex (https://irony.codeplex.com/discussions/546013) i solve the problem.
Result code is:
public static IdentifierTerminal CreateLocalIdentifier(string name)
var id = new IdentifierTerminal(name, IdOptions.None);
id.AddPrefix("!", IdOptions.IsNotKeyword);
UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter, //Ul
UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter, //Ll
UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter, //Lt
UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter, //Lm
UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter, //Lo
UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber //Nl
UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber, //Nd
UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation, //Pc
UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark, //Mc
UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark, //Mn
UnicodeCategory.Format //Cf
return id;
public static IdentifierTerminal CreateGlobalIdentifier(string name)
var id = new IdentifierTerminal(name, IdOptions.None);
id.AddPrefix("!!", IdOptions.IsNotKeyword);
UnicodeCategory.UppercaseLetter, //Ul
UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter, //Ll
UnicodeCategory.TitlecaseLetter, //Lt
UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter, //Lm
UnicodeCategory.OtherLetter, //Lo
UnicodeCategory.LetterNumber //Nl
UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber, //Nd
UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation, //Pc
UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark, //Mc
UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark, //Mn
UnicodeCategory.Format //Cf
return id;
I have a method that returns MvcHtmlString, so in my unit test I'm trying to make sure that the right type comes back:
public void GetTeamNameByAlignmentTest()
var target01 = MockEventData().First().GetTeamNameByAlignment("HoMe");
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(target01, typeof(MvcHtmlString));
However the test fails
Assert.IsInstanceOfType failed. Expected type:<System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString>. Actual type:<System.Web.Mvc.{Dynamic}.DynamicMvcHtmlString>
How do I properly test for MvcHtmlString return type?
The Method:
public MvcHtmlString GetTeamNameByAlignment(String alignment)
StringBuilder teamName = new StringBuilder();
if (Participants.First().Alignment.ToLower() == alignment.ToLower())
if (Participants.First().Winning == true)
teamName.Insert(0, "<b>");
if (Participants.Last().Alignment.ToLower() == alignment.ToLower())
if (Participants.Last().Winning == true)
teamName.Insert(0, "<b>");
return MvcHtmlString.Create(teamName.ToString());
Mocked data:
private static IQueryable<Event> MockEventData()
Team team01 = new Team();
team01.TeamName = "HomeTeam";
Team team02 = new Team();
team02.TeamName = "AwayTeam";
EventParticipant participant01 = new EventParticipant();
participant01.Alignment = "home";
participant01.Team = team01;
participant01.Winning = false;
participant01.totalScore = 77;
EventParticipant participant02 = new EventParticipant();
participant02.Alignment = "away";
participant02.Team = team02;
participant02.Winning = true;
participant02.totalScore = 99;
Event event01 = new Event();
event01.Participants = new List<EventParticipant> {participant01, participant02};
IQueryable<Event> events = new List<Event> { event01 }.AsQueryable();
return events;
Looking at this source code for MvcHtmlString, DynamicMvcHtmlString looks to be a runtime-created subclass of MvcHtmlString. With that in mind, how about changing your assertion to:
Assert.IsTrue(target01 is MvcHtmlString);