Obviously the title is somewhat tongue in cheek, but I've checked and double checked and I can't see the error in my logic.
The compiler complains that variable parsed might not be initialized in the return statement. I don't agree. Which of us is wrong, and why?
public DateTime? Test(string nextDate)
DateTime parsed;
if (nextDate != "TBC" && !DateTime.TryParse(nextDate, out parsed))
throw new Exception();
if (nextDate == "TBC")
return null;
return parsed;
No, the compiler isn't broken at all.
The compiler isn't meant to be able to tell that
if (nextDate != "TBC")
if (nextDate == "TBC")
are mutually exclusive. It doesn't try to make any connection between the two conditions. So it can't tell that you'll definitely have called DateTime.TryParse(nextDate, out parsed) if you get as far as return parsed;.
Basically, the compiler follows relatively simple rules to determine definite assignment (and reachability). Simple rules are easy to reason about, easy to implement, and easy to code to.
Fortunately, you can make your code simpler and make it compile at the same time:
public DateTime? Test(string nextDate)
if (nextDate == "TBC")
return null;
DateTime parsed;
if (!DateTime.TryParse(nextDate, out parsed))
throw new Exception();
return parsed;
Now we're dealing with the "special case" of "TBD" in one place right at the start - and then we can ignore that special case for the rest of the code and call TryParse unconditionally, leaving parsed definitely-assigned.
if nextData == "TBC", your TryParse is not invoked, as the whole condition cannot be true anyway. Therefore parsed may not be initialized.
Both of you are right.
The logic for uninitialized variable checking looks at all possible control flow paths, without a deeper logic analysis. This part of the compiler does not care that nextDate == "TBC" and nextDate != "TBC" are never both true. So the compiler is right from his PoV.
You don't want to analyze the program logic too deeply in a compiler. You want simple, understandable rules. In complicated cases the compiler would need to basically run your whole program with all possible input values at compiletime to determine if a variable is initialized.
And you're right because you know that the conditions will work out, so that the use of the variable will never be reached if it wasn't initialized.
I'd rewrite your function like this:
public DateTime? Test(string nextDate)
DateTime parsed;
if (nextDate == "TBC" )
return null;
if(!DateTime.TryParse(nextDate, out parsed))
throw new Exception();
return parsed;
But since you're throwing an exception anyways, you might want to use Parse instead of TryParse.
as out is part of if statement you must need to inialize the value.
Because if satement go from left to right and in your case nextDate != "TBC" get validated first and than next statement get checked.
so this is like
if( fist check)
if(second check)
Consider the following code:
using System;
#nullable enable
namespace Demo
public sealed class TestClass
public string Test()
bool isNull = _test == null;
if (isNull)
return "";
return _test; // !!!
readonly string _test = "";
When I build this, the line marked with !!! gives a compiler warning: warning CS8603: Possible null reference return..
I find this a little confusing, given that _test is readonly and initialised to non-null.
If I change the code to the following, the warning goes away:
public string Test()
// bool isNull = _test == null;
if (_test == null)
return "";
return _test;
Can anyone explain this behaviour?
I can make a reasonable guess as to what's going on here, but it's all a bit complicated :) It involves the null state and null tracking described in the draft spec. Fundamentally, at the point where we want to return, the compiler will warn if the state of the expression is "maybe null" instead of "not null".
This answer is in somewhat narrative form rather than just "here's the conclusions"... I hope it's more useful that way.
I'm going to simplify the example slightly by getting rid of the fields, and consider a method with one of these two signatures:
public static string M(string? text)
public static string M(string text)
In the implementations below I've given each method a different number so I can refer to specific examples unambiguously. It also allows all of the implementations to be present in the same program.
In each of the cases described below, we'll do various things but end up trying to return text - so it's the null state of text that's important.
Unconditional return
First, let's just try to return it directly:
public static string M1(string? text) => text; // Warning
public static string M2(string text) => text; // No warning
So far, so simple. The nullable state of the parameter at the start of the method is "maybe null" if it's of type string? and "not null" if it's of type string.
Simple conditional return
Now let's check for null within the if statement condition itself. (I would use the conditional operator, which I believe will have the same effect, but I wanted to stay truer to the question.)
public static string M3(string? text)
if (text is null)
return "";
return text; // No warning
public static string M4(string text)
if (text is null)
return "";
return text; // No warning
Great, so it looks like within an if statement where the condition itself checks for nullity, the state of the variable within each branch of the if statement can be different: within the else block, the state is "not null" in both pieces of code. So in particular, in M3 the state changes from "maybe null" to "not null".
Conditional return with a local variable
Now let's try to hoist that condition to a local variable:
public static string M5(string? text)
bool isNull = text is null;
if (isNull)
return "";
return text; // Warning
public static string M6(string text)
bool isNull = text is null;
if (isNull)
return "";
return text; // Warning
Both M5 and M6 issue warnings. So not only do we not get the positive effect of the state change from "maybe null" to "not null" in M5 (as we did in M3)... we get the opposite effect in M6, where the state goes from "not null" to "maybe null". That really surprised me.
So it looks like we've learned that:
Logic around "how a local variable was computed" isn't used to propagate state information. More on that later.
Introducing a null comparison can warn the compiler that something it previously thought wasn't null might be null after all.
Unconditional return after an ignored comparison
Let's look at the second of those bullet points, by introducing a comparison before an unconditional return. (So we're completely ignoring the result of the comparison.):
public static string M7(string? text)
bool ignored = text is null;
return text; // Warning
public static string M8(string text)
bool ignored = text is null;
return text; // Warning
Note how M8 feels like it should be equivalent to M2 - both have a not-null parameter which they return unconditionally - but the introduction of a comparison with null changes the state from "not null" to "maybe null". We can get further evidence of this by trying to dereference text before the condition:
public static string M9(string text)
int length1 = text.Length; // No warning
bool ignored = text is null;
int length2 = text.Length; // Warning
return text; // No warning
Note how the return statement doesn't have a warning now: the state after executing text.Length is "not null" (because if we execute that expression successfully, it couldn't be null). So the text parameter starts as "not null" due to its type, becomes "maybe null" due to the null comparison, then becomes "not null" again after text2.Length.
What comparisons affect state?
So that's a comparison of text is null... what effect similar comparisons have? Here are four more methods, all starting with a non-nullable string parameter:
public static string M10(string text)
bool ignored = text == null;
return text; // Warning
public static string M11(string text)
bool ignored = text is object;
return text; // No warning
public static string M12(string text)
bool ignored = text is { };
return text; // No warning
public static string M13(string text)
bool ignored = text != null;
return text; // Warning
So even though x is object is now a recommended alternative to x != null, they don't have the same effect: only a comparison with null (with any of is, == or !=) changes the state from "not null" to "maybe null".
Why does hoisting the condition have an effect?
Going back to our first bullet point earlier, why don't M5 and M6 take account of the condition which led to the local variable? This doesn't surprise me as much as it appears to surprise others. Building that sort of logic into the compiler and specification is a lot of work, and for relatively little benefit. Here's another example with nothing to do with nullability where inlining something has an effect:
public static int X1()
if (true)
return 1;
public static int X2()
bool alwaysTrue = true;
if (alwaysTrue)
return 1;
// Error: not all code paths return a value
Even though we know that alwaysTrue will always be true, it doesn't satisfy the requirements in the specification that make the code after the if statement unreachable, which is what we need.
Here's another example, around definite assignment:
public static void X3()
string x;
bool condition = DateTime.UtcNow.Year == 2020;
if (condition)
x = "It's 2020.";
if (!condition)
x = "It's not 2020.";
// Error: x is not definitely assigned
Even though we know that the code will enter exactly one of those if statement bodies, there's nothing in the spec to work that out. Static analysis tools may well be able to do so, but trying to put that into the language specification would be a bad idea, IMO - it's fine for static analysis tools to have all kinds of heuristics which can evolve over time, but not so much for a language specification.
The nullable flow analysis tracks the null state of variables, but it does not track other state, such as the value of a bool variable (as isNull above), and it does not track the relationship between the state of separate variables (e.g. isNull and _test).
An actual static analysis engine would probably do those things, but would also be "heuristic" or "arbitrary" to some degree: you couldn't necessarily tell the rules it was following, and those rules might even change over time.
That's not something we can do directly in the C# compiler. The rules for nullable warnings are quite sophisticated (as Jon's analysis shows!), but they are rules, and can be reasoned about.
As we roll out the feature it feels like we mostly struck the right balance, but there are a few places that do come up as awkward, and we'll be revisiting those for C# 9.0.
You have discovered evidence that the program-flow algorithm that produces this warning is relatively unsophisticated when it comes to tracking the meanings encoded in local variables.
I have no specific knowledge of the flow checker's implementation, but having worked on implementations of similar code in the past, I can make some educated guesses. The flow checker is likely deducing two things in the false positive case: (1) _test could be null, because if it could not, you would not have the comparison in the first place, and (2) isNull could be true or false -- because if it could not, you would not have it in an if. But the connection that the return _test; only runs if _test is not null, that connection is not being made.
This is a surprisingly tricky problem, and you should expect that it will take a while for the compiler to attain the sophistication of tools that have had multiple years of work by experts. The Coverity flow checker, for example, would have no problem at all in deducing that neither of your two variations had a null return, but the Coverity flow checker costs serious money for corporate customers.
Also, the Coverity checkers are designed to run on large codebases overnight; the C# compiler's analysis must run between keystrokes in the editor, which significantly changes the sorts of in-depth analyses you can reasonably perform.
All the other answers are pretty much exactly correct.
In case anyone's curious, I tried to spell out the compiler's logic as explicitly as possible in https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/36927#issuecomment-508595947
The one piece that's not mentioned is how we decide whether a null check should be considered "pure", in the sense that if you do it, we should seriously consider whether null is a possibility. There are a lot of "incidental" null checks in C#, where you test for null as a part of doing something else, so we decided that we wanted to narrow down the set of checks to ones that we were sure people were doing deliberately. The heuristic we came up with was "contains the word null", so that's why x != null and x is object produce different results.
I have two questions and I'd like some help with them, please.
I have client code that needs to access to a variable/value that is changing over time, in fact, it is calculated on retrieval, and it is retrieved by many methods several times over runtime, however, it's calculation is not always possible as the requirements for it are not always present, in such cases, a false or null is returned and the client checks this to decide wether to proceed. Now, I have two approaches, the first one, A, is my classic one, B however, looks good to me as well.
A) I have this method with an out parameter similar to the TryParse methods on some C# libraries:
public bool GetLeadingTrailSegment(out Vector3 lastTrailSegment)
if (_line.positionCount > 1)
lastTrailSegment = lead - _line.GetPosition(_line.positionCount - 2);
return true;
lastTrailSegment = Vector3.zero;
return false;
B) I have this nullable property which tries to do the same job as the above code:
public Vector3? leadingTrailSegment
if (_line.positionCount > 1)
return lead - _line.GetPosition(_line.positionCount - 2);
return null;
The client code is as follows:
A) Here the bool tells the client code wether the value is safe(useful?) to use.
public bool IsDrawingOverAllowed(LayoutPointer pointer)
Vector3 leadingTrailSegment;
if (pointer.GetLeadingTrailSegment(out leadingTrailSegment))
return !midline.ParallelTo(leadingTrailSegment);
return true;
B) Here, the fact of the HasValue property of the nullable being false tells the client wether it is safe:
public bool IsDrawingOverAllowed(LayoutPointer pointer)
Vector3? leadingTrailSegment = pointer.leadingTrailSegment;
if (leadingTrailSegment.HasValue)
return !midline.ParallelTo(leadingTrailSegment.Value);
return true;
First question: Of these two approaches, which one is best or what are the pros/cons between or flaws within them?
Second question: I used to have the client B approach written as:
public bool IsDrawingOverAllowed(LayoutPointer pointer)
if (pointer.leadingTrailSegment.HasValue)
return !midline.ParallelTo(pointer.leadingTrailSegment.Value);
return true;
This was wrong, right? Because the Value property of the nullable may have changed by the second call.
I like best the out parameter approach, you can use the result in the if clause, and the variable can even be declared inline in other versions of C# but I'd really like to give a shot to nullables and make them useful in situations like these (and not only when I look for an unassigned value, which are the cases I use them in). I hope someone can give their thoughts on this.
I would much prefer a call returning a null than using output parameters. Output parameters are a kind of "side-effect" prone code constructs that I personally really dislike. It means the calling code has to define a variable before use, and it introduces weak points where it would be easy to induce a bug if you put in the wrong variable in the call by accident. It also prevents you from using the code in a call chain with the null-conditional and null-coalescing operators. You cannot do something like var v = GetLeadingTrailSegment() ?? new Vector3();.
The second point of interest is the use of a Nullable. If the Vector3 type is a value type, then that is fine and makes sense. If it is a reference type (pretty much everything other than integral types and structures in .NET), there is no need for it. Just return null; and if (variable != null) { ... }. The case for returning a bool is usually when you have return value clashes. For example if null was returned as a valid value in itself, and you needed a way to differentiate between a valid null or an invalid response. This does not appear to be the case here.
My two cents :)
I would rather ask why you want to have a method that returns a boolean but the name suggest another thing.
If I have player.GetCurrentHp() and the method returns false if the player has no hp or hp == 0, I would fell that the name is misleading and I would prefer have a player.isAlive() method.
Is not something wrong per se from a logic or software perspective, but I will not help the next developer to work with that code, or yourself in 6 months.
In your case I would go with two methods for LayoutPointer;
public bool IsValid() // <--- I like when boolean methods represent 'is, can, have' actions, ideas, or properties.
return _line.positionCount > 1;
public bool GetLeadingTrailSegment()
if (!IsValid())
return Vector3.zero;
return (lead - _line.GetPosition(_line.positionCount - 2));
And then;
public bool IsDrawingOverAllowed(LayoutPointer pointer)
if (pointer == null)
Debug.LogWarning("IsDrawingOverAllowed: Pointer is null!");
return true; // or false, it depends on your design..
if (!pointer.IsValid()) // <-- I also like early returns :D
return true;
var leadingTrailSegment = pointer.GetLeadingTrailSegment()
return !midline.IsParallelTo(leadingTrailSegment);
I know that can be more 'verbose' but remember the idea that create code for machines is easy, but code for humans is harder.. At the end you want to have some code easy to read, understand and maintain.
Side Note; Yes, I know that sometimes can be useful, like in Physics.Raycast but if you are not implementing the TryParse pattern (if you want for example avoid the use of try/catch) I cannot see much gain trying to have just one method that does two things.
Is there any difference between below two statements
if (null != obj)
if (obj != null)
If both treated same which will be preferable?
The first is a Yoda condition. Use it you should not.
The difference here is the code generated. The two will not generate the exact same code, but in practice this will have no bearing on the results or performance of the two statements.
However, if you create your own types, and override the inequality operator, and do a poor job, then it will matter.
Consider this:
public class TestClass
public static bool operator !=(TestClass left, TestClass right)
return !left.Equals(right);
In this case, if the first argument to the operator is null, ie. if (null != obj), then it will crash with a NullReferenceException.
So to summarize:
The code generated is different
The performance and end results should be the same
Except when you have broken code in the type involved
Now, the reason I think you're asking is that you've seen code from C, which typically had code like this:
if (null == obj)
Note that I switched to equality check here. The reason is that a frequent bug in programs written with old C compilers (these days they tend to catch this problem) would be to switch it around and forget one of the equal characters, ie. this:
if (obj = null)
This assigns null to the variable instead of comparing it. The best way to combat this bug, back then, would be to switch it around, since you can't assign anything to null, it's not a variable. ie. this would fail to compile:
if (null = obj)
No, but the second way is more common and more readable (and more logical in my opinion)
No, there is not. It's exactly the same.
The style null == obj is sometimes just used to prevent the common typo obj = null to not accidently assign null to a variable, but with != there's absolutely no reason to do so.
In .NET it won't actually compile for the typo obj = null.
So the compiler prevents you from accidently doing it.
The Yoda condition comes originally from other languages, where this compiler feature is missing.
They are exactly the same.
Some people prefer to put the null as the first part of the expression to avoid errors like this
if (obj = null) // should be obj == null
But of course this doesn't apply to the != operator, so in your example it's just a difference of style.
First type of statement came from C/C++, where was possible to pass not boolean values to condition verification. E.g. anything not 0 was true, and zero was false:
if (5) { } // true
if (0) { } // false
Sometimes it created problems if you forgot to type one '=' char:
if (x = 5) { } // this was true always and changed x value
if (x == 5) { } // this was true, if x was equal to 5
So, Yoda syntax was used, to receive compiler error in case one '=' was missed:
if (5 = x) { } // this was generating compiler error for absent-minded programmers
if (5 == x) { } // this was true, if x was equal to 5
C# allow only boolean value in conditions, So
if (x = 5) { } // this won't compile
if (x == 5) { } // this is true, if x was equal to 5
What about boolean types?
if (y = true) { }
if (y == true) { }
Well, this is useless code, because you can just write if (y).
Conclusion: Yoda syntax is gone with C/C++ and you do not need to use it anymore.
The use of the first form
if (blah == obj)
stems from the days when compilers would not catch if (obj = blah) i.e. unintentional assignment, unless compile warning level was set to maximum
Lets say I have a function that needs to return some integer value. but it can also fail, and I need to know when it does.
Which is the better way?
public int? DoSomethingWonderful()
public bool DoSomethingWonderful(out int parameter)
this is probably more of a style question, but I'm still curious which option people would take.
Edit: clarification, this code talks to a black box (lets call it a cloud. no, a black box. no, wait. cloud. yes). I dont care why it failed. I would just need to know if I have a valid value or not.
I like the nullable version better, because you can use the null coalesce operator ?? on it, e.g.:
int reallyTerrible = 0;
var mightBeWonderful = DoSomethingWonderful() ?? reallyTerrible;
It depends on how you think the calling code should look like. And therefore what your function is used for.
Generally, you should avoid out arguments. On the other hand, it could be nice to have code like this:
int parameter;
if (DoSomething(out paramameter))
// use parameter
When you have a nullable int, it would look like this:
int? result = DoSomething();
if (result != null)
// use result
This is somewhat better because you don't have an out argument, but the code that decides if the function succeeded doesn't look very obvious.
Don't forget that there is another option: use Exeptions. Only do this if the case where your function fails is really an exceptional and kind of a error-case.
// normal case
int result = DoSomething()
catch (SomethingFailedException ex)
// exceptional case
One advantage of the exception is that you can't just ignore it. The normal case is also straight forward to implement. If the exceptional case something you could ignore, you shouldn't use exceptions.
Edit: Forgot to mention: another advantage of an Exception is that you also can provide information why the operation failed. This information is provided by the Exception type, properties of the Exception and the message text.
Why not throw an exception?
I would follow the pattern used in some place in the .Net library like:
bool int.TryParse(string s, out value)
bool Dictionary.TryGetValue(T1 key, out T2 value)
So I would say:
public bool TryDoSomethingWonderful(out int parameter)
It really depends on what you are doing.
Is null a meaningful answer? If not, I would prefer a bool TryDoSomethingWonderful(out int) method call. This matches up with the Framework.
If, however, null is a meaningful return value, returning int? makes sense.
Unless performance is the primary concern you should return an int and throw an exception on failure.
I would use the second, because I probably need to know right away if the call succeeded, and in that case I would rather write
int x;
if( DoSomethingWonderful( out x ) )
int? x = DoSomethingWonderful();
if( x.HasValue )
I am in favor of using an output parameter. In my opinion, this is the kind of situation for which use of an output parameters is most suited.
Yes, you can use the coalesce operator to keep your code as a one-liner if and only if you have an alternative value that you can use in the rest of your code. I often find that is not the case for me, and I would prefer to execute a different code path than I would if I was successfully able to retrieve a value.
int value;
if(DoSomethingWonderful(out value))
// continue on your merry way
// oops
Log("Unable to do something wonderful");
if (DoSomethingTerrible(out value))
// continue on your not-so-merry way
Additionally, if the value that I want to retrieve is actually nullable, then using a function with an output parameter and a boolean return value is, in my opinion, the easiest way to tell the difference between "I was unsuccessful in retrieving the value" and "The value I retrieved is null". Sometimes I care about that distinction, such as in the following example:
private int? _Value;
private bool _ValueCanBeUsed = false;
public int? Value
get { return this._Value; }
this._Value = value;
this._ValueCanBeUsed = true;
public bool DoSomethingTerrible(out int? value)
if (this._ValueCanBeUsed)
value = this._Value;
// prevent others from using this value until it has been set again
this._ValueCanBeUsed = false;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
In my opinion, the only reason most people tend not to use output parameters is because they find the syntax cumbersome. However, I really feel that using output parameters is the more appropriate solution to this problem, and I found that once I got used to it I found the syntax much preferable to returning a null value.
If there's only one way it can fail, or if you'll never need to know why it failed, I'd say it's probably simpler and easier to go with the nullable return value.
Conversely, if there are multiple ways it could fail, and the calling code could want to know exactly why it failed, then go with the out parameter and return an error code instead of a bool (alternatively, you could throw an exception, but based on your question, it seems you've already decided not to throw an exception).
You should rather then use a try catch. This seems like the caller does not know what might happen?
Should we check both bool and the out, or should i check both returns null and the actual return.
Let the method do what it should, and in the case where it failed, let the caller know that it failed, and the caller hanlde as requied.
Interestingly enough, my personal opinion sways significantly based on the nature of the method. Specifically, if the method's purpose is to retrieve a single value, as opposing to "doing something".
bool GetSerialNumber(out string serialNumber)
string GetSerialNumber() // returns null on failure
The second feels more "natural" to me somehow, and likewise:
bool GetDeviceId(out int id)
int? GetDeviceId() // returns null on failure`
But I admit this really falls into "coding style" territory.
Oh, and I, too, would tend to favor exception throwing:
int GetDeviceId() // throws an exception on read failure
I'm still not sold on why they'd be so wrong. Can we have a thread on that, Oren? ;-)
I dislike Microsoft's "Try" pattern in which the "out" parameter is used to return a data item. Among other things, methods coded in that fashion cannot be used in covariant interfaces. I would rather see a method coded as: T GetValue(out bool Successful) or perhaps T GetValue(out GetValueErrorEnum result); or T GetValue(out GetValueErrorInfo result); if something beyond a true/false might be needed. Since every data type has a legal default value, there's no problem with deciding what to return if the function fails. Calling code can easily say:
bool success;
var myValue = Thing.GetValue(ref success);
if (success)
.. do something using myValue
.. ignore myValue
It would be nice if .net and C# offered true covariant 'copy out' parameters (the caller would allocate space for the result, pass a pointer to that space to the called function, and then copy the allocated space to the passed-in variable only after the function returned).
Hello I was thinking of what is better to write (in matter of speed and/or efficiency):
bool Method(...) { ... }
bool result = Method(...);
if (result == false)
{ ... }
// or
if (!result)
{ ... }
Or, alternatively...
if (result == true)
// or
if (result)
I'm asking because I use first one (result == false) but sometimes it gets very long, especially in condition ? expr : expr statements.
Personally, I cringe whenever I see something like result == false. It's a rather nasty misuse of the equality operator in my opinion, and totally unnecessary. While I'd imagine the compiler should turn the two expressions into the same byte code, you definitely want to be using !result. Indeed, it is not only the more direct and logical expression, but as you mention, makes the code a good deal shorter and more readable. I think the vast majority of C# coders would agree with me on this point.
Runtime speed is the same - both snippets compile to the same MSIL code representation.
Using (result == false) instead of (!result) feels kinda sloppy though.
There is no performance difference in runtime code. Most of the coding-guidelines in the companies i worked prefer !result.
I don't think there is any difference, and if there is you would probably have a hard time measuring it. Any difference is likely to be in the noise of the measurement.
You should definitely use the expression with the ! operator, not because it's faster but because it's safer.
If you accidentally use one equals sign instead of two, you assign the value to the variable instead of comparing the values:
if (result = false) {
For other data types the compiler can catch this, as an expression like (id = 42) has an integer value so it can't be used in the if statement, but an expression like (result = false) has a boolean value so the compiler has to accept it.
(An old C trick is to put the literal first so that it can't be an assignment, but that is less readable so the ! operator is a better alternative.)
I think there are three steps in this process. First, you believe that there should always be a comparison inside an if, so you write if(this.isMonkey == true) banana.eat();
Or, more realistically
if(SpeciesSupervisor.getInstance().findsSimilarTo(Monkey.class, 2) == true) {
String f = new PropertyBundle("bananarepo").getField("banana store");
Then, you learn that it is fine to ask if(this.isMonkey) and that this formatting allows better reading as a sentence in this example ("if this is a monkey").
But at last, you get old and you learn that if(b) is not very readable, and that if(b==true) gives your poor brain some clue what is happening here, and that all these harsh claims of "misuse", "abuse", yada yada, are all a little overstated.
And as for the performance. In Java it would not make a shred of difference. I don't think .NET is so much worse. This is the easiest optimization a compiler could do, I would bet some money that the performance is the same.
Although I agree with #Noldorin that if(!result) is to be preferred, I find that if(result == false) and its ilk are very useful if you have to test a nullable bool, which most frequently happens in data access scenarios.
Edit: Here's a sample program that explains the different ways you can use the equality operator on a nullable bool.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
private static void TestNullBool(bool? result)
if (result == null)
Console.WriteLine("Result is null");
if (result == false)
Console.WriteLine("Result is false");
if (result == true)
Console.WriteLine("Result is true");
/* Output:
Result is true
Result is false
Result is null