C#: Dynamically Constructing Variables - c#

I get from an input a group of double variables named: weight0, weight1...weight49.
I want to dynamically insert them into a double Array for easier manipulation.
But instead of calling each one like: Weights[0] = weight0...Weights[49] = weight49 I want to do it with a single loop.
Is there a way to do it?

No, basically - unless you mean at the same time that you create the array:
var weights = new[] {weight0, weight1, weight2, ... , weight48, weight49};
Personally, I'd be tempted to get rid of the 50 variables, and use the array from the outset, but that may not be possible in all cases.

you could use reflection to determine the index of the array from the variable names but this is far from efficient. See this post for details.

I would try to do it with a KeyValuePair- Listobject
// sample data
var weight = 1.00;
// create a list
var tmp = new List<KeyValuePair<string,object>>();
// Here you can add your variables
tmp.Add(new KeyValuePair<string,object>("weights" + tmp.Count.ToString()
, weight));
// If needed convert to array
var weights = tmp.ToArray();
// get the information out of the array
var weightValue = weights[0].Value;
var weightKey = weights[0].Key;
I think this will give you all the options, you might need for the array. Give it a try.

I'm putting this up because you can do it - so long as these variables are actually fields/properties. Whether you should is another matter - this solution, while reusable, is slow (needs delegate caching) and I have to say I agree with Marc Gravell - consider using an array throughout if you can.
If the variables are properties then it needs changing. Also if you need to write the array back to the variables in one shot (because this solution generates an array with copies of all the doubles, I wouldn't consider creating an object array with boxed doubles), that requires another method...
So here goes. First a holy wall of code/extension method:
//paste this as a direct child of a namespace (not a nested class)
public static class SO8877853Extensions
public static TArray[] FieldsToArray<TObj, TArray>(this TObj o,string fieldPrefix)
throw new ArgumentException("fieldPrefix must not null/empty/whitespace",
//I've done this slightly more expanded than it really needs to be...
var fields = typeof(TObj).GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance
| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public
| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Where(f =>f.Name.StartsWith(fieldPrefix) && f.FieldType.Equals(typeof(TArray)))
.Select(f =>new{ Field = f, OrdinalStr = f.Name.Substring(fieldPrefix.Length)})
.Where(f => { int unused; return int.TryParse(f.OrdinalStr, out unused);})
.Select(f => new { Field = f.Field, Ordinal = int.Parse(f.OrdinalStr) })
.OrderBy(f => f.Ordinal).ToArray();
//doesn't handle ordinal gaps e.g. 0,1,2,7
if(fields.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
string.Format("No fields found with the prefix {0}",
//could instead bake the 'o' reference as a constant - but if
//you are caching the delegate, it makes it non-reusable.
ParameterExpression pThis = Expression.Parameter(o.GetType());
//generates a dynamic new double[] { var0, var1 ... } expression
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TObj, TArray[]>>(
fields.Select(f => Expression.Field(pThis, f.Field))), pThis);
//you could cache this delegate here by typeof(TObj),
//fieldPrefix and typeof(TArray) in a Dictionary/ConcurrentDictionary
return lambda.Compile()(o);
The extension method above will work on any type. It's generic over both the instance type and desired array type to simplify the creation of the lambda in code - it doesn't have to be generic though.
You pass in the name prefix for a group of fields - in your case "weight" - it then searches all the public and private instance fields for those with that prefix that also have a suffix which can be parsed into an integer. It then orders those fields based on that ordinal. It does not check for gaps in the ordinal list - so a type with weight0 and weight2 would work, but would only create a two-element array.
Then it bakes a dynamic piece of code using Expression trees, compiles it (at this point, as mentioned in the code, it would be good to cache the delegate against TObj and TArray for future use) and then executes it, returning the result.
Now add this to a test class in a standard unit test project:
private class SO8877853
private double field0 = 1.0;
private double field1 = -5.0;
private double field2 = 10.0;
public double[] AsArray()
//it would be nice not to have to pass both type names here - that
//can be achieved by making the extension method pass out the array
//via an 'out TArray[]' instead.
return this.FieldsToArray<SO8877853, double>("field");
public void TestThatItWorks()
var asArray = new SO8877853().AsArray();
Assert.IsTrue(new[] { 1.0, -5.0, 10.0 }.SequenceEqual(asArray));
Like I say - I'm not condoning doing this, nor am I expecting any +1s for it - but I'm a sucker for a challenge :)


Elegant way to query a dictionary in C#

I am trying to create an elegant and extensible way of querying a dictionary which maps an enum to a set of strings.
So I have this class SearchFragments that has the dictionary in it. I then want a method wherein consumers of this class can simply ask "HasAny" and, this is the bit where I am struggling, simply pass in some query like expression and get the boolean answer back.
public class SearchFragments
private readonly IDictionary<SearchFragmentEnum, IEnumerable<string>> _fragments;
public SearchFragments()
_fragments = new Dictionary<SearchFragmentEnum, IEnumerable<string>>();
public bool HasAny(IEnumerable<SearchFragmentEnum> of)
int has = 0;
_fragments.ForEach(x => of.ForEach(y => has += x.Key == y ? 1 : 0));
return has >= 1;
The problem with the way this currently is, is that consumers of this class now have to construct an IEnumerable<SearchFragmentEnum> which can be quite messy.
What I am looking for is that the consuming code will be able to write something along the lines of:
searchFragments.HasAny(SearchFragmentEnum.Name, SearchFragmentEnum.PhoneNumber)
But where that argument list can vary in size (without me having to write method overloads in the SearchFragments class for every possible combination (such that if new values are added to the SearchFragmentEnum at a future date I won't have to update the class.
You can use params[]
public bool HasAny(params SearchFragmentEnum[] of)
{ ...
Sidenote: you know that LIN(Q) queries should just query a source and never cause any side-effects? But your query does unnecessarily increment the integer:
_fragments.ForEach(x => of.ForEach(y => has += x.Key == y ? 1 : 0));
Instead use this (which is also more efficient and more readable):
return _fragments.Keys.Intersect(of).Any();
An even more efficient alternative to this is Sergey's idea:
return of?.Any(_fragments.ContainsKey) == true;
For variable sized arguments in c# you use the params keyword:
public int HasAny(params SearchFragmentEnum[] of)
The .Net API usually offers a couple of overloads of this for performance reasons; the parameters passed are copied into a new array. Explicitely providing overloads for the most common cases avoids this.
public int HasAny(SearchfragmentEnum of1)
public int HasAny(SearchFragmentEnum of1, SearchFragmentEnum of2)
Instead of using params you could also consider marking your enum with the [Flags] attribute. Parameters could than be passed like HasAny(SearchFragmentEnum.Name | SearchFragmentEnum.PhoneNumber. Examples abundant on StackOverflow (e.g. Using a bitmask in C#)
Use the params keyword to allow a varying number of arguments. Further, you can simplify your code by looping over the smaller of array. Also, you are using a dictionary that has O(1) key check, so it is uneccessary to have an inner loop:
public bool HasAny(params SearchFragmentEnum[] of)
foreach(var o in of) {
if (this._fragments.ContainsKey(o))
return true;
return false;
or shorter with LINQ
public bool HasAny(params SearchFragmentEnum[] of) {
return of?.Any(_fragments.ContainsKey) ?? false;

How do I convert array (decimal[]) to dynamic[] array?

How do I convert array of known type, for instance, decimal to array of dynamic - decimal[] to dynamic[]`?
I can do this manually, but I wonder whether there is something more sophisticated?
decimal[] decArray = someMethodReturnsDecimalArr();
// now conversion is needed
dynamic[] res = new dynamic[decArray.Count()];
for (var i = 0; i < res.Count(); i++)
res[i] = boundaries[i];
return res;
Why do I need this?
First, I really need this! I know that if the code would be written from scratch and by me, maybe I would use generics or something like that. But I cannot change that part of code that returns dynamic[].
So, there is class with dynamic[] properties:
public class Info
public dynamic[] Points { get; set; }
Based on different complicated criterias sometimes Points are decimal, sometimes DateTimes or there are also multiple other possibilities. This is based on data coming from database and also from UI.
This is not my design and I cannot changed it.
There is methodX that returns Info class.
My part is implement methods for some specific calculations and these methods return decimal[] or other types. Later I have to convert to dynamic[] so it would work with already existing methods.
decimal[] decArray = someMethodReturnsDecimalArr();
double[] doubleArray = someMethodReturnsDoubleArr();
And all these arrays have to be set to Points.
(I tried to simplify description here).
dynamic[] res = decArray.Cast<dynamic>().ToArray();
Use linq, method Cast
var res = decArray.Cast<dynamic>();

generate random parameter value for a method without knowing the parameter type

What problem do I want to solve? Via reflection I want to execute code (running instance methods and also static methods) where I dont know beforehand how the method to be run is defined.
Lets say I have a MethodInfo that I want to invoke. I have no idea what parameters it has, so I do following.
first I check that method params are valid (if not valid then method is not invoked):
private static IEnumerable<Type> GetValidMethodTypes()
var validTypes = new List<Type>();
typeof (SByte),
return validTypes;
Then I generate random values based on param type:
public object RandomizeParamValue(string typeName)
switch (typeName)
case "SByte":
//return randomized value
case "String[]":
//return randomized value
for example, a randomized value for String[] would be ["a","ab", "ccc"] or ["aa", "b"]. The formula is: new string[random size between 1 and 5 ] that contains random strings with random lengths. Everything super random :)
The problem is that this works only with what types I support in my code. I could offcourse add support for many many more types but it is much work. I would like to make this much more generic but I dont really know how. I have googled this but found nothing. Anyone knows of a solution/known pattern for this kind of problem?
I can re-formulate the question like this: How can I, via reflection, invoke following method:
void SomeMethod(unknowntypeatcompiletime param);
where unknowntypeatcompiletime could be anything.
It is really impossible to support types that you do not know prior to run-time.
However, it is quite easy to provide a dynamic way of adding types.
Try something like this:
public class Randomizer
private Dictionary<Type, Delegate> _randoms
= new Dictionary<Type, Delegate>();
public void Add<T>(Func<T> generate)
_randoms.Add(typeof(T), generate);
public T RandomizeParamValue<T>()
return ((Func<T>)_randoms[typeof(T)])();
You can then add the random delegates quite easily like this:
var rz = new Randomizer();
var rnd = new Random();
rz.Add(() => rnd.Next());
rz.Add(() => new [] { "a", "b", "c" }.ElementAt(rnd.Next(0, 3)));
Now I can easily call this code to get the random values:
var randIntegers = rz.RandomizeParamValue<int>();
var randStrings = rz.RandomizeParamValue<string>();
Very easy. Let me know if this helps.
There is no straightforward way to have a randomizer which will work for any possible type.
Depending on what you want to achieve, you might find some of the Mock and TDD frameworks, such as Moq or AutoFixture, useful (latter one can create objects with random data). They create however mocked objects, and it is an open question to what level they can do randomizing.
Another way is to have some sort of values seed in a file outside of your application. That seed file can contain object graphs of the possible types, of which one is randomly chosen. The file can be loaded at runtime and thus would not require recompiling. This solution would however require you to extend seed as soon you want to support new types.

Generic way to send an array collection containing only a part of a more complex structure

Let's say a program like this:
class MyClass
public int Numbers;
public char Letters;
class Program
static void Main()
var mc = new MyClass[5];
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
mc[i].Numbers = i + 1;
mc[i].Letters = (char) (i + 65);
Now, let's suppose an 'X' method that requires ALL the numbers contained in the object mc, in a separate array, that's sent as a parameter.
My first idea is a for, a new integers array, and copy one by one onto its respective position. But, what if the MyClass gets different, now it has strings and floats, and I wanna pull out the strings, now the for has to be completely redefined in its inside part to create the needed array for another 'X' method.
I know of cases where Linq helps a lot, for example, generics for Sum, Average, Count and another numeric functions, and of course, it's combination with lambda expressions.
I'm wondering if something similar exists to make the above arrays of MyClass (and anothers of course) in a faster-generic way?
If you want to use LINQ, you can do something like the following:
int [] numbers = mc.Select<MyClass, int>(m => mc.Number).ToArray();
To make it more generic than that, it gets a bit more complicated, and you may need reflection, or dynamic objects. A simple example with reflection would be:
private TValue[] ExtractFields<TClass, TValue>(TClass[] classObjs, string fieldName)
FieldInfo fInfo = typeof(TClass).GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (fInfo != null && fInfo.FieldType.Equals(typeof(TValue)))
return classObjs.Select<TClass, TValue>(c => (TValue)fInfo.GetValue(c)).ToArray();
throw new NotSupportedException("Unidentified field, or different field type");
And then just call it like:
int [] fields = ExtractField<MyClass, int>(mc, "Number");
If you are using C# 4.0, then you may use dynamic
class MyClass
public dynamic Numbers;
public char Letters;
EDIT: based on comments
I am not sure if this is what you want:
int[] arr = mc.Select(a => a.Numbers).ToArray<int>();
or without casting
int[] arr = mc.Select(a => a.Numbers).ToArray();
Why not just use Dictionary<int, char>, or if the data type is unknown then simply Dictionary<object, object>
If your goal is to generate a new array which is detached from the original array, but contains data copied from it, the most generic thing you could do would be to define a method like:
T my_array[]; // The array which holds the real things
U[] CopyAsConvertedArray<U>(Func<T,U> ConversionMethod);
That would allow one to generate a new array which extracts items from the original using any desired method.

Linq late binding confusion

Can someone please explain me what I am missing here. Based on my basic understanding linq result will be calculated when the result will be used and I can see that in following code.
static void Main(string[] args)
Action<IEnumerable<int>> print = (x) =>
foreach (int i in x)
int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int cutoff = 1;
IEnumerable<int> result = arr.Where(x => x < cutoff);
Console.WriteLine("First Print");
cutoff = 3;
Console.WriteLine("Second Print");
cutoff = 4;
First Print
Second Print
Now I changed the
arr.Where(x => x < cutoff);
IEnumerable<int> result = arr.Take(cutoff);
and the output is as follow.
First Print
Second Print
Why with Take, it does not use the current value of the variable?
The behavior your seeing comes from the different way in which the arguments to the LINQ functions are evaluated. The Where method recieves a lambda which captures the value cutoff by reference. It is evaluated on demand and hence sees the value of cutoff at that time.
The Take method (and similar methods like Skip) take an int parameter and hence cutoff is passed by value. The value used is the value of cutoff at the moment the Take method is called, not when the query is evaluated
Note: The term late binding here is a bit incorrect. Late binding generally refers to the process where the members an expression binds to are determined at runtime vs. compile time. In C# you'd accomplish this with dynamic or reflection. The behavior of LINQ to evaluate it's parts on demand is known as delayed execution.
There's a few different things getting confused here.
Late-binding: This is where the meaning of code is determined after it was compiled. For example, x.DoStuff() is early-bound if the compiler checks that objects of x's type have a DoStuff() method (considering extension methods and default arguments too) and then produces the call to it in the code it outputs, or fails with a compiler error otherwise. It is late-bound if the search for the DoStuff() method is done at run-time and throws a run-time exception if there was no DoStuff() method. There are pros and cons to each, and C# is normally early-bound but has support for late-binding (most simply through dynamic but the more convoluted approaches involving reflection also count).
Delayed execution: Strictly speaking, all Linq methods immediately produce a result. However, that result is an object which stores a reference to an enumerable object (often the result of the previous Linq method) which it will process in an appropriate manner when it is itself enumerated. For example, we can write our own Take method as:
private static IEnumerable<T> TakeHelper<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, int number)
foreach(T item in source)
yield return item;
if(--number == 0)
yield break;
public static IEnumerable<T> Take<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int number)
if(source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if(number < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if(number == 0)
return Enumerable.Empty<T>();
return TakeHelper(source, number);
Now, when we use it:
var taken4 = someEnumerable.Take(4);//taken4 has a value, so we've already done
//something. If it was going to throw
//an argument exception it would have done so
//by now.
var firstTaken = taken4.First();//only now does the object in taken4
//do the further processing that iterates
//through someEnumerable.
Captured variables: Normally when we make use of a variable, we make use of how its current state:
int i = 2;
string s = "abc";
i = 3;
s = "xyz";
It's pretty intuitive that this prints 2 and abc and not 3 and xyz. In anonymous functions and lambda expressions though, when we make use of a variable we are "capturing" it as a variable, and so we will end up using the value it has when the delegate is invoked:
int i = 2;
string s = "abc";
Action λ = () =>
i = 3;
s = "xyz";
Creating the λ doesn't use the values of i and s, but creates a set of instructions as to what to do with i and s when λ is invoked. Only when that happens are the values of i and s used.
Putting it all together: In none of your cases do you have any late-binding. That is irrelevant to your question.
In both you have delayed execution. Both the call to Take and the call to Where return enumerable objects which will act upon arr when they are enumerated.
In only one do you have a captured variable. The call to Take passes an integer directly to Take and Take makes use of that value. The call to Where passes a Func<int, bool> created from a lambda expression, and that lambda expression captures an int variable. Where knows nothing of this capture, but the Func does.
That's the reason the two behave so differently in how they treat cutoff.
Take doesn't take a lambda, but an integer, as such it can't change when you change the original variable.

