I want to add shortcut key to checkbox. Checkbox do not have text. I have label and then Checkbox. Label have shortcut key for ex. &Visible. So, Label have V as shortcut key. If someone press Alt+V then chechbox should change from selected to not selected state and same in opposite manner.
You can check it like this refer the following code part.
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
// look for the expected key
if (keyData == Keys.Alt && keyData == Keys.V)
checkBox1.Checked = true;
return true;
checkBox1.Checked = false;
return false;
Label controls are special with respect to keyboard mnemonics. Since labels can't ever get the focus, whenever you attempt to set the focus to a label using its keyboard mnemonic, the label sets the focus to the very next control in the tab order.
This is intended for use with textboxes and comboboxes, which don't have any built-in facility for displaying a label (in contrast to the check box and option button controls). To set up a mnemonic for these controls, you position a label next to them, set a mnemonic for it, and ensure that it comes right before the textbox in the tab order. That way, when the user activates the keyboard mnemonic for the label, it automatically sets focus to the textbox control. You've seen this all over the place in Windows:
Well, you can do exactly the same thing with a checkbox control if you must (though I'm really not sure why you'd want to). Set the mnemonic for the label (&Visible), and then position the label next to the checkbox that you want it to work with. Use the TabIndex configuration options in the Visual Studio IDE to ensure that if the label has tab index n, the checkbox control has tab index n+1.
There's no need to override ProcessCmdKey or anything else difficult.
Problem: My problem is that when my entry form loads, all the combo boxes work fine but when I click the TAB key to jump from one control to another, e.g. moving control from 'Name' text box to 'Father Name' text box, then my combo boxes show all the items in blue color like they are all selected but they actually are not selected.
Combo boxes work fine but seems awkward and it only happens whenever the TAB key is pressed.
Required solution: I want a solution for how to get rid of it. I mean that my TAB key does not affect the combo box.
I'm using the Metro framework (MetroModernUI 1.4.0) and .NET Framework 4.8 in Visual Studio 2015.
if you want TAB key does not affect the combo box ,use this :
metroComboBox1.TabStop = false;
Thanks to Navcore
Override the ProcessCmdKey method to detect tab press in the form and emulate alt key press programatically.
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
if (keyData == Keys.Tab)
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
How can I totally disable tabbing on DataGridView so it won't go through cells at all?
I use DataGridView as music playlist in my application and I don't need that annoying windows default selection frame around cells. I want be able to select rows normally. I managed to hide selection border on buttons with SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false) but this does not disable tabbing on DataGridView.
Handle the KeyDown event of the DataGridView and call the parent (or grandparent) control's SelectNextControl method.
private void dataGridView1_KeyDown( object sender, KeyEventArgs e )
if ( e.KeyCode == Keys.Tab )
SelectNextControl( dataGridView1, true, true, true, true );
// or Parent.SelectNextControl() if the grid is an only child, etc.
e.Handled = true;
This will cause the whole grid to behave like tabbing among text boxes and buttons - you tab into the grid, and another press of the tab key will tab out and onto the next control. This retains navigation within the grid by the cursor keys. Refer to the linked MSDN documentation for options on the direction of tabbing, etc., which are what all those terrible Boolean parameters configure. The first parameter sets which control the "next" tab search begins from, so you can set that to a parent or sibling or grandparent.
if you want to DataGrid don't focus, you can set it's Enable property to false, this control on the form doesn't get focus, but in this way you must add or delete rows in DataGridView with specific button (it means a button for add and another for delete)
but if you want their cells don't focus, you should following this: in KeyDown event of your form, type this code
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Tab)
dgvMain.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect;
[other component of your form like a textbox or a button].Focus();
with this, your DataGridView only highlight the whole selected row
OK. I've managed to do that. This ARTICLE helped me a lot. I used form's OnActivated and OnDeactivated events to disable and enable TAB key. Here you have sample code:
protected override void OnActivated(EventArgs e) {
ProcessModule objCurrentModule = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule;
objKeyboardProcess = new LowLevelKeyboardProc(captureKey);
ptrHook = SetWindowsHookEx(13, objKeyboardProcess, GetModuleHandle(objCurrentModule.ModuleName), 0);
protected override void OnDeactivate(EventArgs e) {
objKeyboardProcess = null;
ptrHook = IntPtr.Zero;
There were a couple of problems that came up while i was trying to make it work but that's different story. Happy coding! :)
You can also set:
This will skip the grid when the tab button is hit.
In my app,I just have a page with four text boxes, so when i click a text box soft keyboard appears, now when i want to move to next textbox then i have to tap outside the textbox to make the keyboard disappear and then click on another text box. I don't think it is user friendly, so i have two options,
1)To change the functionality of return button(to make it work as tab).
2)To reduce the frame size and so scrolling will be enabled.
How can I do the foretold two options in windows phone 7??
for the first option
Make return key of the input panel work like tab key.
make key down event of 1st textbox like this
private void txt1_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == System.Windows.Input.Key.Enter)
similarly make this event for txt2 and txt3 and give focus accordingly and on on txt4 keydown event focus the main grid.
and about the 2nd way. Its a big problem in wp according to my knowledge.
For moving to next textbox #Amu 's answer will work perfect, and to dismiss the keyboard,
if (e.Key == System.Windows.Input.Key.Enter)
That will take the focus away from your text box and will bring it to your screen.
And So keyboard will disappear!
I created a richTextBox and i noticed that when I press Tab key it is not doing anything.
It is suppose to do some space but it do not.
How can i access it?
By default pressing tab moves focus to the next control. Setting AcceptsTab property of the RichTextBox to true allows the RichTextBox to accept tab characters.
See this MSDN article on the AcceptsTab property.
First you need to set following properties of Richtextbox
richTextBox.Multiline = true;
richTextBox.AcceptsTab = true;
And in the keypress event of richtextbox you need to do following
if (e.KeyChar == 9)
e.Handled = false;
I am switching several TextBoxes out for RichTextBoxes to gain some of the cool features.
I had my TextBoxes configured to AcceptReturn so that the enter key will create a new line, rather than leave the control. The RichTextBox does not seem to have this feature.
Is there a simple way to do this, or do I have to capture all keypresses and handle them individually?
Note: This issue occurs only when you set the "AcceptButton" property of the form.
Set the RichTextBox.AcceptsTab to true. For some reason this works for both tabs and the enter key. If you only want the enter keys then you will have to write custom code.
Since Carter pointed out that this only applies if AcceptButton is set, and the other solution suggests deriving the RichTextBox class, I found another simple solution. Just unset AcceptButton for the time that the/a RichTextBox has the focus. Here's a sample code:
private void RichText_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
AcceptButton = null;
private void RichText_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
AcceptButton = OKActionButton;
This assumes that you only have a single AcceptButton and that is unlikely to change. Otherwise you would have to copy some AcceptButton finding logic here or just backup the previous AcceptButton value before setting it to null.
This solution also has the side effect of removing the default border from the actual accept button, indicating to the user that pressing the Enter key now will not activate that button.
The solution is to override IsInputKey:
protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys keyData)
if (
(keyData & ~Keys.Modifiers) == Keys.Tab &&
(keyData & (Keys.Control | Keys.Alt)) == 0
return false;
return base.IsInputKey(keyData);
After setting AcceptsTab to true, you ensure that the RichTextBox processes both the tab and return key. With the IsInputKey implementation above, we ensure that the Tab and Shift+Tab key never reach the RichTextBox so they are used for navigation instead.
The above override must be pasted in a class derived from RichTextBox.
Just change Accept option in Richtextbox Property turn to "true" it will work like a magic