I am designing a website and it uses Windows Forms (in Visual Studio 10) in which for example i have five-six URLs. Now i am displaying them on home page of my website xyz.com
What i want is, i want to calculate total no. of tweets for all links and display links based on no. of times they are being tweeted/retweeted.
for a url we can calculate no. of tweet using twitter api http://urls.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url=YourURL
I know all the stuff like receiving JSON values in a string and parsing json to retrieve tweet counts and then compare and display links based on the priority etc.
What i have been using till now it is initiating all the process using a Click_Button.
But i want to know how can i automate this all for each 10 minutes. Its like a end user can see urls priority with just refreshing the page.
One way to do this is to run a scheduled task ever 10 mins which interacts with the DB. The web application also interacts with the DB and thus the two systems are distinct.
Side note: it is strongly recommended to use only console applications as scheduled tasks. If you make a windows form application will will have some issues.
As Kieren Johnstone has pointed out in another answer the best way to do this would be to write a windows service.
I still recommend the solution as described above as a first step since it is easy to debug and test.
Additionally, give some serious consideration to logging and error reporting -- with background tasks you can never know to much about what the heck it was doing when it broke.
If timing itself is not important (it doesn't have to be 10 minutes precisely), I would suggest binding to any event that fires when users use your application. No point in calculating anything if noone is using it :-)
So you could use a login, or page load, or whatever happens at an interval roughly like the interval you wish to achieve.
You can always store a DateTime variable somewhere that you can check to see when the calculation was last made. Something like:
public void MyEventHasFired()
DateTime dateLastProcessed = ... //Database? Session data? Anything goes.
if(dateLastProcessed < DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-10))
dateLastProcessed = DateTime.Now;
The best solution is definitely a Windows Service. It can be started, stopped and managed well, it's easy to log, maintain..
Scheduled Tasks are very prone to problems. At least in a Windows Service you can configure it to start automatically, re-start if there's a problem, you can control the timing yourself in the code, and catch/handle exceptions as you wish.
The best scheduler i know is Quartz.net
It'is not simple to use but it works great.
You can find an example with asp.net there http://blogs.planetcloud.co.uk/mygreatdiscovery/post/ASPNET-Scheduled-Tasks-with-QuartzNET.aspx
Anyway i agree with Kieren Johnstone: you should use a windows service
I'm building a ASP.NET MVC 5 web page currently. It's worth noting I'm fairly new to ASP.NET itself, prior to this I've only dealt with windows desktop applications.
My question is I'm unsure where to start my recurring background work. This work fires checks and updates to the MySql database on the server every few seconds. Currently I'm starting these checks just by adding a start method in the RouteConfig.cs class which I know is the wrong way to do it, just a quick hack while I search for the correct method. Where should I be starting this background work which should be kicked off as soon as the web page is available not when it's first searched for via the browser by a user?
This brings me to another question, a lot more work seemingly but would it be a better/more standard solution to write the background work as a windows service and establish a sort of interface between the web page front end and the windows service?
Search for Quartzin package manager, its best schedular for .net
I have written a rather large application running in the background, doing dome stuff and processing some data.
Now the problem is, for some time the application runs fine. But when I check a day later for example the Backgroundworker of my application seems to loop or stuck. There is no error message and the UI of the application is still running fine. It just stops processing data.
Specifically for this case I added a simple website for myself where the Backgroundworker reports the current DateTime. So when the DateTime on the website is somewhat current I know it is running fine. But when it's in the past I know my application is stuck.
The issue comes after a undefined time. It can be 10 minutes or 90 Hours.
Now for debugging: Is there a way in Visual Studio that I can see where the application currently is? That would make debugging a whole lot easier. Otherwhise I would have to set breakpoints on trial-and-error base...
Best regards,
you have two options:
1.- attach the debugger as it is suggested already and check the code, but if the application runs fine for a long time, it is not the best idea.
2.- log files. Create log files to track your application.
What I would do: I would combine both options. Add log files to check results and when the application reached certain points (to decide by you) and then, once I know more or less where the problem is, use the debugger.
Good luck
I fully concur with this answer but would add that you may benefit from making the background worker pass key position information back to the UI as it enters and leaves particular sections so that you can simply interrogate this when you attach. Since the problem can take several hours to manifest itself you could end up with a lot of log file to wade through unless you use a rolling log with limited entries, continuously setting a telltale would at least allow you to know approximately where to put the breakpoint at that moment.
i am working on an asp.net web application, where tasks are assigned to users, we set standard time to every task, in that standard time period the user has to finish the task, there are two buttons on the page, proceed and save, when a user clicks on proceed button, the time is saved in database as starttime, and when the user clicks on save button, the time is saved in database as endtime. this way we are capturing the time period within which the user is completing the task.
the standard time is set on an average time study basis, not every time the task takes the same amount of time.
often users can complete the task in very less time than the standard time, in this case the users are proceeding the task and even after completing the task, instead of saving it, they lock the system and go for tea breaks and after coming from break, they save the task.
i want to save some information on the web page when they lock the pc even when the browser is minimized.
i tried implementing applet using jintellitype library but its not capturing the key combinations that are used by windows os.
i also tried using Silverlight but there is no such support as in winforms application in Silverlight, i have to create a com component or something that interacts with system32 or some native api. it doesn't seem easy for me, i would like to know if there is such library for Silverlight.
it should be browser independent, i haven't tried ActiveX, but i think it can be done using ActiveX, but i don't want to use ActiveX as it runs only on IE.
i want to know all the possible solutions to achieve this.
thanks in advance.
Why don´t you set a kind of timer-check to know if the last time is too far from the correspondent (and previewed) time to perform the job? If a task may expend, for instance, from 1 to 5 minutes, have 21 minutes is too far.
Why din´t you create a timer to TIMEOUT user? If users know they will be timed-out after some time, probably, they won´t leave to coffre-break during the test (a kind of penalty must be aggregated on this, like start from the initial point if timeout).
Why don´t you automatically save the record after the job finish, instead obly the user to press a button?
Until I know, you can perform SUSPEND mode, but not detect them if started from other apps.
I'm working on a web application import program. Currently an admin user can upload a formatted csv file that my page will parse. I'm experiencing an execution duration issue as each line pertains to a file that has to be saved to Scribd, S3, as well as some internal processing.
What would you guys recommend for improving execution time? Since this is an admin only page, I doubt it would get run more than once a week, so my hope is to get it out the door asap.
I've looked some at the Async="true" flag, but I wasn't sure if that was the direction I wanted to go, or if I should look more that a windows server.
Two options come to mind:
Threads: In your code setup a collection of threads, join them and then have each one process a single file. Once all the threads complete you'll be able to return the page. This will increase your turn around time, but could still leave something to be desired on page returns
Queue: Have the user submit the csv file and provide a GUID/Hash/Whatever ID where the admin could then go to the "status" page, input their ID and check the details of their job. This solution will provide a quick feedback to the user and allow them to keep track of the results without having to wait around.
A quick and dirty option might be to set Page.Server.ScriptTimeout to a really high value on that page. (I think it maxes at Int.MaxValue).
Probably advisable to block the submit button after its been clicked, and inform the user that they may want to go make a coffee.
I'd suggest using AJAX to have an internal post back occur that would handle the asynchronous processing. You can periodically poll the state, and prevent your master page from having the "processing" wheel constantly churning on the page for the lengthy process.
I have a web page that takes a long time to process a mailing list so I kick it off in it's own thread. When the process is done, a report can be seen from another link on the result page. I have a runable MailSender class. The ASPX script has a bit in it that looks like this:
// prep the MailSender
MailSender ms = new MailSender(people, Subject, FileName....);
if (SendAsync) {
ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(ms.run);
Thread WorkerThread = new Thread(ts);
} else {
If you want to speed your code up, try to break it into parallelizable pieces if you can and write a class for each piece. You could then kick off a new thread for each bit and monitor the status somewhere so the user can be informed when to come back to the results. You said that each line of your input would generate it's own output file. Sounds like a great candidate for multi-threading. Won't speed things up much if you don't have multi-cores availabe on the server though.
One problem with this whole scheme is that server restarts or application pool recycling will kill your long running process. This can be a problem if you threads are going to run for an hour or two.
As external factors are involved in the processing time, you need to consider if performance improvements would affect "actual" performance, if most of the time is in processing it and sending it to the thirdparty (ie Scribd,S3), then making improvements on your end might not have a huge affect and might increase the complexity for a simple task.
What I would do is have the aspx page only doing what aspx does best; ie handling the user interface part only (ie the upload), so once the upload is complete as far as the user is concerned their part is done. You could implement a progress indicator using AJAX to make it nicer but as its an admin section I wouldnt bother with the niceties,
Then have simple console application sheduled to fire at specific intervals, or a windows service watching a directory (depending on how timecritical the updates are), once the app runs as it is in the back ground and does not require user interaction, time is not a critical factor (ie you dont have a user waiting for context to be returned)..
it will appear to the user that things are very snappy (ie the time it takes to upload the file) and you are keeping needless complexity out of your solution.
I think the simplest solution to what you want is to use asynchronous pages in ASP.NET. Is there any particular reason why you don't want to go that route?
I can think of an alternative, which is to have some background process (like a process triggered by a scheduled task in Windows, or a Windows service) that will look at a queue of waiting jobs (say, from a database table) and process those jobs. This way you will have to upload that CSV somewhere and insert a db record so that the background process will see that CSV and use it when it comes around. But to me it seems like more work, so I'd rather use asynchronous pages :)
Here's a nice tutorial on ASP.NET asynchronous pages
Firstly apologies if this is a duplicate question, I have spent a while searching and can't find anything that looks to be the same.
I need to automate the completion of a multi page web form and then process the result from within an asp.net system. The ideal solution would be to create a web service which takes in some data, then processes it through the website and returns a result - I can then use this in any app that requires this functionality. The form that needs completing is quite complicated, and also includes some if / then / else logic when going through e.g:
Complete personal details
Enter postcode
If 1 result found goto 5
Display list of possible addresses, when one selected goto 5
If time at address < 3 years, display new address page
I have created a solution which launches an ActiveX browser control and controls the website as if a user were entering the data which works well however is subject to a limit on concurrent users (anything > 1 starts to cause issues, >2 is not allowed by windows default settings), is there a better way of doing this? I've heard of Selenium although not used it, would this be a possible solution?
I have looked at using the WebClient class, and have used this in the poast for screen scraping systems however I don't know how I could chain these calls together to allow for the full workflow.
FYI - this work is all being undertaken with the full knowledge and consent of the site owner. They have a queue of development tasks which building an internal API does not feature on so whilst they are happy for this type of solution to be implemented, will not be able to change anything their end.
Thanks in advance
There is a .NET port of Watir called WatiN - it might be worth giving that a try if you haven't already.