How to repair UnsupportedImageFormatException PixelFormat Format32bppArgb? - c#

Accord.NET PointsMarker.cs seems to support PixelFormat Format32bppArgb.
Why does this catch an UnsupportedImageFormatException?
private void Harris()
img1 = new Bitmap(pictureBox1A.Image);
img2 = new Bitmap(pictureBox1B.Image);
var harris = new HarrisCornersDetector(0.04f, 1000f);
harrisPoints1 = harris.ProcessImage(img1).ToArray();
harrisPoints2 = harris.ProcessImage(img2).ToArray();
// Show the marked points in the original images
var img1mark = new PointsMarker(harrisPoints1).Apply(img1);
var img2mark = new PointsMarker(harrisPoints2).Apply(img2);
// Concatenate the two images together in a single image
var concatenate = new Concatenate(img1mark);
pictureBox.Image = concatenate.Apply(img2mark);
catch (UnsupportedImageFormatException)
const string S = "UnsupportedImageFormatException PixelFormat ";
Console.WriteLine(S + img1.PixelFormat);
Console.WriteLine(S + img2.PixelFormat);
The Console.WriteLine is
UnsupportedImageFormatException PixelFormat Format32bppArgb
UnsupportedImageFormatException PixelFormat Format32bppArgb

Although Format32bppArgb seems to be supported in the Accord.NET PointsMarker.cs source I was able to repair it by adding this:
// Convert to Format24bppRgb
private static Bitmap Get24bppRgb(Image image)
var bitmap = new Bitmap(image);
var bitmap24 = new Bitmap(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
using (var gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap24))
gr.DrawImage(bitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap24.Width, bitmap24.Height));
return bitmap24;

Another way to get around this problem is to save the image just as a System.Drawing.Image (For example xxx.jpg etc). and then read the image back as an image and convert it to a bitmap.
It worked for me.


How can i convert a file .png to a Bitmap? Nothing works for me. Error "'Failed to decode image. The provided image must be a Bitmap.'" Xamarin.forms

I'm working with Xamarin in the part of Xamarin.Forms i need to convert a file ("image.png") to a Bitmap because when project run its enter in "break mode" and show me this message "Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'Failed to decode image. The provided image must be a Bitmap.'". So i tried to convert the file in many ways like:
1_ Using methods from System.Drawing.Bitmap but it's show this exception "This operation is not supported in this platform"
2_ Cannot use Android.Graphics because i'm working in xamarin.forms not in
3_ I tried to convert the "image.png" into a base64 or byte[] array and then into a bitmap but the problem is the same like in first problem because to convert from byte[] array or base64 to a Bitmap i have use methods from System.Drawing.Bitmap.
4_ I tried using the library SkiaSharp but i don't have success because i don't found so much information about how to convert .png to SKBitmap and then convert SKBitmap to Bitmap (even i don't know if this is possible).
5_ Finally i converted "image.png" to a "image.bmp" with an app and use the file .bmp in my project but it doesn't work too.
the "image.png" i have to save in a string variable, well that's the idea.
If you have a solution with SkiaSharp o whatever i will glad
here is a part of my code, i just save in a variable the image
Icon = "pin_blue.png";
//i can't use a path because in xamarin you have many size from the same
//image for the different size of the screen
EDIT 2 This is my method to show the pins in google maps
private void ShowPins(List<PointsOfInterest> resultPointsOfInterest)
if (resultPointsOfInterest != null && resultPointsOfInterest.Any())
var location = Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync();
PointsOfInterest position = new PointsOfInterest();
if (location != null)
position.ccsm0166latitud = location.Result.Latitude;
position.ccsm0166longitud = location.Result.Longitude;
else {
position = resultPointsOfInterest.First();
//Distance = Distance.FromKilometers(new Random().Next(23,35));
Distance = Distance.FromKilometers(3);
Position = new Position(position.ccsm0166latitud, position.ccsm0166longitud);
PinsFiltered= Pins = new List<PinCustom>(resultPointsOfInterest.Select(
x => new PinCustom()
Position =
new Position(x.ccsm0166latitud, x.ccsm0166longitud),
Address = x.ccsm0166direccion,
Label = x.ccsm0166nombre,
Type = PinType.Place,
TypePointOfInterest = x.ccsm0166tipositio,
IconBM = Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.branch ? PinCustom.ConvertToBitmap("pin_blue.png") :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.branch ? "pin_blue.png" :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.branchWithExtendedHours ? "pin_black.png" :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.branchWithExtendedHours2 ? "pin_black.png" :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.branchWithExtendedHours3 ? "pin_black.png" :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.selfServiceTerminal ? "pin_green.png" :
Int32.Parse(x.ccsm0166tipositio) == (int)PointOfInterestType.atmServBox ? "pin_yellow.png" : string.Empty
Pins = new List<PinCustom>();
This is the class Pin where i save the image
public class PinCustom : Pin
public string TypePointOfInterest { get; set; }
public string Icon { get; set; }
public Bitmap { get; set; }
//Here i create this variable to save a bitmap but i don't know if i do the things well
this is the icon .png i want to show in googlemaps
Pin Blue Image
To open your file and convert it to byte array:
string directory = Path.Combine(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath, Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDownloads);
// or your image directory, just replace it
var stream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(directory, "image.png"));
byte[] buff = ConvertStreamToByteArray(stream);
public static byte[] ConvertStreamToByteArray(Stream stream)
byte[] byteArray = new byte[16 * 1024];
using (MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream())
int bit;
while ((bit = stream.Read(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)) > 0)
mStream.Write(byteArray, 0, bit);
return mStream.ToArray();
then, to pass this byte array to SKBitmap:
SKBitmap bmp = SKBitmap.Decode(buff);
If you want to try without ConvertStreamToByteArray():
byte[] buff = null;
stream.Write(buff, 0, buff.Length);
This Write will depend of the type of your stream. In this example, I'm using FileStream.
string resourceID = "image.png";
Assembly assembly = GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceID))
resourceBitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(stream);
SKBitmap bmp = SKImage.FromBitmap(resourceBitmap);
and then you can use this bitmap to draw and fill your SKCanvas:
canvas.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0);
Use ffmpeg
command for this: ffmpeg -i image.png image.bmp
i have 5 types of pins (pins are the image .png) when i put the pins
in format .png
if you want to custom the pins in your map, you can simply use Custom Renderers to achieve this.
The icon used to represent a marker can be customized by calling the MarkerOptions.SetIcon method. This can be accomplished by overriding the CreateMarker method, which is invoked for each Pin that's added to the map:
protected override MarkerOptions CreateMarker(Pin pin)
var marker = new MarkerOptions();
marker.SetPosition(new LatLng(pin.Position.Latitude, pin.Position.Longitude));
return marker;
If you want to display different icons, you can refer to the following code:
protected override MarkerOptions CreateMarker(Pin pin)
var marker = new MarkerOptions();
marker.SetPosition(new LatLng(pin.Position.Latitude, pin.Position.Longitude));
var customPin = (Element as CustomMap).CustomPins.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Position == pin.Position);
if (customPin != null)
if (customPin.IconType == "corporate")
else if (customPin.IconType == "pickup")
return marker;
For more, check:Customizing the Marker.

Why I'm getting the exception: "System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.CheckStatus(int status)" when running the app?

I'm using a method named: Image_resize to resizing my images, but when I call this method, I get:
ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid.
System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.CheckStatus(int status)
Stack Query Cookies Headers Routing ArgumentException: Parameter is
not valid. System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.CheckStatus(int
status) System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(string filename, bool useIcm)
System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(string filename)
input_Image_Path, string output_Image_Path, int new_Width) in
Bitmap source_Bitmap = new Bitmap(input_Image_Path); Keyhanatr.Core.ImageMethods.ImgMehods.CreateProductImg(IFormFile
imgUp) in ImgMehods.cs
ImageConvertor.Image_resize(imgPath,thumbPath,150); Keyhanatr.Core.Services.Products.ProductServices.AddProduct(Product
product, IFormFile imgUp) in ProductServices.cs
product.ImageName = ImgMehods.CreateProductImg(imgUp); Keyhanatr.Areas.Admin.Controllers.ProductsController.Create(Product
product, IFormFile imgUp) in ProductsController.cs
_productServices.AddProduct(product, imgUp);
Also getting green squiggle under some lines.
The used method is as fallowing :
public static class ImageConvertor
public static void Image_resize(string input_Image_Path, string output_Image_Path, int new_Width)
const long quality = 50L;
Bitmap source_Bitmap = new Bitmap(input_Image_Path);
double dblWidth_origial = source_Bitmap.Width;
double dblHeigth_origial = source_Bitmap.Height;
double relation_heigth_width = dblHeigth_origial / dblWidth_origial;
int new_Height = (int)(new_Width * relation_heigth_width);
//< create Empty Drawarea >
var new_DrawArea = new Bitmap(new_Width, new_Height);
//</ create Empty Drawarea >
using (var graphic_of_DrawArea = Graphics.FromImage(new_DrawArea))
//< setup >
graphic_of_DrawArea.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
graphic_of_DrawArea.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
graphic_of_DrawArea.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
//</ setup >
//< draw into placeholder >
//*imports the image into the drawarea
graphic_of_DrawArea.DrawImage(source_Bitmap, 0, 0, new_Width, new_Height);
//</ draw into placeholder >
//--< Output as .Jpg >--
using (var output = System.IO.File.Open(output_Image_Path, FileMode.Create))
//< setup jpg >
var qualityParamId = System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality;
var encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(qualityParamId, quality);
//</ setup jpg >
//< save Bitmap as Jpg >
var codec = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders().FirstOrDefault(c => c.FormatID == ImageFormat.Jpeg.Guid);
new_DrawArea.Save(output, codec, encoderParameters);
//resized_Bitmap.Dispose ();
//</ save Bitmap as Jpg >
//--</ Output as .Jpg >--
//---------------</ Image_resize() >---------------
It's that I was using this method in other project before and it was working well, but I don't know why it doesn't work here at this project!
Anyone can help?

C# EMGU 3.1 Image stitching method parameters

I am trying to stitch multiple images to single(panorama) image.
Following code working fine in EMGU-2.4 but in EMGU-3.1 I have a problem in passing parameters in stitch method.
// Collect all images
List<Image<Bgr, Byte>> sourceImages = new List<Image<Bgr, Byte>>();
for (int i = 1; i <7 ; i++)
string fileN = fl1 + "n (" + i.ToString() + ").jpg";
sourceImages.Add(new Image<Bgr, Byte>(fileN));
using (Stitcher stitcher = new Stitcher(false))
// Stitch images
Image<Bgr, Byte> result = stitcher.Stitch(sourceImages.ToArray());
Bitmap bm = result.ToBitmap();
bm.Save(fl1 + "resul.jpeg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
EMGU-3.1 documentation : stitch method contains new parameters like below
// Summary:
// Compute the panoramic images given the images
// Parameters:
// images:
// The input images. This can be, for example, a VectorOfMat
// pano:
// The panoramic image
// Returns:
// true if successful
public bool Stitch(IInputArray images, IOutputArray pano);
How to pass this two parameters in my existing code and what is this parameters for?
Please I am pretty new to EMGU
You could pass a Emgu.CV.Util.VectorOfMat as input and use a EMGU.CV.Mat to store the output, like this:
using (Stitcher stitcher = new Stitcher(false))
using (VectorOfMat vm = new VectorOfMat())
Mat result = new Mat();
stitcher.Stitch(vm, result);
resultImageBox.Image = result; //Display the result
Note that the "resultImageBox" used above is a ImageBox from EMGU, but you could use a PictureBox to display result.Bitmap, for example.
This example was taken from the Stitching example provided by EMGU, you can find more information there
Sorry, I did not have 50 reputation hence I could not comment. Otherwise I wouldn't be posting here.
Using the below code, I encounter this error message: Argument 1 - cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List>'to 'Emgu.CV.Mat'. The error is from "vm.Push(sourceImages);"
using (Stitcher stitcher = new Stitcher(false))
using (VectorOfMat vm = new VectorOfMat())
Mat result = new Mat();
stitcher.Stitch(vm, result);
resultImageBox.Image = result; //Display the result

EmguCV - Face Recognition - 'Object reference not set' exception when using training set from Microsoft Access Database

I've been developing a face recognition application using EmguCV (C#). I got the whole thing working okay if I store the face images (training set) in simple windows folder. But, after I tried to migrate the face images to be stored in a Microsoft Access database, an 'object reference not set to an instance of an object' exception message often occurs (not always, but most of the time) when the application tries to recognize a face from the video feed.
Funny thing is, the recognition actually still works okay if the exception happens to not occur.
Here is the snippet of the code of my program, using windows folder and database:
Reading the stored images from a Windows Folder
private void FaceRecognition_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//if capture is not created, create it now
if (capture == null)
capture = new Capture();
catch (NullReferenceException excpt)
if (capture != null)
if (captureInProgress)
Application.Idle -= ProcessFrame;
Application.Idle += ProcessFrame;
captureInProgress = !captureInProgress;
// adjust path to find your xml at loading
haar = new HaarCascade("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml");
//Load of previus trainned faces and labels for each image
string Labelsinfo = File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\TrainedFaces\\TrainedLabels.txt");
string[] Labels = Labelsinfo.Split('%');
NumLabels = Convert.ToInt16(Labels[0]);
ContTrain = NumLabels;
string LoadFaces;
for (int tf = 1; tf < NumLabels + 1; tf++)
LoadFaces = "face" + tf + ".bmp";
trainingImages.Add(new Image<Gray, byte>(Application.StartupPath + "\\TrainedFaces\\" + LoadFaces));
catch (Exception error)
MessageBox.Show("Nothing in binary database, please add at least a face(Simply train the prototype with the Add Face Button).", "Triained faces load", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
Reading the stored images from a Microsoft Access Database
private void connectToDatabase()
DBConnection.ConnectionString = #"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=FacesDatabase.mdb";
dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from TrainingSet1", DBConnection);
if (localDataTable.Rows.Count != 0)
numOfRows = localDataTable.Rows.Count;
private void FaceRecognition_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//if capture is not created, create it now
if (capture == null)
capture = new Capture();
catch (NullReferenceException excpt)
if (capture != null)
if (captureInProgress)
Application.Idle -= ProcessFrame;
Application.Idle += ProcessFrame;
captureInProgress = !captureInProgress;
// adjust path to find your xml at loading
haar = new HaarCascade("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml");
Bitmap bmpImage;
for (int i = 0; i < numOfRows; i++)
byte[] fetchedBytes = (byte[])localDataTable.Rows[i]["FaceImage"];
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(fetchedBytes);
bmpImage = new Bitmap(stream);
trainingImages.Add(new Emgu.CV.Image<Gray, Byte>(bmpImage));
String faceName = (String)localDataTable.Rows[i]["Name"];
The face recognition function that causes the exception (exactly the same both when using windows folder and Access database):
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg)
Image<Bgr, Byte> ImageFrame = capture.QueryFrame();
Image<Gray, byte> grayframe = ImageFrame.Convert<Gray, byte>();
MinNeighbors = int.Parse(comboBoxMinNeighbors.Text);
WindowsSize = int.Parse(textBoxWinSiz.Text);
ScaleIncreaseRate = Double.Parse(comboBoxMinNeighbors.Text);
var faces = grayframe.DetectHaarCascade(haar, ScaleIncreaseRate, MinNeighbors,
new Size(WindowsSize, WindowsSize))[0];
if (faces.Length > 0)
Bitmap BmpInput = grayframe.ToBitmap();
Graphics FaceCanvas;
foreach (var face in faces)
t = t + 1;
result = ImageFrame.Copy(face.rect).Convert<Gray, byte>().Resize(100, 100, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_CUBIC);
ImageFrame.Draw(face.rect, new Bgr(Color.Red), 2);
ExtractedFace = new Bitmap(face.rect.Width, face.rect.Height);
FaceCanvas = Graphics.FromImage(ExtractedFace);
FaceCanvas.DrawImage(BmpInput, 0, 0, face.rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
ImageFrame.Draw(face.rect, new Bgr(Color.Red), 2);
if (trainingImages.ToArray().Length != 0)
MCvTermCriteria termCrit = new MCvTermCriteria(ContTrain, 0.001);
EigenObjectRecognizer recognizer = new EigenObjectRecognizer(
ref termCrit);
name = recognizer.Recognize(result).Label;
catch (Exception error)
ImageFrame.Draw(name, ref font, new Point(face.rect.X - 2, face.rect.Y - 2), new Bgr(Color.LightGreen));
CamImageBox.Image = ImageFrame;
Here is the screenshot of the exception message:
Line 146 where the exception occurs is this line of the ProcessFrame function:
name = recognizer.Recognize(result).Label;
I tried searching for similar problems in the internet, and found these:
'Object reference not set to instance of an object' error when trying to upload image to database
Object reference not set to an instance of an object #5
C# Error 'Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object'
C#, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error
Most of them suggests to check if any of the involved variable is null. I've checked the involved variable, and indeed the exception occurs when the recognizer.Recognize(result) statement returns null.
So my question is, why does that statement often return null when I use training images from the database, while it never returns null when I use training images from windows folder?
Check your fetchedBytes array to see if you are consistently getting just a stream of bytes representing a BMP image (starting with 0x42 0x4D), or if there may be "other stuff" in there, too.
Depending on how the BMP data was inserted into the Access database it may contain an OLE "wrapper". For example, an 8x8 24-bit BMP image of pure red is saved by MSPAINT.EXE like this
If I copy that file and paste it into a Bound Object Frame in an Access form then Access wraps the BMP data in some "OLE stuff" before writing it to the table. Later, if I try to retrieve the BMP image via code, using something like this...
Sub oleDumpTest()
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset, ads As ADODB.Stream
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM TrainingSet1 WHERE ID = 1", Application.CurrentProject.Connection
Set ads = New ADODB.Stream
ads.Type = adTypeBinary
ads.Write rst("FaceImage").Value
Set rst = Nothing
ads.SaveToFile "C:\Users\Gord\Pictures\oleDump_red."
Set ads = Nothing
End Sub
...then the resulting file also contains the OLE "wrapper"...
...and obviously is not a valid stand-alone BMP file. If I rename that file to give it a .bmp extension and try to open it in Paint, I get
So maybe (some of) the [FaceImage] objects in your database are not raw BMP data, and perhaps the other software is rejecting them (or simply not able to understand them).
Another possible issue is that when you get the images from files in a folder you hand the Image object a string containing the file path...
trainingImages.Add(new Image<Gray, byte>(Application.StartupPath + "\\TrainedFaces\\" + LoadFaces));
...but when you try to retrieve the images from the database you hand the same object a Bitmap object
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(fetchedBytes);
bmpImage = new Bitmap(stream);
trainingImages.Add(new Emgu.CV.Image<Gray, Byte>(bmpImage));
I have no way of knowing whether the Emgu.CV.Image object might behave differently depending on the type of object it is given, but a quick+dirty workaround might be to write bmpImage to a temporary file, hand trainingImages.Add the path to that file, and then delete the file.
Finally made it!! just one more day of coding helped me to got the problem solved:
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
_httpContext = context;
var imageid = context.Request.QueryString["Image"];
if (imageid == null || imageid == "")
imageid = "1";
using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
// Handler retrieves the image from database and load it on the stream
using (Stream s = wc.OpenRead("http://mypageurl/Image.ashx?Image=" + imageid))
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(s))
public void AddFace(Bitmap image)
var faceImage = DetectFace(image);
if (faceImage != null)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
faceImage.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Bmp);
stream.Position = 0;
byte[] data = new byte[stream.Length];
stream.Read(data, 0, (int)stream.Length);
_httpContext.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
private Bitmap DetectFace(Bitmap faceImage)
var image = new Image<Bgr, byte>(faceImage);
var gray = image.Convert<Gray, Byte>();
string filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml");
var face = new HaarCascade(filePath);
MCvAvgComp[][] facesDetected = gray.DetectHaarCascade(face, 1.1, 10, HAAR_DETECTION_TYPE.DO_CANNY_PRUNING, new Size(20, 20));
Image<Gray, byte> result = null;
foreach (MCvAvgComp f in facesDetected[0])
//draw the face detected in the 0th (gray) channel with blue color
image.Draw(f.rect, new Bgr(Color.Blue), 2);
result = image.Copy(f.rect).Convert<Gray, byte>();
if (result != null)
result = result.Resize(200, 200, INTER.CV_INTER_CUBIC);
return result.Bitmap;
return null;
public bool IsReusable
get { return false; }
I couldnt make it work from reading a direct Stream from the the Database where the images are located but your workaround, saving the images to a local folder, worked for me, thx a lot for sharing.Here's my demo page where you load files from DB:

How to Add 'Comments' to a JPEG File Using C#

Within the property window of a JPEG image, there is a tab called 'Summary'. Within this tab, there is a field called 'Comments' I would like to write some c# code which will add a given string to this field e.g "This is a photo".
Does some kind soul out there know how to do this?
Many thanks.
Based on other answers I wrote the following class which allows various metadata manipulations. You use it like this:
var jpeg = new JpegMetadataAdapter(pathToJpeg);
jpeg.Metadata.Comment = "Some comments";
jpeg.Metadata.Title = "A title";
jpeg.Save(); // Saves the jpeg in-place
jpeg.SaveAs(someNewPath); // Saves with a new path
The differences between my solution and the others are not large. Principally I have refactored this to be cleaner. I also use the higher level properties of BitmapMetadata, rather than the SetQuery method.
Here is the full code, which is licensed under the MIT licence. You will need to add references to PresentationCore, WindowsBase, and System.Xaml.
public class JpegMetadataAdapter
private readonly string path;
private BitmapFrame frame;
public readonly BitmapMetadata Metadata;
public JpegMetadataAdapter(string path)
this.path = path;
frame = getBitmapFrame(path);
Metadata = (BitmapMetadata)frame.Metadata.Clone();
public void Save()
public void SaveAs(string path)
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(frame, frame.Thumbnail, Metadata, frame.ColorContexts));
using (Stream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
private BitmapFrame getBitmapFrame(string path)
BitmapDecoder decoder = null;
using (Stream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None))
decoder = new JpegBitmapDecoder(stream, BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad);
return decoder.Frames[0];
The following code solves my problem and adds comments to a given JPEG image:
public void addImageComment(string imageFlePath, string comments)
string jpegDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(imageFlePath);
string jpegFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageFlePath);
BitmapDecoder decoder = null;
BitmapFrame bitmapFrame = null;
BitmapMetadata metadata = null;
FileInfo originalImage = new FileInfo(imageFlePath);
if (File.Exists(imageFlePath))
// load the jpg file with a JpegBitmapDecoder
using (Stream jpegStreamIn = File.Open(imageFlePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None))
decoder = new JpegBitmapDecoder(jpegStreamIn, BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad);
bitmapFrame = decoder.Frames[0];
metadata = (BitmapMetadata)bitmapFrame.Metadata;
if (bitmapFrame != null)
BitmapMetadata metaData = (BitmapMetadata)bitmapFrame.Metadata.Clone();
if (metaData != null)
// modify the metadata
metaData.SetQuery("/app1/ifd/exif:{uint=40092}", comments);
// get an encoder to create a new jpg file with the new metadata.
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(bitmapFrame, bitmapFrame.Thumbnail, metaData, bitmapFrame.ColorContexts));
//string jpegNewFileName = Path.Combine(jpegDirectory, "JpegTemp.jpg");
// Delete the original
// Save the new image
using (Stream jpegStreamOut = File.Open(imageFlePath, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
This is essentially a lightly modified version of the code found under the link which Konamiman kindly supplied.
Please be aware that to make this work you will need to add .NET references to PresentationCore and WindowsBase. If using Visual Studio 2008, this can be achieved via the following:
Right click on your project in the Solution Explorer
From the drop down list, select Add 'Reference...'
From the new box which opens, select the '.NET' tab
Scroll to the two references mentioned above and on each, click ok
Many thanks to both danbystrom and Konamiman for your help in this matter. I really appreciate the quick response.
The easy part:
Add this property item:
var data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "Some comments" );
PropertyItem pi;
*** create an empty PropertyItem here
pi.Type = 2;
pi.Id = 37510;
pi.Len = data.Length;
pi.Value = data;
To the Image's PropertItems collection.
The somewhat more cumbersome part:
How do you create a new PropertyItem, since it has no public constructor?
The common "trick" is to have an empty image lying around from which you can steal a PropertyItem. sigh
Thanks to the answers here, I've coded a solution to set a comment using memory only:
public static Image SetImageComment(Image image, string comment) {
using (var memStream = new MemoryStream()) {
image.Save(memStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
memStream.Position = 0;
var decoder = new JpegBitmapDecoder(memStream, BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad);
BitmapMetadata metadata;
if (decoder.Metadata == null) {
metadata = new BitmapMetadata("jpg");
} else {
metadata = decoder.Metadata;
metadata.Comment = comment;
var bitmapFrame = decoder.Frames[0];
BitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(bitmapFrame, bitmapFrame.Thumbnail, metadata, bitmapFrame.ColorContexts));
var imageStream = new MemoryStream();
imageStream.Position = 0;
image = null;
return Image.FromStream(imageStream);
Don't forget to dispose the image that is returned by this method. (For example after saving the image to a file)
Thanks to the previous tips I was able to put the following together. I've tested it and it seems to work. One of the biggest stumbling blocks was determining the Id needed for the field you want to assign.
string fileName = "c:/SomeImage.jpg";
// Retrieve the Image
System.Drawing.Image originalImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fileName);
// Get the list of existing PropertyItems. i.e. the metadata
PropertyItem[] properties = originalImage.PropertyItems;
// Create a bitmap image to assign attributes and do whatever else..
Bitmap bmpImage = new Bitmap((Bitmap)originalImage);
// Don't need this anymore
// Get / setup a PropertyItem
PropertyItem item = properties[0]; // We have to copy an existing one since no constructor exists
// This will assign "Joe Doe" to the "Authors" metadata field
string sTmp = "Joe DoeX"; // The X will be replaced with a null. String must be null terminated.
var itemData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sTmp);
itemData[itemData.Length - 1] = 0;// Strings must be null terminated or they will run together
item.Type = 2; //String (ASCII)
item.Id = 315; // Author(s), 315 is mapped to the "Authors" field
item.Len = itemData.Length; // Number of items in the byte array
item.Value = itemData; // The byte array
bmpImage.SetPropertyItem(item); // Assign / add to the bitmap
// This will assign "MyApplication" to the "Program Name" field
sTmp = "MyApplicationX";
itemData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sTmp);
itemData[itemData.Length - 1] = 0; // Strings must be null terminated or they will run together
item.Type = 2; //String (ASCII)
item.Id = 305; // Program Name, 305 is mapped to the "Program Name" field
item.Len = itemData.Length;
item.Value = itemData;
// Save the image
bmpImage.Save(fileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
//Clean up
A variant on Peter Kistler's solution to set Title, Subject and Comment. I found I had to create items as Unicode byte array (type 1) and the IDs for Title, Subject and Comment are the same as for EXIF XPTitle, XPSubject and XP Comment. sFileOut can be the same as sFile.
public static void SetWindowsTags2(string sFile, string sFileOut, string Title = "", string Subject = "", string Comment = "", bool bShowError = false)
// Retrieve the Image
System.Drawing.Image originalImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(sFile);
// Get the list of existing PropertyItems. i.e. the metadata
PropertyItem[] properties = originalImage.PropertyItems;
/*foreach (PropertyItem propItem in properties)
string sTag = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(propItem.Value);
string sItem = sTag.Replace("\0", string.Empty);
Debug.Print(propItem.Id.ToString() + ", " + propItem.Type + ", " + sItem);
// Create a bitmap image to assign attributes and do whatever else..
Bitmap bmpImage = new Bitmap((Bitmap)originalImage);
// Don't need this anymore
// Get / setup a PropertyItem
PropertyItem item = properties[0]; // We have to copy an existing one since no constructor exists
var itemData = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Title);
itemData[itemData.Length - 1] = 0;// Strings must be null terminated or they will run together
item.Type = 1; //Unicode Byte Array
item.Id = 40091; // Title ID
item.Len = itemData.Length; // Number of items in the byte array
item.Value = itemData; // The byte array
bmpImage.SetPropertyItem(item); // Assign / add to the bitmap
itemData = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Subject);
itemData[itemData.Length - 1] = 0; // Strings must be null terminated or they will run together
item.Type = 1; //Unicode Byte Array
item.Id = 40095; // subject
item.Len = itemData.Length;
item.Value = itemData;
bmpImage.SetPropertyItem(item); // Assign / add to the bitmap
itemData = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Comment);
itemData[itemData.Length - 1] = 0; // Strings must be null terminated or they will run together
item.Type = 1; ////Unicode Byte Array
item.Id = 40092; // comment
item.Len = itemData.Length;
item.Value = itemData;
bmpImage.SetPropertyItem(item); // Assign / add to the bitmap
// Save the image
bmpImage.Save(sFileOut, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
//Clean up
catch (Exception Ex)

