Does anyone know a good, well tested, widely used open source Android-like toast control form WinForms?
Like this:
I know it could be solved by tricking pop up forms with timers etc, but I don't wanna reinvent the wheel, so, if there is a nice solution, I'd use that.
I suggest Form Fade In/Out Effect and Notification Window and NotifyWindow: A different MSN Messenger style notification window
I'd like to use a scrollbar like the one who shows up if you press the sound symbol on windows 10.
In my research I only found toast notification or notifyicon which I think isn't the right thing.
Do I overlooked something? Is this even possible in winform or WPF? and does someone know the right name for that?
I am creating my personal gmail checker in C# and I need a way to popup a notification in system tray whenever there is a new email and how to control the contents of that notification bar. Also if possible I don't need it to be like windows notifications but my personal way. For example not popup like a notification but like a rectangle (or square or whatever) and if windows taskbar is in autohide the taskbar not be shown but only the notification. Also it is a wpf app. If you need more info let me know
Sounds like you're looking at trying to create a "toaster"-style popup. You can take a look at including something like this WPF NotifyIcon:
This is an implementation of a NotifyIcon (aka system tray icon or taskbar icon) for the WPF platform. It does not just rely on the Windows Forms NotifyIcon component, but is a purely independent control which leverages several features of the WPF framework in order to display rich ToolTips, Popups, context menus, and balloon messages. It can be used directly in code or embedded in any XAML file.
You could also look at using a notification framework like Growl for Windows:
Ok, so what is Growl?
Put simply, Growl lets you know when things happen. Files finished downloading, friends came online, new email has arrived - Growl can let you know when any event occurs with a subtle notification. The rest of the time, Growl stays out of your way.
Along with letting you know when things happen, Growl also gives you full control over how you are notified and what action (if any) you want to take in response to the notification. You can choose to be alerted with a visual indicator or an audible alert, both, or neither. You can choose the type of display that is shown, whether the display remains on the screen, the importance of the notification, and even if the notification should be forwarded to another computer. You can have notifications that trigger an email, run a script, launch a program, or are read out loud.
You can find the documentation and files on Growl's developer page.
I have an app that currently shows a message box when the users saves that just says "Saved successfully". The problem is, user's tend to save frequently when using this app and the message box is a pain in the #$$. I'd like to have a little notification box that fades in and out and doesn't require user interaction, kind of like how Growl notifications work on a Mac.
Is there any .net library or free 3rd party application that does something like this?
There is no need to use 3rd party libraries for something like this.
Crate a form for your notifications, styled as you wish.
When you need to notify, you can Show the form - to fade it in and out use the Opacity property (using a timer to animate the changes).
Have a look at this and see if it does what you want.
Office 2003-like popup
How would you get a button to look and perform similar to that of the buttons in the volume mixer on Win7?
What I mean is that in the volume mixer there are icons that doesn't look like buttons until you hover them, they also haven't got the standard blueish color when hovered.
So far I haven't found a way to do this directly in visual studio.
I'm guessing that creating a custom user control is the only way to go, but I've had no luck so far, I would appreciate some examples.
In addition, there are also combo boxes in the volume mixer I would like to duplicate. They're hidden except for the text and arrow until they're hovered.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
(Here an image that might help explain what I mean:
For windows application, (and also how they did win7), they used the technology called WPF. I am not specifically answering how you can do this, because in WPF, this is the fundamental that defining skin (via markup called XAML) without touching the implementation code. If you are serious in learning how to do that, I suggest you look for tutorials or good book about WPF.
Here's one of the markup looks like for a button. To modify the button's look, what you need is to define it's XAML, and you don't have to inherit it in the code. The example looks scary long, but Visual Studio could help you.
You could use a third party control library, for example Krypton Toolkit, its free!
There is quite a terrific solution for this button quest. You can paste pictureBoxes on form and handle MouseUp, MouseLeft and MouseDown events. When each of them fires, you need to set specific image (one of tree, in fact) - normal picture, picture of "highlighted" icon and picture of pressed icon. But that's really a hard and useless work, so better don't.
If you need several of such "buttons" in a panel, I remember, I once managed to get the same behaviour by using toolStrip with buttons.
I'm currently learning WPF. I really am enjoying it so far. I love how easy it is to make great looking apps, and would like to create an app that has a custom window border. I would like for it to look something like this:
I know I could just easily change the Window type to not have a boarder and go from there, but that seems to much like WinForms. Wouldn't it be better to just create a class that derived from Window and styled it? If so how can I do this? Thanks!
Here's a great article on customizing Window "chrome" with WPF:
Custom Window Chrome in WPF
It is accompanied by a Code Gallery project from which you can download the code:
WPF Chrome
To show non-standard borders you have to set AllowsTransparency=True and no Border from the window. Whether you want to do this in the class is up to you. You basically have to realize WPF is really just a DirectX application hosted in a standard window. So you if you want non-standard Windows behavior, you have to drop the standard window border and start re-wiring it based on the standard window events you want to handle. Dragging, minimize/maximize/restore, Title bar.
Really, it shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes to an hour to come up with something close to what you want, and you could certainly put your custom window in a base class for re-use on down the road.
I have a feeling, for most cases, this is going to be the better and quicker option than trying override default Windows drawing.
There is a product called "Blendables" which contains a ChromelessWindow control in their "Essentials Mix" bundle which makes this very easy to do. I've never actually used it myself, I just know it exists and thought it might be of use. At bare minimum it shows that you can do what you ask about creating reusable, templatable chrome.