I have had a look at this Flatten LINQ collection object with nested object collections but it doesn't quite do it for me.
I know there is a lot of code in this post but it's mostly just data to give you the idea of what I'm looking at developing.
if you look at the classes below, I am trying to come up with a way to flatten the result of a search against the file.
So i need to end up with a single flattened record which looks like (the pipes are there to show delimination of a field only)
fileId | FileContact1FirstName | FileContact1LastName | FileContact2FirstName etc | FileClient1FirstName | FileClient1LastName | FileClient1IsNominee | FileClient1IsPrimary | FileClient2FirstName etc....
Any idea on how I can do this without looping through each Contact and Client?
I have these classes of sorts in my edmx;
class File
public int fileId { get; set; }
public List<FileContact> fileContacts { get; set; }
public List<FileClient> fileClients { get; set; }
class FileContact
public Contact contact { get; set; }
class FileClient
public Contact contact { get; set; }
public bool IsNominee { get; set; }
public bool IsPrimary { get; set; }
class Contact
public int id { get; set; }
public string firstName { get; set; }
public string lastName { get; set; }
And this this as the data simply for testing.
static void FillData()
thisFile = new File { fileId = 1, fileContacts = new List<FileContact>(), fileClients = new List<FileClient>() };
thisFile.fileContacts.Add(new FileContact { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Andrew", lastName = "Albino" } });
thisFile.fileContacts.Add(new FileContact { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Bob", lastName = "Bush" } });
thisFile.fileContacts.Add(new FileContact { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Cathy", lastName = "Conti" } });
thisFile.fileContacts.Add(new FileContact { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Drew", lastName = "Dram" } });
thisFile.fileContacts.Add(new FileContact { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Edward", lastName = "Eliston" } });
thisFile.fileContacts.Add(new FileContact { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Frank", lastName = "Fashion" } });
thisFile.fileContacts.Add(new FileContact { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Graham", lastName = "Grape" } });
thisFile.fileClients.Add(new FileClient { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Harry", lastName = "Who didn't" }, IsNominee = true, IsPrimary = false });
thisFile.fileClients.Add(new FileClient { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Indigo", lastName = "Ignacio" }, IsNominee = false, IsPrimary = false });
thisFile.fileClients.Add(new FileClient { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Julie", lastName = "Juniper" }, IsNominee = false, IsPrimary = false });
thisFile.fileClients.Add(new FileClient { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Kelly", lastName = "Keilor" }, IsNominee = false, IsPrimary = false });
thisFile.fileClients.Add(new FileClient { contact = new Contact { id = 1, firstName = "Liam", lastName = "Loser" }, IsNominee = false, IsPrimary = true });
This will get you an IEnumerable<string> that contains the properties in the order you specified:
var flattened = new string[] { thisFile.fileId.ToString() }
.SelectMany(fc => new string[]
.SelectMany(fc => new string[]
Example: http://ideone.com/Mvc7M
Have a look at SelectMany.
I have the next mongo document structure :
I would like to get all the keywords that are in a specific category only knowing the category's ID. I am using the mongo C# driver but don't know how could I check what's inside that array.
I would like to send a list with the category ID's and get back all the keywords that have a category from that list.
public async Task<List<Keyword>> GetKeywords(List<long> keywordCatIds, string countryCode)
var mongoCollection = MongoDatabase.GetCollection<Keyword>("Keywords");
FilterDefinition<Keyword> mongoFilter = Builders<Keyword>.Filter.In(c=>c.Categories, keywordCatIds);
return await mongoCollection.Find(mongoFilter,null).ToListAsync<Keyword>();
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error(ex, "Multiple ids for Country Code: {0}, ids: {1}", countryCode, string.Join(',', keywordCatIds.Select(s => s)));
return null;
Your In function looks like a "categories._id" filter in normal mongoDB. Which transitions into an ElemMatch. I created a project which fills the db, than selects
all the keywords that are in a specific category only knowing the category's ID
public class CustomID
public string CountryCode { get; set; }
public long KeywordId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Keyword
public CustomID Id { get; set; }
public List<Category> Categories { get; set; }
public class Category
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Position { get; set; }
internal class Program
public static IMongoDatabase MongoDatabase { get; private set; }
public static async Task Main()
var conventionPack = new ConventionPack
new CamelCaseElementNameConvention()
t => true);
var client = new MongoClient();
MongoDatabase = client.GetDatabase("SO");
var ret = await GetKeywords(new List<long> {1L, 2L}, "HU-hu");
// ret is A and B. C is filtered out because no category id of 1L or 2L, D is not HU-hu
public static async Task<List<Keyword>> GetKeywords(List<long> keywordCatIds, string countryCode)
var mongoCollection = MongoDatabase.GetCollection<Keyword>("keywords");
// be ware! removes all elements. For debug purposes uncomment>
//await mongoCollection.DeleteManyAsync(FilterDefinition<Keyword>.Empty);
await mongoCollection.InsertManyAsync(new[]
new Keyword
Categories = new List<Category>
new Category {Id = 1L, Name = "CatA", Position = 1},
new Category {Id = 3L, Name = "CatC", Position = 3}
Id = new CustomID
CountryCode = "HU-hu",
KeywordId = 1,
Name = "A"
new Keyword
Categories = new List<Category>
new Category {Id = 2L, Name = "CatB", Position = 2}
Id = new CustomID
CountryCode = "HU-hu",
KeywordId = 2,
Name = "B"
new Keyword
Categories = new List<Category>
new Category {Id = 3L, Name = "CatB", Position = 2}
Id = new CustomID
CountryCode = "HU-hu",
KeywordId = 3,
Name = "C"
new Keyword
Categories = new List<Category>
new Category {Id = 1L, Name = "CatA", Position = 1}
Id = new CustomID
CountryCode = "EN-en",
KeywordId = 1,
Name = "EN-A"
var keywordFilter = Builders<Keyword>.Filter;
var categoryFilter = Builders<Category>.Filter;
var mongoFilter =
keywordFilter.ElemMatch(k => k.Categories, categoryFilter.In(c => c.Id, keywordCatIds)) &
keywordFilter.Eq(k => k.Id.CountryCode, countryCode);
return await mongoCollection.Find(mongoFilter).ToListAsync();
I'm having some trouble getting the Seed method of EF to run. I've run update-database in the PMC - but no effect on the DB. Here's the method:
public class PhilosopherInitialiser : System.Data.Entity.DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<PhilosopherContext>
protected override void Seed(PhilosopherContext context)
var philosophers = new List<Philosopher>{
new Philosopher {
FirstName = "Bertrand",
LastName = "Russell",
DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("1872-05-18"),
DateOfDeath = DateTime.Parse("1970-02-02"),
IsAlive = false,
NationalityID = 1,
AreaID = 7,
Description = "Here's some text about Bertrand Russell"
new Philosopher {
FirstName = "Immanuel",
LastName = "Kant",
DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("1724-04-22"),
DateOfDeath = DateTime.Parse("1804-02-12"),
IsAlive = false,
NationalityID = 3,
AreaID = 1,
Description = "Here's some text about Immanuel Kant"
new Philosopher {
FirstName = "John",
LastName = "Rawls",
DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse("1921-02-21"),
DateOfDeath = DateTime.Parse("2002-11-24"),
IsAlive = false,
NationalityID = 9,
AreaID = 3,
Description = "Here's some text about John Rawls"
philosophers.ForEach(p => context.Philosophers.Add(p));
var nationalities = new List<Nationality>
new Nationality { Name = "English" },
new Nationality { Name = "Scotish" },
new Nationality { Name = "German" },
new Nationality { Name = "French" },
new Nationality { Name = "Greek" },
new Nationality { Name = "Italian" },
new Nationality { Name = "Spanish" },
new Nationality { Name = "Russian" },
new Nationality { Name = "American" }
nationalities.ForEach(n => context.Nationalities.Add(n));
var areas = new List<Area>{
new Area { Name = "Metaphysics" },
new Area { Name = "Existentialism" },
new Area { Name = "Political philosophy" },
new Area { Name = "Philosophy of the mind" },
new Area { Name = "Aesthetics" },
new Area { Name = "Social philosophy" },
new Area { Name = "Logic" },
new Area { Name = "Moral philosophy" },
new Area { Name = "Epistemology" }
areas.ForEach(a => context.Areas.Add(a));
var books = new List<Book>
new Book {
Title = "The impact of science on society",
PhilosopherID = 1,
AreaID = 6
new Book {
Title = "The analysis of mind",
PhilosopherID = 1,
AreaID = 4
new Book {
Title = "Marriage and morals",
PhilosopherID = 1,
AreaID = 8
new Book{
Title = "Critique of pure reason",
PhilosopherID = 2,
AreaID = 9
new Book{
Title = "The metaphysics of morals",
PhilosopherID = 2,
AreaID = 8
new Book{
Title = "A theory of justice",
PhilosopherID = 3,
AreaID = 3
books.ForEach(b => context.Books.Add(b));
And here's my PhilosopherContext class:
public class PhilosopherContext : DbContext
public PhilosopherContext() : base("PhilosopherContext")
public DbSet<Philosopher> Philosophers { get; set; }
public DbSet<Area> Areas { get; set; }
public DbSet<Nationality> Nationalities { get; set; }
public DbSet<Book> Books { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasRequired(p => p.Philosopher)
.HasForeignKey(p => p.PhilosopherID)
.Property(p => p.DateOfBirth)
.Property(p => p.DateOfDeath)
Inside the Web.Config file I'm using initialising the DB here:
<context type="PhilosophersLibrary.DAL.PhilosopherContext, PhilosophersLibrary">
<databaseInitializer type="PhilosophersLibrary.DAL.PhilosopherInitialiser, PhilosophersLibrary" />
Does anyone have any suggestions? I feel that the method might not be called.
I seem to be making progress. The Areas and Nationalities tables are being seeded with the data. But I have to comment out the Philosophers data and the Books data. Is there something wrong with my data model?
public class Book
public int BookID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Philosopher")]
public int PhilosopherID { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Area")]
public int AreaID { get; set; }
public virtual Philosopher Philosopher { get; set; }
public virtual Area Area { get; set; }
public class Philosopher
// <className>ID pattern causes property to be primary key
public int PhilosopherID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Date of birth")]
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Date of death")]
public DateTime DateOfDeath { get; set; }
public Boolean IsAlive { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
// Foreign keys have corresponding navigation properties
// <NavigationProperty>ID naming convention cause EF to identify foreign keys
public int NationalityID { get; set; }
public int AreaID { get; set; }
// Navigation properties - defined as virtual to use LazyLoading
// Nationality and Area have a 1 to 1 relationship with philosopher
// Books has a 1 to many relationship with philosopher
public virtual Nationality Nationality { get; set; }
public virtual Area Area { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Book> Books { get; set; }
Try to use this:
instead of this:
Also I would add:
public PhilosopherContext() : base("PhilosopherContext")
Database.SetInitializer<PhilosopherContext>(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<PhilosopherContext>());
i have a List< PaperAbstract > class. a PaperAbstract class has a set of Authors. one of the Authors has a flag IsSubmitting true. how can i order my List< PaperAbstract > by the submitting authors LastName?
public class PaperAbstract
public string Title { get; set; }
public List<Author> Authors { get; set; }
public class Author
public bool IsSubmitting { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
for example:
var paperAbstracts = new List<PaperAbstract>();
paperAbstracts.Add(new PaperAbstract
Title = "Abstract 2",
Authors = new List<Author>
new Author { IsSubmitting = false, FirstName = "F5", LastName = "L5"},
new Author { IsSubmitting = true, FirstName = "F6", LastName = "L6"}
paperAbstracts.Add(new PaperAbstract
Title = "Abstract 3",
Authors = new List<Author>
new Author { IsSubmitting = true, FirstName = "F1", LastName = "L1"},
new Author { IsSubmitting = false, FirstName = "F2", LastName = "L2"}
paperAbstracts.Add(new PaperAbstract
Title = "Abstract 1",
Authors = new List<Author>
new Author { IsSubmitting = false, FirstName = "F3", LastName = "L3"},
new Author { IsSubmitting = true, FirstName = "F4", LastName = "L4"}
the correct order of paperAbstracts should be Abstract 3, Abstract 1, Abstract 2.
You can use OrderBy from LINQ:
var result = input.OrderBy(x => x.Authors
.First(a => a.IsSubmitting).LastName)
I have a school project with a one to many relationship (Contact can have many Addresses). But I don't know how to seed it correctly.
In my Data models Contact has a virtual ICollection<Address> Addresses and the address object has the foreign key of ContactId.
So here is my seed data (code first) And i need to make it so when i type in the contacts last name in a search bar it will pull up all the info on that contact (address Info).
So how do i associate the info together in my seed data so when you search it pulls up what it is supposed to?
namespace Success.Data.Migrations
public class Seeder
public static void Seed(SuccessContext context,
bool seedContacts = true,
bool seedAddresses = true)
if (seedContacts) SeedContacts(context);
if (seedAddresses) SeedAddresses(context);
private static void SeedContacts(SuccessContext context)
context.Contacts.AddOrUpdate(l => l.LastName,
new Contact() { FullName = "Darth Vader", FirstName = "Darth", LastName = "Vader", },
new Contact() { FullName = "Luke Skywalker", FirstName = "Luke", LastName = "Skywalker", },
new Contact() { FullName = "Tony Stark", FirstName = "Tony", LastName = "Stark", },
new Contact() { FullName = "Ricky Bobby", FirstName = "Ricky", LastName = "Bobby", },
new Contact() { FullName = "Trix Rabbit", FirstName = "Trix", LastName = "Rabbit", });
private static void SeedAddresses(SuccessContext context)
context.Addresses.AddOrUpdate(h => h.HomeAddress,
new Address() { HomeAddress = "1300 DeathStar", BusinessAddress = "444 Imperial Fleet", PoBox = "PO Box 1335", ContactId = 1, },
new Address() { HomeAddress = "1997 Endor", BusinessAddress = "448 Rebel Fleet", PoBox = "PO Box 1339", ContactId = 2, },
new Address() { HomeAddress = "1224 Malibu Point", BusinessAddress = "657 Stark Industries", PoBox = "PO Box 1337", ContactId = 3, },
new Address() { HomeAddress = "9978 Fast LN.", BusinessAddress = "532 NASCAR Race Track", PoBox = "PO Box 1333", ContactId = 4, },
new Address() { HomeAddress = "9864 Cerial Box LN", BusinessAddress = "8432 Kellog Dr.", PoBox = "PO Box 1338", ContactId = 5, });
You could have another method that seeds both the contacts and address. You will need an extra if/else switch
if (seedContacts && seedAddresses)
if (seedContacts) SeedContacts(context);
if (seedAddresses) SeedAddresses(context);
And the SeedContactsAndAddress Method would look like this:
private static void SeedContactsAndAddress(StoreContext context)
// Each Address, which I believe is a collection in this case, but there is only
// one, will have to be created and added to each contact.
var addressesForDarthVader = new List<Address>
new Address { HomeAddress = "1300 DeathStar", BusinessAddress = "444 Imperial Fleet", PoBox = "PO Box 1335" }
// Add more addresses for Darth Vader if you need to
// Rinse and repeat for the other contacts;
context.Contacts.AddOrUpdate(l => l.LastName,
new Contact() { FullName = "Darth Vader", FirstName = "Darth", LastName = "Vader", Addresses = addressesForDarthVader },
new Contact() { FullName = "Luke Skywalker", FirstName = "Luke", LastName = "Skywalker", },
new Contact() { FullName = "Tony Stark", FirstName = "Tony", LastName = "Stark", },
new Contact() { FullName = "Ricky Bobby", FirstName = "Ricky", LastName = "Bobby", },
new Contact() { FullName = "Trix Rabbit", FirstName = "Trix", LastName = "Rabbit", });
There are a few other posts on this topic that I saw but I was not able to get a correct answer yet (my own fault I am sure) but I want to seed a database and I have set up a many to many relationship, but I can't figure out how to seed the second entity with the first entities id.
var users = new List<User>()
new User()
Id = 1,
FirstName = "Clark",
LastName = "Kent"
new User()
Id = 2,
FirstName = "Lex",
LastName = "Luther"
users.ForEach(p => context.Users.Add(p));
var messages = new List<Message>()
new Message()
Id = 1,
SenderId = 2,
Recipients = new List<User> { Id = 2, Id = 3} // <<< Problem is here
messages.ForEach(p => context.Messages.Add(p));
My message class.
public class Message
public int Id { get; set; }
public int SenderId { get; set; }
public int RecipientsId { get; set; }
public virtual User Sender { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<User> Recipients { get; set; }
My user class.
public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Message> Messages { get; set; }
To be clear - I can properly seed users with no problem, if there are any typos or copy paste errors they aren't a big deal because I know everything is working besides being able to create a list of recipients that have already been seeded.
Thanks in advance
This is an old thread but Ive just had a similar problem so thought I would offer an answer.
You need to query your users object created above
var messages = new List<Message>()
new Message()
Id = 1,
SenderId = 2,
Recipients = new List<User>()
users.Single(u => u.Id == 1),
users.Single(u => u.Id == 2)
First thing i notice is that you are adding Ints to the recipients list, not user objects
What happens if you try code like this:
var users = new List<User>()
new User()
Id = 1,
FirstName = "Clark",
LastName = "Kent"
new User()
Id = 2,
FirstName = "Lex",
LastName = "Luther"
users.ForEach(p => context.Users.Add(p));
var messages = new List<Message>()
new Message()
Id = 1,
SenderId = 2,
Recipients = new List<User> {users[0],users[1] } // <<< Problem is here
messages.ForEach(p => context.Messages.Add(p));
or you could event try this:
var users = new List<User>()
new User()
Id = 1,
FirstName = "Clark",
LastName = "Kent"
new User()
Id = 2,
FirstName = "Lex",
LastName = "Luther"
users.ForEach(p => context.Users.Add(p));
var messages = new List<Message>()
new Message()
Id = 1,
SenderId = 2,
Recipients = new List<User> {context.Users.Where(u=>u.Id==1),context.Users.Where(u=>u.Id==1) }
messages.ForEach(p => context.Messages.Add(p));