How to sort collection quite specifically by linq - c#

var ids = new int[] { 3, 2, 20, 1 };
var entities = categories.Where(entity => ids.Contains(entity.Id));
I have to sort entities by exactly same like in ids array. How can i do that ?

This should do the trick (written off the top of my head, so may have mistakes)
var ids = new int[] { 3, 2, 20, 1 };
var ordering = ids.Select((id,index) => new {id,index});
var entities =
.Where(entity => ids.Contains(entity.Id))
.AsEnumerable() //line not necessary if 'categories' is a local sequence
.Join(ordering, ent => ent.Id, ord =>, (ent,ord) => new {ent,ord})
.OrderBy(x => x.ord.index)
.Select(x => x.ent)

You could use OrderBy with the index of the Ids in ids.
To get the index of an Id from ids, you could create a map of Id to index. That way you can look up the index in almost constant time, instead of having to call IndexOf and traverse the whole list each time.
Something like this:
var idToIndexMap = ids
.Select((i, v) => new { Index = i, Value = v })
pair => pair.i,
pair => pair.v
var sortedEntities = categories
.Where(e => ids.Contains(e.Id))
.ToList() // Isn't necessary if this is Linq-to-Objects instead of entities...
.OrderBy(e => idToIndexMap[e.Id])

You may have a go with this:
public class Foo
public void Bar()
int[] idOrder = new int[] { 3, 2, 20, 1 };
var lookup = idOrder.ToDictionary(i => i,
i => Array.IndexOf(idOrder, i));
foreach(var a in idOrder.OrderBy(i => new ByArrayComparable<int>(lookup, i)))
public class ByArrayComparable<T> : IComparable<ByArrayComparable<T>> where T : IComparable<T>
public readonly IDictionary<T, int> order;
public readonly T element;
public ByArrayComparable(IDictionary<T, int> order, T element)
this.order = order;
this.element = element;
public int CompareTo(ByArrayComparable<T> other)
return this.order[this.element].CompareTo(this.order[other.element]);
This works for unique elements only, but the lookup efford is constant.


How to rank a list with original order in c#

I want to make a ranking from a list and output it on original order.
This is my code so far:
var data = new[] { 7.806468478, 7.806468478, 7.806468478, 7.173501754, 7.173501754, 7.173501754, 3.40877696, 3.40877696, 3.40877696,
4.097010736, 4.097010736, 4.097010736, 4.036494085, 4.036494085, 4.036494085, 38.94333318, 38.94333318, 38.94333318, 14.43588131, 14.43588131, 14.43588131 };
var rankings = data.OrderByDescending(x => x)
.GroupBy(x => x)
.SelectMany((g, i) =>
g.Select(e => new { Col1 = e, Rank = i + 1 }))
However, the result will be order it from descending:
What I want is to display by its original order.
e.g.: Rank = 3, Rank = 3, Rank = 3, Rank = 4, Rank = 4, Rank = 4, etc...
Thank You.
Using what you have, one method would be to keep track of the original order and sort a second time (ugly and potentially slow):
var rankings = data.Select((x, i) => new {Item = x, Index = i})
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Item)
.GroupBy(x => x.Item)
.SelectMany((g, i) =>
g.Select(e => new {
Index = e.Index,
Item = new { Col1 = e.Item, Rank = i + 1 }
.OrderBy(x => x.Index)
.Select(x => x.Item)
I would instead suggest creating a dictionary with your rankings and joining this back with your list:
var rankings = data.Distinct()
.OrderByDescending(x => x)
.Select((g, i) => new { Key = g, Rank = i + 1 })
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Rank);
var output = data.Select(x => new { Col1 = x, Rank = rankings[x] })
As #AntonínLejsek kindly pointed out, replacing the above GroupBy call with Distinct() is the way to go.
Note doubles are not a precise type and thus are really not a good candidate for values in a lookup table, nor would I recommend using GroupBy/Distinct with a floating-point value as a key. Be mindful of your precision and consider using an appropriate string conversion. In light of this, you may want to define an epsilon value and forgo LINQ's GroupBy entirely, opting instead to encapsulate each data point into a (non-anonymous) reference type, then loop through a sorted list and assign ranks. For example (disclaimer: untested):
class DataPoint
decimal Value { get; set; }
int Rank { get; set; }
var dataPointsPreservingOrder = data.Select(x => new DataPoint {Value = x}).ToList();
var sortedDescending = dataPointsPreservingOrder.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToList();
var epsilon = 1E-15; //use a value that makes sense here
int rank = 0;
double? currentValue = null;
foreach(var x in sortedDescending)
if(currentValue == null || Math.Abs(x.Value - currentValue.Value) > epsilon)
currentValue = x.Value;
x.Rank = rank;
From review of the data you will need to iterate twice over the result set.
The first iteration will be to capture the rankings as.
var sorted = data
.OrderByDescending(x => x)
.GroupBy(x => x)
.Select((g, i) => new { Col1 = g.First(), Rank = i + 1 })
Now we have a ranking of highest to lowest with the correct rank value. Next we iterate the data again to find where the value exists in the overall ranks as:
var rankings = (from i in data
let rank = sorted.First(x => x.Col1 == i)
select new
Col1 = i,
Rank = rank.Rank
This results in a ranked list in the original order of the data.
A bit shorter:
var L = data.Distinct().ToList(); // because SortedSet<T> doesn't have BinarySearch :[
var rankings = Array.ConvertAll(data,
x => new { Col1 = x, Rank = L.Count - L.BinarySearch(x) });

Merge Complex Object List using Union / Intersect

Consider two lists of complex objects say :
var first = new List<Record>
new Record(1, new List<int> { 2, 3 }),
new Record(4, new List<int> { 5, 6 })
var second = new List<Record>
new Record(1, new List<int> { 4 })
where a Record is defined as below. Nothing fancy, just a class with Id and list of
public class Record
private readonly IList<int> _secondaryIdentifiers;
private readonly int _id;
public Record(int id, IList<int> secondaryIdentifiers)
_id = id;
_secondaryIdentifiers = secondaryIdentifiers;
public IList<int> SecondaryIdentifiers
get { return _secondaryIdentifiers; }
public int Id
get { return _id; }
How can I union / interest such that the Union and Intersect operations merge the SecondaryIdentifiers.
var union = first.Union(second);
var intersect = first.Intersect(second);
Union will be
new Record(1, new List<int> { 2, 3 , 4 }),
new Record(4, new List<int> { 5, 6 })
Intersect will be
new Record(1, new List<int> { 2, 3 , 4 }),
What I have tried
I tried using a first.Union(second, new EqualityComparer()) where the EqualityComparer extends IEqualityComparer<Record> and merges the two SecondaryIdentifiers if the two items compared are equal, but it seemed a little hacky to me.
Is there a more elegant way of doing this ?
Is there a more elegant way of doing this
It is opinion based but I would do it as:
var union = first.Concat(second)
.GroupBy(x => x.Id)
.Select(g => g.SelectMany(y => y.SecondaryIdentifiers).ToList())
var intersect = first.Concat(second)
.GroupBy(x => x.Id)
.Where(x => x.Count() > 1)
.Select(g => g.SelectMany(y => y.SecondaryIdentifiers).ToList())
PS: Feel free to remove .ToList()s for lazy evaluation.
this should work for the union part:
from a in first
join b in second on a.Id equals b.Id into rGroup
let ids = a.SecondaryIdentifiers.Union(rGroup.SelectMany(r => r.SecondaryIdentifiers))
select new Record(a.Id, ids.ToList())
and the intersect:
from a in first
join b in second on a.Id equals b.Id
select new Record(a.Id, a.SecondaryIdentifiers.Union(b.SecondaryIdentifiers).ToList())

Make C# ParallelEnumerable.OrderBy stable sort

I'm sorting a list of objects by their integer ids in parallel using OrderBy. I have a few objects with the same id and need the sort to be stable.
According to Microsoft's documentation, the parallelized OrderBy is not stable, but there is an implementation approach to make it stable. However, I cannot find an example of this.
var list = new List<pair>() { new pair("a", 1), new pair("b", 1), new pair("c", 2), new pair("d", 3), new pair("e", 4) };
var newList = list.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(4).OrderBy<pair, int>(p => p.order);
private class pair {
private String name;
public int order;
public pair (String name, int order) { = name;
this.order = order;
The remarks for the other OrderBy method suggest this approach:
var newList = list
.Select((pair, index) => new { pair, index })
.OrderBy(p => p.pair.order)
.ThenBy(p => p.index)
.Select(p => p.pair);

IEnumerable<Object> Data Specific Ordering

I've an object that is include property ID with values between 101 and 199. How to order it like 199,101,102 ... 198?
In result I want to put last item to first.
The desired ordering makes no sense (some reasoning would be helpful), but this should do the trick:
int maxID = items.Max(x => x.ID); // If you want the Last item instead of the one
// with the greatest ID, you can use
// items.Last().ID instead.
var strangelyOrderedItems = items
.OrderBy(x => x.ID == maxID ? 0 : 1)
.ThenBy(x => x.ID);
Depending whether you are interested in the largest item in the list, or the last item in the list:
internal sealed class Object : IComparable<Object>
private readonly int mID;
public int ID { get { return mID; } }
public Object(int pID) { mID = pID; }
public static implicit operator int(Object pObject) { return pObject.mID; }
public static implicit operator Object(int pInt) { return new Object(pInt); }
public int CompareTo(Object pOther) { return mID - pOther.mID; }
public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0}", mID); }
List<Object> myList = new List<Object> { 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3 };
// the last item first
List<Object> last = new List<Object> { myList.Last() };
List<Object> lastFirst =
last.Concat(myList.Except(last).OrderBy(x => x)).ToList();
// outputs: 312456
// or
// the largest item first
List<Object> max = new List<Object> { myList.Max() };
List<Object> maxFirst =
max.Concat(myList.Except(max).OrderBy(x => x)).ToList();
// outputs: 612345
Edit: missed the part about you wanting the last item first. You could do it like this :
var objectList = new List<DataObject>();
var lastob = objectList.Last();
var newList = new List<DataObject>();
newList.AddRange(objectList.OrderBy(o => o.Id).ToList());
If you are talking about a normal sorting you could use linq's order by method like this :
objectList = objectList.OrderBy(ob => ob.ID).ToList();
In result I want to put last item to first
first sort the list
List<int> values = new List<int>{100, 56, 89..};
var result = values.OrderBy(x=>x);
add an extension method for swaping an elements in the List<T>
static void Swap<T>(this List<T> list, int index1, int index2)
T temp = list[index1];
list[index1] = list[index2];
list[index2] = temp;
after use it
result .Swap(0, result.Count -1);
You can acheive this using a single Linq statment.
var ordering = testData
.OrderByDescending(t => t.Id)
.Union(testData.OrderBy(t => t.Id).Take(testData.Count() - 1));
Order it in reverse direction and take the top 1, then order it the "right way round" and take all but the last and union these together. There are quite a few variants of this approach, but the above should work.
This approach should work for arbitrary lists too, without the need to know the max number.
How about
var orderedItems = items.OrderBy(x => x.Id)
var orderedItemsLastFirst =
This will iterate the list several times so perhaps could be more efficient but doesn't use much code.
If more speed is important you could write a specialised IEnumerable extension that would allow you to sort and return without converting to an intermediate IEnumerable.
var myList = new List<MyObject>();
//initialize the list
var ordered = myList.OrderBy(c => c.Id); //or use OrderByDescending if you want reverse order

how would i use linq to find the most occured data in a data set?

List<int> a = 11,2,3,11,3,22,9,2
This may not be the most efficient way, but it will get the job done.
public static int MostFrequent(IEnumerable<int> enumerable)
var query = from it in enumerable
group it by it into g
select new {Key = g.Key, Count = g.Count()} ;
return query.OrderByDescending(x => x.Count).First().Key;
And the fun single line version ...
public static int MostFrequent(IEnumerable<int> enumerable)
return (from it in enumerable
group it by it into g
select new {Key = g.Key, Count = g.Count()}).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count).First().Key;
a.GroupBy(item => item).
Select(group => new { Key = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }).
OrderByDescending(pair => pair.Count).
Another example :
IEnumerable<int> numbers = new[] { 11, 2, 3, 11, 3, 22, 9, 2 };
int most = numbers
.Select(x => new { Number = x, Count = numbers.Count(y => y == x) })
.OrderByDescending(z => z.Count)

