Asynchronous components and WinForms - c#

I'm currently writing a component to communicate with an Ethernet based device and am having to use asynchronous sockets. At times when I receive specific 'commands' from the device, I need to raise an event for whatever program is using my component (most usually a WinForm.) I'm creating a sample form for the user but I am having difficulty allowing the client form to receive the events and modify the form; I'm getting the typical "Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'listStrings' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."
I've tried reading over Implementing the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern, and Walkthrough: Implementing a Component That Supports the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern, though it doesn't quite seem to be exactly what I need, especially when reading "Opportunities for Implementing the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern" in the first link.
.Net / C# is more of a hobby than profession, and in this project - this is the last piece I need to figure out before being able to complete it. Would it be better to use a "thread-safe" (I know, everyone throws that term around like it only means one thing) existing TCP/IP component rather than trying to implement it myself?
EDIT: Here's my network class code to show you how I'm implementing it now. I forget where I came across this snippet, but it's worked fine up until I've added the form.
internal class Network
private Device dev;
private TcpClient client;
private NetworkStream ns;
private byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
private Queue<byte[]> _msgQ = new Queue<byte[]>();
public Network(Device d)
dev = d;
internal void Connect(string ipAddress, int port)
client = new TcpClient();
client.BeginConnect(ipAddress, port, new AsyncCallback(OnConnect), null);
internal byte[] getLocalIp()
return ((IPEndPoint)client.Client.LocalEndPoint).Address.GetAddressBytes();
private void OnConnect(IAsyncResult ar)
ns = new NetworkStream(client.Client);
ns.BeginRead(buffer, 0, 2048, new AsyncCallback(OnRead), null);
while (_msgQ.Count > 0)
byte[] message = _msgQ.Dequeue();
ns.Write(message, 0, message.Length);
dev.dvDevice._connected = true;
catch (Exception ex)
internal void Disconnect()
dev.dvDevice._connected = false;
catch (Exception ex)
internal void Write(byte[] message)
if ((!client.Connected) || ns == null)
ns.Write(message, 0, message.Length);
private void OnWrite(IAsyncResult ar)
catch (Exception ex)
private void OnRead(IAsyncResult ar)
int recv = ns.EndRead(ar);
byte[] message = new byte[recv];
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, message, 0, recv);
ns.BeginRead(buffer, 0, 2048, new AsyncCallback(OnRead), null);
catch (Exception ex)
Device is the class which is exposed to the client. It contains a MessageHandler (_mh) class which does all the parsing. Device contains the public event which is called by the MessageHandler on specific responses. Hopefully this helps in what I have so far; I'd prefer not having to rewrite too much, but to make it right (and work properly), I will if I must.
EDIT (2):
My goal for this library is that the user should not at all have to manage any of the threads - so when an event is raised, say "ReceiveString", the user should just be able to act on it without any thought.
EDIT (3):
More code for completeness.
public delegate void OnStringEvent(byte[] str);
public class Device
internal struct _device
// other stuff too, but here's what's important
public bool _connected;
public bool _online;
public MessageHandler _mh;
public Network _net;
public event OnStringEvent OnString;
internal void ReceiveString(byte[] str)
internal _device dvDevice;
public Device(int device_number, int system_number)
dvDevice = new _device(device_number, system_number);
dvDevice._mh = new MessageHandler(this);
dvDevice._net = new Network(this);
internal class MessageHandler
private Device dev;
public MessageHandler(Device d)
dev = d;
public void Parse(byte[] message)
// The code goes through the message and does what it needs to
// and determines what to do next - sometimes write back or something else
// Eventually if it receives a specific command, it will do this:
dev.ReceiveString(ParseMessage(ref _reader));

Do youself a favor and rely on TPL to do the synchronization lifting for you. Example:
NetworkStream stream = MySocket.NetworkStream;
// creat a Task<int> returning the number of bytes read based on the Async patterned Begin- and EndRead methods of the Stream
Task<int> task = Task<int>.Factory.FromAsync(
fs.BeginRead, fs.EndRead, data, 0, data.Length, null);
// Add the continuation, which returns a Task<string>.
return task.ContinueWith((task) =>
if (task.IsFaulted)
ExceptionTextBox.Text = task.Exception.Message;
ResultTextBox.Text = string.Format("Read {0} bytes into data", task.Result);
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());

I like #Polity's answer, being an Rx fan I would say use Rx (Reactive Extensions)
//we convert a typical begin/end (IAsyncPattern) into an observable sequence
//it returns a Func -read() that takes a byte, two ints and returns one.
var read = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<byte[], int, int, int>
(networkStream.BeginRead, networkStream.EndRead)
// Now, you can get an IObservable instead of an IAsyncResult when calling it.
byte[] someBytes = new byte[10];
IObservable<int> observable = read(someBytes, 0, 10);
//x will be the returned int. You can touch UI from here.
Based on your code I can see that another thread calls the OnString event, then I assume when you subcribe to it, you're just adding the string into the listbox.
device.OnString += new OnStringEvent(device_onstring);
void device_onstring(byte[] str)
listStrings.Items.Add(...);//this is wrong, will give cross thread op error.
//you do this:
this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
//or anything else that touches UI
// this should refer to a form or control.

You can handle this in 2 places depending on your design. If the event is raised from a different thread you can handle it in the event handler by checking the .invokeReqeuired property of the form( or other control) handling the event. If it returns true you should use the .beginInvoke method to marshal the call to the proper thread.
Depending on your design you can handle it from the other end by passing your component an instance of the form you want to marshal to. Before you raise the event, check .invokeRequired and marshal the call so that the event is raised in the proper thread. This way the code using your library doesn't have to worry about threads, but it required that your library have a reference to

This should be a pretty easy problem to solve: you just need to execute any code in your form that updates controls using Invoke.
The precise implementation will depend on how the async code is calling back into your form. If you add that code to your question, we can provide a more complete answer.


C# How to make a TCP server raise an event/callback when there is new data from the client

So basically I want my server to raise an event (or a callback) when a connected client sends data. I can't come up with a solution to this problem and can't find anything online after days of searching.
What I've thought of was making an asynchronous foreach loop that looped through all the connected users, and check if there is any data to be read on each one (using TcpClient.Avaliable, but a network stream could also check this) but an infinite loop like this without any stop would be bad practice and use an insane amount of resources (from what I understand at least, I am new to threading and networking).
There is logic I need to be executed whenever the server gets data from a client (in this case a message, because it's a chat application), basically broadcast it to every other user, but I just can't find out how to detect if any user has sent data so that it raises an event to broadcast the message, log the message, etc...
Please be "soft" with the explanations as I am new to threading/networking and ty in advance.
As per request here is my code, take note that it is prototype-y and a bit unfinished, but I'm sure it gets the point across:
public List<User> ConnectedUsers { get; private set; } = new List<User>();
public TcpListener listener { get; set; }
public bool IsListeningForConnections { get; set; }
public int DisconnectionCheckInterval { get; set; } //in seconds
public event EventHandler<ServerEventArgs> UserConnected;
public event EventHandler<ServerEventArgs> MessageReceived;
public NetworkManager()
listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""), 6000); //binds // TODO: Change to: user input / prop file
DisconnectionCheckInterval = 10;
IsListeningForConnections = false;
public async void StartListeningForConnections()
IsListeningForConnections = true;
while (IsListeningForConnections)
User newUser = new User();
newUser.TcpClient = await listener.AcceptTcpClientAsync();
OnUserConnected(newUser); // raises/triggers the event
public void StartListeningForDisconnections()
System.Timers.Timer disconnectionIntervalTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(DisconnectionCheckInterval * 1000);
//TODO: setup event
//disconnectionIntervalTimer.Elasped += ;
disconnectionIntervalTimer.AutoReset = true;
disconnectionIntervalTimer.Enabled = true;
public async void StartListeningForData()
public async void SendData(string data, TcpClient recipient)
byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
NetworkStream stream = recipient.GetStream();
await stream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); //await
Array.Clear(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
catch { } //TODO: handle exception when message couldn't be sent (user disconnected)
public string ReceiveData(TcpClient sender)
NetworkStream stream = sender.GetStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer).Trim('\0');
return null; //TODO: handle exception when message couldn't be read (user disconnected)
protected virtual void OnUserConnected(User user)
UserConnected?.Invoke(this, new ServerEventArgs() { User = user });
protected virtual void OnMessageReceived(User user, Message message) //needs trigger
MessageReceived?.Invoke(this, new ServerEventArgs() { User = user, Message = message });
basically a different class will call all the 3 classes that start with "StartListeningForX", then one of the 3 corresponding events are raised when one of the checks goes through (disconnection/connection/new message), and process that data, I just can't get my hands on how to call an event when a new message arrives for each user.
What I've thought of was making an asynchronous foreach loop that looped through all the connected users, and check if there is any data to be read on each one (using TcpClient.Avaliable, but a network stream could also check this) but an infinite loop like this without any stop would be bad practice and use an insane amount of resources
The standard practice is to have an "infinite" loop for each connected client, so that there is always a read going on every socket. I put "infinite" in quotes because it will actually eventually stop; either by reading 0 bytes (indicating end of stream) or by receiving an exception (indicating a broken connection).
I am new to threading/networking
It's funny how often I see developers trying to learn networking and threading at the same time. Let me be clear: threading and TCP/IP sockets are both extremely complicated and take quite a bit of time to learn all the sharp corners. Trying to learn both of these topics at once is insane. I strongly recommend choosing one of them to learn about (I'd recommend threading first), and only after that one is mastered, proceed to the other.
If you have access to the client side code, I'd consider using something like RabbitMQ, or a similar queue service. This allows to link the different apps together through a message broker or queue, and get messages/events real time.
There are functions you can call on event received.

Asynchronous NetworkStream continuous reading design pattern

I'm trying to convert a class which uses multiple threads to use overlapping I/O. It's almost working, but it seems to randomly hit a threading issue, and I'm not sure why.
Too much code to post directly, but here's the basic pattern. The goal is to sit there reading data off the connection until the connection get disposed, so when each EndRead() completes, it should start a new BeginRead().
public enum State
private int state;
private IAsyncResult asyncResult;
private byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4096];
private System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream stream;
public void Connect(System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client, string host, int port)
client.Connect(host, port); = client.GetStream();
private bool SetState(State expectedState, State newState)
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.state, (int)newState, (int)expectedState) == expectedState;
public void BeginRead()
while (true)
if (!SetState(State.Idle, State.BeforeRead))
IAsyncResult async;
async = stream.BeginRead(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length, x => EndRead(true), null);
if (async == null)
SetState(State.BeforeRead, State.PendingRead);
lock (this)
this.asyncResult = async;
if (async.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(0))
catch { this.state = State.Died; }
private void EndRead(bool asynchronousCallback)
if (!SetState(State.PendingRead, State.FinishingRead))
IAsyncResult async;
lock (this)
async = this.asyncResult;
this.asyncResult = null;
if (async == null)
int bytesRead = stream.EndRead(async);
HandleData(bytesRead, readBuffer);
SetState(State.FinishingRead, State.Idle);
if (asynchronousCallback)
catch { this.state = State.Died; }
Most of the time it works, but occasionally it does one of several things:
Stops receiving messages
Throws an exception that I the asyncResult has already been handled: "EndReceive can only be called once for each asynchronous operation".
I should also mention that there is synchronous writing going on from another thread (stream.Write, not stream.BeginWrite). I think reading and writing should be independent of each other, so it shouldn't affect the behavior.
Is my design fundamentally flawed? This is a stripped down example, so it's possible the stuff I stripped out could be causing the problem, but I need to know if my basic design is valid or not. What is the proper way to chain read asynchronously?
(And in case the suggestion is to use async/await, this code needs to run on Windows XP, so that's not an option.)
You have a race condition:
IAsyncResult async;
async = stream.BeginRead(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length, x => EndRead(true), null);
/* Race condition here */
if (async == null)
SetState(State.BeforeRead, State.PendingRead);
lock (this)
this.asyncResult = async;
Your EndRead can execute before the SetState and/or before the this.asyncResult = async executes. You cannot do this. The state must be set before the BeginRead is issued, and reset in case of failure. Do not retain and use a member asyncResult, but instead pass the callback to BeginRead and get the async result on the callback:
SetState(State.BeforeRead, State.PendingRead);
stream.BeginRead(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length, EndRead);
private void EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
int bytesRead = stream.EndRead(asyncResult);

Effective ways for asynchronous game server implementation on C#

I've been developing pet project - framework for MMO servers. Just for skills improvement. There are a lot of tutorials but usually its doesn't contain details.
Using async/await.
async void StartReceive()
while (mTcpClient.Connected)
var stream = mTcpClient.GetStream();
//read header
byte[] headerBuffer = new byte[sizeof(int)];
int read = 0;
while (read < sizeof(int))
read += await stream.ReadAsync(headerBuffer, 0, sizeof(int) - read).ConfigureAwait(false);
//read body
read = 0;
int messageSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(headerBuffer, 0);
byte[] messageBuffer = new byte[messageSize];
while (read < messageSize)
read += await stream.ReadAsync(messageBuffer, read, messageSize - read).ConfigureAwait(false);
//parse and proccess message
catch (Exception ex)
async void ProcessMessage(byte[] buffer)
var message = await ParseMessageAsync(buffer).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (OnReceived != null)
OnReceived(this, message);
Task<IMessage> ParseMessageAsync(byte[] buffer)
return Task<IMessage>.Factory.StartNew(() =>
var header = MessageHeader.Parser.ParseFrom(buffer);
return MessagingReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[header.Type].Parser.ParseFrom(header.Data);
If my understanding correct, two methods will be generated and called in unknown thread from the pool. The first method includes "read body" and "parse and proccess" parts, the second - "parse and proccess".
It means that when the reading of sizeof(int) is ended, some thread will be free and some other thread will be runned to proceed reading.
Is it better to proceed reading of message body synchronously in
thread where result of reading header was done? (I mean using
synchronous read for body, after asynchronous read for header). In my
case messages should be quite simple and compact. But it's
interesting for any cases.
ProcessMessage runs task which awaiting for Google.Protobuf parsing. Then the OnReceived delegate will be invoked. If a handler are doing some heavy work, the client can disconnect from host. What ways are there for correctly stopping tasks if client was disconnected?
I have two delegates - OnReceived and OnDisconnected. The first called when full message buffer received, the second is called when exception was thrown in StartReceived(). This delegates assined in the same time, but in the catch block the OnDisconnected is always equal to null! I can't understand why (the OnReceived is still not null in this case, but OnDisconnect is gone!). Can someone explain why it's happening?
(Assigning delegates example)
public class ServerTest
List<Client> mClients = new List<Client>();
ConectionService mConnectionService = new ConectionService(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5555));
public ServerTest()
mConnectionService.OnClientConnected += OnClientConnected;
public void OnClientConnected(Client client)
client.OnDisconnected += OnDisconnected;
client.OnReceived += OnDataReceived;
public void OnDisconnected(Client client)
Console.WriteLine("Server: client disconnected");
public void OnDataReceived(Client client, IMessage message)
var res = new LoginResponce() { Status = true };
client.SendMessage(LoginResponce.Descriptor, res);

SocketAsyncEventArgs.UserToken not being updated?

I currently have a client-server application that involves a Silverlight client and a .NET server. The .NET portion uses the Tcp classes provided in System.Net.Sockets namespace whereas the Silverlight client uses raw sockets. I'm porting into this from code that currently uses the HttpListener classes because it doesn't suit my needs. The Http classes, though, have on the SL side the ability to use Begin* and End* style asynchronous methods that allow me to specify a handler once the operation has completed. I'm having trouble getting this to work with the new system. My current strategy is to include the handler as part of the UserToken. However, it seems that this token is not getting updated.
Here is some redacted code. I am able to get the two sides to talk to each other, but it seems the correct UserToken is not being sent.
public class ClientUserToken
public Handler Handler { get; set; }
public string Test { get; set; }
public ClientUserToken(Handler handler, string test)
Handler = handler;
Test = test;
public class SocketClient
private Socket _clientSocket;
private string _ipAddress;
private int _port;
private void OpenSocket()
var endPoint = new DnsEndPoint(_ipAddress, _port);
SocketAsyncEventArgs args = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
args.UserToken = new ClientUserToken(null, "foo");
args.RemoteEndPoint = endPoint;
args.Completed += OnSocketCompleted;
_clientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
void OnSocketCompleted(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
switch (e.LastOperation)
case SocketAsyncOperation.Connect: ProcessConnect(e); break;
case SocketAsyncOperation.Receive: ProcessReceive(e); break;
case SocketAsyncOperation.Send: ProcessSend(e); break; // this never gets called
void ProcessConnect(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
byte[] response = new byte[1024];
e.SetBuffer(response, 0, response.Length);
void ProcessReceive(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success && e.BytesTransferred > 0)
var userToken = e.UserToken as ClientUserToken; // this token is always the one set in ProcessConnect
// process the data
if (!_clientSocket.ReceiveAsync(e))
// this is never called, for some reason
void ProcessSend(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
var userToken = e.UserToken as ClientUserToken;
if (!_clientSocket.ReceiveAsync(e))
// this is the public API that users use to actually send data across
public void SendToServer(byte[] data, int len, Handler handler)
SocketAsyncEventArgs args = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
args.UserToken = new ClientUserToken(handler, "bar");
args.SetBuffer(data, 0, len);
if (!_clientSocket.SendAsync(args))
As the comments above suggest, in ProcessReceive, userToken.Test is always "foo" and userToken.Handler is always null.
I have so far not been able to break into ProcessSend so I can't see what SocketAsyncEventArgs it actually sent. Anyone have a clue why this event isn't firing (Completed after a Send)? Am I screwing up my SendToServer function?
I realize there may be other existing problems with synchronization and such, but I don't think that's the issue here. One thing I did try was setting up a ManualResetEvent to ensure that no one sends data to the server before the connection has been completed (ProcessConnect) but that did not solve the issue, either.
Any help will be appreciated!
EDIT: So the reason this is happening is because when I call ReceiveAsync in the ProcessConnect function, it is being used when the server is sending back the response for my data. Hence, UserToken "foo" is present in the handler. The next time the server sends data, the ReceiveAsync uses the args with the UserToken "bar". So it is kind of out of sync, for the duplex communication bit. I can't ensure that the SocketAsyncEventArgs that I sent from the client-side is the same one that is used on the response. It seems like the only solution is to have the SL client open two sockets--one for server-initiated data and the other for client-initiated requests. However, this means I'm not taking advantage of the duplex nature.
This model won't work because I'm creating a new SocketAsyncEventArgs on each send, which means that the data can come back on any of these args. I've been moving towards a model with a pool of SocketAsyncEventArgs and each client can only have one request/response at a time.

How to connect to modems with tcp clients, in multiple port or other way?

I have around 5000 modem (thin clients), and I want to communicate with them, one of a my method is like this : string GetModemData(modemID), now I have an open port in server that listens to modem and I'm using socket programming to send data to modems (calling related function), but when i want send data to multiple modem in a same time and get response from them, I don't know what should i do? I can send data to one modem and waiting for its response and then send another data to other modems (sequential), but the problem is client should be wait long time to get answer(may be some different client want to get some information from modems so they all will be wait into the Q or something like this), I think one way to solving this problem is to use multiple port and listen for each modem to related port, but it takes too many ports and also may be memory usage going up and exceed my available memory space, so some lost may be occurred (is this true?). what should to do ? I'd thinking about Parallelism, but i think its not related i should to wait for one port, because i don't know should to pass current received data to which client. I'm using
currently I'm doing like this:
private void StartListener()
ModemTcpListener = new TcpListener(ModemPort);
//ClientTcpListener = new TcpListener(ClientPort);
ModemTcpListener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(new AsyncCallback(DoAcceptModemCallback), ModemTcpListener);
and in return
private void DoReadModemCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
bool bRet = ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(420000);
Modem modem = ar.AsyncState as Modem;
if (!bRet || modem == null)
// now send data to which client?????? if i'm going to use async????
and :
private void DoAcceptModemCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
ModemTcpListener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(new AsyncCallback(DoAcceptModemCallback), ModemTcpListener);
TcpClient tcpClient = ModemTcpListener.EndAcceptTcpClient(ar);
Modem modem= new Modem(tcpClient, "");
tcpClient.GetStream().BeginRead(modem.Buffer, 0, tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize, new AsyncCallback(DoReadModemCallback), modem);
ModemTcpListener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(new AsyncCallback(DoAcceptModemCallback), ModemTcpListener);
Log.Write("a Modem connect ...");
catch (Exception ex)
Heres an example keeping track of all your clients. I've compacted it for readability. You should really split it up into multiple classes.
I'm using Pool (which I just created and commited) and SimpleServer. Both classes are part of a library that I'm currently building (but far from done).
Don't be afraid of having 5000 sockets open, they do not consume much resources when you are using asynchronous operations.
public class SuperServer
private List<ClientContext> _clients = new List<ClientContext>();
private SimpleServer _server;
private Pool<byte[]> _bufferPool;
public SuperServer()
// Create a buffer pool to be able to reuse buffers
// since your clients will most likely connect and disconnect
// often.
// The pool takes a anonymous function which should return a new buffer.
_bufferPool = new Pool<byte[]>(() => new byte[65535]);
public void Start(IPEndPoint listenAddress)
_server = new SimpleServer(listenAddress, OnAcceptedSocket);
// Allow five connections to be queued (to be accepted)
// you should handle exceptions for the BeginSend
// and remove the client accordingly.
public void SendToAll(byte[] info)
lock (_clients)
foreach (var client in _clients)
client.Socket.BeginSend(info, 0, info.Length, SocketFlags.None, null, null);
// Server have accepted a new client.
private void OnAcceptedSocket(Socket socket)
var context = new ClientContext();
context.Inbuffer = _bufferPool.Dequeue();
context.Socket = socket;
lock (_clients)
// this method will eat very few resources and
// there should be no problem having 5000 waiting sockets.
context.Socket.BeginReceive(context.Inbuffer, 0, context.Inbuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, OnRead,
//Woho! You have received data from one of the clients.
private void OnRead(IAsyncResult ar)
var context = (ClientContext) ar.AsyncState;
var bytesRead = context.Socket.EndReceive(ar);
if (bytesRead == 0)
// process context.Inbuffer here.
catch (Exception err)
//log exception here.
// use a new try/catch to make sure that we start
// read again event if processing of last bytes failed.
context.Socket.BeginReceive(context.Inbuffer, 0, context.Inbuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, OnRead,
catch (Exception err)
//log exception here.
// A client have disconnected.
private void HandleClientDisconnection(ClientContext context)
lock (_clients)
catch(Exception err)
//log exception
// One of your modems
// add your own state info.
private class ClientContext
public byte[] Inbuffer;
public Socket Socket;
Used classes:
You need to use the asynchronous tcp/ip methods. This article shows how:
The critical piece is the BeginReceive() and related callback functions. Any more q's, please leave comments to this answer ;) BEST OF LUCK!
You need multi threading, whenever a client establishes a connection to the server start a new thread for it and start communication send/receive.
Here are some articles explaining multithreading in c#,
And here's a sample server application with multithreading,

