How to add string to an array list in c# - c#

I have a list and a string
var Resnames= new List<string>();
string name = "something";
I want to append string to it like
Resnames += name;
How can I do it

Since you are using List (not a legacy fixed-size array) you able to use List.Add() method:
If you want to add an item after the instantiation of a list instance you can use object initialization (since C# 3.0):
var resourceNames = new List<string> { "something", "onemore" };
Also you might find useful List.AddRange() method as well
var resourceNames = new List<string>();
var otherNames = new List<string>();

Just as simple as that:
BTW: VisualStudio is your friend! By typing a . after Resnames it would have helped you.

try adding the string to array list like this,
var Resnames= new List<string>();
string name = "something";
foreach (var item in Resnames)

Add String to List this way:
var ListName = new List<string>();
string StringName = "YourStringValue";


Get all class name icon from fontawesome

I'd like to get all class name icon from fontawesome to list or array in c# from fontawesome.
I'd like to get all variants icon for example:
fas fa-abacus
far fa-abacus
fal fa-abacus
I tried to extract it from the css file, but it only gets the icon names themselves without prefixes.
var text = File.ReadAllText(#"fontawesome\all.css");
var allMatches = Regex.Matches(text, #"^\.fa\-(.*):", RegexOptions.Multiline);
Thank's for help.
public List<string> ListOfFontAwesomeIcons(string FilePath)
List<string> response = new List<string>();
List<string> fontAwesomePrefixes = new { "fas", "far" /*manually add all prefixes*/ }
var textLines = File.ReadAllLines($"{FilePath}");
foreach(string l in textLines)
foreach(string p in fontAwesomePrefixes)
response.Add(l.Replace($"{p} "));
return response;
I ran this in C# 9, VS2019 just based off of feeding it a test string, and it worked for me. I double-checked for fa- in the result list to make sure I excluded all of the other results.
Also, I just converted to List of strings for display. You don't really need to do that, depending on what you're doing with your results.
EDIT: Code updated to reflect FA's .css file available on their website, not the format of the string I was using earlier.
Replace the path in the first line with whatever reflects your project. Note that there are faster methods than ReadAllText, but it should be fine for this.
string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("./wwwroot/css/all.css");
var allMatches = Regex.Matches(text, "(?<=[.]).*?(fa-)?.*?(?=[:])", RegexOptions.None);
List<string> allMatchesStrings = new();
foreach (var item in allMatches)
if (item.ToString().Contains("fa-"))
foreach (var item in allMatchesStrings)

How can I only store the second part of a string in a list?

I have a list Textlist1 that contains only strings. Each item in the list begins with the same text: "sentence.text.", but I only want to store the second part of the string in another list, I don't want to store the first part "sentence.text." in the list Textlist2.
For example:
List<string> Textlist1 = new List<string>();
List<string> Textlist2 = new List<string>();
The full strings are stored in Textlist1.
Textlist1[0] = "sentence.text.My name is Fred"
Textlist1[1] = "sentence.text.Jenny is my sister"
How can I only add "My name is Fred" and "Jenny is my sister" to Textlist2?
The result should be like this:
Textlist2[0] = "My name is Fred"
Textlist2[1] = "Jenny is my sister"
See online result:
List<string> Textlist1 = new List<string>() {
"sentence.text.My name is Fred",
"sentence.text.Jenny is my sister"
List<string> Textlist2 = new List<string>();
Textlist2 = Textlist1.Select(item => item.Split('.')[2]).ToList();
You can use Linq. (You need do add using System.Linq)
Textlist2= Textlist1
.Select(i=> i.Substring("sentence.text.".Length))
Split the input strings by the periods, limiting the split to 3. Then take the last entry from the array that split produces.
Textlist2[0] = Textlist1[0].Split('.', 3)[2];
Textlist2[1] = Textlist1[1].Split('.', 3)[2];
You could use Regex.Replace the text.
var regex = new Regex("^sentence.text.",RegexOptions.Compiled);
The "^" in Regex ensure the required text ("sentence.text") is matched only at the beginning of string and not else where.
Sample Input
Sample Output
List<string> Textlist1 = new List<string>
string prefix = "sentence.text.";
List<string> Textlist2 = Textlist1.Select(x => x.Substring(prefix.Length)).ToList();
There are ultimately many ways of doing this, this is just one solution. Which approach you choose depends on how complex the pattern replacement is. I've gone with a simplistic approach as your example is a very simple case.

Combining Lists using Concat

I have some code that's main purpose is to combine multiple like lists into one master list to return with the View.
ActivityAuditDetails searchParams = new ActivityAuditDetails();
ActivityAuditDetails finalResults = new ActivityAuditDetails();
List<string> finalChangedColumns = new List<string>();
List<string> finalOldValues = new List<string>();
List<string> finalNewValues = new List<string>();
string finalAuditAction = string.Empty;
List<int> auditKeys = AuditIdentityId.Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToList();
string url = "/Audit/GetActivityAuditDetails";
foreach (int auditKey in auditKeys)
searchParams.AuditIdentityId = auditKey;
finalAuditAction = result.AuditAction;
finalResults.ChangedColumns = finalChangedColumns;
finalResults.AuditAction = finalAuditAction;
finalResults.OldValues = finalOldValues;
finalResults.NewValues = finalNewValues;
catch (Exception e)
return View(finalResults);
I can see that the result object is populated as it should be in the debugger. I thought the Concat method would work to combine the lists, but my final values in the foreach loop never get update\incremented ( the list count remains zero ).
Is there another way to accomplish this, or am I having a morning brain fart? My question was not about the differences, as I was aware of them. I just had a momentary lapse of reason.
You likely want to use AddRange rather than Concat.
The former adds the data directly to the List. The latter concatenates data into a new IEnumerable.
But because you are not assigning the result of Concat to anything (i.e. var g = finalChangedColumns.Concat(result.ChangedColumns);) your Concat calls do effectively nothing.
List<T>.AddRange(IEnumerable<T> collection) (link to info) probably does what you're looking for, right?
Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the List.
From documentation:
string[] input = { "Brachiosaurus",
"Mamenchisaurus" };
List<string> dinosaurs = new List<string>();
//The list now contains all dinosaurs from the input string array

How to append a string in front of all elements in any List<string> in C#

Is there any way I can insert a prefix string "/directory/" in front of all elements in the list ["file1.json", "file2.json"]?
Result I'm looking for would be ["/directory/file1.json", "/directory/file2.json"].
You could use the linq extension method: Select()
List<string> myList = new List<string> { "file1.JSON", "file2.JSON" };
var directory = "/directory";
myList = myList.Select(filename => Path.Combine(directory, filename)).ToList();
This will execute the Path.Combine(directory, filename) foreach item in the list. I'm using the Path.Combine method, because thats the best way to concat directories/filenames, because it should be platform independend.
Try this :
List<string> yourlist = new List<string> { "file1.JSON", "file2.JSON" };
var directory = "/directory/";
yourlist = yourlist.Select(f => string.Concat(directory,f)).ToList();
All the answers using Select are actually creating a new list if you really want to change the values in the existing list then just use a for loop
for(int i = 0; i < fileList.Count; i++)
fileList[i] = #"/directory/" + fileList[i];
You can use the extension method Enumerable.Select. There are two ways of calling Select:
Method syntax
var originalList = new List<string> { "file1.json", "file2.json" };
var list = originalList.Select(e => "/directory/" + e);
Query syntax
var originalList = new List<string> { "file1.json", "file2.json" };
var list = from e in originalList select "/directory/" + e;
Both are the same.
You can use like the following, Which will give you a List as per your requirement:
string stringToappend=#"/Directory/";
List<string> JsonList= new List<string> (){"file1.JSON","file2.JSON"};
var AppendedLis=JsonList.Select(x=> Path.Combine(stringToappend, x)).ToList();
Note :- The LINQ Extension method .Select help you to do this operation, Which will internally iterate through each element in the collection and append the required string with each item and Gives you the List as per your requirements

Check same elements in two lists

I have a List and a ListItemCollection and want to check if there have the same elements.
First, I fill the ListItemCollection with Text and Value. (After a SQL Select)
ListItemCollection tempListName = new ListItemCollection();
ListItem temp_ListItem;
if (reader.HasRows)
while (reader.Read())
temp_ListItem = new ListItem(reader[1].ToString(), reader[0].ToString());
and I have the List
List<string> tempList = new List<string>(ProfileArray);
with some values like {"1","4","5","7"}
now, I want to check, if the tempList have maybe some elements with the same value in tempListName and read the text from the value adn write it in a new list.
Note: Im using 2.0.
List.FindAll was already available in C# 2.0:
List<string> newList = tempList.FindAll(s => tempListName.FindByText(s) != null);
Use the FindByText method to search the collection for a ListItem with
a Text property that equals text specified by the text parameter. This
method performs a case-sensitive and culture-insensitive comparison.
This method does not do partial searches or wildcard searches. If an
item is not found in the collection using this criteria, null is
Real simple solution that you can customize and optimize as per your needs.
List<string> names = new List<string>(); // This will hold text for matched items found
foreach (ListItem item in tempListName)
foreach (string value in tempList)
if (value == item.Value)
So, for a real simple example, consider something like this:
List<string> tempTextList = new List<string>();
while (reader.Read())
string val = reader[0].ToString(),
text = reader[1].ToString();
if (tempList.Contains(val)) { tempTextList.Add(text); }
temp_ListItem = new ListItem(text, val);
Now, just having a listing of the text values doesn't do you much good, so let's improve that a little:
Dictionary<string, string> tempTextList = new Dictionary<string, string>();
while (reader.Read())
string val = reader[0].ToString(),
text = reader[1].ToString();
if (tempList.Contains(val)) { tempTextList.Add(val, text); }
temp_ListItem = new ListItem(text, val);
Now you can actually find the text for a specific value from the dictionary. You might even want to declare that Dictionary<string, string> in a higher scope and use it elsewhere. If you were to declare it at a higher scope, you'd just change one line, this:
Dictionary<string, string> tempTextList = new Dictionary<string, string>();
to this:
tempTextList = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var resultList = new List<string>();
foreach (string listItem in tempList)
foreach (ListItem listNameItem in tempListName)
if (listNameItem.Value.Equals(listItem))

