Multithreaded Worker Pattern - c#

I'm not sure about the exact name of that pattern (code sample), but I'm sure it exists.
I have a class which works as a client and connects to the server.
I would like to run it in multithreaded. But here is the trick.
I want to keep track of the time it takes to complete whole process operation per thread.
And if operation time is in the specified bound, then more threads should be started and so on
until there too much threads and speed goes lower.
Am I clear?
Please advise...

You can't make an individual request complete faster by adding more threads.
Also, if all your requests are to the same server, you may actually slow down the server by making multiple concurrent requests. Quite apart from other considerations like hitting the maximum number of concurrent connections.
So, it's more complex than just "run it in multithreaded"!

The key to patterns is it's not about just one.
It sounds like you want a TaskListener that listens for taskStarted and taskFinished events, which may use a TaskProfiler which will determine if that Task completed in an appropriate amount of time. (It may also want to Visit the Task to ascertain more details about it, if your thresholds are not uniform for all tasks)
From there it sounds like you then want a TaskExecutor which will notify the TaskListener when it starts and finishes a particular task.
The TaskExecutor might make available increaseWorkerPool and decreaseWorkerPool methods which can be adjusted by a TaskAdministrator which receives feedback from the profiler/listener.
This is mostly demonstrative, you might just want to pass the task completion time as part of a single, taskComplete(Task task, long millis) method.
All of that having been said, "spawn threads until it doesn't work very good" isn't the most heuristic of load balancing techniques...


How can I verify that my async/await is using I/O completion port?

I am currently converting a database stored procedure call to be asynchronous, leveraging async/await. Similar to the method described here.
Based on this answer, I'd like to verify that asynchronous call is actually using I/O completion ports. If it's ultimately waiting on another thread from the ThreadPool, then it is effectively defeating the purpose of converting the call.
What is the best way to verify that an I/O completion port is being used and it's not simply blocking on another thread?
Invoke WAITFOR DELAY '1:00:00' 1000 times in parallel. If far less than 1000 threads are being used, you are getting threadless IO. You should see a few dozens (which includes lots of utility threads started by runtimes and frameworks).
You can also break with the debugger and make sure that no thread is currently waiting for IO. You can tell from the stack trace. This works with any existing application.
I would create some perfmon counters and update them in the thread pool threads. Then you can watch the app being used, and see how many threads are in-use at any given time, which in turn might help you tune the number. You could also log the time each thread took, and count that too so you can see the average wait time, this would help you determine if they were getting blocked, though I think the number of threads would show that too - in that you'd see several complete at once if they were waiting on each other. Depends on the work you're doing.
I did this years ago for a web app, it was very informative to performance tuning the app.

Design thoughts required about concurrent processing

I have a series of calculations that need to be processed - the calculations and the order they run are all defined by the user on the UI.
If they just ran one after each other, it wouldn't be too hard. However, some of the calculations need to be processed concurrently and all calculations must have the ability to be individually paused at any time. I also need to be able to re-arrange orders or add new calculations to be processed at any time. So whatever I do must be flexible enough to handle this.
On the UI, imagine a listbox (a queue, if you like) of usercontrols - with each usercontrol displaying the name of the calculation and a pause button. And I can add calculations to this list at any time during processing.
What is the best way to do this?
Should I be running each calculation in its own thread? If so, how should I store the list of running processes? How will I pass the queue to the calculation processor? How will I be able to ensure that every time the queue changes (new ordering or new calculation) the calculation processor will be made aware of this?
My initial thoughts were to have:
CalcProcessor class
CalcCalculation class
In CalcProcessor have 2 Lists of CalcCalculations. One being the "queue" as shown on the UI (perhaps a pointer to it? Or some other way to ensure it updates live), and the other being the list of currently running calculations.
Somehow I need to get the CalcCalculation to be running in its own thread to process the calculation, and be able to handle any pause events. So I need some way to transmit the info of the Pause button being pressed in the UI to the CalcProcessor object, and then into the correct CalcCalculation.
Edit in response to David Hope:
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, there are n calculations but this could change at any time due to being able to add more calculations to process on the UI.
They do not need to share data in anyway. There will be a setting in the application to specify how many should run concurrently (ie. 10 at any given time, the first 10 in the queue for example - and when 1 finishes the next calculation in the queue will start processing).
The calculation will involve taking data from some data source - it could be a database or a file, and analysing it and performing some calculations on that data. When I say the calculation needs to be paused, I don't mean pausing the thread... I just mean (for example, as I haven't written this part of the application yet) if it is reading row by row from a database and doing some live calculations pausing at the completion of processing the current row... and continuing on when the pause button is unclicked on the UI - which could be done with something as primitive as a while(notPaused) loop providing I can get the Pause information from the UI into the thread.
There are several questions here:
How to synchronize the UI and the model?
I think you got this one backwards. Your model shouldn't have a “pointer” to the queue you're showing in the UI. Instead, the queue should be in your model and you should use databinding together with INotifyPropertyChange and ObservableCollection to show the queue on the UI. (At least that's how it's done in WPF.)
This way, you can manipulate your queue directly from your model, and it will automatically show on the UI.
How to start and monitor calculations?
I think Tasks are ideal for this. You can start a Task using Task.Factory.StartNew(). Since it seems your Tasks will take long to execute, you might consider using TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning. You can also use the Task to find out when is the calculation complete (or if it failed with an exception).
How to pause running calculations?
You can use ManualReserEventSlim for that. Normally, it would be set, but if you wanted to pause a running Task, you would Reset() it. The calculation will need to periodically call Wait() on that event. It's not possible to reasonably pause a running thread without cooperation from the calculation on that thread.
If you were using C# 5.0, a better approach would be to use something like PauseToken.
In Framework 4.5, the answer here is the Async API, which removes the need to manage threads. For details, look at the async/await keywords.
From a broader perspective, a "CalcProcessor" class is a good idea, but I think the Task object will suffice to replace your "CalcCalculation" class. The Processor can simply have an Enumerable of Tasks. The Processor can expose methods for managing the queue, if needed, as well as returning information about its status. When your application finally reaches a state where it must have the results, you can use the AwaitAll method to block the CalcProcessor's thread until all of the tasks complete.
Without more information about the actual goal here, it's hard to give better advice.
You can use Observer Pattern to display results on UI and order changes back in to Processor. State and Command patterns will help you to start, pause, cancel the calculations. These patterns have great answers to your questions in design way. Concurrency is still a problem, they do not answer multi-threading problems but they open an easier road to manage threads.
I suggest that you haven't broken the problem down far enough, which is the reason you are frustrated.
You need to start small and build up from there. You mention, but don't define your actual requirements, but they seem to be...
Need to be able to run ?N? calculations
Some need to be run concurrently (does this imply that they share data, if so how are you going to share the data)
Must be able to pause the calculation (don't use Thread.Suspend, as it potentially leaves a thread in an unstable state, particularly bad if you are sharing data), so you will need to build pause points into each calculation. Also need to consider how you are going to communicate the pause/unpause to the calculation
As far as methods, there are several to consider...
Threads are an obvious choice, but require careful tending too (starting, pausing, stopping, etc...)
You could also use BackGroundWorker or possibly Parallel.ForEach
BackGroundWorker contains the framework for cancelling the worker and providing progress (which can be useful).
My recommendation to start would be to go with BackGroundWorker, potentially subclass it to add the Pause/Resume functionality you need. Determine how you are going to manage data sharing (at least use lock to protect against simultaneous access).
You may find BackGroundWorker too restrictive and need to go with Threads, but I'm usually able to avoid it.
If you post more clear requirements, or samples of what you've tried and didn't work, I'll be happy to help more.
For queue you can use heap data structure (priority queue). This will help prioritize yours tasks. Also you should use Thread Pool for effectively calculations. And try to split you tasks to little parts.

C# ThreadPool Implementation / Performance Spikes

In an attempt to speed up processing of physics objects in C# I decided to change a linear update algorithm into a parallel algorithm. I believed the best approach was to use the ThreadPool as it is built for completing a queue of jobs.
When I first implemented the parallel algorithm, I queued up a job for every physics object. Keep in mind, a single job completes fairly quickly (updates forces, velocity, position, checks for collision with the old state of any surrounding objects to make it thread safe, etc). I would then wait on all jobs to be finished using a single wait handle, with an interlocked integer that I decremented each time a physics object completed (upon hitting zero, I then set the wait handle). The wait was required as the next task I needed to do involved having the objects all be updated.
The first thing I noticed was that performance was crazy. When averaged, the thread pooling seemed to be going a bit faster, but had massive spikes in performance (on the order of 10 ms per update, with random jumps to 40-60ms). I attempted to profile this using ANTS, however I could not gain any insight into why the spikes were occurring.
My next approach was to still use the ThreadPool, however instead I split all the objects into groups. I initially started with only 8 groups, as that was how any cores my computer had. The performance was great. It far outperformed the single threaded approach, and had no spikes (about 6ms per update).
The only thing I thought about was that, if one job completed before the others, there would be an idle core. Therefore, I increased the number of jobs to about 20, and even up to 500. As I expected, it dropped to 5ms.
So my questions are as follows:
Why would spikes occur when I made the job sizes quick / many?
Is there any insight into how the ThreadPool is implemented that would help me to understand how best to use it?
Using threads has a price - you need context switching, you need locking (the job queue is most probably locked when a thread tries to fetch a new job) - it all comes at a price. This price is usually small compared to the actual work your thread is doing, but if the work ends quickly, the price becomes meaningful.
Your solution seems correct. A reasonable rule of thumb is to have twice as many threads as there are cores.
As you probably expect yourself, the spikes are likely caused by the code that manages the thread pools and distributes tasks to them.
For parallel programming, there are more sophisticated approaches than "manually" distributing work across different threads (even if using the threadpool).
See Parallel Programming in the .NET Framework for instance for an overview and different options. In your case, the "solution" may be as simple as this:
Parallel.ForEach(physicObjects, physicObject => Process(physicObject));
Here's my take on your two questions:
I'd like to start with question 2 (how the thread pool works) because it actually holds the key to answering question 1. The thread pool is implemented (without going into details) as a (thread-safe) work queue and a group of worker threads (which may shrink or enlarge as needed). As the user calls QueueUserWorkItem the task is put into the work queue. The workers keep polling the queue and taking work if they are idle. Once they manage to take a task, they execute it and then return to the queue for more work (this is very important!). So the work is done by the workers on-demand: as the workers become idle they take more pieces of work to do.
Having said the above, it's simple to see what is the answer to question 1 (why did you see a performance difference with more fine-grained tasks): it's because with fine-grain you get more load-balancing (a very desirable property), i.e. your workers do more or less the same amount of work and all cores are exploited uniformly. As you said, with a coarse-grain task distribution, there may be longer and shorter tasks, so one or more cores may be lagging behind, slowing down the overall computation, while other do nothing. With small tasks the problem goes away. Each worker thread takes one small task at a time and then goes back for more. If one thread picks up a shorter task it will go to the queue more often, If it takes a longer task it will go to the queue less often, so things are balanced.
Finally, when the jobs are too fine-grained, and considering that the pool may enlarge to over 1K threads, there is very high contention on the queue when all threads go back to take more work (which happens very often), which may account for the spikes you are seeing. If the underlying implementation uses a blocking lock to access the queue, then context switches are very frequent which hurts performance a lot and makes it seem rather random.
answer of question 1:
this is because of Thread switching , thread switching (or context switching in OS concepts) is CPU clocks that takes to switch between each thread , most of times multi-threading increases the speed of programs and process but when it's process is so small and quick size then context switching will take more time than thread's self process so the whole program throughput decreases, you can find more information about this in O.S concepts books .
answer of question 2:
actually i have a overall insight of ThreadPool , and i cant explain what is it's structure exactly.
to learn more about ThreadPool start here ThreadPool Class
each version of .NET Framework adds more and more capabilities utilizing ThreadPool indirectly. such as Parallel.ForEach Method mentioned before added in .NET 4 along with System.Threading.Tasks which makes code more readable and neat. You can learn more on this here Task Schedulers as well.
At very basic level what it does is: it creates let's say 20 threads and puts them into a lits. Each time it receives a delegate to execute async it takes idle thread from the list and executes delegate. if no available threads found it puts it into a queue. every time deletegate execution completes it will check if queue has any item and if so peeks one and executes in the same thread.

Setting a low thread priority for a heavy load task

First, thanks for all the replies!
I want to be more specific - I have a website that shows some current and historical reports. I want to be able to allow users to delete all or some of the history, while still navigating the website.
Therefore, I want to run a separate thread that will handle deleting the data, but I want to give this thread a low priority so it doesn't make the web site slow or unresponsive.
I'm in the design phase right now and I'd appreciate some strategy suggestions. Thanks!
You should be fine. Lowering the priority of CPU-intensive background tasks to allow 'normal' response from a GUI and/or other apps is one of the better uses for altering thread priorities.
Note that lowering the thread priority is not going to have an enormous efect on any resource except CPU, but still worth doing IME.
If you want to carry on using Firefox, Office, VLC etc. while running your app then, yes, lower the priority of the CPU-heavy threads. You should then be able to browse SO, listen to some albums or watch a few films while waiting for your results to eventually come out :)
Note that if you want to change the priority for a thread, you should make sure it's one you've created yourself. It's not good to change the priority on a thread pool thread. This means avoiding the new Task features, unless you're prepared to write a TaskScheduler that doesn't use the thread pool.
Also consider setting the process priority instead, if that suits your scenario. See MSDN for more info. This would affect threads equally.
Edit: Thanks for the additional information. It sounds as though your code is hosted in IIS. From this answer we can confirm that IIS uses the same thread pool as ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem - the standard .NET thread pool. Therefore you must not alter the priority of a thread pool thread; these threads belong to IIS.
You could create your own thread. But it seems ill advised to try to host a background operation in IIS like this. You never know when the app pool might be recycled, for example.
It would be better to consider a couple of other options. The best solution for a potentially long running background operation seems to be workflow services. Used in conjunction with AppFabric Server, these are very powerful and sound as though they would handle your situation.
A simpler alternative would be to move the process outside of IIS. Maybe the user's action could mark items for deletion, then a scheduled task outside of IIS could run to perform the slow operation.
I would use ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(MyDeleteMethod), itemsTobeDeleted)
In MyDeleteMethod, you may consider breaking the deletion process in different bulks. In other words, you can specify a max number of rows to be deleted every time you are running the delete method.
If you are worried about number of available connections in the db pool, you can improve the performance by defining a static object (with a timer) and add the itemsTobeDeleted to that list(you need to use lock for sync access). Whenever timer Elapsed event fires, you can perform the bulk delete ( For instance you have 5,000 record and you are going to delete them 500 by 500 ).

Using multithreading for loop

I'm new to threading and want to do something similar to this question:
Speed up loop using multithreading in C# (Question)
However, I'm not sure if that solution is the best one for me as I want them to keep running and never finish. (I'm also using .net 3.5 rather than 2.0 as for that question.)
I want to do something like this:
foreach (Agent agent in AgentList)
// I want to start a new thread for each of these
public void DoProcessLoop()
while (true)
// do the processing
// this is things like check folder for new files, update database
// if new files found
Would a ThreadPool be the best solution or is there something that suits this better?
Update: Thanks for all the great answers! I thought I'd explain the use case in more detail. A number of agents can upload files to a folder. Each agent has their own folder which they can upload assets to (csv files, images, pdfs). Our service (it's meant to be a windows service running on the server they upload their assets to, rest assured I'll be coming back with questions about windows services sometime soon :)) will keep checking every agent's folder if any new assets are there, and if there are, the database will be updated and for some of them static html pages created. As it could take a while for them to upload everything and we want them to be able to see their uploaded changes pretty much straight away, we thought a thread per agent would be a good idea as no agent then needs to wait for someone else to finish (and we have multiple processors so wanted to use their full capacity). Hope this explains it!
Given the specific usage your describe (watching for files), I'd suggest you use a FileSystemWatcher to determine when there are new files and then fire off a thread with the threadpool to process the files until there are no more to process -- at which point the thread exits.
This should reduce i/o (since you're not constantly polling the disk), reduce CPU usage (since the constant looping of multiple threads polling the disk would use cycles), and reduce the number of threads you have running at any one time (assuming there aren't constant modifications being made to the file system).
You might want to open and read the files only on the main thread and pass the data to the worker threads (if possible), to limit i/o to a single thread.
I believe that the Parallels Extensions make this possible:
One issue with ThreadPool would be that if the pool happens to be smaller than the number of Agents you would like to have, the ones you try to start later may never execute. Some tasks may never begin to execute, and you could starve everything else in your app domain that uses the thread pool as well. You're probably better off not going down that route.
You definitely don't want to use the ThreadPool for this purpose. ThreadPool threads are not meant to be used for long-running tasks ("infinite" counts as long-running), since that would obviously tie up resources meant to be shared.
For your application, it would probably be better to create one thread (not from the ThreadPool) and in that thread execute your while loop, inside of which you iterate through your Agents collection and perform the processing for each one. In the while loop you should also use a Thread.Sleep call so you don't max out the processor (there are better ways of executing code periodically, but Thread.Sleep will work for your purposes).
Finally, you need to include some way for the while loop to exit when your program terminates.
Update: Finally finally, multi-threading does not automatically speed up slow-running code. Nine women can't make a baby in one month.
A thread pool is useful when you expect threads to be coming into and out of existence fairly regularly, not for a predefined set number of threads.
Hmm.. as Ragoczy points out, its better to use FileSystemWatcher to monitor the files. However, since you have additional operations, you may think in terms of multithreading.
But beware, no matter how many processers you have, there is a limit to it's capacity. You may not want to create as many threads as the number of concurrent users, for the simple reason that your number of agents can increase.
Until you upgrade to .NET 4, the ThreadPool might be your best option. You may also want to use a Semaphore and a AutoResetEvent to control the number of concurrent threads. If you're talking about long-running work then the overhead of starting up and managing your own threads is low and the solution is more elegant. That will allow you to use a WorkerThread.Join() so you can make sure all worker threads are complete before you resume execution.

