I have a treeview with many items
When I expand an item and its childs and after I called refresh method, that expanded item childs becomes collapsed.
Can you give me an idea how to store the selected node and after refresh, to call the Expand method again...
I tried :
TreeNode selectedNode = new TreeNode();
TreeNode selectedNode = SelectedTreeNode(); //method which takes selected node from TV
RestoreFolderTreeWithLastSelectedItem(); //method which initialise treeview object
//here I want to call Expand() method but it not exists to TreeNode.
For treeview, I used Windows.Controls.treeView namespace
I am beginner...
Thank you
I will explain you via images
I expanded all items:
If I press F5 or call Refresh function (RestoreFolderTreeWithLastSelectedItem();) then they will be collapsed like as:
instead of first image...
I'm using this with a WinForms TreeView. It saves the nodes expanded state between refreshes:
// Save the path of the expanded tree branches
var savedExpansionState = treeView1.Nodes.GetExpansionState();
// TreeView is populated
// ...
// Once it is populated, we need to restore expanded nodes
Here is the code to achieve this:
public static class TreeViewExtensions
public static List<string> GetExpansionState(this TreeNodeCollection nodes)
return nodes.Descendants()
.Where(n => n.IsExpanded)
.Select(n => n.FullPath)
public static void SetExpansionState(this TreeNodeCollection nodes, List<string> savedExpansionState)
foreach (var node in nodes.Descendants()
.Where(n => savedExpansionState.Contains(n.FullPath)))
public static IEnumerable<TreeNode> Descendants(this TreeNodeCollection c)
foreach (var node in c.OfType<TreeNode>())
yield return node;
foreach (var child in node.Nodes.Descendants())
yield return child;
Again this is a very old issue, but again this might help.
It builds on the above samples, but also preserves the scroll position and selection, and written as an extension class.
These are restored as well as possible upon restore - that is, if the selected node has been removed, then its parent will be selected / scrolled to.
// To use:
// var expState = tv.GetExpandedNodesState(TreeView);
// TreeView.Nodes.Clear();
// ... reload...
// tv.RestoreTreeViewState(TreeView, expState);
public static class TreeViewExtensions
public static TreeViewState GetExpandedNodesState(this TreeView tree)
var expandedNodesList = new List<string>();
foreach (TreeNode node in tree.Nodes)
UpdateExpandedList(ref expandedNodesList, node);
return new TreeViewState(expandedNodesList, tree.TopNode, tree.SelectedNode);
public static void RestoreExpandedNodesState(this TreeView tree, TreeViewState state)
foreach (TreeNode node in tree.Nodes)
foreach (var nodeState in state.ExpandedNodes)
ExpandNodes(node, nodeState);
tree.TopNode = findNodeFromPath(tree, state.TopNodePath);
tree.SelectedNode = findNodeFromPath(tree, state.SelectedNodePath);
static TreeNode findNodeFromPath(TreeView tree, string path)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
return null;
List<string> elements = path.Split(tree.PathSeparator.ToCharArray()).ToList();
TreeNode curNode = tree.Nodes.findByText(elements[0]);
if (curNode == null)
return null;
foreach (string element in elements.Skip(1))
if (curNode.Nodes.findByText(element) != null)
curNode = curNode.Nodes.findByText(element);
return curNode;
static TreeNode findByText(this TreeNodeCollection tnc, string text)
foreach (TreeNode node in tnc)
if (node.Text == text)
return node;
return null;
static void UpdateExpandedList(ref List<string> expNodeList, TreeNode node)
if (node.IsExpanded) expNodeList.Add(node.FullPath);
foreach (TreeNode n in node.Nodes)
if (n.IsExpanded)
UpdateExpandedList(ref expNodeList, n);
static void ExpandNodes(TreeNode node, string nodeFullPath)
if (node.FullPath == nodeFullPath) node.Expand();
foreach (TreeNode n in node.Nodes)
if (n.Nodes.Count > 0)
ExpandNodes(n, nodeFullPath);
public class TreeViewState
public TreeViewState(List<string> expandedNodes, TreeNode topNode, TreeNode selectedNode)
this.ExpandedNodes = expandedNodes;
this.TopNodePath = topNode != null ? topNode.FullPath : null;
this.SelectedNodePath = selectedNode != null ? selectedNode.FullPath : null;
public readonly List<string> ExpandedNodes = null;
public readonly string TopNodePath = "";
public readonly string SelectedNodePath = "";
It's very simple.
First, before refreshing, we must store ids of expanded nodes:
//CollectExpandedNodes(tree.Nodes); - call of function
//this recursive function save ids of expanded nodes to expandedNodeIds
//List<int> expandedNodeIds = new List<int>(); - list for storage id
private void CollectExpandedNodes(TreeListNodes nodes)
foreach (TreeListNode node in nodes)
if (node.Expanded) expandedNodeIds.Add(node.Id);
if (node.HasChildren) CollectExpandedNodes(node.Nodes);
And then, after refreshing you tree, you must expand nodes whose IDs are stored in a expandedNodeIds:
expandedNodeIds.ForEach((id) =>
TreeListNode node = tree.FindNodeByID(id);
if (node != null) node.Expanded = true;
This is old post, but I think if someone will come here, this code fragment will be useful...
To save TreeView State possible with this simple code:
//you need to have 4 methods for it and call two of them...
//code where treeview needs to save and restore
var expState = GetAllExpandedNodesList(TreeView);
//do something else...
RestoreTreeViewState(TreeView, expState);
//end of treeview save/restore section
private static void UpdateExpandedList(ref List<string> expNodeList, TreeNode node)
if (node.IsExpanded) expNodeList.Add(node.FullPath);
foreach (TreeNode n in node.Nodes)
if (n.IsExpanded) UpdateExpandedList(ref expNodeList, n);
private static List<string> GetAllExpandedNodesList(TreeView tree)
var expandedNodesList = new List<string>();
foreach (TreeNode node in tree.Nodes)
UpdateExpandedList(ref expandedNodesList, node);
return expandedNodesList;
private static void ExpandNodes(TreeNode node, string nodeFullPath)
if (node.FullPath == nodeFullPath) node.Expand();
foreach (TreeNode n in node.Nodes)
if (n.Nodes.Count >0) ExpandNodes(n, nodeFullPath);
private static void RestoreTreeViewState(TreeView tree, List<string> expandedState)
foreach (TreeNode node in tree.Nodes)
foreach (var state in expandedState)
ExpandNodes(node, state);
Current Function:
public static TreeNode GetFolderStructure(string path, List<string> allExt)
TreeNode result = new TreeNode(path, "DIR");
foreach (string dirName in Directory.GetDirectories(path))
result.Append(GetFolderStructure(dirName, allExt));
foreach (string item in allExt)
foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(path, item))
result.Append(fileName, "FILE");
return result;
This function should return every Folder(s) and File(s) with specified extension.
The problem is that it returns every directory. If I add the path below the foreach I get a unassigned local variable which creates every time a exception...
My TreeNode Class:
class TreeNode
private List<TreeNode> childNodes = new List<TreeNode>();
public IList<TreeNode> ChildNodes { get { return childNodes.AsReadOnly(); } }
public string Value { get; private set; }
public string ValueType { get; private set; }
public TreeNode(string newValue, string newValueType)
Value = newValue;
ValueType = newValueType;
public TreeNode Append(TreeNode newNode)
if (newNode == null || childNodes.Contains(newNode))
throw new Exception("File/Folder does not excist OR the File/Folder is already in the List");
return newNode;
public TreeNode Append(string newValue, string newValueType)
TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(newValue, newValueType);
return Append(newNode);
Why not make a flat list of the whole folder structure first including the files and then use Linq to objects.
For the list something like
IList<TreeNode> flatList = new List<TreeNode>()
Maybe add a parent prop on your TreeNode if needed?
And for the Linq something like
flatList = flatList.Where(tn => tn.Type.Equals("DIR") || allExt.Contains(tn.FileExt)).ToList();
And finally removing Empty dirs from the list
flatList.RemoveAll(tn => tn.Type.Equals("DIR") && !flatList.Any(ftn => ftn.Type.Equals("FILE") && ftn.Parent.Equals(tn.Path)));
To achieve this, your GetFolderStructure should able to return null if that folder do not have any target files
public static TreeNode GetFolderStructure(string path, List<string> allExt)
TreeNode result = new TreeNode(path, "DIR");
foreach (string dirName in Directory.GetDirectories(path))
result.Append(GetFolderStructure(dirName, allExt));
foreach (string item in allExt)
foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(path, item))
result.Append(fileName, "FILE");
if (result.ChildNodes.Count > 0) // <- check do it have any child
return result;
else // if not, return null, so it will not include in result
return null;
And you need to modify your TreeNode to accept null when Append
public TreeNode Append(TreeNode newNode)
// I have change to return this, I think you want to have fluent design
// change to other thing if you are not
// and this line will check if newNode is null, do nothing
if (newNode == null) return this;
if (childNodes.Contains(newNode))
throw new Exception("the File/Folder is already in the List");
return this;
public TreeNode Append(string newValue, string newValueType)
TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(newValue, newValueType);
return Append(newNode);
// I have add this in order to test the program, you can remove it
public string ToString(string prefix)
string result = string.Format("{0}{1}: {2}\r\n", prefix, ValueType, Value);
foreach (var item in childNodes)
result += item.ToString(prefix + "\t");
return result;
So basically, it will include all folders if it contain target file(s) or the folder contains target file(s).
Maybe I couldn't explain well, but this should explain:
I have a int field called getParentNode(TreeNode) to get how many parent it has (e.g if there is 2 nodes below node, count will be 2)
And I have a List field called getParentNames(TreeNode) that returns all of the parent's names.
int getParentCount(TreeNode node)
int count = 1;
while (node.Parent != null)
node = node.Parent;
return count;
List<string> getParentNames(TreeNode node)
List<string> list = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < getParentCount(node); i++)
//i = 1 : list.Add(node.Parent.Text);
//i = 2 : list.Add(node.Parent.Parent.Text);
//i = 3 ...
return list;
Do I need to check if (i == 0) (I don't want to write manually because number can be anything) or something?
You can use either of these options:
Split FullPath of node by PathSeparator of tree
Ancestors and AncestorsAndSelf sxtension methods
Split FullPath of node by PathSeparator of tree
You can use FullPath property of the TreeNode and split the result using PathSeparator property of TreeView. For example:
private void treeView1_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
var ancestorsAndSelf = e.Node.FullPath.Split(treeView1.PathSeparator.ToCharArray());
Ancestors and AncestorsAndSelf sxtension methods
Also you can get all ancestors of a TreeNode. You can simply use a while loop to go up using node.Parent while the parent is not null. I prefer to encapsulate this logic in an extension method and make it more reusable for future. You can create an extension method to return all parent nodes (ancestors) of a node:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public static class TreeViewExtensions
public static List<TreeNode> Ancestors(this TreeNode node)
return AncestorsInternal(node).Reverse().ToList();
public static List<TreeNode> AncestorsAndSelf(this TreeNode node)
return AncestorsInternal(node, true).Reverse().ToList();
private static IEnumerable<TreeNode> AncestorsInternal(TreeNode node, bool self=false)
if (self)
yield return node;
while (node.Parent != null)
node = node.Parent;
yield return node;
List<TreeNode> ancestors = treeView1.SelectedNode.Ancestors();
You can get text or any other property from ancestors:
List<string> ancestors = treeView1.SelectedNode.Ancestors().Select(x=>x.Text).ToList();
JFYI you can use an extension method approach to get all child nodes too. Here I've shared an extension method to to so: Descendants Extension Method.
why don't you use the node.FullPath counting the TreeView.PathSeparator char? Something like
char ps = Convert.ToChar( TreeView1.PathSeparator);
int nCount = selectedNode.FullPath.Split(ps).Length;
Anyways, I noticed that I need to use while loop:
List<string> getParentNames(TreeNode node)
List<string> list = new List<string>();
int count = getParentCount(node);
int index = 0;
TreeNode parent = node;
while (index < count)
if (parent != null)
parent = parent.Parent;
return list;
How do I do a depth first search using a Queue in c#?
The following is my datastructure:
public class Node
public string Name{get;set}
public IEnumerable<Node> Children{get;set;}
Now I have a collection of Node object each with children, which again has children and so on.
I want to access each node and convert it into a different form.
Something like the below:
public IEnumerable<IContent> BuildContentFrom(IEnumerable<Node> nodes)
var queue = new Queue<Node>(nodes);
while (queue.Any())
var next = queue.Dequeue();
yield return BuildContentFromSingle(next);
foreach (var child in next.Children)
public IContent BuildContentFromSingle(Node node)
var content = _contentFactory.Create(node);
return content;
The above does not give me depth first for some reason. Can you please help?
Depth-first search is implemented using a LIFO data structure, so you 'd need to swap the Queue for a Stack. Using a FIFO structure like a queue gives you BFS instead.
you can do it recursively
public IEnumerable<IContent> BuildContentFrom(IEnumerable<Node> nodes) {
foreach(var node in nodes){
yield node;
foreach(var c in BuildContentFrom(node.children)){
yield c;
This might become a problem with n-trees when n is large and/or the tree deep.
in which case you could use an accumulator
public IEnumerable<IContent> BuildContentFrom(IEnumerable<Node> nodes) {
if(!nodes.Any()) return Enumerable.Empty<IContent>();
var acc = new List<IContent>();
public IEnumerable<IContent> BuildContentFrom(IEnumerable<Node> nodes,
IList<IContent> acc) {
foreach(var node in nodes){
if(node.children.Any()) BuildContentFrom(node.children, acc);
Which is now tail recursive and if the compiler optimizes for that (a setting for C# as far as I remember) you will have no stack issues even with large trees.
Alternatively you can use a stack to collect the work you still need to perform
public IEnumerable<IContent> BuildContentFrom(IEnumerable<Node> nodes)
var stack= new Stack<Node>(nodes);
while (stack.Any())
var next = stack.Pop();
yield return BuildContentFromSingle(next);
foreach (var child in next.Children)
As an alternative, you could consider flattening the structure using recursion. Here's an example with a binary tree. It demonstrates a depth-first flattening traversal.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Demo
public static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var tree = buildTree(5, true);
// Print tree using direct recursion.
static void printTree1<T>(Node<T> tree)
if (tree != null)
// Print tree using flattened tree.
static void printTree2<T>(Node<T> tree)
foreach (var value in flatten(tree))
// Flatten tree using recursion.
static IEnumerable<T> flatten<T>(Node<T> root)
if (root == null)
yield break;
foreach (var node in flatten(root.Left))
yield return node;
foreach (var node in flatten(root.Right))
yield return node;
yield return root.Value;
static Node<string> buildTree(int depth, bool left)
if (depth > 0)
return new Node<string>(buildTree(depth, true), buildTree(depth, false), "Node." + depth + (left ? ".L" : ".R"));
return new Node<string>(null, null, "Leaf." + (left ? "L" : "R"));
public sealed class Node<T>
public Node(Node<T> left, Node<T> right, T value)
_left = left;
_right = right;
_value = value;
public Node<T> Left { get { return _left; } }
public Node<T> Right { get { return _right; } }
public T Value { get { return _value; } }
private readonly Node<T> _left;
private readonly Node<T> _right;
private readonly T _value;
For your specific example, I think (without testing it) that you can do this:
public static IEnumerable<Node> Flatten(Node root)
foreach (var node in root.Children)
foreach (var child in Flatten(node))
yield return child;
yield return root;
Depending on whether you allow null nodes, you might need to add some null checking:
public static IEnumerable<Node> Flatten(Node root)
if (root != null)
foreach (var node in root.Children)
foreach (var child in Flatten(node))
if (child != null)
yield return child;
yield return root;
I have a tree created from this class.
class Node
public string Key { get; }
public List<Node> Children { get; }
I want to search in all children and all their children to get the ones matching a condition:
node.Key == SomeSpecialKey
How can I implement it?
It's a misconception that this requires recursion. It will require a stack or a queue and the easiest way is to implement it using recursion. For sake of completeness I'll provide a non-recursive answer.
static IEnumerable<Node> Descendants(this Node root)
var nodes = new Stack<Node>(new[] {root});
while (nodes.Any())
Node node = nodes.Pop();
yield return node;
foreach (var n in node.Children) nodes.Push(n);
Use this expression for example to use it:
root.Descendants().Where(node => node.Key == SomeSpecialKey)
If you want to maintain Linq like syntax, you can use a method to obtain all the descendants (children + children's children etc.)
static class NodeExtensions
public static IEnumerable<Node> Descendants(this Node node)
return node.Children.Concat(node.Children.SelectMany(n => n.Descendants()));
This enumerable can then be queried like any other using where or first or whatever.
Searching a Tree of Objects with Linq
public static class TreeToEnumerableEx
public static IEnumerable<T> AsDepthFirstEnumerable<T>(this T head, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> childrenFunc)
yield return head;
foreach (var node in childrenFunc(head))
foreach (var child in AsDepthFirstEnumerable(node, childrenFunc))
yield return child;
public static IEnumerable<T> AsBreadthFirstEnumerable<T>(this T head, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> childrenFunc)
yield return head;
var last = head;
foreach (var node in AsBreadthFirstEnumerable(head, childrenFunc))
foreach (var child in childrenFunc(node))
yield return child;
last = child;
if (last.Equals(node)) yield break;
You can try this extension method to enumerate the tree nodes:
static IEnumerable<Node> GetTreeNodes(this Node rootNode)
yield return rootNode;
foreach (var childNode in rootNode.Children)
foreach (var child in childNode.GetTreeNodes())
yield return child;
Then use that with a Where() clause:
var matchingNodes = rootNode.GetTreeNodes().Where(x => x.Key == SomeSpecialKey);
Why not use an IEnumerable<T> extension method
public static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectHierarchy<TResult>(this IEnumerable<TResult> source, Func<TResult, IEnumerable<TResult>> collectionSelector, Func<TResult, bool> predicate)
if (source == null)
yield break;
foreach (var item in source)
if (predicate(item))
yield return item;
var childResults = SelectHierarchy(collectionSelector(item), collectionSelector, predicate);
foreach (var childItem in childResults)
yield return childItem;
then just do this
var result = nodes.Children.SelectHierarchy(n => n.Children, n => n.Key.IndexOf(searchString) != -1);
Perhaps you need just
node.Children.Where(child => child.Key == SomeSpecialKey)
Or, if you need to search one level deeper,
child => child.Children.Where(child => child.Key == SomeSpecialKey))
If you need to search on all levels, take the following:
IEnumerable<Node> FlattenAndFilter(Node source)
List<Node> l = new List();
if (source.Key == SomeSpecialKey)
l.Concat(source.Children.SelectMany(child => FlattenAndFilter(child)));
public class Node
string key;
List<Node> children;
public Node(string key)
this.key = key;
children = new List<Node>();
public string Key { get { return key; } }
public List<Node> Children { get { return children; } }
public Node Find(Func<Node, bool> myFunc)
foreach (Node node in Children)
if (myFunc(node))
return node;
Node test = node.Find(myFunc);
if (test != null)
return test;
return null;
And then you can search like:
Node root = new Node("root");
Node child1 = new Node("child1");
Node child2 = new Node("child2");
Node child3 = new Node("child3");
Node child4 = new Node("child4");
Node child5 = new Node("child5");
Node child6 = new Node("child6");
Node test = root.Find(p => p.Key == "child6");
And just for fun (almost a decade later) an answer also using Generics but with a Stack and While loop, based off the accepted answer by #vidstige.
public static class TypeExtentions
public static IEnumerable<T> Descendants<T>(this T root, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> selector)
var nodes = new Stack<T>(new[] { root });
while (nodes.Any())
T node = nodes.Pop();
yield return node;
foreach (var n in selector(node)) nodes.Push(n);
public static IEnumerable<T> Descendants<T>(this IEnumerable<T> encounter, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> selector)
var nodes = new Stack<T>(encounter);
while (nodes.Any())
T node = nodes.Pop();
yield return node;
if (selector(node) != null)
foreach (var n in selector(node))
Given a collection one can use like this
var myNode = ListNodes.Descendants(x => x.Children).Where(x => x.Key == SomeKey);
or with a root object
var myNode = root.Descendants(x => x.Children).Where(x => x.Key == SomeKey);
A while back I wrote a codeproject article which describes how to use Linq to query tree-like structures:
This provides a linq-to-XML style API where you can search descendants, children, ancestors etc...
Probably overkill for your current problem, but might be of interest to others.
You can use this extension method to query the tree.
public static IEnumerable<Node> InTree(this Node treeNode)
yield return treeNode;
foreach (var childNode in treeNode.Children)
foreach (var flattendChild in InTree(childNode))
yield return flattendChild;
I have a generic extension method that can flatten any IEnumerable<T> and from that flattened collection, you can get the node you want.
public static IEnumerable<T> FlattenHierarchy<T>(this T node, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> getChildEnumerator)
yield return node;
if (getChildEnumerator(node) != null)
foreach (var child in getChildEnumerator(node))
foreach (var childOrDescendant in child.FlattenHierarchy(getChildEnumerator))
yield return childOrDescendant;
Use this like this:
var q = from node in myTree.FlattenHierarchy(x => x.Children)
where node.Key == "MyKey"
select node;
var theNode = q.SingleOrDefault();
I use the following implementations for enumerating Tree items
public static IEnumerable<Node> DepthFirstUnfold(this Node root) =>
public static IEnumerable<Node> BreadthFirstUnfold(this Node root) {
var queue = new Queue<IEnumerable<Node>>();
while (queue.Count != 0)
foreach (var node in queue.Dequeue()) {
yield return node;
private static IEnumerable<T> ObjectAsEnumerable<T>(T obj) {
yield return obj;
BreadthFirstUnfold in implementation above uses queue of node sequences instead of nodes queue. This is not classic BFS algorithm way.
I was trying to solve one interview question, but for that I have to travel the binary tree level by level. I have designed BinaryNode with having below variable
private object data;
private BinaryNode left;
private BinaryNode right;
Could someone please help to write the BreadthFirstSearch method inside my BinarySearchTree class?
Update: Thanks everyone for your inputs. So this was the interview question.
"Given a binary search tree, design an algorithm which creates a linked list of all the nodes at each depth (i.e., if you have a tree with depth D, you’ll have D linked lists)".
Here is my Method, let me know your expert comment.
public List<LinkedList<BNode>> FindLevelLinkList(BNode root)
Queue<BNode> q = new Queue<BNode>();
// List of all nodes starting from root.
List<BNode> list = new List<BNode>();
while (q.Count > 0)
BNode current = q.Dequeue();
if (current == null)
// Add tree nodes of same depth into individual LinkedList. Then add all LinkedList into a List
LinkedList<BNode> LL = new LinkedList<BNode>();
List<LinkedList<BNode>> result = new List<LinkedList<BNode>>();
int currentDepth = 0;
foreach (BNode node in list)
if (node != root)
if (node.Depth == currentDepth)
LL = new LinkedList<BNode>();
// Add the last linkedlist
return result;
A breadth first search is usually implemented with a queue, a depth first search using a stack.
Queue<Node> q = new Queue<Node>();
while(q.Count > 0)
Node current = q.Dequeue();
if(current == null)
As an alternative to checking for null after dequeuing you can check before adding to the Queue. I didn't compile the code, so it might contain some small mistakes.
A fancier (but slower) version that integrates well with LINQ:
public static IEnumerable<T> BreadthFirstTopDownTraversal<T>(T root, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> children)
var q = new Queue<T>();
while (q.Count > 0)
T current = q.Dequeue();
yield return current;
foreach (var child in children(current))
Which can be used together with a Children property on Node:
IEnumerable<Node> Children { get { return new []{ Left, Right }.Where(x => x != null); } }
foreach(var node in BreadthFirstTopDownTraversal(root, node => node.Children))
var queue = new Queue<BinaryNode>();
var currentNode = queue.Dequeue();
if(currentNode.data == searchedData)
if(currentNode.Left != null)
if(currentNode.Right != null)
using DFS approach: The tree traversal is O(n)
public class NodeLevel
public TreeNode Node { get; set;}
public int Level { get; set;}
public class NodeLevelList
private Dictionary<int,List<TreeNode>> finalLists = new Dictionary<int,List<TreeNode>>();
public void AddToDictionary(NodeLevel ndlvl)
finalLists.Add(ndlvl.Level,new List<TreeNode>(){ndlvl.Node});
public Dictionary<int,List<TreeNode>> GetFinalList()
return finalLists;
The method that does traversal:
public static void DFSLevel(TreeNode root, int level, NodeLevelList nodeLevelList)
if(root == null)
nodeLevelList.AddToDictionary(new NodeLevel{Node = root, Level = level});