MVC routing function - c#

Can someone please explain what the following function does. I am learning MVC and unable to understand which controller is called when and renders which view.
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
//register custom routes (plugins, etc)
var routePublisher = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IRoutePublisher>();
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
new[] { "Nop.Web.Controllers" }
This code is from nopCommerce source-code. I can't understand the URL routing for this project

The logic for this is in the System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler class, the System.Web.Mvc.DefaultControllerFactory class, and the System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker class. .NET Reflector is your friend.
Basically, the MVC framework:
Uses reflection to get all the controllers in the application project.
Then it does something like IEnumerable<string> controllerNames = controllerTypes.Select(controllerType => controllerType.Name.Replace("Controller",string.Empty));. It then tries to match the first path segment, {controller}, to one of these sanitized controller type names (case-insensitive).
Then, it looks at this controller's public methods that have a return type that is of type ActionResult or some derivative. It matches the method name to the second path segment, {action}, as the action method to be called.
If the selected method has a parameter that is named id, then it matches the third path segment {id} to that value, and passes it to the method. Otherwise, the optional id parameter is ignored.
If the ActionResult type that is returned is a derivative of ViewResultBase then the IViewEngine tries to locate a corresponding view in the project using whatever conventions have been specified for that view engine. The WebFormViewEngine, for example, looks in the project for ~/Views/{controller}/{action}.ascx, ~/Views/{controller}/{action}.aspx, ~/Views/Shared/{action}.ascx, ~/Views/Shared/{action}.aspx by default.
If you want to further understand how routing works in MVC, I would highly suggest Scott Gu's article on MVC Routing.
As far as the IRoutePublisher method, that looks like a nopCommerce specific method that automatically registers additional routes specific to nopCommerce's configuration. If you are interested in how nopCommerce's specific routing conventions work, you can download the source code from the nopCommerce codeplex page and do a search for its default IRoutePublisher implementation.
Update The default IRoutePublisher is here: . Basically, it gets all implementations of IRouteProvider and registers their route definitions in order according to their priority.
The default route providers are: Nop.Web.Infrastructure.RouteProvider and Nop.Web.Infrastructure.UpgradeRouteProvider

nopCommerce employs a loosely coupled infrastructure that registers routes for each plugin separately.
So If you need to understand what's going on, check the nopCommerce source code and look for RouteProvider classes, that each plugin has. They are dynamically loaded on application start.
If you need to create your own routes, you can still do that the traditional way -- but be aware, that there might be some clashes.
(Disclaimer: I just looked at the source code, don't know anything else about it).


Using attribute routing and convention based routing with Web API and MVC simultaneously

I have an MVC web application that uses convention based routing. I recently added some Web Api 2 controllers, for which I used attribute routing. Despite the documentation claiming that you can use both, I can either get the (attribute routed) API methods to work, or the (convention routed) web application methods.
This is RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes():
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Tables", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
namespaces: new string[] { "Foo.Cms.Controllers" }
This is WebApiConfig.Register():
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Uncomment the following line of code to enable query support for actions with an IQueryable or IQueryable<T> return type.
// To avoid processing unexpected or malicious queries, use the validation settings on QueryableAttribute to validate incoming queries.
// For more information, visit
// The models currently only serialize succesfully to xml, so we'll remove the json formatter.
And this is Application_Start():
protected void Application_Start()
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always;
This way, only the routing to the web api controllers works. If I switch GlobalConfiguration.Register() and RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(), like so:
...only the convention-based routing works.
I'm at a loss. What's going on here?
What I'm trying to achieve:
The application currently uses the basic {controller}/{action}/parameters convention. So I have a controller called ElementsController that has, for instance, an Index() method that is routed to /Elements or a ListPublic() method that is routed to /Elements/ListPublic. I achieved this with the convention based routing mentioned above.
I also have a bunch of Web Api controllers (for instance, TablesController) that I want to route to using a /api/v0/tables route. I tried to achieve this like so:
public class TablesController : ApiController
public string Get()
// ...
As you can see, it's not the same route pattern: api calls are all prefixed with api/v0/. For some reason though, it still appears to treat them as the default {controller}/{action} routes.
What's occurring is that the "first registered" route is taking effect. If I have a MVC route defined as
and a Web API route defined as
The first registered route will take effect.
Why is this the case? Imagine you send a request to the server
Which route does this match?
It will choose the first result that matches the route regardless of the type of routing used. If you want some examples as to how to make these routings work, check out this link
If an URL matches two different route templates, it doesn't matter if they refer to MVC or Web API, the only rule is that the first registered route will be used to select the action to execute.
In your particular case, if you make a GET request to this URL: /api/v0/tables, the action selector starts checking the registered routes.
The first route that you're registering is an MVC route like this: /{controller}/{action}/{id}. So, the template matches with this values:
controller = "api"
action = "v0"
id = "tables"
If you register the attribute routes before the MVC route, the first matching route template will be your route attribute template, so the Web API controller action will be correctly selected.
In other words, if you need to route Web API and MVC in the same application you have to use routes which match different URLs for each action, and be careful with the order in which they are registered: register first the more specific templates, and then the more generic ones, so that the generic templates doesn't swallow the URIs which should be matched with the specific templates.
This is not the only option. You can also use route constraints, for example, if all your API has a particular naming convention which can be checked with a constraint (for example a Regex constraint), you can still use convention routing for Web API.
NOTE: apart from the route matching, it's also necessary that the HTTP method (like POST, GET, etc.) is supported by the action. So you can have two similar actions in the same route that accept different methods, and the Action selector would know which one to choose, but this doesn't solve your problem

C# View page URL

I've created a controller, called ClientController.cs and VS automatically created the necessary View files in /Views/Client. But I wanted to get these pages in a different URL... So, it is /Client but I need it at /admin/client.
What should I change?
Thank you!
It's not clear what your functionality will be in the long run, but here are a few options that allow you to get the URL format you want:
Perhaps you want a controller called "Admin" and an action called "Client". This would give you a path of /Admin/Client by default
Alternatively, you can change your route maps. For example, the following with route /Admin/Client to the Index of your Client controller:
"Default", // Route name
"Admin/Client/{action}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Client", action = "Index" } // Parameter defaults
Or maybe even go a far as using "Areas", depending on what you need. Have a Google of that if you're interested in learning more
If you want it to be admin/client, then using the default routing you should create an Admin Controller with an ActionResult method called Client. Your views folder should have an admin folder with your client view inside.
I haven't done a lot of MVC but i believe this is what you do. MVC routing using subfolders

I m trying to use subfolders within the Controllers folder:
The structure looks like this:
Controllers (Folder)
Settings (Folder)
I've several problems.
When I perform a return RedirectToAction("Index", "welcome") from my LoginController, the url looks like http://mywebsite.local/settings/welcome
I thought I will get a 404 error..
How to make the redirection launches http://mywebsite.local/welcome and get a 404 error when I launch http://mywebsite.local/settings/welcome
Do I really need to use Areas?
This is my RouteConfig.cs
name: "settings",
url: "settings/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Users", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Login", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Do I really need to use Areas?
No, but you're trying to re-invent the wheel - creating a structure a bit like Areas. I'd recommend you go with Areas, it will make your life easier.
Area Hype:
I wouldn't recommend applying Areas just because you can.
That would be like "giving a man a hammer and suddenly everything's a nail".
In this case we have a cool feature called "Areas" and (without knowing the underlying architecture)
others recommended it the instant someone asks about sub-folders.
Areas weren't designed for the sole purpose of giving you an extra Route Parameter.
The "Areas" original intent is to give you a clear SoC (Separation of Concerns).
For Example:
Say you have two separate web application experiences and have decided to roll them under one Solution.
Your call-center may need to look up detailed information and enter in data on individual customers, while your managers and executives will peruse higher-level reporting and rarely enter in data.
In this scenario it may make sense to split your business logic into "Reporting" and "CallCenter" Areas.
In MVC, the Sub-Folders you use under "Controllers" are Ignored when it comes to Routing.
SubFolders are perfectly fine with how the Questioner is using them to organize his Controllers.
Adding a SubFolder name to his URL makes for a more human-readable URL too.
He just made a mistake in the exclusivity of his first Mapping Route.
The problem is it was matching on everything.
Just because you have "settings/" in your MapRoute doesn't mean it will apply only to incoming URL's.
MVC will use your MapRoute Logic to figure how you would like to write your URL's too!
The Fix (Option 1 - Use MapRoute):
name: "Settings",
url: "Settings/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },//Remove the Default Controller as we want to explicitly require it and constrain it. - 08/26/2018 - MCR.
constraints: new { controller = "Users|Admins" }//If you have other Controllers under a SubFolder (say we also had AdminsController.cs), then simply Pipe-Delimit them. - 08/26/2018 - MCR.
This is the way I've chosen to go, but if you want tighter control, you could use the Option below instead.
The Fix (Option 2 - Use Route-Attributes):
First, make sure you enable this feature by adding routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes():
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes();//Add this BEFORE MapRoute for Route-Attributes to work.
Next, Decorate your Controller with the following Attributes:
(You may even include Default/Optional Values, just like in your MapRoute.)
[RoutePrefix("Settings/Users")]//Add your ParentFolder and Include your Controller name too.
[Route("{action=Index}/{id?}")]//You need this if you are using the RoutePrefix Attribute. Without this, you will need to define "[Route]" above every Action-Method. - 08/26/2018 - MCR.
public class UsersController : Controller
If you use Route-Attributes instead of MapRoute, then you will not be able to hit the
Controller without the "Settings" Prefix.
With the Custom and Default MapRoutes, you could have accessed your controller either way.
By decorating your Controller with these Attributes, you now force it to only use this exact path.
This may be what you want, but if you start IIS Express from Visual Studio on one of your Views,
then it will not find it because Visual Studio does not know to add the RoutePrefix for you.
I say this, so you are not discouraged when you start debugging and think it doesn't work.
See this link for more information about Attribute-Routing:
The folder structure of your controllers here has very little relevance to what you are seeing. You could maintain that structure and accomplish your goal if the route would work.
However, you've specified two matching routes that can be used to encode the same action, and it is simply giving the first one priority. See, routes don't just work forwards, MVC uses them in reverse, too, to process your ____Action() statements. You could specify a named route (e.g. "settings") in your RedirectToAction("Index", "welcome"), by using RedirectToRoute instead, or manually specify all the routes that have prefixes in your route table. but why start your project off with intentionally conflicting routes like this?
As Joe R said, Areas will make your life easier. Why? Mainly because there is an additional built-in route parameter to do exactly what you want. Really, the question becomes "why avoid Areas?"
Looks like the answer not answering the question, because IMHO, we use Area when we need mini program under our main program,
ie. Forum, (Comprehensive) Blog, Marketplace (under our main site) either or
So you DONT need Area in your case
Solutions :
FYI, routing are something that have nothing to do with your architecture / structure / foldering in your applications.
In Example your ControllerName is SettingsUsersController
name: "settings",
url: "settings/users/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "SettingsUsers", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
in your case, you can fix your routing like this (this is for making sure you have pretty url but still simple Controller structure):
name: "settings",
url: "settings/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "SettingsUsers", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Your ControllerName would be SettingsUsersController
public class SettingsUsersController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View("~/Views/SettingsUsers/Index.cshtml", db.YourDBName.ToList());
And why 404? I think because you are not "routing" correctly your View, you should do make subfolder like this under your Views Folder Views/SettingsUsers/Index.cshtml

How do I know which controller this page is hitting?

Pretty new to MVC I have a page on an open source application I have downloaded that is at the url...
Obviously Im trying to find which controller and view this maps to in the application. How do I work this out? What should I search for and where to look?
Also how do I work out which actions process this view?
This should help you out. This tool is awesome!
This guide should get you started. Basically you work with a collection of routes and their arguments, in the global.asax.cs file. The guide there also has a section on custom routes.
By the defaulting routing rules, it's {controller}/{action}/
Which would make the controller in http://localhost:51930/admin/login?databaseIssue=true admin and the action Login.
By convention, MVC routes are generated in form
Check out this stackoverflow question for more information.
So in your case, you'll want to look for an admin.cs class in your Controllers folder.
global.asax is where the route mapping is defined.
You'll see/set something like:
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
so by default, your example maps to admin = {controller} and login = {action} and login action method would take the databaseissue=true bit as a parameter.
All these answers are good, except in the case where someone may have created a custom route to the specific url in question. By default, they are all correct, but if a custom route was setup, it could be going to the StackController and referencing the Overflow action.
Like Jamie R Rytlweski suggested above, reference RouteDebugger in your project, add the hook in your global.asax and try going to that page, it will show you a listing of all the routes defined in your application and then show you which routes the current page matches dynamic urls

I am looking to produce an MVC site which has complete control of the url structure using routing.
"BlogView", // Route name
"view/{blogurl}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "view", action = "view", productLink = ""} // Parameter defaults
"ProductGrid", // Route name
"category/{category}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "category", action = "Index", category = "" } // Parameter defaults
I currently have the follwoing urls;
The first two urls relate to the detail view, the latter two relating ot a category view.
I have a database with the following structure; I ensure that the url (chrUrl) is a unique key.
url ( idurl (int),
My plan is that it is possible to look up rewrite the route lookup table so that the follwoing urls redirect to the correct view and page in the site;
Is this possible? Perofmance aside, is there a problem with this and how shoudl I go about this?
Since you don't have anything to differentiate between view and category items, I'd think about using a default controller which checks if the id is in the categories table and passes control to either the View or the Category controller.
"Root", // Route name
"/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "default", action = "redirect"} // Parameter defaults
But if you can live with having "/category/" in your category urls, that will be the more elegant solution on the back end.
First up, I would suggest coming up with a URL scheme that you are happy with. (seems you have one already)
Then I would use a ControllerFactory that will be responsible of Instantiating and
running the right action on the right controller. That is independent of any routes that you define in your route table - in fact it wont matter what you have there since you want your URL to be "database driven". You invoke the controller factory from your Global.asax file :
protected void Application_Start()
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new Controllers.ControllerFactory());
Then in the GetControllerType method in your ControllerFactory, you inspect the URL with
to work out the url scheme the user is presenting, and do a database look-up based on that.
If you want to take this one step further, your database can also contain references to the controller to instantiate, but that would be an overkill in your situation. As a quicknote, we use that in a solution where it was important to provide the ability for non-developers to create templates without involving dev - the database held url schemes, controller and views to render on that controller.
While you are at it, if you want to make things more elegant, create a BaseController that your controllers inherit from, and in there set things in your ViewData such as your SEO tags (MetaDescription, Title, etc) - look these up from your database.

