CallWndProc hook not receiving all messages - c#

I am making a little tool like Displayfusion and I need some Hooks to receive messages when Windows move/activate/etc , however I'm stuck..
I am using this project for the CallWndProc hook:
For pretty much all windows it works great(x86 and x64), however on some windows it seems to can't inject the hook DLL. Currently I am having problems with adobe reader X. No messages are being received from that window. I think it has something to do with the sandbox? Can somebody give me a push in the right direction?
The initialization code for the hook:
bool InitializeCallWndProcHook(int threadID, HWND destination)
if (g_appInstance == NULL)
return false;
if (GetProp(GetDesktopWindow(), "WILSON_HOOK_HWND_CALLWNDPROC") != NULL)
SendNotifyMessage((HWND)GetProp(GetDesktopWindow(), "WILSON_HOOK_HWND_CALLWNDPROC"), RegisterWindowMessage("WILSON_HOOK_CALLWNDPROC_REPLACED"), 0, 0);
SetProp(GetDesktopWindow(), "WILSON_HOOK_HWND_CALLWNDPROC", destination);
hookCallWndProc = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, (HOOKPROC)CallWndProcHookCallback, g_appInstance, threadID);
return hookCallWndProc != NULL;

Hmm, try if Spy++ can catch the messages. If it can, then obviously it's not a problem with security measures. It Spy++ can't however, then it's pretty much impossible.
See if this works: Use both WH_CALLWNDPROC and WH_GETMESSAGE hooks, since apparently, the former only catches sent message, and the latter only catches posted messages.

I have a similar Problem in my application. Visit the following link:
Strange behaviour of windows hooks
My guess ist that an application interrupts the filter function chain by not calling the CallNextHookEx method. Note that is this only possible when you are using WH_CBT hooks.


g_main_loop_run() freeze the window

I am trying to create a video player in C# using the functions imported from the GStreamer library by Pinvoke. It's looking nice so far, but if I add g_main_loop_run(loop); my C# application freezes and I just can't click any button or move my window.
I think that the problem may involve gmaincontext, but I don't know exactly what the problem is or how to resolve it.
Here is my C++ code in my library:
GstElement *pipeline;
void seek_to_pos(double position) {
gint64 len;
gst_element_query_duration(pipeline, GST_FORMAT_TIME, &len);
gst_element_seek_simple(pipeline, GST_FORMAT_TIME, GST_SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH, len*position);
void play_file(char* path_to_file, void* hwnd_ptr_of_window){
gst_init(NULL, NULL);
HWND hwnd = (HWND)hwnd_ptr_of_window;
GMainLoop *loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
pipeline = gst_element_factory_make("playbin", "player");
g_object_set (G_OBJECT (pipeline), "uri", path_to_file, NULL);
gst_video_overlay_set_window_handle(GST_VIDEO_OVERLAY(pipeline), (guintptr)hwnd);
gst_element_set_state(pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
Without the g_main_loop_run(loop); string, all works fine, but of course I need it for some another things.
Also, I already know that I need to run GMainLoop in a
different thread to not block my C# application's event loop but I don't know exactly how I can do it.
So I need a code sample or link which describes how I can do it right. Thanks!

Sendkeys.send send alt+space+n combination

The title pretty much explains question. I want to sen alt+space+n combination via Senkeys.send method, how this could be done? So far I've tried SendKeys.Send("% N"); but it's not working.
Spacebar isn't a traditional modifier key, so I believe you will need to send the keyUp and keyDown events seperately.
I'm not completely familiar with C# sendkeys, since I use the AutoIt library for this kind of thing, with AutoIt the commands would be something like:
private void pressAltSpaceN()
AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_Send("{alt down}", 0);
AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_Send("{space down}", 0);
AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_Send("{n down}", 0);
AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_Send("{n up}", 0);
AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_Send("{space up}", 0);
AutoItX3Declarations.AU3_Send("{alt up}", 0);
Hopefully someone else can tell how to send keyUp and keyDown events using SendKeys, otherwise you can learn how to integrate AutoIt into C# using the answer to this question: link.
The string you're using should work. Perhaps the default journaling hook doesn't work with the application you're trying to minimize. You could try using the alternate method using app.config and SendInput (see here).
A better way to solve the problem would be to obtain a handle to the focused window using GetActiveWindow, then call ShowWindowAsync and pass in a ShowWindowCommand value of 2.

The definitive code that prevents a c# console app from exiting [until custom cleanup code has completed]

Can we work together to come up with something that works for control-c, control-break, log off, window X button pressed, etc?
Here is what I have so far:
class Program
private static ConsoleEventHandlerDelegate consoleHandler;
delegate bool ConsoleEventHandlerDelegate(CtrlTypes eventCode);
static void Main(string[] args)
consoleHandler = new ConsoleEventHandlerDelegate(ConsoleCtrlCheck);
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(consoleHandler, true);
+= delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender,
ConsoleCancelEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = false;
private static bool ConsoleCtrlCheck(CtrlTypes ctrlType)
switch (ctrlType)
case CtrlTypes.CTRL_C_EVENT:
Console.WriteLine("CTRL+C received!");
case CtrlTypes.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT:
isclosing = true;
Console.WriteLine("CTRL+BREAK received!");
case CtrlTypes.CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT:
Console.WriteLine("Program being closed!");
Console.WriteLine("User is logging off!");
return true;
#region unmanaged
static extern bool SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleEventHandlerDelegate
handlerProc, bool add);
public delegate bool HandlerRoutine(CtrlTypes CtrlType);
public enum CtrlTypes
Two problems:
In the Managed Control-Break handler, if we set e.Cancel = true it fails with an exception for .Net4. This is noted in the MSDN article with no work-around:
I don't know how to cancel the close in the ConsoleCtrlCheck. I get a second or two to do some cleanup, but I'd rather cancel and make sure it all gets done properly.
Thanks for the replies. Upvoted both. Will wait to see if anyone can come up with a reply that directly solves what I asked for, otherwise will accept one of the "use NT services" answers.
I need to wait for pending user requests to complete, disconnect them cleanly, run a few queries on the database to reflect the change(s) in state and so forth. It's a TCP server.
Then don't run it as a Console or any other kind of Client app.
Just run it as a Windows (NT) Service and the only events you'll have to worry about are Power loss and a stop signal.
Use a UPS and make sure you can close in a reasonable timespan.
I have not tried to do this kind of thing with a console app, but you may do better with a Windows Forms (or WCF app). They will give you a FormClosing event which is cancellable. Alternately, use a Windows Service if you are writing a network service, it provides an interface to cleanly stop your application.
If you are really keen on a console app, perhaps a try {} finally {} clause around all your code or something more exotic like a critical finaliser may allow you to run clean up code. But this is really not the right tool for the job.
And there are cases which you cannot prevent you app being closed, eg: power failure, or Task Manager kill command (and if an app didn't close via the X, Task Manager is the first tool I'd reach for).
So, code your service application such that all client requests are logged to a transaction log (like SQL server does). If you are unexpectedly interrupted (by whatever circumstance) anything which has happened up until that point is in the log. When your service next starts, replay that log.
One of your things to log will be "I was shutdown cleanly at time T". If you restart and don't find that item at the end of your log, you know something went wrong, and you can take whatever action is required.
If you need to know what your service is doing, use one of the many logging frameworks to pipe events to a second app, which just displays activity.
I spent couple hours looking at this and as I don't have time now to build a working code; as while it's probably short, getting it right would take a while. I'll just give you link to the various stuff that's needed to get this done:
Summarizing the lessons from the code in the paste:
Need a message pump to handle some/all of WM_QUERYENDSESSION, WM_ENDSESSION, CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT (in c# SystemEvents.SessionEnding may cover some/all of these)
Easiest way to get a message pump is to make it a hidden form/window app, but I recall it's possible to build as a console app and add a message pump also. I didn't include that code in the paste though.
"If an application must block a potential system shutdown, it can call the ShutdownBlockReasonCreate function"
As AllocConsole is used to create the console, you need to use SetConsoleCtrlHandler and use ExitThread(1) in the handler. This is a "hack" that kills off the thread that would close the console otherwise. It's used in FarManager. see interf.cpp for example
You need to also initialize and clean up the console when using AllocConsole.
Pressing CTRL+C is reported to mess up the input. I'm not sure if FarManager is handling this scenario. There's some code in the CTRL_BREAK_EVENT handler in interf.cpp that I'm not sure what it does.
FarManager also handles WM_POWERBROADCAST, probably to do with suspending
If all that isn't enough (should be), you can also add the console into another process and IPC your messages to it like shown here. Why does closing a console that was started with AllocConsole cause my whole application to exit? Can I change this behavior?
RMTool can be used to simulate logoff/shutdown messages for testing:
MSDN has some C# code also at microsoft.win32.systemevents.sessionending.aspx
and microsoft.win32.systemevents.aspx (hidden form example)
The has a sample winTest project with AllocConsole being used and some of the events handled.

SendMessage disappears into the ether

I'm attempting to pass messages between two applications - one of them is a plugin, and the other is a standalone configuration utility. When my plugin detects an event, I want to send a message to my utility and prompt the user to reconfigure.
The code I'm using is as follows:
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hwnd, uint Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
private const int MESSAGE_UNAUTH = 0x401;
[... misc logic here, function def, etc]
Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("MyConfigurationApplication");
if (processes.Length > 0)
foreach (Process p in processes)
SendMessage(p.MainWindowHandle, MESSAGE_UNAUTH, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
And then in my receiving process, I have the following code (I also defined MESSAGE_UNAUTH in this class):
protected override void WndProc(ref Message message)
if (message.Msg == MESSAGE_UNAUTH)
MessageBox.Show("Message received");
base.WndProc(ref message);
Things I have already verified with the debugger:
The message is getting sent. All the code in the Sender, including the SendMessage call, is executing.
The message is not getting received (obviously).
The WndProc() function is not getting called at all when the message is sent. It is, however, getting called a whole bunch of times when the configuration utility is launched (I'm assuming this is Windows' behavior).
I've gone through enough online tutorials to need eyedrops, and as far as I know, everything here is syntax-correct and "proper," but for some reason, between when I send the message and when the receiver's WndProc() should be called, black magic is happening.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Update: Using Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), I am getting an error #1400, which appears to correspond to an invalid window handle. However, I don't see why that would be the case, since the process was found and we entered the for each loop successfully. The one caveat I can think of is that my configuration utility is presented as a taskbar icon, and doesn't necessarily have a visible window at all times - would this prevent p.MainWindowHandle from being valid? If so, how can I work around this to pass a message to the process instead of the window?
Update: Process.MainWindowHandle is 0, so it looks like that is indeed the problem - when the form in my configuration utility is not visible, no valid window handler is returned, even though my utility icon is visible in the notification bar. Is there any way I can send a message to the process, or even to the taskbar icon?
You can try to enumerate all windows associated with the process. See How to enumerate all windows belonging to a particular process using .NET?
Depending on the .NET framework you are using, this will help resolve your issues.
There was a bug in the old .NET frameworks (2.0 I think) where calling to Process.MainWindowHandle when the process starts up returns 0. Any subsequent call will also result in a 0. This is due to caching the main window handle, which should have been fixed in .NET 3.0 and later.
You might also try giving full trust to your WndProc which might help. Something like:
[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet( System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
On a side note, if you can change your implementation then I strongly suggest you go for better inter process communication means such as sockets, TCPChannel (which I think is replaced by WCF), named pipes...
The message might not be sent, it might be blocked. See here: When a message is blocked by UIPI the last error, retrieved with GetLastError, is set to 5 (access denied).
Use Windows Registermessage in bothe sender and receiver end will resolve the problem
Problem was that the process I was sending the message to only existed as a tooltip icon and not as an active, open window. Turns out the windows message functionality is designed for window-to-window messages, not process-to-process messages.
Solution was aforementioned kludgy system of file IO handlers.

Sending a result with EndDialog Win32API in .NET

I am running some automation in a C# program (.Net 4.0). There is an issue with a modal dialog where I want to click the message away and continue testing. I have tried a few options (SendKey and using Win32 to send a click event with code modified from here: Neither of these have proved to be reliable enough to be considered effective.
My next approach will be to try calling the EndDialog() function from my C# program and simply sending the enumeration/return code to the message box.
EndDialog(HWND hDlg, INT_PTR nResult) is the call where hDlg is the handle to the message box being closed and nResult is the result of the dialog.
Where I am running into an issue is how to send the desired result. An example would be that the return code IDCANCEL has a value of 2. How exactly do I send this value? What variables or constants would I need to declare? I'm just looking for how to get the proper pointer declared to send the desired result to the function.
Further information on these result values can be found here
just invoke PostMessage. Here is a sample in c/c++:

