I am creating a timer job in VS for sharepoint, and I want to create a Date object that only has a month and day. The reason for this is because I want this job to run annually on the specific date.
If it's not possible with a date object, then how would you go about doing this?
Here's what I've got:
DateTime value = new DateTime(2010, 1, 18);
Well, you can create your own type - but a DateTime always has a full date and time. You can't even have "just a date" using DateTime - the closest you can come is to have a DateTime at midnight.
You could always ignore the year though - or take the current year:
// Consider whether you want DateTime.UtcNow.Year instead
DateTime value = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, month, day);
To create your own type, you could always just embed a DateTime within a struct, and proxy on calls like AddDays etc:
public struct MonthDay : IEquatable<MonthDay>
private readonly DateTime dateTime;
public MonthDay(int month, int day)
dateTime = new DateTime(2000, month, day);
public MonthDay AddDays(int days)
DateTime added = dateTime.AddDays(days);
return new MonthDay(added.Month, added.Day);
// TODO: Implement interfaces, equality etc
Note that the year you choose affects the behaviour of the type - should Feb 29th be a valid month/day value or not? It depends on the year...
Personally I don't think I would create a type for this - instead I'd have a method to return "the next time the program should be run".
How about creating a timer with the next date?
In your timer callback you create the timer for the following year? DateTime has always a year value. What you want to express is a recurring time specification. This is another type which you would need to create.
DateTime is always represents a specific date and time but not a recurring date.
There is no such thing like a DateTime without a year!
From what I gather your design is a bit strange:
I would recommend storing a "start" (DateTime including year for the FIRST occurence) and a value which designates how to calculate the next event... this could be for example a TimeSpan or some custom structure esp. since "every year" can mean that the event occurs on a specific date and would not automatically be the same as saysing that it occurs in +365 days.
After the event occurs you calculate the next and store that etc.
Anyway you need 'Year'.
In some engineering fields, you have fixed day and month and year can be variable. But that day and month are important for beginning calculation without considering which year you are. Your user, for example, only should select a day and a month and providing year is up to you.
You can create a custom combobox using this: Customizable ComboBox Drop-Down.
1- In VS create a user control.
2- See the code in the link above for impelemnting that control.
3- Create another user control and place in it 31 button or label and above them place a label to show months.
4- Place the control in step 3 in your custom combobox.
5- Place the control in setp 4 in step 1.
You now have a control with only days and months. You can use any year that you have in your database or ....
I receive a date like 1.01.2022 h:00, m:00, s:00, ms: 00
What is the best approach to get the date at the end of the day, something like: 01.01.2022 h:23, m:59, s:59, ms: 999?
I tried those 2 ways:
var endOfDay = new TimeSpan(0, 23, 59, 59, 999);
time = time.Add(endOfDay);
time = time.AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(-1);
This removes all doubt down to the resolution of a single tick. In the code below, assume that dateAndTime could include a non-zero time component.
ensures we are only working with a date that has no time component as our reference point/date
moves us to the next date at midnight
subtracts a single tick, bringing us back to our reference date with a full-resolution time component (you could do milliseconds if you prefer, just know it's less resolution).
While this works, it's generally better to consider an alternate design that doesn't rely on a time component at all (e.g. use a given date at midnight on the next day to act as a virtual end-of-day for the given reference date).
If you want just to print out the range, the action format is opinion based. If you, however, want to check if some time is within or without the day, please do it as (note >= and <)
if (timeOfQuestion >= day.Date && timeOfQuestion < day.Date.AddDays(1)) {
Using onstructions like endOfDays = time.AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(-1) is dangerous:
please, note that day.Date.AddMilliseconds(999.5) - double value - should be within the day.
I need to ensure that a DateTime variable named start falls approximately a month after the current date. The only means that I am aware of to do this is to create another DateTime variable that is hard-coded to be precisely one month (or four weeks, preferably) after the current date, and compare the two.
Is there a more efficient way to do this, without creating another object that I will do nothing with?
DateTime start = new DateTime(2015, 12, 25);
if (start > DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(28))
// Do something
if 4 weeks is a must, then;
I'm currently developing an application to function as a todo - list and i was wondering how do i accept a Value from a date time box, but only use the value of the date, or the value of the time. I'm currently doing it like this.
DateTime ted = appointmentDateTimeDate.Value; //The date
DateTime at = appointmentDateTimeTime.Value; //The time
should i be doing this another way?
Use DateTime.Date property for date, and DateTime.TimeOfDay for time:
DateTime ted = appointmentDateTimeDate.Date; //The date
TimeSpan at = appointmentDateTimeTime.TimeOfDay; //The time
The BCL doesn't really separate dates and times nicely.
If you're happy to take a new external dependency, I'd like to plug my Noda Time library, which will let you separate things out clearly into LocalDate and LocalTime. To perform the conversion from a date/time picker you'd probably use:
var dateAndTime = LocalDateTime.FromDateTime(appointmentDateTimeDate.Value);
LocalDate date = dateAndTime.LocalDate;
LocalTime time = dateAndTime.LocalTime;
Like others pointed out a DateTime always has both a date and a time component. So although it's possible to save both independently using two DateTime, in most cases it's recommendable to save both together in a single DateTime instance.
You should see if you really need both values separated or if your application could combine both in one property, which will make things easier.
A DateTime value ALWAYS contains both the date and the time, whether you use both or not.
You can use the .Date property of a DateTime to get "just the date". it will still have a time value, but the time value will be midnight. You can also use the .TimeOfDay property to get the time portion, which will be a TimeSpan indicating the number of ticks since midnight.
I'm taking a leap here and assuming you're trying to set the date with one control an d the time with another in the UI. Here's a sample of some code we use to do this using an Ajax CalendarExtender attached to a textbox and a custom TimePicker control.
DateTime dt;
dt = Convert.ToDateTime(txtViewDate.Text).AddHours(txtViewTime.Hour).AddMinutes(txtViewTime.Minute);
if (txtViewTime.AmPm == MKB.TimePicker.TimeSelector.AmPmSpec.PM)
dt = dt.AddHours(12);
catch (Exception)
// abort processing
What is the difference between DateTime.AddDays and Calendar.AddDays?
Is DateTime type calendar independent?
DateTime.AddDays just converts days to ticks and adds this number of ticks to the date time. The default implementation of Calendar.AddDays does exactly the same. However, since it is a virtual method it can be implemented in specific calendar in a more complicated way, e.g. something like here: http://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2010/12/01/the-joys-of-date-time-arithmetic/
I believe that DateTime is hard-coded to use the Gregorian calendar, effectively.
For example, if you look at DateTime.DaysInMonth it assumes there are 12 months, whereas the HebrewCalendar supports 13.
EDIT: There are some aspects of DateTime which do accommodate other calendars, such as this constructor. However, I believe it just converts it to a Gregorian calendar:
Calendar calendar = new HebrewCalendar();
DateTime dt = new DateTime(5901, 13, 1, 0, 0, 0, calendar); // Uses month 13!
Console.WriteLine(dt.Year); // 2141
Console.WriteLine(dt.Month); // 9
As far as I know the Calendar.AddDays method returns a DateTime object and calls it's function.
The answer to this question is extremely easy to answer. There is no difference between the two functions.
Calendar.AddDays is also a DateTime
DateTime does not extend that particular functionality the only thing it uses is UTC and Local time. One should also suggest that a Calendar is NOT a DateTime object, it might not behave the same, and does not appear to provide a method to get the current system time.
Edit - I originally thought you were talking about the Web Control, this appears to be a globalization, to allow you to display the current date and time for a given user base do their declared operating system's settings.
I'm working on a small web form that requires the user to input (among other things), the scheduled backup time of whatever server they're adding to the system. The problem is, I'm struggling to find out the best way to take the user input and build a DateTime object (which is what the database requires).
I only really care about the Day of Week, Time of Day (12 or 24 hour clock).
I thought about just creating an empty DateTime object and then just adding my input values from the user, but you can only get, not set, the day of week, time of day, etc.
I've been looking at the Calender asp control, which would work for the day of the week selection, but I can't seem to find any support of time of day.
I don't think you want to use a DateTime for a recurring event such as a backup. A DateTime is useful for storing a particular date and time, but not a "template" for a recurring event. Instead I'd use separate columns to store the day of week value (0-6) and time of date (minutes after midnight) for the event.
If you going to use datepicker here is one great sample for adding JQuery date picker using C#. That helped me including in my project evrn if I did know anything abaut JQuery and java sripts at all.
DateTime is a immutable value type. You cannot set anything on it.
Assumed that you stick with DateTime on the DB and you don't want to use a DateTimePicker control.
You have to specify how the day of week and the time should be represented in the DateTime. You can start with DateTime.MinValue, the 1.1.0001, 12:00 at midnight, and add the day of week and the time. unfortunately, a regular DateTime field in a SqlServer 2005 is not able to store this date. So lets move it to the year 2000. The 1.1.2000 was a Saturday. You could calculate the DateTime like this:
int dayOfWeek; // 0 = mon, 6 = son
DateTime time;
DateTime scheduleTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, (dayOfWeek + 2) % 6 + 1)
+ time.TimeOfDay;
But honestly, I wouldn't do it. It smells. I just answered your question. Listen to tvanfosson. He said everything that needs to be said.