Group items on a Canvas - c#

I am creating shapes on a wpf using a Canvas. I have created by C# code some Rectangles, each one of which is assigned with three circles and a TextBlock. I want now to make them move on the Canvas by a mouseEvent , in other words to drag them with the mouse and to move them on the Canvas. How is it possible to manipulate each Rectangle with the circles and the TextBlock as a compact group?
It is required, when the user clicks on the Rectangle to transfer it with its contents. However, the circles and the textBlock have their own coordinates, so if not grouped they stand still. How can I get over this?

Put the rectangle and everything else in a grid or another canvas, as described in this related question of yours: Drawing circles on a Rectangle
This is basically a user control composed of the rectangles, circles, and textbox, and you just allow that whole user control to be moved around, rather than the constituent parts.

If you don't want to add another layout panels try to apply the same transform to all elements you want to move, it's not so heavy solution.


WPF - Get relative Canvas coordinates after a drag/drop operation?

In WPF, I have a custom "toolbox" which consists of Label controls and some vector icons docked to the left of the screen.
In the center, I have a Canvas control which I eventually am going to need to serialize out the relative coordinates (for other platforms) for this "designer surface".
Basic question, I can drag/drop controls from this psuedo-control box onto a Canvas but I need to know how to place this WPF control properly in the canvas, under where the mouse pointer is, realtive to the Canvas and not the screen or main Window.
What are the functions that needed to be called so that I can ensure that if I drop a Button control at 10%, 20% of the canvas, I get an actual location back and the button drops where expected?
Mouse events provide a Point structure.
Converting of positions can be done by Control.PointToScreen and TargetControl.PointToClient.

How do I select a Rectangle that's already been drawn?

I've been learning how to draw lines in winforms apps, and I'd like to be able to select something (rectangle, for example) that has already been drawn by left clicking it, and then be able to move it around to another location by dragging it with the mouse.
How can this be done? I don't see any methods for this so I think I will need to figure out if there is anything where I left-click on the form, and if there is, then somehow figure out the dimensions of it and redraw it appropriately. Is this correct? And how would I know where the reactangle starts, where it ends, how heigh it is, what color(s) it has, and what if it's overlapping another line, rectangle or another shape?
I've not been able to find much on the System.Drawing namespace for things like this, and what I have found so far is just basic "How to draw lines" type stuff.
Your drawing is a bitmap, not a vectorial image. Basically, it's just lots of pixels. Once your rectangle is drawn, it's just some pixels, but the rectangle itself (with coordinates and size) doesn't exist anymore.
What you can do is saving data for every shape (in a List for example). Then, when you click on your image to select something, you test every object in your list in reverse order until the mouse coordinates are within your shape. Then, if, for example, you want to delete the shape, you remove the shape from your list, then you clear your image and redraw every shape in your list.

Translate/Scale Transform and window resizing

I'm making a little chess game in wpf, and I'm having trouble to find the right way I should move and display pieces on the chessboard...
To draw the chessboard I use a UniformGrid (8 * 8) which I fill on init in "code behind" with Rectangle shapes.
Then I want to add my pieces on this grid, which are png images in a Image control I also create in "code behind".
I thought about putting these images in the same cell of the grid as my Rectangle controls, but I see the issue that I wouldn't be able to animate the move of a piece that way, since it will go from one location to another directly.
So I thought about adding the pieces to the parent control, and then use the RenderTransform property to set their positions.
The thing is, I can't figure out what I have to do so that if the parent control is resized the pieces stay at the right position.
Is there a way to set the translation once and for all without having to redefine it at resize? I thought about assigning the position and size of the Rectangle elements on the pieces control, but this doesn't seem to be doable in wpf...
Am I just doing it all the wrong way and there is a better option to do this?
Thanks for your help, any suggestions are welcome.

How to create moveable "free floating" panel that can freely move over the canvas and is partially transparent

The scenario is that i want the user to create a shape in a small panel that opens (the added shape can later be placed on the canvas), but for a better reference, i want the user to be able to move the semi-transparent panel somewhere on the canvas and then draw with the accurate reference.
Please tell me:
Which panel type to use
How to make it moving by clicking the mouse on the move button (not the whole panel as dragging will be used for drawing lines) and move it around.
How to make it semi transparent.
How to make it appear and disappear (this should be pretty simple)
How to somehow limit its movement inside the canvas so it cannot move on the ribbon
And I really really hope there will be something built-in in WPF that i'll be able to use, and i will not have to do it the hard way i.e. create a rectangle, and do customized hit testing on it to allow the user to draw on top of that rectangle, make that rectangle transparent, and add graphics items for the buttons and controls on that rectangle "panel".
I am asking this because i have never seen such feature in any Windows application and i have no idea what to use for this purpose and how to implement it. The closest thing to what i want is in Adobe Acrobat Pro, which is the small preview of the page that appears when i double click with the middle mouse button. It doesn't move, nor it is transparent or can be drawn upon, but scale and shape wise i want something similar.
You should be able to place a second Canvas inside of your main canvas, and place whatever UserControl you'd like with your "view" inside of it.
You'll have to handle the mouse click/drag for moving it around yourself, but otherwise, it should be very straightforward.

Drawing squares in WPF

I want to achieve the following with a WPF application (in a certain area/defined area):
When clicking and holding on the app, you can draw a square
You can do this as many times, but not overlap any squares
You can drag squares around the application
What do I need to achieve this, I assume a bunch of onclick/onmove's. Is there an easier way, such as using canvas? Any insight would be great.
You will have to use a canvas if you want the squares to appear where the user clicks and drags.
The mouse down event would define one corner and the mouse up the second. You'd have to constrain the movement of the cursor so that the x and y dimensions of the rectangle were the same.
On each mouse move event you'd have to check if the cursor were over one of the existing squares and prevent the square growing any further.
For the dragging of existing squares modify the mouse down event to check what's under the cursor. If it's the canvas start the square drawing mode, if it's a rectangle (square) then start the dragging mode. Again you'd need to use the mouse move event to check that the square doesn't intersect with any existing squares.
There's a code project article describing how to drag elements inside a Canvas: Dragging Elements in a Canvas
Speaking of ChrisF's mentioning of using a Canvas, I would suggest you use DragCanvas (found in the article)

