C# syntax error in INSERT INTO statement - c#

I'm having the error at the line: ins.ExecuteNonQuery().ToString(); OledDbException was unhandled Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
How do I fix this?
string strOleDbConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\\Project.mdb";
OleDbConnection objConnection = new OleDbConnection(strOleDbConnectionString);
string newTagID = textBox1.Text;
string newUser = textBox2.Text;
string newAge = textBox3.Text;
string newPhoneNumber = textBox4.Text;
string insertString = "INSERT INTO jiahe ([Tag ID], User, Age, [Phone Number]) VALUES ('" + newTagID + "', '" + newUser + "', '" + newAge + "', '" + newPhoneNumber + "')";
OleDbCommand ins = new OleDbCommand(insertString, objConnection);

Your problem is probably one these three:
Outright syntax error not clearly visible with the hideous unparametrized SQL statement :p
newUser or some other field has a ' somewhere and is screwing up the syntax.
You are trying to insert a numeric value (Age?) as a string.
You should easily solve the first two creating a breakpoint after the insertString statement construction and checking out what the string really contains. The third one is even easier to check, just review the data types of the table's fields in your data base.

Notwithstanding, you should change the use of your command to use parameters and not build the query string with string concatenation (which is susceptible to sql injection attacks).
The issue is most likely because [Tag ID], User, Age, [Phone Number] are not all strings. In your SQL, any non-string column data should not be wrapped by quotes (').
To fix the immediate problem (assuming [Tag ID] is an integer):
string insertString = "INSERT INTO jiahe ([Tag ID], User, Age, [Phone Number]) VALUES (" + newTagID + ", '" + newUser + "', '" + newAge + "', '" + newPhoneNumber + "')";
However, you should structure your code to avoid sql injection, have cleaner code, and also not worry about the quotes:
string insertString = "INSERT INTO jiahe ([Tag ID], User, Age, [Phone Number]) VALUES (#TagID, #User, #Age, #PhoneNumber)";
OleDbCommand ins = new OleDbCommand(insertString, objConnection);
ins.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("#TagID",newTagID);
ins.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("#User",newUser);
ins.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("#Age",newAge);
ins.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("#PhoneNumber",newPhoneNumber);


SQLite with C# - UPDATE Command with Parameters

I am creating a program where you can store and change the balances of different accounts in visual C#. At the moment I am making the part where you can add to the balance of an account stored in a database to a table like this:
After adding on an amount of money, thus changing the currency, I want to be able to change the currency value in the database.
For example, if the current currency of an account (record) is £2. After adding on £3 I want to change the database so in the currency field for that record it now says £5.
I have written this code which is similar to how I inserted information into the database earlier in the code which worked successfully but I can't figure out how to use the syntax for the update command whilst using parameters in this context (doesn't work):
string sql = "update customers set balance values ('" + balance + "') where first_name values ('" + forename + "')";
SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);
(This is the code I used earlier to insert information into the table that works):
string sql = "insert into leaders (ID, username, password, first_name, last_name) values (null,'" + username + "', '" + password + "', '" + first_name + "', '" + last_name + "')";
SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);
You aren't using the correct syntax for update:
string sql = "update customers set balance = '" + balance + "' where first_name = '" + forename + "'";
Note that this is not a parameterized query, and might be vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks (or just break if one of the values contains a '). It's recommended to use a prepared statement with parameters:
string sql = "update customers set balance = #balance where first_name = #forename";
SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, m_dbConnection);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#balance", balance);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#forename", forename);

Error: There are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause

I've checked my values but it still says that I do not have enough. I have one value that isn't in the insert-statement but it's an identity-value, so I guess I don't have to specify that in my code?!?!
Anyway here's the code:
string Fname = tbFIRSTNAME.Text.Trim();
string Lname = tbLASTNAME.Text.Trim();
string Sname = tbStreetName.Text.Trim();
string SSN = tbSSN.Text.Trim();
string CrimeID = cmbCRIMEID.Text.ToString();
string DangerLVL = cmbDANGERLEVEL.Text.ToString();
string CrimeDesc = rtbCrimeInfo.Text.Trim();
string str = "insert into Crooks (FirstName, LastName, StreetName, SSN, CrimeID, DangerLevel, CrimeDescription) values ('" + Fname + '"' + Lname + '"' + Sname + '"' + SSN + '"' + DangerLVL + '"' + CrimeID + '"' + CrimeDesc + "')";
Your basic error, as others stated, is that you are not separating all the values with commas.
Apart from that, you have a big security flaw. And that is to use your values directly from your textboxes. That is the most insecure and most common security flaw in software design and will potentially lead you to have SQL Injection attacks to your application. To avoid that, you should use parametrized query. This is a resumed code, but you should so something like this:
using(MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("YourConnectionString"))
MySqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "insert into Crooks (FirstName, LastName, StreetName, SSN, CrimeID, DangerLevel, CrimeDescription) VALUES (#FirstName, #LastName, #StreetName, #SSN, #CrimeID, #DangerLevel, #CrimeDescription)";
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#FirstName", tbLASTNAME.Text.Trim());
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#LastName", tbStreetName.Text.Trim());
The problem is that you haven't set comma between your values (So you are actually entering one value not 7):
string str = "insert into Crooks (FirstName, LastName, StreetName, SSN, CrimeID, DangerLevel, CrimeDescription) values ('" + Fname + "','" + Lname + "','" + Sname + "'," + SSN + "," + DangerLVL + "," + CrimeID + ",'" + CrimeDesc + "')";
Clearly some of varchar types are not enclosed between '' too. this is not the case right now, but after adding commas you may get other errors because of type mismatches

SQL Insert statement not working C#

Using Access database like this :
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(#"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=" + Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "Resources/cars_db.accdb");
OleDbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Users (Username, Password, Email, Address, Question, Answer) VALUES ('" + txtUsernameRP.Text + "','" + txtPasswordRP.Text + "','" + txtEmailRP.Text + "','" + txtAddressRP.Text + "','" + txtQuestionRP.Text + "','" + txtAnswerRP.Text + "')";
int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); -- **Breaks here and says syntax error**
I have tried:
Taking out the int i bit.
Putting the # symbol in front of the statement.
Checked and made sure that I am using the Access code.
Tried closing the connection before creating in case it was something there.
Substituted the data for fixed values, which I then ran in a query in Access which worked.
Put the access query mentioned above into the code block (cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Users (Username, Password, Email, Address, Question, Answer) VALUES ('asdasd','Asd!23asd','asdasd','asdasd','asdasd','asdasd')"; and tried running it and again same syntax error.
Please someone help me...
Password is reserved keyword
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Users (Username, Password, Email, Address...
try this
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Users (Username, [Password], Email, Address...
Can You try this?
"INSERT INTO Users (Username, Password, Email, Address, Question, Answer)
'" + txtUsernameRP.Text + "',
'" + txtPasswordRP.Text + "',
'" + txtEmailRP.Text + "',
'" + txtAddressRP.Text + "',
'" + txtQuestionRP.Text + "',
'" + txtAnswerRP.Text + "');";
I guess your problem is on that int i, try removing it

Insert Date into sql table with Date column

Hello and thanks for reading.
I'm trying to insert the current date into my table, but I can't figure out how to write it correctly.
Here is my C# code:
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LocalSqlServer"].ConnectionString);
string Comment = UserWriteComment.Text;
string ID = DetailedID.Text;
string Name = DetailedName.Text;
string UniqueID = lblID.Text;
string query = "INSERT INTO Comment(TicketID, Name, Comments, UserID, Date)" + "Values('" + ID + "', '" + Name + "', '" + Comment + "', '" + UniqueID + "', '" + Date + "')";
using (SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
UserWriteComment.Text = "";
In the Query, There is a value called Date. This is here I like the Function to pass the current date into my Table.
I hope you can help me because I didnt managed to find the answer anywere.
Use DateTime.Now or (in the database via sql) GetDate(). But more important, use sql-parameters to prevent sql-injection and conversion/localization issues:
string insertSql = #"INSERT INTO Comment(TicketID, Name, Comments, UserID, Date)
Values(#ID, #Name, #Comment, #UniqueID, #Date)";
using (var conn = new SqlConnection("...."))
using (var com = new SqlCommand(insertSql, conn))
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ID", ID);
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Name", Name);
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Comment", Comment);
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UniqueID", UniqueID);
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Date", DateTime.Now);
The using-statement ensures that unmanaged resources like the connection will be disposed/closed even in case of an error.
Use DateTime.Now instead of Date. i.e. update the INSERT line to the following.
string query = "INSERT INTO Comment(TicketID, Name, Comments, UserID, Date)"
+ "Values('" + ID + "', '" + Name + "', '" + Comment + "', '"
+ UniqueID + "', '" + DateTime.Now + "')";
P.S: You really should be using Parameterize statements to avoid a Bobby Tables situation.
To fix this, implement it as shown by #Tim in his answer:
Instead of Date, try using the following
Another function that can help you is
Date inserts for SQL Server is best used via :
Convert(Varchar, GetDate(), 101)
Note: converting the GetDate() value to varchar type 101 shortens the value to just the date w/o time stamp.

insert into database

I've made sure everything pertains to the column types in the database, but I keep getting an SQLCeException. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this code?
private void ANDPaddDriverButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string first = ANDPfirstNametextBox.Text;
string last = ANDPlastNametextBox.Text;
string mid = textBox5.Text;
string phone = ANDPphonetextBox.Text;
string social = ANDPsSNtextBox.Text;
// EmployeeType="Employee"
string city = ANDPCityTextbox.Text;
string state = ANDPStatetextBox.Text;
string zip = ANDPzipCodetextbox.Text;
string email = ANDPemailtextBox.Text;
string address = ANDPaddressTextBox.Text;
string user = userName.Text;
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO [Employee Table] VALUES (" +
first + "," + last + "," + mid + "," + address + "," + phone + "," + social + ","
+ "Employee" + "," + city + "," + state + "," + zip + "," + email + "," + userName + ")", DBConn);
Use Parameters to prevent SQL injection, and the Columns names, because you are relying in the quantity, and order of your table's columns and it will likely change in the future (I'm guessing the column names):
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO [Employee Table] (First, Last, Mid, Address, Phone, Social, Employee, City, State, Zip, Email, UserName) VALUES (#First, #Last, #Mid, #Address, #Phone, #Social, #Employee, #City, #State, #Zip, #Email, #UserName)", DBConn);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#First", first);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Last", last);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Mid", mid);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Address", address);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Phone", phone);
// etc. each column
By the way try to not use spaces in table and columns names ;-)
Your fields of type string/varchar shall be enclosed in single quotes!
SqlCeCommand cmd = new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO [Employee Table] VALUES (" +
"'" + first + "',"
and so on...
Also, as somebody else already commented you're going to greatly expose your code to SQL injection attacks
As Lorenzo said, the string values must be enclosed with single quotes, but please read this page which explains why you shouldn't build a query this way, and shows you how to do it with parameters.

