C# question
Here is what I am trying to do. When I click a button, I want the checkboxlist to smoothly change from say (200,10) to (200,100) in size. I am successful at getting to size to change instantaneously, but I want it to look smooth.
Here is the code I wrote:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
timer1.Interval = 1;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
timer1.Enabled = true;
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (checkedListBox1.Height < 100)
checkedListBox1.Size = new Size(checkedListBox1.Size.Width, checkedListBox1.Size.Height + 1);
timer1.Enabled = false;
I have used this coding to move objects smoothly, but never to change sizes.
So when you run this code, the box just flickers and it seems like its trying to change size, but it doesn't, and the loop never ends.
You need to set IntegralHeight to false to that the box can be a height that is not a multiple of the item height.
For the flickering, you should probably double-buffer the form which contains this control.
I'm developing a maze game at beginner level on C# and what i want to do is create a timer that shows up on the top right corner of the game. The timer is supposed to count down from 1000 (999, 998, 997 every second etc). I wouldn't know how to connect a label that displays the timer that i want to create. How would i go about it? I wouldn't know how to begin on the Tick-method.
private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Hope i made myself somewhat clear.
private int _count = 1000
private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
myLabel.Text = _count.ToString();
The assumption is you have a label on your form, and you have started your timmer
I'm facing a problem in windowsforms. When I change the backgroundimage of a menubutton the delay is way too long, it takes around 1/2 seconds to change it. The reason why it's happening is not because of my computerspeed, I'm sure of that. Here's my code, I'm looking forward to someone that could help me out.
private void button1_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
button1.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.Tomb_of_the_Ancients_Portal;
label1.Visible = true;
private void button1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
button1.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.Toxic_Sewers_Portal;
label1.Visible = false;
You can call .Refresh() on the button so it can redraw its graphics.
I need to make a form in C# have a timer and have a label that will have be the display of the timer. The label will need to be a generic label at first saying it is a counter, but when the timer starts it needs to display the count. Currently I have the display as a number up down but, it needs to be the control that can tweak the count, which it does. It just can't be the sole counter.
Here is my assignment:
Create a Windows Application. In the main form, create a label named “lTickCount”.
Create a timer named “tPeriodic”, and a numerical control of your own choosing.
Each time the timer “ticks” increment an integer, display the integer value as a string in
lTickCount. Use the numerical control to change the update rate of the timer
I think I have done everything correctly except for the bold part. To finish I tried to make a string in both the label and the counter. I know I shouldn't have in both, I just wanted to show you the two things I've tried to help get better feedback:
namespace WindowsFormsApplication3
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
this.Text = "AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA ########";
private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (checkBox1.Checked)
TickCounter.Text = "The timer has started";
tPeriodic.Enabled = true;
TickCounter.Text = "The timer has ended";
tPeriodic.Enabled = false;
private void TickCounter_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
TickCounter.Text = TickCounter.Value.ToString();
private void tPeriodic_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
TickCounter.Value += 1;
private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TickCounter.Text = TickCounter.Value.ToString();
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Can someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong and point me in the right way?
If you are going to try to add to a string (A label value) you need to convert it to an Integer first.
A couple ways to do this:
TextCount.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(TextCount.Text) + 1).ToString();
is one way, of course you could still use your += or any other math syntax for basic addition of +1.
You can also use tryParse, and in fact this should probably be used to verify you have an integer in the first place:
int count;
if (int.TryParse(TextCount.Text, out count))
TextCount.Text = count.ToString();
int count;
int tmrInterval = 1000; //1 sec
private void tPeriodic_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
lTickCount.Text = count.ToString();
private void TickCounter_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (TickCounter.Value == 0)
return; // or stop the timer
tPeriodic.Interval = TickCounter.Value * tmrInterval;
tPeriodic.Interval is the time till next tick in milliseconds.
You are updating the timer interval according to tmrInterval and the value of the numeric control. You can change the interval or the formula i wrote to your own.
Ok I found that:
tPeriodic.Interval = 1000 / Convert.ToInt32(TickCounter.Value * TickCounter.Value);
seemed to work in the numericupdown class.
Thanks for the help.
I currently have a button object that starts a wav file playing, as well as a progress bar and a timer, all of which are toolbox objects in Visual Studio 2010. The problem is that, when I open the form, the progress bar automatically starts filling up. How can I get it to start only when I click on the button?
Here is the code I have so far:
private void playsong1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SoundPlayer sndplayer = new SoundPlayer(Programming_assignment.Properties.Resources.Back_In_Black);
timer1.Enabled = true;
private void progressBar1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (progressBar1.Value < 256)
Looks like you have timer1.Enabled = true or timer1.Start() in form's constructor or Load event handler. BTW check timer's Enabled property in designer - maybe you set it to true by default.
i am working with split container. my split container has two panel and horizontal orientation. in first panel there are some textboxes and one button. when i click on button then a code run to collapse Panel1 of split container. code is like
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
splitContainer1.Panel1Collapsed = !splitContainer1.Panel1Collapsed;
my problem is when collapse occur then my button and all the textboxes getting invisible. so i next time not being able to make those control visible. so i want trick like button will not be invisible as a result i can click on that button again to make panel1 visible. if possible guide me how to fix or place my button on splitter rather on panel. so guide me how can i do it.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
splitContainer1.Panel1Collapsed = !splitContainer1.Panel1Collapsed;
button1.Parent = splitContainer1.Panel1Collapsed ? splitContainer1.Panel2 : splitContainer1.Panel1;
Related to my previous comment on your entire posting. this is a small solution with a ToolBarButton. It will only be enabled if the SplitContainer.Panel1 is collapsed.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
splitContainer1.Panel1Collapsed = true;
toolStripButton1.Enabled = true;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
toolStripButton1.Enabled = true;
private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (splitContainer1.Panel1Collapsed)
toolStripButton1.Enabled = false;