Log In User with Parameters when Changing Password - c#

I have an ASP.NET App in which want to send an email to a user that presses a Recover Password button that resets the user's password and then sends a link to the user that when followed will log the user in with a new password and bring them to the Change Password page where they must resent their password.
I'm able to reset the password and get the new randomly generated password that I send back to the user in an email. However, when the user follows the link back with the UserName and pw parameters, the system does not seem to log them in,
Here's the code I am using on the load event that does not seem to work:
string sUserName = Request.QueryString["UserName"].ToString();
string sPw = Request.QueryString["pw"].ToString();
if (Membership.ValidateUser(sUserName, sPw))
//Log the user in???
FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(sUserName, sPw);
catch (Exception r)
string sMessage = r.Message;
Any help in logging the user in with username and password parameters would be greatly appreciated.

You can use FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() :
if (Membership.ValidateUser(sUserName, sPw))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(sUserName, true);
In your sample code you are retrieving the user name and password from the query string - this is very bad practice as any observer will see it in plain text. At least use a POST for these values and put them in the body (i.e with a form POST) and always use HTTPS at least for your login page.

use the following code.
if (Membership.ValidateUser(sUserName, sPw))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(sUserName, true);
FormsAuthentication.Authenticate is almost same as FormsAuthentication.ValidateUser. They just validate user authentication. SetAuthCookie creates the authentication ticket(login).

This is how (IMO) reset password functionality should work:
User clicks button saying "Forgot Password".
In your code store a random GUID in the DB.
Send the user an email, with the GUID as a link in the email, as well as their userid, e.g:
On the incoming page, read the userid from the QS, and fetch the user from the DB by this value.
Compare the stored GUID from the GUID in the QS. If success, render a form that allows the user to change the password via an HTTPS POST.
In the POST action, change the user's password and sign them in.
You could also go one step further and store an expiration date for the GUID (e.g user must change their password in 24 hours).


C# ASP.NET Identity

I have a scenario here whereby when a user wants to reset a password, the system will have to send a temporary random generated password to the user by email. I tried storing the temporary password into a new column in the database but I am not really sure about whether this approach works well. Some people recommend using token such as below:
string code = await UserManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Id);
However, I am really new to ASP.NET and I am not familiar with token. How do I compare the temporary generated token with the token in the database?
Another method that I found to implement this is to have a Membership.GeneratePassword function that generates a random string of characters:
model.temppwd = Membership.GeneratePassword(10, 1);
Can anybody provide me an ideal way to implement this functionality with some example? Thank you!
In our project we used
and sent the email containing the link to the recover password action (MVC) as a query string: https://yoursite.com/account/reset/?code=your_guid_code
ResetPassword resetPassword = new resetPassword();
resetPassword.Code = Guid.NewGuid();
string strLink = string.Format("{0}", actionUrl + "?code="+ resetPassword.Code);`
And now you can use the strLink to send with your e-mail. You'll need to store the Guid in a database table alongside with the userId, so that you can implement the resetting procedure. When the user clicks the link from your email he'll get in a form / view that asks for a new password. Also you'll want to add an extra column to that table in order to provide an expiration limit for that code. If the user clicks the link in the e-mail and the code expired you'll have to inform the user and send another e-mail with another code.

How to get UserId from a PasswordReset token in ASP.NET Identity 2.0?

To reset a password we need to know a UserId and pass it to the UserManager.ResetPasswordAsync method. In the Identity 1.0 it was possible to obtain UserId from the UserManager.PasswordResetTokens.Validate method ((UserManager.PasswordResetTokens.Validate(token)).UserId). Now it's gone and all existing examples telling me that I need to ask an user for username or email. This is not user friendly, I don't want my users enter username again if token is valid.
This is already established tradition in ASP.NET Identity - something that worked before is broken in the new release. Of course I can create my own combined token with embedded UserId, but why I need to do extra work? New releases should improve things, not make them worse.
Asp.Net Identity 2.x do not provide a way to find a user by a token created from GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync method.
You have two options:
1) Add the user id at the url you will send to the user. Ex:
var token = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(applicationUser);
var callbackUrl = $"/reset-password/?user={WebUtility.UrlEncode(applicationUser.Id)}&code={WebUtility.UrlEncode(token)}";
This approach is more user friendly. But I know people that says this is a security issue because anyone with the link could reset the user password.
2) Ask for the user name at the reset password page, as you did. Ex:
public async Task<YourResultModel> ResetPassword(ResetPasswordViewModel vm)
// Your password validations...
var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(vm.UserName);
// could be FindByEmailAsync if your app uses the user e-mail to login.
IdentityResult result = await _userManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user, vm.Token, vm.NewPassword);
return YourResultModelFromIdentityResult(result);
Before choose between this two approaches you need to think about your specific scenario. For example: If your app uses the user e-mail as username and to intercept the token the "interceptor" needs to access the user e-mail box, remove the user id from reset password link will not improve the security of your app. Because who has the link already knows the e-mail of the user.

Specify update password when two emailids have same password

I want to update the password without making the user enter his username or emailid as the user will already be logged in.
So in the following code snippet of my webmethod, if i don't wanna use emailid=#emailid at where clause,
where shud i add the code with the logic change password only at the emailid1 and not at emailid 2 if both emailids have same passwords? Thanks.
string update = "update client set pwd=#newpass where pwd=#oldpass";
If the user is already logged in you should have the email in some variable.
And you can use this variable in your updatestring.
So the user dont need to type his email again.

how to change the password in membership with oldpassword checking

I developed a web application. It has a login form using ASP.NET membership. Now I need to add a form allowing to change the password. Before a new password can be set, the old password must be entered by the user.
How can I check if the old password is valid?
// checking if the old password is correct
if (Membership.ValidateUser(username, oldPassword))
// setting a new password
string newPassword = MembershipUser.ResetPassword();
if The User logged In then you have the User Id
so retrieve all user Information like user name password using It.
now you Can just ask User to enter his old password now match this two if both matched then change the password with new One.
Use the ChangePassword control.

How to Implement Password Resets?

I'm working on an application in ASP.NET, and was wondering specifically how I could implement a Password Reset function if I wanted to roll my own.
Specifically, I have the following questions:
What is a good way of generating a Unique ID that is hard to crack?
Should there be a timer attached to it? If so, how long should it be?
Should I record the IP address? Does it even matter?
What information should I ask for under the "Password Reset" screen ? Just Email address? Or maybe email address plus some piece of information that they 'know'? (Favorite team, puppy's name, etc)
Are there any other considerations I need to be aware of?
NB: Other questions have glossed over technical implementation entirely. Indeed the accepted answer glosses over the gory details. I hope that this question and subsequent answers will go into the gory details, and I hope by phrasing this question much more narrowly that the answers are less 'fluff' and more 'gore'.
Edit: Answers that also go into how such a table would be modeled and handled in SQL Server or any ASP.NET MVC links to an answer would be appreciated.
EDIT 2012/05/22: As a follow-up to this popular answer, I no longer use GUIDs myself in this procedure. Like the other popular answer, I now use my own hashing algorithm to generate the key to send in the URL. This has the advantage of being shorter as well. Look into System.Security.Cryptography to generate them, which I usually use a SALT as well.
First, do not immediately reset the user's password.
First, do not immediately reset the user's password when they request it. This is a security breach as someone could guess email addresses (i.e. your email address at the company) and reset passwords at whim. Best practices these days usually include a "confirmation" link sent to the user's email address, confirming they want to reset it. This link is where you want to send the unique key link. I send mine with a link like: example.com/User/PasswordReset/xjdk2ms92
Yes, set a timeout on the link and store the key and timeout on your backend (and salt if you are using one). Timeouts of 3 days is the norm, and make sure to notify the user of 3 days at the web level when they request to reset.
Use a unique hash key
My previous answer said to use a GUID. I'm now editing this to advise everyone to use a randomly generated hash, e.g. using the RNGCryptoServiceProvider. And, make sure to eliminate any "real words" from the hash. I recall a special 6am phone call of where a woman received a certain "c" word in her "suppose to be random" hashed key that a developer did. Doh!
Entire procedure
User clicks "reset" password.
User is asked for an email.
User enters email and clicks send. Do not confirm or deny the email as this is bad practice as well. Simply say, "We have sent a password reset request if the email is verified." or something cryptic alike.
You create a hash from the RNGCryptoServiceProvider, store it as a separate entity in an ut_UserPasswordRequests table and link back to the user. So this so you can track old requests and inform the user that older links has expired.
Send the link to the email.
User gets the link, like http://example.com/User/PasswordReset/xjdk2ms92, and clicks it.
If the link is verified, you ask for a new password. Simple, and the user gets to set their own password. Or, set your own cryptic password here and inform them of their new password here (and email it to them).
Lots of good answers here, I wont bother repeating it all...
Except for one issue, which is repeated by almost every answer here, even though its wrong:
Guids are (realistically) unique and statistically impossible to guess.
This is not true, GUIDs are very weak identifiers, and should NOT be used to allow access to a user's account.
If you examine the structure, you get a total of 128 bits at most... which is not considered a lot nowadays.
Out of which the first half is typical invariant (for the generating system), and half of whats left is time-dependant (or something else similar).
All in all, its a very weak and easily bruteforced mechanism.
So don't use that!
Instead, simply use a cryptographically strong random number generator (System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider), and get at least 256 bits of raw entropy.
All the rest, as the numerous other answers provided.
First, we need to know what you already know about the user. Obviously, you have a username and an old password. What else do you know? Do you have an email address? Do you have data regarding the user's favorite flower?
Assuming you have a username, password and working email address, you need to add two fields to your user table (assuming it is a database table): a date called new_passwd_expire and a string new_passwd_id.
Assuming you have the user's email address, when someone requests a password reset, you update the user table as follows:
new_passwd_expire = now() + some number of days
new_passwd_id = some random string of characters (see below)
Next, you send an email to the user at that address:
Dear so-and-so
Someone has requested a new password for user account <username> at <your website name>. If you did request this password reset, follow this link:
If that link does not work you can go to http://example.com/yourscript.lang and enter the following into the form: <new_password_id>
If you did not request a password reset, you may ignore this email.
Thanks, yada yada
Now, coding yourscript.lang: This script needs a form. If the var update passed on the URL, the form just asks for the user's username and email address. If update is not passed, it asks for username, email address, and the id code sent in the email. You also ask for a new password (twice of course).
To verify the user's new password, you verify the username, email address, and the id code all match, that the request has not expired, and that the two new passwords match. If successful, you change the user's password to the new password and clear the password reset fields from the user table. Also be sure to log the user out/clear any login related cookies and redirect the user to the login page.
Essentially, the new_passwd_id field is a password that only works on the password reset page.
One potential improvement: you could remove <username> from the email. "Someone has request a password reset for an account at this email address...." Thus making the username something only the user knows if the email is intercepted. I didn't start off that way because if someone is attacking the account, they already know the username. This added obscurity stops man-in-the-middle attacks of opportunity in case someone malicious happens to intercept the email.
As for your questions:
generating the random string: It doesn't need to be extremely random. Any GUID generator or even md5(concat(salt, current_timestamp())) is sufficient, where salt is something on the user record like timestamp account was created. It has to be something the user can't see.
timer: Yes, you need this just to keep your database sane. No more than a week is really necessary but at least 2 days since you never know how long an email delay might last.
IP Address: Since the email could be delayed by days, IP address is only useful for logging, not for validation. If you want to log it, do so, otherwise you don't need it.
Reset Screen: See above.
A GUID sent to the email address of record is likely enough for most run-of-the-mill applications - with timeout even better.
After all, if the users emailbox has been compromised(i.e. a hacker has the logon/password for the email address), there is not much you can do about that.
You could send an email to user with a link. This link would contain some hard to guess string (like GUID). On server side you would also store the same string as you sent to user. Now when user presses on link you can find in your db entry with a same secret string and reset its password.
1) For generating the unique id you could use Secure Hash Algorithm.
2) timer attached? Did you mean an Expiry for the reset pwd link?
Yes you can have an Expiry set
3) You can ask for some more information other than the emailId to validate..
Like date of birth or some security questions
4) You could also generate random characters and ask to enter that also along with the
request.. to make sure the password request is not automated by some spyware or things like that..
I think Microsoft guide for ASP.NET Identity is a good start.
Code that I use for ASP.NET Identity:
<add key="AllowedHosts" value="example.com,2.example" />
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetResetPasswordToken([FromUri]string email)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
var user = await UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(email);
if (user == null)
Logger.Warn("Password reset token requested for non existing email");
// Don't reveal that the user does not exist
return NoContent();
//Prevent Host Header Attack -> Password Reset Poisoning.
//If the IIS has a binding to accept connections on 80/443 the host parameter can be changed.
//See https://security.stackexchange.com/a/170759/67046
if (!ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllowedHosts"].Split(',').Contains(Request.RequestUri.Host)) {
Logger.Warn($"Non allowed host detected for password reset {Request.RequestUri.Scheme}://{Request.Headers.Host}");
return BadRequest();
Logger.Info("Creating password reset token for user id {0}", user.Id);
var host = $"{Request.RequestUri.Scheme}://{Request.Headers.Host}";
var token = await UserManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Id);
var callbackUrl = $"{host}/resetPassword/{HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(user.Email)}/{HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(token)}";
var subject = "Client - Password reset.";
var body = "<html><body>" +
"<h2>Password reset</h2>" +
$"<p>Hi {user.FullName}, please click this link to reset your password </p>" +
var message = new IdentityMessage
Body = body,
Destination = user.Email,
Subject = subject
await UserManager.EmailService.SendAsync(message);
return NoContent();
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ResetPasswordAsync(ResetPasswordRequestModel model)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return NoContent();
var user = await UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email);
if (user == null)
Logger.Warn("Reset password request for non existing email");
return NoContent();
if (!await UserManager.UserTokenProvider.ValidateAsync("ResetPassword", model.Token, UserManager, user))
Logger.Warn("Reset password requested with wrong token");
return NoContent();
var result = await UserManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user.Id, model.Token, model.NewPassword);
if (result.Succeeded)
Logger.Info("Creating password reset token for user id {0}", user.Id);
const string subject = "Client - Password reset success.";
var body = "<html><body>" +
"<h1>Your password for Client was reset</h1>" +
$"<p>Hi {user.FullName}!</p>" +
"<p>Your password for Client was reset. Please inform us if you did not request this change.</p>" +
var message = new IdentityMessage
Body = body,
Destination = user.Email,
Subject = subject
await UserManager.EmailService.SendAsync(message);
return NoContent();
public class ResetPasswordRequestModel
[Display(Name = "Token")]
public string Token { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Email")]
public string Email { get; set; }
[StringLength(100, ErrorMessage = "The {0} must be at least {2} characters long.", MinimumLength = 10)]
[Display(Name = "New password")]
public string NewPassword { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Confirm new password")]
[Compare("NewPassword", ErrorMessage = "The new password and confirmation password do not match.")]
public string ConfirmPassword { get; set; }

