Speech Recognition in C# without using windows' speech recognition - c#

I know the first comment will be that am duplicating previous threads, but the codes I found (from MSDN) uses window's speech recognition... I'm doing my graduation project and speech recognition is part of it! and I cant include this code,I have to try and do it from scratch, am doing some researches about it and I would be really thankful if someone have already done this and can give me a link for a paper or a code I can benefit from !
Thanks in advance!

Microsoft Server Speech Platform 10.1 (SR and TTS in 26 languages)
The basic operations that speech recognition applications perform:
Starting the speech recognizer.
Creating a recognition grammar.
Loading the grammar into a speech recognizer.
Registering for speech recognition event notification.
Creating a handler for the speech recognition event.
Language Packs
Runtime Download
These libraries could, at least, give you a starter to understand the makeup of the interfaces, and a starter of the core/base code to copy/steal or emulate ;)
There's also this paper:
Best of Luck!

Writing the code that implements the basic recognition algorithm (Hidden Markov Model based recognizers are the norm these days) is only part of your challenge. Virtually every speech recognition system is trained on actual speech data, so you also have to identify a corpus (collection of audio files and transcriptions) to train your mathematical models.
Have a look at the open source Sphinx speech recognizer (and related tools) from CMU if you are still interested in doing it all by yourself.


API for Live Captions on Windows

I'm build a Win Universal App with capabilities to watch live captions of the lecture which student is currently watching or attending in person. I'm looking for a built-in free solution to do audio to text operations.
macOS have the Speech lib https://developer.apple.com/documentation/speech , which we're going to use, but cannot find a similar on Windows. Found docs on Windows.Media package, but cannot figure out if it actually has audio2text api or just commands recognition https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.media.speechrecognition?view=winrt-22621
Maybe someone has experience with building such kind of capabilities on Windows?
Yes, you could use the Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition API for speech recognition not only with the commands recognition.
You could make a simple test with the official Speech Recognition Sample here: SpeechRecognitionAndSynthesis. Just remember to enable the Online speech recognition (Settings -> Privacy -> Speech).

Which type of Hidden Markov Model is suitable for Speech Recognition and OCR

I am using Accord.net hmm for speech recognition. But i am not sure if it is suitable for speech recognition or not and for me it is working very poorly. So, please tell me Which type of Hidden Markov Model is suitable for Speech Recognition and OCR. than latter i will try to find it in c#
Have you tried htk, its very easy to use, it's very accurate and modular and very fast. It's written in ANSI C, but I guess it's not difficult to interface into C#.

System.Speech.Recognition; background control or voice recognition

I'm not sure if it is possible but anyway,
I use using System.Speech.Recognition; in winform C# app.
I'm wondering if it is possible not only to recognize speech, but also recognize voice, somehow recognize difference between different voices
to get something near to reading of multiply content from each separate voice, for example from two simultaneously or separately speaking users as different two.
Or at least maybe some method to control background loudness, for example if AudioLevelUpdated event allows me to see input volume, but maybe also exist some specific way to separate loud voice from extra noise or voices in background
System.Speech.Recognition will not help you in voice recognition.
System.Speech.Recognition is intended for speech to text. Adding grammar to it improves its efficiency. You can train the Windows desktop for better conversion. Refer Speech Recognition in Control Panel.
There are couple of 3rd party libraries available for voice recognition.
For removal of noise, you can refer Sound visualizer in C#.
You can find an interesting discussion at msdn forum.
I think you should take a look at CRIS which is part of Microsoft Cognitive Services, at least for you question about noise.
CRIS is a Custom Speech Service and its basic use is to improve the quality of Speech-to-text using custom acoustics models (like background noise) and learning vocabulary using samples.
You can import :
Acoustic Datasets
Language Datasets
Pronunciation Datasets
For example in acoustic models you have:
Microsoft Conversational Model for recognizing speech spoken in a conversational style (i.e. speech directed at another person).
Microsoft Search and Dictation Model for speech directed to an application, such as commands, search queries or dictation.
There is also a Speaker Recognition API available in preview

Speech to text on windows server 2008 with c# and supports multilanguage?

I'm looking for speech (wave files) to text on windows server 2008 (or win server 2008 r2) using c# (at least an api that i can call from c#) that supports multilanguage.
As far as i know i can't use .net speech (sapi) because it works only on vista \ windows 7.
I can't use Microsoft Speech Platform because it not supports all the languages i need (as far as i checked there is no Hebrew (he) support).
It can't be a web based service (i need it on my server).
I'm looking for something that can be used in commercial software and i'm also willing to pay for a third party product.
Can you please help me with that?
You have text-to-speech listed as a tag but the description sounds like speech recognition. If I understand what you want to do it is to take a wav file with speech in it and convert it too text. Actually this is not even normal speech recognition because most of the speech reco systems work on targeted speech input that use grammars to restrict the search space that the speech engine has to use. I think what you are describing is automatic translation or transcription, akin to what Google Voice does to your voice mail messages when it sends you a text translation in an email. This is a much more difficult problem and the state-of-the-art is not that advanced right now. Most of these solutions are offered as services and the best ones still use human translators when the speech recognition confidence rate is low. I think the leader in this area is Nuance. I would check with them for a solution. I know they recently bought out a company that provides this automated transcription service and perhaps they now offer it as a product. They are also a leader in transcribing doctors orders/findings automatically to text with their product Dragon Naturally Speaking.

C# Speech Recognition

I am making a Smart House Control System right now, and I have a little problem.
I was thinking on using Cosmos for a base system, and adding the needed namespace libraries to it, but as the usual System.Speech.Recognition namespace depends too much on Windows Speech API, I have to forget about using it.
So my question is, is there any (free if possible) voice recognition and/or speech speech synthesizer library for C#, what has the following:
support for multi-language speaking
extracting text content from speech sample
synthesizing speech with selectable (or user-written) speech pattern (voice)
A general usage, non-windows dependent library would be the best, and of course, if it was free too.
Voxeo offers developer accounts which you could use to develop a speech powered home automation system. I've interfaced it to my own home automation system for a small subset of the commands my home understands and it works great. You'll need to learn some VoiceXML to use it.
SAPI works OK for voice synthesis; I use SAPI in my system for spoken prompts in the house like a weather forecast that comes over the speakers in the morning when you walk into the bathroom. If Cosmos doesn't allow you to include all the DLLs you need maybe you could create a separate service using SAPI and then use WCF (or other) to communicate between them??
For the related problem of understanding natural language in a typed form I've developed a C# NLP Engine which I hope to be able to make available for non-commercial at some point in the future.
Extracting text from speech without specifying any grammar up-front is a very hard problem and is going to be error prone. Even if you could solve that, you'd still have the problem of trying to understand what they said using NLP. Constructing a grammar that guides the recognizer to the kinds of sentences you want to recognize (like VoiceXML does) is likely to achieve much higher accuracy.
Check out this project: http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/
It's an open source speech recognition project. It is trainable with any language you want plus since its open source you can modify it to suit your needs or expand it.

