I'm attempting to create an application that looks much like the Windows 8 Metro UI with the tiles.. right now if you click on a tile I have an animation that increases the width and reveals more info on that tile.
I have the tiles laid out in a WrapPanel which is nice because if I resize the tile the other tiles next to it move and keep it's margin perfectly. However I've been researching this for awhile, I would like to if possible limit the number of items in the wrap panel to two wide (Right now it's three wide) as if you select one of the tiles it resizes itself and pushes a tile next to it (or if it's the end tile it will push itself) to the next row, while my animations are smooth it doesn't look the best presentation-wise..
Could someone point me towards how I might specify my wrappanel to only have a width of two items across?
Any help is very much appreciated.
Try making your own wrap panel deriving from standard wrap panel as described in this post in detail. Post addresses the same issue which you are trying to solve.
public class MyWrapPanel : WrapPanel
public int MaxRows
get { return (int)GetValue(MaxRowsProperty); }
set { SetValue(MaxRowsProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty MaxRowsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MaxRows", typeof(int), typeof(MyWrapPanel), new UIPropertyMetadata(4));
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
Point currentPosition = new Point();
double ItemMaxHeight = 0.0;
int RowIndex = 0;
foreach (UIElement child in Children)
ItemMaxHeight = ItemMaxHeight > child.DesiredSize.Height ? ItemMaxHeight : child.DesiredSize.Height;
if (currentPosition.X + child.DesiredSize.Width > this.DesiredSize.Width)
currentPosition = new Point(0, currentPosition.Y + ItemMaxHeight);
ItemMaxHeight = 0.0;
if (RowIndex < MaxRows)
child.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
Rect childRect = new Rect(currentPosition, child.DesiredSize);
Rect childRect = new Rect(currentPosition, new Size(0,0));
currentPosition.Offset(child.DesiredSize.Width, 0);
return finalSize;
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
return base.MeasureOverride(availableSize);
I found a VirtualizingWrapPanel(VWP) project here which, I thought, could help me with optimizing my ListView scrolling performance. The listView have to has four columns and multiple rows to display the source items. So I tried to use this VWP, but scrolling(I made it as DoubleAnimation) smoothness still sucks, the framerate drops down to about 30 fps and it's very noticeable. I copied the source code from the link above to try to debug it and understand what is the reason of such a bad performance.
After several hours a found out that ArrangeOverride method of VWP and MeasureOverride method of its "inheritance parent" can execute about 20-30ms (1000ms / 30ms = ~30fps) and that's it, I found the reason why it's so slow... but why?
MeasureOverride method calls two potentially heavy methods: RealizeItems and VirtualizeItems
protected virtual void RealizeItems()
var startPosition = ItemContainerGenerator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex(ItemRange.StartIndex);
int childIndex = startPosition.Offset == 0 ? startPosition.Index : startPosition.Index + 1;
using (ItemContainerGenerator.StartAt(startPosition, GeneratorDirection.Forward, true))
for (int i = ItemRange.StartIndex; i <= ItemRange.EndIndex; i++, childIndex++)
UIElement child = (UIElement)ItemContainerGenerator.GenerateNext(out bool isNewlyRealized);
if (isNewlyRealized || /*recycled*/!InternalChildren.Contains(child))
if (childIndex >= InternalChildren.Count)
InsertInternalChild(childIndex, child);
child.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
if (child is IHierarchicalVirtualizationAndScrollInfo groupItem)
groupItem.Constraints = new HierarchicalVirtualizationConstraints(
new VirtualizationCacheLength(0),
new Rect(0, 0, ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight));
child.Measure(new Size(ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight));
protected virtual void VirtualizeItems()
for (int childIndex = InternalChildren.Count - 1; childIndex >= 0; childIndex--)
var generatorPosition = GetGeneratorPositionFromChildIndex(childIndex);
int itemIndex = ItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromGeneratorPosition(generatorPosition);
if (!ItemRange.Contains(itemIndex))
if (VirtualizationMode == VirtualizationMode.Recycling)
ItemContainerGenerator.Recycle(generatorPosition, 1);
ItemContainerGenerator.Remove(generatorPosition, 1);
RemoveInternalChildRange(childIndex, 1);
So I understand that developers could make a mistake in code, I also understand that there may not be a single thing that can be optimized, but I really cannot understand why it is so slow.. The loops iterates throught about 40-50 UIElement objects, every of which has two child objects(TextBlock and ImageSource) and that's not such a huge number of objects..
I want to use parallel tasks in these loops, but UIElement and others is not thread-safe and can only be accessed in UI Thread... or can?
How can I increase performance of these methods? Can there be implemented efficient multithreading?
I found this method, which calls InvalidateMeasure() every time vertical scroll offset changes. Because of DoubleAnimation I use to animate vertical scroll offset this is code really often called, but if there is no one thing to change measure and arrange methods executes for about 1-2ms in total, else - a lot slowlier.
public void SetVerticalOffset(double offset)
if (offset < 0 || Viewport.Height >= Extent.Height)
offset = 0;
else if (offset + Viewport.Height >= Extent.Height)
offset = Extent.Height - Viewport.Height;
Offset = new Point(Offset.X, offset);
UPDATE: I had opened Profiler and found out, that a lot of time(7-10 and more ms) is taken by layout operations.
UPDATE 2: The code bellow offsets(arranges) all the visible items
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
double offsetX = GetX(Offset);
double offsetY = GetY(Offset);
/* When the items owner is a group item offset is handled by the parent panel. */
if (ItemsOwner is IHierarchicalVirtualizationAndScrollInfo groupItem)
offsetY = 0;
Size childSize = CalculateChildArrangeSize(finalSize);
CalculateSpacing(finalSize, out double innerSpacing, out double outerSpacing);
for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < InternalChildren.Count; childIndex++)
UIElement child = InternalChildren[childIndex];
int itemIndex = GetItemIndexFromChildIndex(childIndex);
int columnIndex = itemIndex % itemsPerRowCount;
int rowIndex = itemIndex / itemsPerRowCount;
double x = outerSpacing + columnIndex * (GetWidth(childSize) + innerSpacing);
double y = rowIndex * GetHeight(childSize);
if (GetHeight(finalSize) == 0.0)
/* When the parent panel is grouping and a cached group item is not
* in the viewport it has no valid arrangement. That means that the
* height/width is 0. Therefore the items should not be visible so
* that they are not falsely displayed. */
child.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
child.Arrange(CreateRect(x - offsetX, y - offsetY, childSize.Width, childSize.Height));
return finalSize;
I have a winform window. When I change the size of the screen, the screen immediately increases or decreases.
I would prefer the Resize behavior of the window will be like Split Container, as long as I drag the mouse I see only line that marks what will be the window size, and only in leaving the Resize operation will be made.
I saw several examples that show that by hiding the frame of the window, and then by clicking on the window itself paint frame.
I want that by clicking on the frame of the window(I don't want to hide the frame) and not on the window.
Is there any way to do this? (May override the behavior of the Resize in any way).
I'm pretty sure that you can't find any solution on the Internet. However I've tried a demo for this and it works pretty well.
In winforms and many other UI technologies, you can't render something outside the window itself. To get the effect we want, we have to render some indicative border outside or inside the window depending on how user resizes it. So looks like we're stuck?
BUT there is a kind of technique to do that (I call it layer technique). We need a transparent, non-focused layer to render the indicative border. This layer will have its Size and Location synchronized with the Size and Location (with just a little offset) of the main window. The layer will also be invisible by default and only shows when user resizes and hides when ending resizing.
That's pretty OK with the technique I mentioned. However how to prevent/discard the default resizing when user resizes the window? It's luckily that Win32 supports 2 messages for this to be done easily:
WM_RESIZING : is sent to the window when user starts and keeps resizing. The LParam holds the RECT structure of the current window when resizing. We read this info to render the indicative border correctly. Then we need to modify this RECT to the current Bounds of the window to discard the default resizing effect (the size and location are changed immediately).
WM_EXITSIZEMOVE : is sent to the window when the resizing or moving ends. We need to catch this message to assign the Size and Location of the window based on the Size and Location of the transparent layer and of course hide the layer then.
Now the problem is totally solvable. Here is the demo code I've made. Note that there is a very nasty unsolvable and incomprehensible bug here, it happens when you resize the Top-Left corner, the Size is updated correctly after releasing mouse but the Location is set with an offset. I've debugging but no luck. At some point the Top and Left jumps to unexpected values for no clear reason. However, resizing by all the sides (left, top, right, bottom) and other corners is OK. In fact, resizing by the Top-Left corner is hardly done by user so this solution is acceptable, I think.
//Must add using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
//Sizing border initialization
SizingBorderWidth = 3;
SizingBorderStyle = DashStyle.Custom;
SizingBorderColor = Color.Orange;
//layer initialization
layer.Owner = this;//especially this one.
layer.Width = Width + SizingBorderWidth * 2;
layer.Height = Height + SizingBorderWidth * 2;
//Paint the border when sizing
layer.Paint += (s, e) => {
using (Pen p = new Pen(SizingBorderColor) { Width = SizingBorderWidth }) {
if (Use3DSizingBorder) {
ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(e.Graphics, sizingRect.Left, sizingRect.Top, sizingRect.Width, sizingRect.Height, Border3DStyle.Bump, Border3DSide.All);
else {
p.DashStyle = SizingBorderStyle;
p.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
if(p.DashStyle == DashStyle.Custom)
p.DashPattern = new float[] { 8f, 1f, 1f, 1f };//length of each dash from right to left
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(p, sizingRect);
//Bind the Location of the main form and the layer form together
LocationChanged += (s, e) => {
Point p = Location;
p.Offset(-SizingBorderWidth, -SizingBorderWidth);
layer.Location = p;
//Set the intial Location of layer
Load += (s, e) =>{
Point p = Location;
p.Offset(-SizingBorderWidth, -SizingBorderWidth);
layer.Location = p;
//Set this to true to use 3D indicative/preview border
public bool Use3DSizingBorder { get; set; }
//Change the indicative/preview border thickness
public int SizingBorderWidth { get; set; }
//Change the indicative/preview border style
public DashStyle SizingBorderStyle { get; set; }
//Change the indicative/preview border color
public Color SizingBorderColor { get; set; }
//hold the current sizing Rectangle
Rectangle sizingRect;
bool startSizing;
bool suppressSizing;
//This is a Win32 RECT struct (don't use Rectangle)
public struct RECT
public int left, top, right, bottom;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == 0x214&&!suppressSizing)//WM_SIZING = 0x214
RECT rect = (RECT) m.GetLParam(typeof(RECT));
int w = rect.right - rect.left;
int h = rect.bottom - rect.top;
sizingRect = new Rectangle() {X = SizingBorderWidth/2, Y = SizingBorderWidth/2,
Width = w, Height = h};
layer.Left = rect.left-SizingBorderWidth;
layer.Top = rect.top-SizingBorderWidth;
layer.Width = w+2*SizingBorderWidth;
layer.Height = h+2*SizingBorderWidth;
if (!startSizing)
startSizing = true;
//Keep the current position and size fixed
rect.right = Right;
rect.bottom = Bottom;
rect.top = Top;
rect.left = Left;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(rect, m.LParam, true);
if (m.Msg == 0x232)//WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x232
layer.Visible = false;
BeginInvoke((Action)(() => {
suppressSizing = true;
Left = layer.Left + SizingBorderWidth;
Top = layer.Top + SizingBorderWidth;
Width = layer.Width - 2 * SizingBorderWidth;
Height = layer.Height - SizingBorderWidth * 2;
suppressSizing = false;
startSizing = false;
base.WndProc(ref m);
//Here is the layer I mentioned before.
NoActivationForm layer = new NoActivationForm();
public class NoActivationForm : Form {
public NoActivationForm() {
//The following initialization is very important
TransparencyKey = BackColor;
FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
ShowInTaskbar = false;
StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
protected override bool ShowWithoutActivation {
get { return true; }
Some screen shots:
EDIT: (This edit was suggested by Hodaya Shalom, the OP (weird :)
I found a solution to the left corner problem :
before the BeginInvoke I save the variables and in the invoke I put the local variable:
int _top = layer.Top + SizingBorderWidth;
int _left = layer.Left + SizingBorderWidth;
int _width = layer.Width - 2 * SizingBorderWidth;
int _height = layer.Height - SizingBorderWidth * 2;
BeginInvoke((Action)(() => {
suppressSizing = true;
Left = _left;
Top = _top;
Width =_width;
Height =_height;
suppressSizing = false;
I have a dynamically created N panels, the distance between them in height 15px
panel.Location = new Point (x, y);
y = panel.Bottom + 15;
I can make the width of the smaller, and so I need distance in height between the panels was always 15px
I have a method with different checks for resize, and I try changes distance, but it always works differently...
public void checkResize(string msg_out, object panel_sender, object text_msg_sender, int panHei, int numbs)
Panel pan_item = (Panel)panel_sender;
Label lab_item = (Label)text_msg_sender;
char[] msg_arr = msg_out.ToCharArray();
int panWidRaz = 308 - pan_item.Width;
int panWidw = pan_item.Width;
if (int.Parse(pan_item.Name) != numbs - 1)
if (panWidw < buff)
/* if (panWidRaz % 15 == 0)
for (int i = int.Parse(pan_item.Name); i >= 0; i--)
panel1.Controls[i.ToString()].Location = new Point(panel1.Controls[i.ToString()].Location.X, panel1.Controls[i.ToString()].Location.Y + 1);
//width control becomes smaller panels are becoming more in height, it is necessary that the distance between the panels remained 15px
if (panWidw > buff)
/*if (panWidRaz % 15 == 0)
for (int i = int.Parse(pan_item.Name); i >= 0; i--)
panel1.Controls[i.ToString()].Location = new Point(panel1.Controls[i.ToString()].Location.X, panel1.Controls[i.ToString()].Location.Y - 1);
//width control becomes bigger panels are becoming less in height, it is necessary that the distance between the panels remained 15px
if (buffCountPan == panel1.Controls.Count - 1)
buff = panWidw;
buffCountPan = 0;
if (msg_arr.Length > 26)
int panWid = (308 - pan_item.Width) / 5;
int panWidLab = 308 - pan_item.Width;
pan_item.Height = panHei + panWid;
lab_item.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(300 - panWidLab, 100);
lab_item.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(300 - panWidLab, 14);
I can't post image here... reputation... i make scrin of work my panel
If you want to make it simple, when you add those panel which i guess is done dynamically. You can set the panel.tag = "[Order]". so an order number assign so you know which one is first on top and the second and go on...
Const int MinimumStartLocation = 0;
Const int DistanceBetweenPanel = 15;
private void setPanelLocation(Panel pnl)
// retreive the order of this panel
int iPanelOrder = Convert.ToInt32(pnl.Tag);
// the first panel must show on top and have specific location
if(iPanelOrder == 0)
pnl.Top = MinimumStartLocation;
// set the top of the panel to the bottom value of the panel just before him in the order plus the constant
pnl.Top = this.Controls.OfType<Panel>().ToList().Find(pan => Convert.ToInt32(pan.Tag) == iPanelOrder -1).Bottom + DistanceBetweenPanel;
now use this LINQ command it will call the method above for each panel in the proper order.
this.Controls.OfType<Panel>().OrderBy(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Tag)).ToList().ForEach(pan => setPanelLocation(pan));
here a sample project quickly done download here
Edit: updated link
It might be worth taking a look at the Flow Layout Panel. When you add a control to a flow layout panel it will automatically be positioned either to the left, right, top or bottom of any existing controls within that flow layout panel (depending on the layout direction property that you specify).
Similarly, if you remove or resize a control contained within a flow layout panel the positions of the controls will be automatically updated for you.
In your case it should be as simple as adding a new flow layout panel to your form then, for each panel that you add to the flow layout panel, setting the top margin to 15px and the bottom margin to 0px; the flow layout panel will take care of the rest. When panels are added, removed or resized the flow layout panel will ensure that they are still displayed correctly with a margin of 15px between them.
I'm trying to create a custom Panel control with my own layout engine.
I need every control that is added to my panel to be added below and to take full width (-padding), like below:
Below is my code:
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
namespace VContainer
internal class VerticalFillList : Panel
public VerticalFillList()
AutoScroll = true;
MinimumSize = new Size(200, 200);
Size = new Size(200, 300);
Padding = new Padding(10);
private readonly VerticalFillLayout _layoutEngine = new VerticalFillLayout();
public override LayoutEngine LayoutEngine
get { return _layoutEngine; }
private int _space = 10;
public int Space
get { return _space; }
_space = value;
internal class VerticalFillLayout : LayoutEngine
public override bool Layout(object container, LayoutEventArgs layoutEventArgs)
var parent = container as VerticalFillList;
Rectangle parentDisplayRectangle = parent.DisplayRectangle;
Point nextControlLocation = parentDisplayRectangle.Location;
foreach (Control c in parent.Controls)
if (!c.Visible)
c.Location = nextControlLocation;
c.Width = parentDisplayRectangle.Width;
nextControlLocation.Offset(0, c.Height + parent.Space);
return false;
Above code works fine, except one thing:
when I'm adding controls to my container they are added correctly (new below parent, 100% width), but when height of controls is bigger than my container height I get horizontal scrollbars, but after adding couple controls more scrollbar is removed.
Same thing happens when I want to resize my container:
How this can be fixed? I just need to remove that horizontal scrollbar.
Of course all improvements are welcome :)
I don't want to use table layout or flow layout as this one gives me exactly when I need.
I need a simple container that orders all child controls from top to bottom and stretches them horizontally so they take as much width so container horizontal scrollbar isn't needed.
Here is a working example that unfortunately, does not use your Layout Engine class. It simply relies on the OnControlAdded and OnControlRemoved methods, and anchoring and setting the AutoScrollMinSize property to specifically make sure the horizontal scrollbar never appears:
internal class VerticalPanel : Panel {
private int space = 10;
public int Space {
get { return space; }
set {
space = value;
protected override void OnControlAdded(ControlEventArgs e) {
protected override void OnControlRemoved(ControlEventArgs e) {
private void LayoutControls() {
int height = space;
foreach (Control c in base.Controls) {
height += c.Height + space;
base.AutoScrollMinSize = new Size(0, height);
int top = base.AutoScrollPosition.Y + space;
int width = base.ClientSize.Width - (space * 2);
foreach (Control c in base.Controls) {
c.SetBounds(space, top, width, c.Height);
c.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right;
top += c.Height + space;
You can set the AnchorProperty at you Buttons like:
button1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top;
So they'll be resized horizontally
So anyone out there knows of sample code or control that perfectly emulates the Windows 8 Start Menu Tile Layout Engine?
It should support mixed Square and Rectangle Tiles, and repacks the square tiles over or under rectangle tiles properly.
Note: WrapPanel works if ALL TILES are Square. But once you mix in tiles that span 2-Squares worth of space, the layout breaks, and is inconsistent with the Windows 8 Start Menu
I am expecting code that extends the WPF Panel.
Disclaimer: Yes I have searched the Internet, the closest thing I've found is the CodeProject example, but that only works if all tiles are same-sized squares.
I've looked around myself and couldn't find anything to do what I/we want. I knew that to get this behavior we'd need some sort of custom panel object, so I set about creating one...
What it boils down to, is the tiles need to be arranged vertically, with double-width tiles taking up a whole row in that column, and normal width tiles to pair up. When it reaches the bottom of the container, it needs to create a new column and follow the same pattern.
Here's my implementation:
public class MetroTilePanel : Panel
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(System.Windows.Size finalSize)
double x = 0, y = 0, colWidth = 0, rowHeight = 0;
int col = 0;
colWidth = Children.Cast<UIElement>().Select(c => c.DesiredSize.Width).Max();
foreach (UIElement child in Children)
rowHeight = Math.Max(rowHeight, child.DesiredSize.Height);
if (x + child.DesiredSize.Width > (colWidth * (col + 1)))
// New row
y += rowHeight;
x = (colWidth * (col));
rowHeight = child.DesiredSize.Height;
if (y + rowHeight > finalSize.Height)
// New column
x = (colWidth * (col));
y = 0;
child.Arrange(new Rect(x, y, child.DesiredSize.Width, child.DesiredSize.Height));
x += child.DesiredSize.Width;
return finalSize;
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
double x = 0, y = 0, colWidth = 0;
foreach (UIElement child in Children)
if (x + child.DesiredSize.Height > availableSize.Height)
x += colWidth;
y = 0;
colWidth = 0;
y += child.DesiredSize.Height;
if (child.DesiredSize.Width > colWidth)
colWidth = child.DesiredSize.Width;
x += colWidth;
var resultSize = new Size();
resultSize.Width = double.IsPositiveInfinity(availableSize.Width) ? x : availableSize.Width;
resultSize.Height = double.IsPositiveInfinity(availableSize.Height) ? y : availableSize.Height;
return resultSize;
Screenshot of the control in action:
The MeasureOverride only works by chance, and isn't setup correctly.
If you want the nice MetroTile layout, then stick to uniform sizes i.e 100x100 and 200x100
I haven't fully tested it, but I will be implementing it into my fake-Metro app, so if you want to see any future changes, just holler.
If you want the proper GridView tiling behavior, then we'd have to create a brand new control (to support dragging items around etc).
I hope this helps.
These are the two different libraries I evaluated for my project to create a Windows 8 like startpage in WPF:
Telerik RadTileList (paid)
mahapps.metro (open source)