how to create folder on server from code in c#? - c#

Is there any way to show user popup to give the name to create folder
And with that if he does not want to create folder then he should be shown the list of folders to which he want to save the file
Is it proper way that I create a popup with javascript with the list of folders on my server and put a textbox and button to save the new and in code we will create directory in code passed with textbox?

string pathToCreate = "~/UserFolders/" + TextBox1.Text;
//In here, start looping and modify the path to create to add a number
//until you get the value needed
//Now you know it is ok, create it

string targetPath = Server.MapPath("FolderName"); //with complete path
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(targetPath))
fileToUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(targetPath + ImageFileName);
fileToUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs(targetPath + ImageFileName);

As I mentioned by commenting that Functionality like SaveFileDialog is only possible in Windows Forms application, you cannot do this in
The alternatives in are difficult however as an alternate there is a third party editor available on the web called CKEditor 3.x Developer's Guide.
You can use File Browser (Uploader) for the purpose you want to achieve.

to create folder :
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(newPath);//newpath is your folder creating path

If you are developing web applications (I can see you have tagged your question as, you do not need to worry about the pop up window. You just send the file through the Response and the download window will be shown by the browser.

Using the Example given in How to Create a Folder or File You can create a folder, but in you can not Use open file dialog or save file dialog functionalities, this will work only in C# Windows forms application.

Web applications and the HTTP protocol do not support direct manipulation of the server-side file system. In fact, that would be a dangerous idea.
It sounds like you have a base folder somewhere on the web server where you want users to be able to upload files, with some user control over subfolders and location of the uploaded file. I would suggest dong this by presenting the file system in a tree view or a list of links (where the links let you navigate up/down the folder tree). Combine this with a file input and you've got yourself a solution. HOWEVER, be very careful to control and cleanse the specified file name for the uploaded file. There are many combinations (such as utilizing "..") that can allow the user to hack into unwanted file locations on your server.


Get the UNC of a file that the end user selects

I am trying to create a Sharepoint webpart for a user to browse to, and select, a file from a share on our file server. Then I need to create a link to this file to display in a list of links that will go onto our Sharepoint intranet page. I have created a custom web part using in order to do this but I am stuck on how to get the UNC path to the document. From my understanding it wont work with an fileupload control or a html input element. What other options would there be? I really don't want the user to have to type in the whole path to the document. This needs to be a re-usable solution so that my users can create new lists of links to documents when they so desire. Thanks for any advice.
I don't think the full file path is supported or allowed via modern web browsers via the file upload control. What you would end up having to do is create something server-side that use a service account to access the file share, and then the client (web page) could call the server-side code as it traverses the file share until the user selects a file.
server: on load, here are the contents of "\server\home"
client: show the contents of subfolder "\server\home\pictures"
server: connects to "\server\home\pictures" and returns contents
client: selects "\server\home\pictures\foo.jpg"
Check out System.IO.Directory for ways to get listing of directory contents server-side (GetFiles, GetDirectories, GetFileSystemEntries, etc) and then you can return those results to the client.

Does my file-parsing logic go in my file handler or code-behind in ASP.NET webform?

I'm new to ASP.NET and am working on a file parser and was wondering what the structure of my project should be. So far I have:
WebForm.aspx (where my html/css/js goes. an upload button calls the filehandler)
WebForm.aspx.cs (the code-behind. it's completely empty right now)
FileUpload.ashx.cs (one class that posts the selected file to my server)
FileParser.cs (classes that I have written/will write in C# already that will read in a file and parse it the way I like and return another file with the analytics and save to the user's computer)
I'm wondering where the FileParser.cs files should go. I need to be able to read the contents into an object that will parse the file to do some analytics and then give the user a "Save to computer" button on the next page to save the analytics file. I'm guessing I also need another handler for that?
The fileparser.cs must go to the App_Code folder, or you can create a new dll library and compile it, then place it to Bin directory of your
Then the classes inside the fileparser.cs can be accessed by the code behind.
More to read:
ASP.NET Web Project Folder Structure
Shared Code Folders in ASP.NET Web Site Projects
Codebehind and Compilation in ASP.NET 2.0

uploading a file from folder with out browse in

i just wanna upload afile from a fixed path, so i dont want browse button, I need just a TextBox(Path of my file some thing like c:/junk/upload) and and upload button.some thing like
or can i get the code in java applets or any other lanaguage?
For security reasons, a webpage loaded in a browser from internet cannot directly refer the local file system. You need a desktop application or plugin to achieve this.
no we can make using or java applets and yes what you said is right, security reasons! , but every applications has a sand box limits and thats include file handling as default , and we achived that. with out problem

How to add an download link to users in my project

In my project i will be having an link like
I want the users to download files of different types. The file will be in the root folder. When i am clicking on the link it is displaying an error. This is the plugin to install in the chrome. If the user download this link and open then it will automatically add to the chrome.
How can i do this.
The file is not even downloading.
This isn't a valid path:
~/hello world.crx
The ~ character is for use server-side to denote the root of the application. Client-side it has no meaning. The browser doesn't know what the root of the application is (or what the application is at all), it's just sending requests to resources at addresses. And it doesn't know what to do with that address.
You'll need to either use some server-side logic to translate that path into a browser-useable path, or manually make it a relative or absolute path.
If the ASP.NET MVC Framework isn't translating this for you then you're probably using a version that requires a little more manual work for it. Try something like:
(Note: This assumes the use of the Razor view engine. If you're not using that then you'll want to use whatever your view engine equivalent is.)
What you need to do is set up a directory online, where you can host the file.
I also see that in your aref you don't want to type the full path so denote it with a /hello_world.crx, but make sure that you've set up a base href:
<base href="">
Try renaming the file to remove any spaces e.g. "hello_world.crx" and then change the name in the link code to match.
if a webpage and the downloadable file is in the same location
SampleFolder->hello world.crx
then try the below
If the webpage and the downloadable file in different location
SampleFolder->Downloads->hello world.crx
then try the below

how do I access a folder on the shared hosting space?

I am trying to upload image files to the server and it gives me an error
"System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'D:\Hosting\234344\html\Testingfiles\upload\813.jpg' is System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)"
in the HttpHandler I have :
HttpPostedFile file = context.Request.Files["Filedata"];
string usr_id = context.Request.Form["usr_id"];// gets the JSON data from the request
string strPath = context.Server.MapPath(("/Testingfiles/upload/") + file.FileName);
string ext = Path.GetExtension(strPath);
if (ext.Equals(".jpg") || ext.Equals(".jpeg") || ext.Equals(".png"))
context.Response.Write("Image uploaded successfully");
what am i doing wrong here?
The error message says it all. You don't have write access to that folder.
You will need to ask your hosting provider to assign write rights to that folder for the ASP .NET identity.
Also, consider if you can use a folder below ~/App_Data. This is by convention the place to store files that needs write access in ASP .NET, so many hosting providers will allow writes to this folder by default (but you would need to check yourself for your specific host to be sure).
You should try writing to ~/App_Data/ to see if that works. If it does then its just because you haven't given write permission to the /TestingFiles/Uploads/ folder.
If your control panel has Plesk on it then you can sort this out yourself by going to the FileManager and clicking the permissions button. If you look at your App_Data file permissions for reference, the actual username that you need to add will vary depending on your domain name with plesk.
Other hosting control panels may allow you to do it in different ways.
If you can't find it then you should ask your host how you set up file permissions or look in their knowledge base.
If your control panel has Plesk on it then you can sort this out yourself by going to the FileManager and clicking the permissions button.
I fixed this error by allowing IIS users full access to upload folder. No need to use App_Data folder
For Plesk 12.0 only:
No need to use App Data folder. You just have to give full control to your Application pool group IWPG(username). It will surely work. I searched for many hours and this solution worked for me .
Hope It works for others too.

