I need to automate downloading of a file from this site http://stats.smith.com/reports/Default.aspx using C#. The problem is that a web-form needs to be submitted first then the download takes place immediately. I can simulate the web form submit and the buttom clicks. However, once the form is submitted I don't know how to capture requested file. There is no redirection to the uri of the downloaded file. If there was I would have used function download(uri, filename) in webclient or webbrowser.
If you use the WebRequest Class you can receive the response and save it as a file.
I'm trying to download some PDF's using a WebBrowser. This URL contains an iframe with the src attribute set to this other URL, which in turn has a 302 redirect to this URL, which is a PDF file.
When I visit the first URL with a WebBrowser, it downloads and opens the file using Acrobat Reader. I would like to prevent this from happening because I'd like to automate the WebBrowser to visit many of these pages programmatically and don't want a bunch of Adobe Acrobat launching all over.
I have access to the DWebBrowserEvents2 and all of its events. One of the events getting fired was NavigateError, with the URL parameter pointing to the PDF file. I tried setting cancel to true, but the file was still being downloaded.
Is there any other way I can programmatically cancel the download?
Is there any way in C# to open a browser using a link and save the loaded html page ?? Actually i don't want to inform server that i am using any software or script .
Actually I want data from this link : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rt=nc&item=120840650200&si=a8iGAIchyvEbn7KveYFZ5QbEE7o%3D&print=all&category=10363
if I try to download the page using webclient it send me another page not the original one.
when i load the previous url in a browser it is redirected to this link:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rt=nc&item=120840650200&si=a8iGAIchyvEbn7KveYFZ5QbEE7o%3D&print=all&category=10363 which is the original page I want to download
so I just wanted to open the browser using the url and save the loaded page.
Thanks in advance
Do you really need to open the browser, or is just (inconspicuously) retrieving the file enough? If so, you can use System.Net.Webclient or System.Net.HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse. The former option is much easier, but the latter will allow you to set your own user-agent string to one that would match that of common web browsers.
Straight from MSDN
WebClient client = new WebClient();
Byte[] pageData = client.DownloadData("http://www.contoso.com");
string pageHtml = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(pageData);
lately I got a problem on using .net WebBrowser control. when redirect to a file downloading, the WebBrowser control popup the SaveFileDialog, I don't know if there is a way avoid this to let me choose a filename and save it to some location.
Thanks for any helps.
You could handle the Navigating event, detect that it's a file download, make the request yourself with HttpWebRequest or WebClient, and cancel the navigating event within the handler.
You can install your own custom download manager by adding IServiceProvider to your WebBrowserSiteBase-derived class, which needs to be constructed in your webbrowser-derived class as the return value of the WebBrowser.CreateWebBrowserSiteBase virtual function.
In your download manager implementation you can write the file saving code. See https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/CSIEDownloadManager-8ab5d910 for an example to grab the download url. If the download url requires login, you need to grab session cookies. Check http://vbmhwb.sourceforge.net/ for an example.
Dear friends
I have a console application in which i want to first sign in and then I press button which directs me to file upload form .In file upload form I want to upload a csv file and then redirect to next form after clicking submit button then i want to get response of that form .
can any one help me to do this from C# console application?
if you want to upload a file on a website from a console application,
then you should have information about FTP credentials.
If you want to do a real http-transfer you need to create a http request, I looked around a little bit and found this: Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data), seems to be right. I'm doing something similar in python currently.
I have a PHP file that gets data and file from a HTML form and uploads a file to a specific directory by the $_POST and $_FILES methods.
I have Windows aplication (C#). The user can drag and drop any file to a listview. I send the user's data to a PHP file by the POST method and it (the PHP file) upadtes the database. My problem is I won't to send file in listview drag and dropped by the user to the PHP file as it could get the file by the $_FILES method and access it.
If you want to POST a single file from C# to your PHP script you could use the UploadFile method:
using (var client = new WebClient())
client.UploadFile("http://example.com/script.php", "POST", #"C:\path\test.txt");
If along with the file you want to send some other data and/or multiple files you will need to forge a multipart/form-data request manually. Here's a post explaining how to achieve this.
Learn the HTTP protocol and pray for the site owner not banning the user's IP address for the terms-of-use violation.