In my REST WCF service I am passing nearly 15 parameters. I am passing these parameters in the URL like this:{p1},{p2},{p3},{p4}...
Is there a better way of passing parameters? Does passing parameters using in the URL cause any security issues (like SQL injection)? Is it wise to pass the parameters using an XML file instead? What is the best way to pass the parementers in a REST WCF service?
Assuming your method is Idempotent (i.e. GET) it seems you know you can't use the body to transfer. So you're left with the URL and Headers.
Put in the Headers the information that is not contextual to this specific request - e.g. your ProtocolVersion, SystemName - and parse those headers in the Service.
In the URL put those parameters that are contextual and are required for you to execute your operation: e.g. EntityId, FilterValue.
If you are passing a list for one parameter - e.g. value1=1,2,3 - then you can consider using a custom QueryString Converter (see below - attaching the behavior to the Endpoint is another exercise).
And in the end, you may just have to pass that many parameters. It's very common for Search-based operations where there may be various dimensions to search on.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher;
public class CustomQueryStringConverter : QueryStringConverter
public override bool CanConvert(Type type)
return base.CanConvert(type.IsArray ? type.GetElementType() : type);
public override object ConvertStringToValue(string parameter, Type parameterType)
object result = null;
if (parameterType.IsArray)
if (!ReferenceEquals(parameter, null))
object[] items = parameter
.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))
.Select(s => base.ConvertStringToValue(s.Trim(), parameterType.GetElementType()))
Array arrayResult = Array.CreateInstance(parameterType.GetElementType(), items.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i)
arrayResult.SetValue(items[i], i);
result = arrayResult;
result = base.ConvertStringToValue(parameter, parameterType);
return result;
public override string ConvertValueToString(object parameter, Type parameterType)
string result = string.Empty;
if (parameterType.IsArray)
foreach (object item in (Array)parameter)
result += item.ToString() + ",";
result = result.TrimEnd(',');
result = base.ConvertValueToString(parameter, parameterType);
return result;
public class CustomQueryStringBehavior : WebHttpBehavior
protected override QueryStringConverter GetQueryStringConverter(OperationDescription operationDescription)
return new CustomQueryStringConverter();
I'm trying to create my first SSIS custom source component but I can't get it to save the custom properties into the .dtsx file.
According to , all I needed is to implement the IDTSComponentPersist interface, but this doesn't work, the LoadFromXML and SaveToXML are never called. Neither when I save the file nor when I load the package.
However, if your object has properties that use complex data types, or
if you want to perform custom processing on property values as they
are loaded and saved, you can implement the IDTSComponentPersist
interface and its LoadFromXML and SaveToXML methods. In these methods
you load from (or save to) the XML definition of the package an XML
fragment that contains the properties of your object and their current
values. The format of this XML fragment is not defined; it must only
be well-formed XML.
When I save the SSIS package and look inside the XML, I get this, no data type defined and no values :
Did I miss to set something?
To simplify, I created a small test project. The original project try to save a list of struct with 2 string and 1 integer, but both has the same "incorrect" behavior, SaveToXML and LoadFromXML are never called.
Here's my code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using System.Xml;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace TestCase
public class MyConverter : TypeConverter
public override bool GetStandardValuesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
return false;
public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType)
if (destinationType.Name.ToUpper() == "STRING")
return string.Join(",", ((List<string>)value).ToArray());
return ((string)value).Split(',');
public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value)
if (value.GetType().Name.ToUpper() == "STRING")
return ((string)value).Split(',');
return string.Join(",", ((List<string>)value).ToArray());
class FancyStringEditor : UITypeEditor
public override UITypeEditorEditStyle GetEditStyle(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
return UITypeEditorEditStyle.Modal;
public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, object value)
var svc = (IWindowsFormsEditorService)provider.GetService(typeof(IWindowsFormsEditorService));
List<string> vals = (List<string>)value;
string valsStr = string.Join("\r\n", vals.ToArray());
if (svc != null)
using (var frm = new Form { Text = "Your editor here" })
using (var txt = new TextBox { Text = valsStr, Dock = DockStyle.Fill, Multiline = true })
using (var ok = new Button { Text = "OK", Dock = DockStyle.Bottom })
frm.AcceptButton = ok;
ok.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
if (svc.ShowDialog(frm) == DialogResult.OK)
vals = new List<string>();
vals.AddRange(txt.Text.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
value = vals;
return value;
[DtsPipelineComponent(ComponentType = ComponentType.SourceAdapter,
CurrentVersion = 0,
Description = "Test class for saving",
DisplayName = "Test class",
IconResource = "None",
NoEditor = false,
RequiredProductLevel = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.DTSProductLevel.DTSPL_NONE,
SupportsBackPressure = false,
UITypeName = "None")]
public class TestSave : PipelineComponent, IDTSComponentPersist
private string _NbBadWordProperty = "NbBadWord";
private string _ListBadWordsProperty = "ListBadWords";
private List<string> _badWords;
public IDTSCustomProperty100 _nb;
public IDTSCustomProperty100 _list;
public TestSave()
_badWords = new List<string>();
public void LoadFromXML(System.Xml.XmlElement node, IDTSInfoEvents infoEvents)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Oh god! we're inside LoadFromXML!!");
public void SaveToXML(System.Xml.XmlDocument doc, IDTSInfoEvents infoEvents)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Oh god! we're inside SaveToXML!!");
XmlElement elementRoot;
XmlNode propertyNode;
// Create a new node to persist the object and its properties.
elementRoot = doc.CreateElement(String.Empty, "NBElement", String.Empty);
XmlAttribute nbEl = doc.CreateAttribute("Nbelement");
nbEl.Value = _badWords.Count.ToString();
// Save the three properties of the object from variables into XML.
foreach (string s in _badWords)
propertyNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "BadWord", String.Empty);
propertyNode.InnerText = s;
private IDTSCustomProperty100 GetCustomPropertyByName(string name)
foreach (IDTSCustomProperty100 prop in this.ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection)
if (prop.Name.ToUpper() == name)
return prop;
return null;
public override DTSValidationStatus Validate()
return DTSValidationStatus.VS_ISVALID;
public override void ProvideComponentProperties()
// reset the component
// Add custom properties
if (GetCustomPropertyByName(_NbBadWordProperty) == null)
_nb = this.ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
_nb.Name = _NbBadWordProperty;
_nb.Description = "Number of bad word to filter";
_nb.State = DTSPersistState.PS_DEFAULT;
_nb.Value = _badWords.Count;
_nb.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;
if (GetCustomPropertyByName(_ListBadWordsProperty) == null)
IDTSCustomProperty100 _list = this.ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
_list.Name = _ListBadWordsProperty;
_list.Description = "List of bad words";
_list.State = DTSPersistState.PS_DEFAULT;
_list.TypeConverter = typeof(MyConverter).AssemblyQualifiedName;
_list.Value = _badWords;
_list.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;
_list.UITypeEditor = typeof(FancyStringEditor).AssemblyQualifiedName;
// add input objects
// none
// add output objects
IDTSOutput100 o2 = this.ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection.New();
o2.Name = "Dummy output";
o2.IsSorted = false;
foreach (IDTSCustomProperty100 p in this.ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection)
if (p.Name == _ListBadWordsProperty)
MyConverter c = new MyConverter();
List<string> l = (List<string>)p.Value;
foreach (string s in l)
IDTSOutputColumn100 col1 = o2.OutputColumnCollection.New();
col1.Name = s.Trim();
col1.Description = "Bad word";
col1.SetDataTypeProperties(Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.DataType.DT_WSTR, 500, 0, 0, 0);
catch (Exception ex)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Critical error: " + ex.Message);
Add the TypeConverter and UITypeEditor. Still the same behavior (not saving the "complex" data type).
When I add the source component to a data flow, I got this, everything look fine:
I can edit the property, no problem
But when I save the SSIS package and look at the xml, the property still not saved and still have a datatype of System.NULL:
Important Note - based on Microsoft definition of IDTSComponentPersist Interface and code samples of SaveToXML found on Internet, I suspect that custom persistence can only be implemented on custom SSIS Tasks, Connection Managers and Enumerators.
Well, please choose for yourself whether do you really need to implement custom object persistence. Your custom properties seems to fit well into standard data types Int32 and String.
Important note from Microsoft -
When you implement custom persistence, you must persist all the properties of the object, including both inherited properties and custom properties that you have added.
So, you really have to do a lot of work to persist all properties of component including LocaleID from your sample - in case someone needs to alter it. I would probably do storing ListBadWords custom property as a string without custom XML persistence.
On your code -- the most possible cause of the System.Null data type problem is that ProvideComponentProperties() method is called on initialization of the component, when it is added on the Data Flow. Data type of the property is determined dynamically at this moment, the variable _badwords is not initialized yet and is a reference type, so it is defined as Null reference. The ProvideComponentProperties() method is used to define custom properties and set its default values, to solve your problem - set
if (GetCustomPropertyByName(_ListBadWordsProperty) == null)
IDTSCustomProperty100 _list = this.ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
_list.Name = _ListBadWordsProperty;
_list.Description = "List of bad words";
_list.State = DTSPersistState.PS_DEFAULT;
_list.TypeConverter = typeof(MyConverter).AssemblyQualifiedName;
// This is the change
_list.Value = String.Empty;
_list.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;
_list.UITypeEditor = typeof(FancyStringEditor).AssemblyQualifiedName;
If you set yourself up on implementing custom XML persistence - please study Microsoft code sample and other sources. Saving is done a little bit other way. The main difference is that inside elementRoot of the component properties, each property is created under its own XML Node. Node's InnerText is used to store property value, and optional Node's attributes can store additional information.
Could some one please help me to resolved this? i'm trying to change CustomAsync to MustAsync, but i couldn't make things to work. Below is my custom method
RuleFor(o => o).MustAsync(o => {
return CheckIdNumberAlreadyExist(o)
private static async Task<ValidationFailure> CheckIdNumberAlreadyExist(SaveProxyCommand command)
if (command.Id > 0)
return null;
using (IDbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionSettings.LicensingConnectionString))
var param = new DynamicParameters();
param.Add("#idnumber", command.IdNumber);
var vehicle = await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<dynamic>("new_checkDuplicateProxyIdNumber", param, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
return vehicle != null
? new ValidationFailure("IdNumber", "Id Number Already Exist")
: null;
To make it work with the latest version of the FluentValidation, I had to use the codes like below.
RuleFor(ws => ws).MustAsync((x, cancellation) => UserHasAccess(x)).WithMessage("User doesn't have access to perform this action");
Please notice the lambda expression here MustAsync((x, cancellation) => UserHasAccess(x)), without this I was always getting an error as cannot convert from 'method group' to 'Func<Worksheet, CancellationToken, Task<bool>>
Below is my custom UserHasAccess function.
private async Task <bool> UserHasAccess(Worksheet worksheet) {
var permissionObject = await _dataProviderService.GetItemAsync(worksheet.FileItemId);
if (permissionObject is null) return false;
if (EditAccess(permissionObject.Permission)) return true;
return false;
I'm assuming you're using a version of FluentValidation prior to version 6, as you're not passing in a Continuation Token, so I've based my answer on version 5.6.2.
Your example code does not compile, for starters, as you're missing a semi-colon in your actual rule. You are also evaluating two different properties on the SaveProxyCommand parameter.
I've built a very small POC based on some assumptions:
Given 2 classes:
public class SaveProxyCommand {
public int Id { get; set; }
public class ValidationFailure {
public string PropertyName { get; }
public string Message { get; }
public ValidationFailure(string propertyName, string message){
Message = message;
PropertyName = propertyName;
And a validator:
public class SaveProxyCommandValidator : AbstractValidator<SaveProxyCommand>{
public SaveProxyCommandValidator()
RuleFor(o => o).MustAsync(CheckIdNumberAlreadyExists)
.WithState(o => new ValidationFailure(nameof(o.IdNumber), "Id Number Already Exist"));
private static async Task<bool> CheckIdNumberAlreadyExists(SaveProxyCommand command) {
if (command.Id > 0)
return true;
var existingIdNumbers = new[] {
1, 2, 3, 4
// This is a fudge, but you'd make your db call here
var isNewNumber = !(await Task.FromResult(existingIdNumbers.Contains(command.IdNumber)));
return isNewNumber;
I didn't include the call to the database, as that's not part of your problem. There are a couple of things of note here:
You're not setting the .WithName annotation method, but when you're setting up a validation rule for an object you have to do this, as FluentValidation expects you to specify specific properties to be validated by default, if you pass in an entire object it just doesn't know how to report errors back.
Must/MustAsync need to return a bool/Task<bool> instead of a custom object. To get around this, you can specify a custom state to be returned when failing validation.
You can then get access to this like this:
var sut = new SaveProxyCommand { Id = 0, IdNumber = 3 };
var validator = new SaveProxyCommandValidator();
var result = validator.ValidateAsync(sut).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var ValidationFailures = result.Errors?.Select(s => s.CustomState).Cast<ValidationFailure>();
The above does not take into account empty collections, it's just an example of how to dig into the object graph to retrieve custom state.
As a suggestion, fluentvalidation works best if you set up individual rules per property, instead of validating the entire object. My take on this would be something like this:
public class SaveProxyCommandValidator : AbstractValidator<SaveProxyCommand>{
public SaveProxyCommandValidator()
RuleFor(o => o.IdNumber).MustAsync(CheckIdNumberAlreadyExists)
.Unless(o => o.Id > 0)
.WithState(o => new ValidationFailure(nameof(o.IdNumber), "Id Number Already Exist"));
private static async Task<bool> CheckIdNumberAlreadyExists(int numberToEvaluate) {
var existingIdNumbers = new[] {
1, 2, 3, 4
// This is a fudge, but you'd make your db call here
var isNewNumber = !(await Task.FromResult(existingIdNumbers.Contains(numberToEvaluate)));
return isNewNumber;
This read more like a narrative, it uses the .Unless construct to only run the rule if Id is not more than 0, and does not require the evaluation of the entire object.
Ideally I would like to have an URL in following format:
And this would return all products for the specified categories. Having one API call with multiple category IDs saves me several database calls, thus improves performance.
I can easily implement this in a following way.
public HttpResponseMessage GetProducts(string categoryIdsCsv)
// <1> Split and parse categoryIdsCsv
// <2> Get products
However, this doesn't look like a clean clean solution, and possibly breaking SRP principle. I also tried using ModelBinder, however it adds parameters to query string.
Is there a clean way to implement such URL structure?
Or is there a different/better approach to retrieve all products for multiple categories?
Please let me know if you need any further clarification.
I've just found an answer to my question. Route attribute had missing parameter when using ModelBinder.
public HttpResponseMessage GetProducts([ModelBinder(typeof(CategoryIdsModelBinder))] CategoryIds categoryIds)
// <2> Get products using categoryIds.Ids
And CategoryIds would be
public class CategoryIds
public List<int> Ids{ get; set; }
And CategoryIdsModelBinder would be
public class CategoryIdsModelBinder : IModelBinder
public bool BindModel(HttpActionContext actionContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext.ModelType != typeof(CategoryIds))
return false;
var val = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName);
if (val == null)
return false;
var key = val.RawValue as string;
if (key == null)
bindingContext.ModelState.AddModelError(bindingContext.ModelName, "Wrong value type");
return false;
var values = val.AttemptedValue.Split(',');
var ids = new List<int>();
foreach (var value in values)
int intValue;
int.TryParse(value.Trim(), out intValue);
if (intValue > 0)
if (ids.Count > 0)
var result = new CategoryIds
Ids= ids
bindingContext.Model = result;
return true;
bindingContext.ModelName, "Cannot convert value to Location");
return false;
We can use Post methods
[RoutePrefix ( "api/categories" )]
public class TestController
[Route ( "getProducts" )]
public HttpResponseMessage GetProducts ( HttpRequestMessage request )
HttpResponseMessage message = null;
string input = string.Empty;
input = request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ().Result;
var ids = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<string>> ( input );
Unfortunately Web API can not parse your data as array or as some kind of your custom object out of the box.
If you want to parse your url param as array you can try to do:
Write your own route constraint which will read and convert your param from string to array of ints/strings/whatever;
Write your custom type converter and use it with your data model;
write your value provider and also use it with your data model
Use parameter binding
Moreover you can always use query params which is never will break principles of REST :)
Please see more details about here and here
Hope that helps
I have JSON data which I want to convert to correct type and then handle it. I'm using MONO and NewtonSoft's JSON library. I.E. JSON and object must match properties 1:1 to convert to right DTO. DTO's have unique properties always.
Both Activator.CreateInstance() and Convert.ChangeType() doesn't seem to compile.
class JSONCommandDTO : JSONDTO
public string cmd;
class JSONProfileDTO : JSONDTO
public string nick;
public string name;
public string email;
class JSONMessageDTO : JSONDTO
public string msg;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
class Server
protected static List<JSONDTO> DTOList;
static void Main()
DTOList = new List<JSONDTO>();
DTOList.Add(new JSONProfileDTO());
DTOList.Add(new JSONCommandDTO());
DTOList.Add(new JSONMessageDTO());
// ...
protected static void OnMessage (string message)
dynamic rawObject;
// Or try to convert to right DTO here somehow?
rawObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(message);
} catch (JsonReaderException ex) {
// Invalid JSON
int dtoCount = DTOList.ToArray().Length;
int errCount = 0;
foreach (var dto in DTOList.ToList()) {
try {
// Doesn't compile:
// DTOObject = Activator.CreateInstance(dto.GetType(), rawObject);
// DTOObject = Convert.ChangeType(rawObject, dto.GetType());
break; // Match found!
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Didn't match
if (errCount == dtoCount) {
// Right DTO was not found
if (DTOObject is JSONProfileDTO) {
AssignProfile((JSONProfileDTO) DTOObject);
else if (DTOObject is JSONCommandDTO)
RunCommand((JSONCommandDTO) DTOObject);
// etc ..
protected static void RunCommand (JSONCommandDTO command)
string cmd = command.cmd;
Console.WriteLine("command == " + cmd);
protected static void AssignProfile(JSONProfileDTO profile)
Console.WriteLine("got profile!");
I'm going to assume that you have not created the serialized data yourself from the DTO classes, because in that case you could simply have it include type information in the output. With this information available, the deserializer will be able to recreate the correct instance automatically.
Since this is most likely not your case, you need to solve the following problems:
Parse the JSON and create an object with corresponding properties
Determine which DTO instance matches the given data
Create the DTO instance and populate it using the object created in step 1
I'll assume that you have or can find a JSON deserializer to handle the first step.
You may have an easier way to perform step 2, but the simple approach would simply compare the property names available in the JSON data and find the DTO with an exact match. This could look something like this (using Fasterflect to assist with the reflection bits):
var types = [ typeof(JSONCommandDTO), typeof(JSONProfileDTO), typeof(JSONMessageDTO) ];
var json = deserializer.GetInstance( ... );
var jsonPropertyNames = json.GetType().Properties( Flags.InstancePublic )
.OrderBy( p => p.Name );
var match = types.FirstOrDefault( t => t.Properties( Flags.InstancePublic )
.OrderBy( p => p.Name )
.SequenceEqual( jsonPropertyNames ) );
if( match != null ) // got match, proceed to step 3
The code for step 3 could look like this:
// match is the DTO type to create
var dto = match.TryCreateInstance( json );
TryCreateInstance is another Fasterflect helper - it will automatically find a constructor to call and copy any remaining matching properties.
I hope this points you in the right direction.
I got it to work. I had to add JsonSerializerSettings with MissingMemberHandling.Error so that exception gets thrown if JSON doesn't fit into object. I was also missing Microsoft.CSharp reference.
class Server
protected static List<Type> DTOList = new List<Type>();
static void Main()
protected static void OnMessage (string rawString)
dynamic jsonObject = null;
int DTOCount = DTOList.Count;
int errors = 0;
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings ();
// This was important
// Now exception is thrown when creating invalid instance in the loop
settings.MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error;
foreach (Type DTOType in DTOList) {
try {
jsonObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (rawString, DTOType, settings);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (null == jsonObject) {
if (errors == DTOCount) {
if (jsonObject is JSONProfileDTO) {
AssignProfile((JSONProfileDTO) jsonObject);
else if (jsonObject is JSONCommandDTO)
RunCommand((JSONCommandDTO) jsonObject);
I have this (simplified) class:
public class StarBuildParams
public int BaseNo { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }
And I have to transform instances of it to a querystring like this:
Additionally I have to transform such a querystring back in an object of that class.
I know that this is pretty much what a modelbinder does, but I don't have the controller context in my situation (some deep buried class running in a thread).
So, is there a simple way to convert a object in a query string and back without having a controller context?
It would be great to use the modelbinding but I don't know how.
A solution with Newtonsoft Json serializer and linq:
string responseString = "BaseNo=5&Width=100";
var dict = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(responseString);
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dict.Cast<string>().ToDictionary(k => k, v => dict[v]));
StarBuildParams respObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<StarBuildParams>(json);
You can use reflection, something like this:
public T GetFromQueryString<T>() where T : new(){
var obj = new T();
var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach(var property in properties){
var valueAsString = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[property.PropertyName];
var value = Parse( valueAsString, property.PropertyType);
if(value == null)
property.SetValue(obj, value, null);
return obj;
You'll need to implement the Parse method, just using int.Parse, decimal.Parse, DateTime.Parse, etc.
Use this Parse method with the ivowiblo's solution (accepted answer):
public object Parse(string valueToConvert, Type dataType)
TypeConverter obj = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(dataType);
object value = obj.ConvertFromString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, valueToConvert);
return value;
You can set the properties of this object in its constructor by retrieving the relevant values from the querystring
public StarBuildParams()
this.BaseNo = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["BaseNo"].ToString());
this.Width = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Width"].ToString());
and you can ensure that the object is converted to the correct querystring format by overriding the ToString method.
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("BaseNo={0}&Width={1}", this.BaseNo, this.Width);
You'll still need to construct and call ToString in the appropriate places, but this should help.
You can just use .NET's HttpUtility.ParseQueryString() method:
HttpUtility.ParseQueryString("a=b&c=d") produces a NameValueCollection as such:
[0] Key = "a", Value = "b"
[1] Key = "c", Value = "d"
This should work so long as none of the properties match any other route parameters like controller, action, id, etc.
new RouteValueDictionary(Model)
Initializes a new instance of the RouteValueDictionary class and adds
values that are based on properties from the specified object.
To parse back from the query string you can use the model class as an action parameter and let the ModelBinder do it's job.
Serialize query string and deserialize to your class object
JObject json;
Request.RequestUri.TryReadQueryAsJson(out json);
string sjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json);
StarBuildParams query = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<StarBuildParams>(sjson);
Building off of Ivo and Anupam Singh's great solutions above, here is the code that I used to turn this into a base class for POST requests (in the event that you may only have the raw query string like in a Web API setup). This code works for lists of objects, but could easily be modified to parse a single object.
public class PostOBjectBase
/// <summary>
/// Returns a List of List<string> - one for each object that is going to be parsed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entryListString">Raw query string</param>
/// <param name="firstPropertyNameOfObjectToParseTo">The first property name of the object that is sent in the list (unless otherwise specified). Used as a key to start a new object string list. Ex: "id", etc.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<List<string>> GetQueryObjectsAsStringLists(string entryListString, string firstPropertyNameOfObjectToParseTo = null)
// Decode the query string (if necessary)
string raw = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(entryListString);
// Split the raw query string into it's data types and values
string[] entriesRaw = raw.Split('&');
// Set the first property name if it is not provided
if (firstPropertyNameOfObjectToParseTo == null)
firstPropertyNameOfObjectToParseTo = entriesRaw[0].Split("=").First();
// Create a list from the raw query array (more easily manipulable) for me at least
List<string> rawList = new List<string>(entriesRaw);
// Initialize List of string lists to return - one list = one object
List<List<string>> entriesList = new List<List<string>>();
// Initialize List for current item to be added to in foreach loop
bool isFirstItem = false;
List<string> currentItem = new List<string>();
// Iterate through each item keying off of the firstPropertyName of the object we will ultimately parse to
foreach (string entry in rawList)
if (entry.Contains(firstPropertyNameOfObjectToParseTo + "="))
// The first item needs to be noted in the beginning and not added to the list since it is not complete
if (isFirstItem == false)
isFirstItem = true;
// Finished getting the first object - we're on the next ones in the list
currentItem = new List<string>();
// Add the last current item since we could not in the foreach loop
return entriesList;
public T GetFromQueryString<T>(List<string> queryObject) where T : new()
var obj = new T();
var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach (string entry in queryObject)
string[] entryData = entry.Split("=");
foreach (var property in properties)
if (entryData[0].Contains(property.Name))
var value = Parse(entryData[1], property.PropertyType);
if (value == null)
property.SetValue(obj, value, null);
return obj;
public object Parse(string valueToConvert, Type dataType)
if (valueToConvert == "undefined" || valueToConvert == "null")
valueToConvert = null;
TypeConverter obj = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(dataType);
object value = obj.ConvertFromString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, valueToConvert);
return value;
Then you can inherit from this class in wrapper classes for POST requests and parse to whichever objects you need. In this case, the code parses a list of objects passed as a query string to a list of wrapper class objects.
For example:
public class SampleWrapperClass : PostOBjectBase
public string rawQueryString { get; set; }
public List<ObjectToParseTo> entryList
List<List<string>> entriesList = GetQueryObjectsAsStringLists(rawQueryString);
List<ObjectToParseTo> entriesFormatted = new List<ObjectToParseTo>();
foreach (List<string> currentObject in entriesList)
ObjectToParseToentryPost = GetFromQueryString<ObjectToParseTo>(currentObject);
return entriesFormatted;