Get display annotation value on mvc3 server side code - c#

Is there a way to get the value of an annotation in server side code? For example, I have:
public class Dummy
[Display(Name = "Foo")]
public string foo { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Bar")]
public string bar { get; set; }
I want to be able to get the value "Foo" on server side with out posting it back to the page, but like an attribute of the class, or something of the sort. Like a #Html.LabelFor(model => model.Foo) But in c# server code.
Is that possible?
Thank you.

Something like this?
string displayName = GetDisplayName((Dummy x) =>;
// ...
public static string GetDisplayName<T, U>(Expression<Func<T, U>> exp)
var me = exp.Body as MemberExpression;
if (me == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Must be a MemberExpression.", "exp");
var attr = me.Member
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false)
return (attr != null) ? attr.Name : me.Member.Name;
Or, if you want to be able to call the method against an instance and take advantage of type inference:
var dummy = new Dummy();
string displayName = dummy.GetDisplayName(x =>;
// ...
public static string GetDisplayName<T, U>(this T src, Expression<Func<T, U>> exp)
var me = exp.Body as MemberExpression;
if (me == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Must be a MemberExpression.", "exp");
var attr = me.Member
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false)
return (attr != null) ? attr.Name : me.Member.Name;

You will need to use reflection. Here is a sample console program that does what you want.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Dummy dummy = new Dummy();
PropertyInfo[] properties = dummy.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
IEnumerable<DisplayAttribute> displayAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false).Cast<DisplayAttribute>();
foreach (DisplayAttribute displayAttribute in displayAttributes)
Console.WriteLine("Property {0} has display name {1}", property.Name, displayAttribute.Name);
public class Dummy
[Display(Name = "Foo")]
public string foo { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Bar")]
public string bar { get; set; }
This would produce the following result:


Access properties by passing in a lambda

I am trying to write this method:
public static T Nullify<T>(T item, params Func<T, object> [] properties)
// Sets any specified properties to null, returns the object.
I will call it like this:
var kitten = new Kitten() { Name = "Mr Fluffykins", FurColour = "Brown" };
var anonymousKitten = Nullify(kitten, c => c.Name);
However I am unsure of how to do this. Any ideas?
Another approach is to do this (it doesn't need to be an extension method)
public static T Nullify<T>(this T item, params Expression<Func<T, object>> [] properties)
foreach(var property in properties)
var memberSelectorExpression = property.Body as MemberExpression;
if (memberSelectorExpression != null)
var propertyInfo = memberSelectorExpression.Member as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
propertyInfo.SetValue(item, null, null);
return item;
item.Nullify(i => i.PropertyName, i => i.PropertyName2)
You'd need to pass a "setter method" not a "reader method" in properties.
static void Nullify<T, D>(T item, params Action<T, D>[] properties)
where D : class
foreach (var property in properties)
property(item, null);
Nullify<Kitten, string>(kitten, (c, d) => { c.Name = d; });
But this will just set the data for you. If you want a copy and then apply the properties, the items would probably have to be clonable (alternatively you can go though some hell with reflection):
static T Nullify<T, D>(T item, params Action<T, D>[] properties)
where D : class
where T : ICloneable
T copy = (T)item.Clone();
foreach (var property in properties)
property(copy, null);
return copy;
class Kitten : ICloneable
public string Name { get; set; }
public string FurColour { get; set; }
public object Clone()
return new Kitten() { Name = this.Name, FurColour = this.FurColour };
var anonymousKitten = Nullify(kitten, (c, d) => { c.Name = d; });
Without modifying your method definition much:
namespace ConsoleApplication
public class Kitten : ISimpleClone<Kitten>
public string Name { get; set; }
public string FurColour { get; set; }
public int? Number { get; set; }
public Kitten SimpleClone()
return new Kitten { Name = this.Name, FurColour = this.FurColour, Number = this.Number };
public interface ISimpleClone<T>
T SimpleClone();
public class Program
public static PropertyInfo GetProperty<TObject, TProperty>(Expression<Func<TObject, TProperty>> propertyExpression)
MemberExpression body = propertyExpression.Body as MemberExpression;
if (body == null)
var unaryExp = propertyExpression.Body as UnaryExpression;
if (unaryExp != null)
body = ((UnaryExpression)unaryExp).Operand as MemberExpression;
return body.Member as PropertyInfo;
public static T Nullify<T>(T item, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] properties)
where T : ISimpleClone<T>
// Creates a new instance
var newInstance = item.SimpleClone();
// Gets the properties that will be null
var propToNull = properties.Select(z => GetProperty<T, object>(z));
var filteredProp = propToNull
.Where(z => !z.PropertyType.IsValueType || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(z.PropertyType) != null) // Can be null
.Where(z => z.GetSetMethod(false) != null && z.CanWrite); // Can be set
foreach (var prop in filteredProp)
prop.SetValue(newInstance, null);
return newInstance;
public static void Main(string[] args)
var kitten = new Kitten() { Name = "Mr Fluffykins", FurColour = "Brown", Number = 12 };
var anonymousKitten = Nullify(kitten, c => c.Name, c => c.Number);
Looks a bit hacky though....

C#: Get the name of a property and check its value

I have the following class Franchise:
public class Franchise
public string FolderName { get; set; }
public string InstallerExeName { get; set; }
I have a method that checks specific property value for uniqness among all franchises in the db.
public bool ValidateFolderName(string folderName)
var allFranchises = _franchiseService.GetAll();
var result = allFranchises.Any(f => f.FolderName == folderName);
return result;
The problem is I have to check another property for uniqness:
public bool ValidateInstallerExeName(string installerExeName)
var allFranchises = _franchiseService.GetAll();
var result = allFranchises.Any(f => f.InstallerExeName == installerExeName);
return result;
I want to avoid code duplication by making a generic method. Something like:
public bool ValidateProperty(string propertyName)
var allFranchises = _franchiseService.GetAll();
// Not sure how to write this line
var result = allFranchises.Any(f => f.[propertyName] == propertyName);
return result;
The problem is I am not sure how to re-write this line of code so that it can get the property name and check its value by the provided parameter:
var result = allFranchises.Any(f => f.[propertyName] == propertyName);
I know I can do something like this with reflection:
franchise.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(franchise, null);
but I am not sure how can I make this to fit my case. Any help with working example will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here is a full working example using reflection:
class Program
private static List<Franchise> allFranchises;
static void Main(string[] args)
allFranchises = new List<Franchise>
new Franchise() { FolderName=#"c:\1", InstallerExeName="1.exe" },
new Franchise() { FolderName=#"c:\2", InstallerExeName="2.exe" },
new Franchise() { FolderName=#"c:\3", InstallerExeName="3.exe" },
new Franchise() { FolderName=#"c:\4", InstallerExeName="4.exe" },
new Franchise() { FolderName=#"c:\5", InstallerExeName="5.exe" },
Console.WriteLine(ValidateProperty("FolderName", #"c:\2", allFranchises));
Console.WriteLine(ValidateProperty("InstallerExeName", "5.exe", allFranchises));
Console.WriteLine(ValidateProperty("FolderName", #"c:\7", allFranchises));
Console.WriteLine(ValidateProperty("InstallerExeName", "12.exe", allFranchises));
public static bool ValidateProperty(string propertyName, object propertyValue, IEnumerable<Franchise> validateAgainst)
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = typeof(Franchise).GetProperty(propertyName);
return validateAgainst.Any(f => propertyInfo.GetValue(f, null) == propertyValue);
public class Franchise
public string FolderName { get; set; }
public string InstallerExeName { get; set; }
It will print out:
as expected.
public bool ValidateProperty<TType, TPropertyType>(Func<TType, TPropertyType> propertySelector, TPropertyType propertyValue)
return _franchiseService.GetAll().Any(f => propertySelector(f) == propertyValue);
You can call it like this:
if( ValidateProperty(x => x.FirstName, "Joe") )
This does not use reflection and you have intellisense for your propertyname as well.
You may use an extension method:
public static bool ValidateProperty(
this IEnumerable<Franchise> franchises,
string property,
object value)
var prop = typeof(Franchise).GetProperty(property);
if (prop == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Property does not exist");
return franchises.Any(f =>
prop.GetValue(f) == value);
Use it like this:
var r = _franchiseService.GetAll().ValidateProperty("FolderName", "myfolder1");
You can build the function you want using System.Linq.Expressions
public class Franchise
public string FolderName { get; set; }
public string InstallerExeName { get; set; }
bool ValidateProperty(string propertyName) {
var allFranchises = new List<Franchise>();
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Franchise));
var property = Expression.Property(parameter, propertyName);
var thisExpression = Expression.Constant(this, typeof(Franchise));
var value = Expression.Property(thisExpression, propertyName);
var notThis = Expression.ReferenceNotEqual(thisExpression, property);
var equal = Expression.Equal(value, property);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Franchise, bool>>(Expression.And(notThis, equal));
// lamda is now the equivalent of:
// x => !object.ReferenceEquals(this, x) && object.Equals(x.Property, this.Property)
return allFranchises.Any(lambda.Compile());
If allFranchises is of type IQueryable you use allFranchises.Any(lambda)
You could also caches the expression for later use if you are worried about performance.

Get Custom Attributes Generic

I am creating a custom attribute. And I will use it in multiple classes:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class Display : System.Attribute
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Internal { get; set; }
public class Class1
[Display(Name = "ID")]
public int ID { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Name")]
public string Title { get; set; }
public class Class2
[Display(Name = "ID")]
public int ID { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Name")]
public string Title { get; set; }
Here is working correctly but I want to make it as generic as possible, like the MVC example:
Class1 class1 = new Class1();
class1.Title.DisplayName () / / returns the value "Name"
The only thing I could do was generate a loop of my property, but I need to inform my typeof Class1
foreach (var prop in typeof(Class1).GetProperties())
var attrs = (Display[])prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Display), false);
foreach (var attr in attrs)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", prop.Name, attr.Name);
Is there any way to do it the way I want?
You can't do what you've shown exactly because class1.Title is an expression that evaluates to a string. You are looking for metadata about the Title property. You can use Expression Trees to let you write something close. Here's a short helper class that pulls the attribute value out of a property in an expression tree:
public static class PropertyHelper
public static string GetDisplayName<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyExpression)
Expression expression;
if (propertyExpression.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
expression = ((UnaryExpression)propertyExpression.Body).Operand;
expression = propertyExpression.Body;
if (expression.NodeType != ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
throw new ArgumentException("Must be a property expression.", "propertyExpression");
var me = (MemberExpression)expression;
var member = me.Member;
var att = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false).OfType<DisplayAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (att != null)
return att.Name;
// No attribute found, just use the actual name.
return member.Name;
public static string GetDisplayName<T>(this T target, Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyExpression)
return GetDisplayName<T>(propertyExpression);
And here's some sample usage. Note that you really don't even need an instance to get this metadata, but I have included an extension method that may be convenient.
public static void Main(string[] args)
Class1 class1 = new Class1();
Console.WriteLine(class1.GetDisplayName(c => c.Title));
Console.WriteLine(PropertyHelper.GetDisplayName<Class1>(c => c.Title));

Dynamically Getting Property Value From Class

I have a class which i want to retrieve a property from it dynamically
here is a sample from the class
namespace TEST
public class Data
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
i am trying to use GetProperty but it always return null
static object PropertyGet(object p, string propName)
Type t = p.GetType();
PropertyInfo info = t.GetProperty(propName);
if (info == null)
return null;
return info.GetValue(propName);
like this
var data = new Data();
var x = PropertyGet(data, "Username");
Console.Write(x?? "NULL");
This line is wrong, and should be throwing an exception for you:
return info.GetValue(propName);
You need to pass in the object from which to extract the property, i.e.
return info.GetValue(p);
Also note that currently data.Username is null. You want something like:
var data = new Data { Username = "Fred" };
I've validated that with these two changes, it works.
This works:
public class Data
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public class Program
static object PropertyGet(object p, string propName)
Type t = p.GetType();
PropertyInfo info = t.GetProperty(propName);
if (info == null)
return null;
return info.GetValue(p, null);
static void Main(string[] args)
var data = new Data() { Username = "Fred" };
var x = PropertyGet(data, "Username");
Console.Write(x ?? "NULL");

c# - How to iterate through classes fields and set properties

I am not sure if this is possible but I want to iterate through a class and set a field member property without referring to the field object explicitly:
public class Employee
public Person _person = new Person();
public void DynamicallySetPersonProperty()
MemberInfo[] members = this.GetType().GetMembers();
foreach (MemberInfo member in members.Where(a => a.Name == "_person"))
//get the _person field
Type type = member.GetType();
PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty("Name"); //good, this works, now to set a value for it
//this line does not work - the error is "property set method not found"
prop.SetValue(member, "new name", null);
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
In the answer that I marked as the answer you need to add:
public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(this string source)
return (source == null || source.Length > 0) ? true : false;
Here's a complete working example:
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
class Program
static void PropertySet(object p, string propName, object value)
Type t = p.GetType();
PropertyInfo info = t.GetProperty(propName);
if (info == null)
if (!info.CanWrite)
info.SetValue(p, value, null);
static void PropertySetLooping(object p, string propName, object value)
Type t = p.GetType();
foreach (PropertyInfo info in t.GetProperties())
if (info.Name == propName && info.CanWrite)
info.SetValue(p, value, null);
static void Main(string[] args)
Person p = new Person();
PropertySet(p, "Name", "Michael Ellis");
PropertySetLooping(p, "Name", "Nigel Mellish");
EDIT: added a looping variant so you could see how to loop through property info objects.
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Employee
public Person person = new Person();
public void DynamicallySetPersonProperty()
var p = GetType().GetField("person").GetValue(this);
p.GetType().GetProperty("Name").SetValue(p, "new name", null);
With the following Extension methods that I have created, you can set or get any property value even if they are nested
GetPropertyValue(customObject, "Property.Nested.Child.Name");
or set
SetPropertyValue(customObject, "Property.Nested.Child.Name", "my custom name");
private class TargetProperty
public object Target { get; set; }
public PropertyInfo Property { get; set; }
public bool IsValid { get { return Target != null && Property != null; } }
private static TargetProperty GetTargetProperty(object source, string propertyName)
if (!propertyName.Contains("."))
return new TargetProperty { Target = source, Property = source.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName) };
string[] propertyPath = propertyName.Split('.');
var targetProperty = new TargetProperty();
targetProperty.Target = source;
targetProperty.Property = source.GetType().GetProperty(propertyPath[0]);
for (int propertyIndex = 1; propertyIndex < propertyPath.Length; propertyIndex++)
propertyName = propertyPath[propertyIndex];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
targetProperty.Target = targetProperty.Property.GetValue(targetProperty.Target, null);
targetProperty.Property = targetProperty.Target.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
return targetProperty;
public static bool HasProperty(this object source, string propertyName)
return GetTargetProperty(source, propertyName).Property != null;
public static object GetPropertyValue(this object source, string propertyName)
var targetProperty = GetTargetProperty(source, propertyName);
if (targetProperty.IsValid)
return targetProperty.Property.GetValue(targetProperty.Target, null);
return null;
public static void SetPropertyValue(this object source, string propertyName, object value)
var targetProperty = GetTargetProperty(source, propertyName);
targetProperty.Property.SetValue(targetProperty.Target, value, null);
And here are a couple of tests for it
public class ObjectExtensionsTest
private class MockClass
public MockClass()
Nested = new NestedMockClass();
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string GetOnly { get { return "MockClass"; } }
public string SetOnly { set { } }
public NestedMockClass Nested { get; set; }
private class NestedMockClass
public string NestedId { get; set; }
public string NestedName { get; set; }
public string NestedGetOnly { get { return "NestedMockClass"; } }
public string NestedSetOnly { set { } }
public void TestShouldFindProperty()
MockClass mockObject = new MockClass();
public void TestShouldGetPropertyValue()
MockClass mockObject = new MockClass();
mockObject.Id = "1";
mockObject.Name = "Name";
mockObject.Nested.NestedId = "NestedId";
mockObject.Nested.NestedName = "NestedName";
Assert.AreEqual(mockObject.Id, mockObject.GetPropertyValue("Id"));
Assert.AreEqual(mockObject.Name, mockObject.GetPropertyValue("Name"));
Assert.AreEqual(mockObject.GetOnly, mockObject.GetPropertyValue("GetOnly"));
Assert.AreEqual(mockObject.Nested.NestedId, mockObject.GetPropertyValue("Nested.NestedId"));
Assert.AreEqual(mockObject.Nested.NestedName, mockObject.GetPropertyValue("Nested.NestedName"));
public void TestShouldSetPropertyValue()
MockClass mockObject = new MockClass();
mockObject.SetPropertyValue("Id", "1");
mockObject.SetPropertyValue("Name", "Name");
mockObject.SetPropertyValue("Nested.NestedId", "NestedId");
mockObject.SetPropertyValue("Nested.NestedName", "NestedName");
Assert.AreEqual(mockObject.Id, "1");
Assert.AreEqual(mockObject.Name, "Name");
Assert.AreEqual(mockObject.Nested.NestedId, "NestedId");
Assert.AreEqual(mockObject.Nested.NestedName, "NestedName");
Hope you find it useful.
You are trying to set the Name property of your Employee class's _person field. It doesn't have one. Try this:
prop.SetValue(((FieldInfo)member).GetValue(this), "new name", null)
Not sure if you need to cast the first argument like this:
prop.SetValue((Person)((FieldInfo)member).GetValue(this), "new name", null)
This then applies it to the value of the _person field instead.
You a trying to perform SetValue() on the property Name of the variable member that is a MemberInfo object and this proeprty is read only.
Note you do not need to iterate over all memebers and you do not need to get the field _person with reflection as it is defined in the same class as the method DynamicallySetPersonProperty().
So the code shoul read like this.
PropertyInfo property = this._person.GetType().GetProperty("Name");
property.SetValue(this._person, "new name", null);
The first line will fail if _person is null. So you can use reflectiopn to get the type of the field.
FieldInfo field = this.GetType().GetField("_person", BindingFlags.Public);
PropertyInfo property = field.FieldType.GetProperty("Name");
But now accessing this property will still fail if _personis null.
property.Setvalue(field.GetValue(this), "new name", null);
try this:
public static void ApplyPropertyChanges(this object objDest, object objToCopyFrom)
if (objDest == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (objToCopyFrom == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("objToCopyFrom");
if (objDest.GetType() != objToCopyFrom.GetType())
throw new Exception("Invalid type. Required: \"" + objDest.GetType().ToString() + "\"");
foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo piOrig in objDest.GetType().GetProperties())
object editedVal = objToCopyFrom.GetType().GetProperty(piOrig.Name).GetValue(objToCopyFrom, null);
usage example:
public ActionResult Edit(Team editedTeamData)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View();
Team origTeam = (from t in _db.Teams
where t.TeamID == editedTeamData.TeamID
select t).FirstOrDefault();
return RedirectToAction("Index");

