as string caused me a problem when dealing with object arrays. The values after execution are shown in the comments. Should it work this way?
object[] array = new object[2];
array[0] = 0.33;
array[1] = "0.33";
string a = array[0] as string; // a == null !!!??????
string b = array[1] as string; // b == "0.33"
string a2 = array[0] == null ? "" : array[0].ToString(); // a2 == "0.33"
string a3 = Convert.ToString(array[0]); // a3 == "0.33"
Yes, it should.
as is a cast operator.
It can only be used to cast an object to a type that it actually is (or a superclass thereof).
x as Y returns null if x isn't a Y.
the as-operator returns null when it fails to cast an object to the specified type. in this case it failed to cast 0.33 to type string, so string a is null.
The as operator is like a cast operation. However, if the conversion
is not possible, as returns null instead of raising an exception
So yes, the behaviour you are observing is correct.
The as operator is a casting operation, not a conversion operation, so it will only produce the value is the same type, or a super- or sub-class or the type you are trying to cast to.
(Unlike a regular cast, the as operator also does not perform user-defined conversions using the operator keyword.)
"as string" is not a synonym for "ToString()". You are using the "as" operator, and happened to pass it string as a type.
Definition of the as operator:
The as operator is like a cast except that it yields null on conversion failure instead of raising an exception. More formally, an expression of the form:
expression as type
is equivalent to:
expression is type ? (type)expression : (type)null
The 'as' operator is basically like casting into a System.Type however the only difference is that it returns a null value if the cast fails instead of throwing an exception.
Check out this link for more info
array[0] is a double and cannot be casted to string, hence null.
Call ToString(), most types override it to return something meaningful.
Consider the following code:
void Handler(object o, EventArgs e)
// I swear o is a string
string s = (string)o; // 1
string s = o as string; // 2
// -OR-
string s = o.ToString(); // 3
What is the difference between the three types of casting (okay, the 3rd one is not a casting, but you get the intent). Which one should be preferred?
string s = (string)o; // 1
Throws InvalidCastException if o is not a string. Otherwise, assigns o to s, even if o is null.
string s = o as string; // 2
Assigns null to s if o is not a string or if o is null. For this reason, you cannot use it with value types (the operator could never return null in that case). Otherwise, assigns o to s.
string s = o.ToString(); // 3
Causes a NullReferenceException if o is null. Assigns whatever o.ToString() returns to s, no matter what type o is.
Use 1 for most conversions - it's simple and straightforward. I tend to almost never use 2 since if something is not the right type, I usually expect an exception to occur. I have only seen a need for this return-null type of functionality with badly designed libraries which use error codes (e.g. return null = error, instead of using exceptions).
3 is not a cast and is just a method invocation. Use it for when you need the string representation of a non-string object.
string s = (string)o; Use when something should
definitely be the other thing.
string s = o as string; Use when something might be the other
string s = o.ToString(); Use when you don't care what
it is but you just want to use the
available string representation.
It really depends on whether you know if o is a string and what you want to do with it. If your comment means that o really really is a string, I'd prefer the straight (string)o cast - it's unlikely to fail.
The biggest advantage of using the straight cast is that when it fails, you get an InvalidCastException, which tells you pretty much what went wrong.
With the as operator, if o isn't a string, s is set to null, which is handy if you're unsure and want to test s:
string s = o as string;
if ( s == null )
// well that's not good!
However, if you don't perform that test, you'll use s later and have a NullReferenceException thrown. These tend to be more common and a lot harder to track down once they happens out in the wild, as nearly every line dereferences a variable and may throw one. On the other hand, if you're trying to cast to a value type (any primitive, or structs such as DateTime), you have to use the straight cast - the as won't work.
In the special case of converting to a string, every object has a ToString, so your third method may be okay if o isn't null and you think the ToString method might do what you want.
'as' is based on 'is', which is a keyword that checks at runtime if the object is polimorphycally compatible (basically if a cast can be made) and returns null if the check fails.
These two are equivalent:
Using 'as':
string s = o as string;
Using 'is':
if(o is string)
s = o;
s = null;
On the contrary, the c-style cast is made also at runtime, but throws an exception if the cast cannot be made.
Just to add an important fact:
The 'as' keyword only works with reference types. You cannot do:
// I swear i is an int
int number = i as int;
In those cases you have to use casting.
If you already know what type it can cast to, use a C-style cast:
var o = (string) iKnowThisIsAString;
Note that only with a C-style cast can you perform explicit type coercion.
If you don't know whether it's the desired type and you're going to use it if it is, use as keyword:
var s = o as string;
if (s != null) return s.Replace("_","-");
//or for early return:
if (s==null) return;
Note that as will not call any type conversion operators. It will only be non-null if the object is not null and natively of the specified type.
Use ToString() to get a human-readable string representation of any object, even if it can't cast to string.
The as keyword is good in when you use the FindControl method.
Hyperlink link = this.FindControl("linkid") as Hyperlink;
if (link != null)
This means you can operate on the typed variable rather then having to then cast it from object like you would with a direct cast:
object linkObj = this.FindControl("linkid");
if (link != null)
Hyperlink link = (Hyperlink)linkObj;
It's not a huge thing, but it saves lines of code and variable assignment, plus it's more readable
According to experiments run on this page:
(this page is having some "illegal referrer" errors show up sometimes, so just refresh if it does)
Conclusion is, the "as" operator is normally faster than a cast. Sometimes by many times faster, sometimes just barely faster.
I peronsonally thing "as" is also more readable.
So, since it is both faster and "safer" (wont throw exception), and possibly easier to read, I recommend using "as" all the time.
2 is useful for casting to a derived type.
Suppose a is an Animal:
b = a as Badger;
c = a as Cow;
if (b != null)
else if (c != null)
will get a fed with a minimum of casts.
"(string)o" will result in an InvalidCastException as there's no direct cast.
"o as string" will result in s being a null reference, rather than an exception being thrown.
"o.ToString()" isn't a cast of any sort per-se, it's a method that's implemented by object, and thus in one way or another, by every class in .net that "does something" with the instance of the class it's called on and returns a string.
Don't forget that for converting to string, there's also Convert.ToString(someType instanceOfThatType) where someType is one of a set of types, essentially the frameworks base types.
It seems the two of them are conceptually different.
Direct Casting
Types don't have to be strictly related. It comes in all types of flavors.
Custom implicit/explicit casting: Usually a new object is created.
Value Type Implicit: Copy without losing information.
Value Type Explicit: Copy and information might be lost.
IS-A relationship: Change reference type, otherwise throws exception.
Same type: 'Casting is redundant'.
It feels like the object is going to be converted into something else.
AS operator
Types have a direct relationship. As in:
Reference Types: IS-A relationship Objects are always the same, just the reference changes.
Value Types: Copy boxing and nullable types.
It feels like the you are going to handle the object in a different way.
Samples and IL
class TypeA
public int value;
class TypeB
public int number;
public static explicit operator TypeB(TypeA v)
return new TypeB() { number = v.value };
class TypeC : TypeB { }
interface IFoo { }
class TypeD : TypeA, IFoo { }
void Run()
TypeA customTypeA = new TypeD() { value = 10 };
long longValue = long.MaxValue;
int intValue = int.MaxValue;
// Casting
TypeB typeB = (TypeB)customTypeA; // custom explicit casting -- IL: call class ConsoleApp1.Program/TypeB ConsoleApp1.Program/TypeB::op_Explicit(class ConsoleApp1.Program/TypeA)
IFoo foo = (IFoo)customTypeA; // is-a reference -- IL: castclass ConsoleApp1.Program/IFoo
int loseValue = (int)longValue; // explicit -- IL: conv.i4
long dontLose = intValue; // implict -- IL: conv.i8
// AS
int? wraps = intValue as int?; // nullable wrapper -- IL: call instance void valuetype [System.Runtime]System.Nullable`1<int32>::.ctor(!0)
object o1 = intValue as object; // box -- IL: box [System.Runtime]System.Int32
TypeD d1 = customTypeA as TypeD; // reference conversion -- IL: isinst ConsoleApp1.Program/TypeD
IFoo f1 = customTypeA as IFoo; // reference conversion -- IL: isinst ConsoleApp1.Program/IFoo
//TypeC d = customTypeA as TypeC; // wouldn't compile
All given answers are good, if i might add something:
To directly use string's methods and properties (e.g. ToLower) you can't write:
(string)o.ToLower(); // won't compile
you can only write:
but you could write instead:
(o as string).ToLower();
The as option is more readable (at least to my opinion).
string s = o as string; // 2
Is prefered, as it avoids the performance penalty of double casting.
I would like to attract attention to the following specifics of the as operator:
Note that the as operator performs only reference conversions,
nullable conversions, and boxing conversions. The as operator can't
perform other conversions, such as user-defined conversions, which
should instead be performed by using cast expressions.
Use direct cast string s = (string) o; if in the logical context of your app string is the only valid type. With this approach, you will get InvalidCastException and implement the principle of Fail-fast. Your logic will be protected from passing the invalid type further or get NullReferenceException if used as operator.
If the logic expects several different types cast string s = o as string; and check it on null or use is operator.
New cool feature have appeared in C# 7.0 to simplify cast and check is a Pattern matching:
if(o is string s)
// Use string variable s
switch (o)
case int i:
// Use int variable i
case string s:
// Use string variable s
When trying to get the string representation of anything (of any type) that could potentially be null, I prefer the below line of code. It's compact, it invokes ToString(), and it correctly handles nulls. If o is null, s will contain String.Empty.
String s = String.Concat(o);
Since nobody mentioned it, the closest to instanceOf to Java by keyword is this:
I read this question and I found Tim Schmelter's answer:
By the way, that's one of the differences between the conditional operator and an if-else
you can check the answer for this question, and I can't found the reason ?
if conditional operator work like if-else why if else don't need the cast
question :
int? l = lc.HasValue ? (int)lc.Value : null;
"Tim Schmelter" answer :
You have to cast null as well:
int? l = lc.HasValue ? (int)lc.Value : (int?)null;
By the way, that's one of the differences between the conditional operator and an if-else:
if (lc.HasValue)
l = (int)lc.Value;
l = null; // works
The literal null alone does not have a type, but it is implicitly convertible to any reference type and to any Nullable<> type. In the expression:
x = null
where x is assigned to null, the compiler can easily infer from the type of the variable (or field or property or parameter or whatever) x what the null literal shall be converted into. For example if x is of type string, the null shall represent the null reference, while if x is of type int?, the null shall represent an instance of Nullable<int> where HasValue is false.
If x is of type int, no implicit conversion exists, and the above expression shall not compile.
(The declaration var x = null; with var is not legal since null has no type in itself.)
On the other hand, in the expression:
someBoolean ? 42 : null /* illegal */
the compiler cannot figure out what type to convert null into. Remember that int is neither reference type, nor Nullable<> type.
If you meant wrapping into a nullable, use:
someBoolean ? (int?)42 : null
someBoolean ? 42 : (int?)null
In both cases the compiler will automatically see that the other operand (on the other side of the colon :) must also be implicitly converted to int?.
If you meant boxing into some base class or interface of int, write that:
someBoolean ? (object)42 : null
someBoolean ? 42 : (object)null
Now, the expressions above could be sub-expressions of a greater containing expression, but the compiler will still need the type of the ?: expression to be clear by itself. For example in:
int? x;
x = someBoolean ? 42 : null; // still illegal!
even if the sub-expression someBoolean ? 42 : null appears inside a larger expression x = someBoolean ? 42 : null where x does have a type, the sub-expression must still acquire its type "intrinsically". The type of x cannot "leak onto" the sub-expression. This "grammar" seems to be a surprise to many new C# developers. Questions like yours are often seen, see e.g. Nullable type issue with ?: Conditional Operator and the threads linked to it.
The if statement doesn't yield a value, so the statements in the "then" and "else" parts don't need to be type compatible in any way.
The conditional operator yields a value, and therefore both parts must be type compatible in some way in order for the compiler to determine the type of the expression.
MSDN says for the conditional operator :
*Either the type of first_expression and second_expression must be the same, or an implicit conversion must exist from one type to the other.*
This is the reason. In the if-else constructor the code in else block is independent from the code in if block so the type-casting can be inferred by the compiler in each case.
Is it safe to rewrite the following code:
bool b = ? : false;
bool b = ?? false;
where bar is the nullable type bool?
The easiest fix there is
bool b =;
which is also actually cheaper than .Value as it omits the has-value check. It will default to default(T) , which is indeed false here (it just returns the value of the underlying T field, without any checks at all).
If you need a different default to default(T), then:
var value = yourNullable.GetValueOrDefault(yourPreferredValue);
What you want is:
bool b = ?? false;
This is (surprisingly) safe and an intended use for the null-coalescing operator.
The ?? operator is called the null-coalescing operator and is used to define a default value for a nullable value types as well as reference types. It returns the left-hand operand if it is not null; otherwise it returns the right operand.
In the case of Nullable<T>, it is functionally equivalent to Nullable<T>.GetValueOrDefault(T defaultValue).
The code:
bool b = ?? false;
Will cause a compiler-error, because you cannot apply the operator to value types, and Nullable<T>.Value always returns a value-type (or throws an exception when there is no value).
No - this is not safe.
The line:
bool b = ?? false;
will throw an InvalidOperationException if has no value.
Instead use
var b = ?? false;
Update - I just learned about .GetValueOrDefault(); from the other answers - that looks like a very good suggestion to use!
Update 2 - #ProgrammingHero's answer is also correct (+1 added!) - the line:
bool b = ?? false
actually won't compile - because of Error 50 Operator '??' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool' and 'bool'
The Value property returns a value if
one is assigned, otherwise a
System.InvalidOperationException is
So if hasValue is false then you will get an exception thrown in your second one when you try to run it. ?? false would be more safer to use
bar.Value ?? false
has compilation error, because left operand of ?? operator should be of reference or nullable type.
Maybe you have a look at this article in Stackoverflow too - it is an elegant null checking in the style obj.IfNotNull(lambdaExpression) - returning the object you want if obj is not null otherwise just null (but without throwing an exception).
I used it with the Entity Framework if you're accessing a referenced entity, e.g.
var str=Entity1.Entity2.IfNotNull(x=>x.EntityDescription) ?? string.Empty
which returns EntityDescription contained in Entity2 which is referenced by Entity1 - or an empty string if any object Entity1 or Entity2 is null. Without IfNotNull you would get a long and ugly expression.
The extension method IfNotNull is defined there as follows:
public static TOut IfNotNull<TIn, TOut>(this TIn v, Func<TIn, TOut> f)
where TIn : class
where TOut: class
if (v == null) return null; else return f(v);
If you update the code to C# version 6.0 (.NET Framework 4.6 - but seems to support older frameworks 4.x too), there is a new operator available which makes this task easy: The "elvis" operator ?..
It works as follows:
var str=(Entity1.Entity2?.EntityDescription) ?? string.Empty
In this case, if Entity2 is null, evaluation stops and (...) becomes null - after which the ?? string.empty part replaces null by string.Empty. In other words, it works the same way as .IfNotNull(...) would. represents the non-nullable value when there is one, and throws an InvalidOperationException if there’s no real value.
int? x = null;
x = x + 1; // Works, but x remains null
I would expect the compiler to attempt to cast x as an int, but apparently it does not.
Edit by 280Z28: Changed NullReferenceException to InvalidOperationException, which is what Nullable<T>.Value throws when HasValue is false.
This is per the specification for lifted binary operators. From §7.2.7:
For the binary operators
+ - * / % & | ^ << >>
a lifted form of an operator exists if the operand and result types are all non-nullable value types. The lifted form is constructed by adding a single ? modifier to each operand and result type. The lifted operator produces a null value if one or both operands are null (an exception being the & and | operators of the bool? type, as described in §7.10.3). Otherwise, the lifted operator unwraps the operands, applies the underlying operator, and wraps the result.
The reasoning is this: you are to think of null for a nullable type as meaning "I do not know what the value is." What is the result of "I don't know" plus one? "I don't know." Thus, the result should be null.
Nullables are never actually null references. They are always object references. Their internal classes override the == and = operators. If they are being compared to null, they'll return the value of the HasValue property.
Why would you expect the compiler to cast it as int when you've declared it as Nullable? The compiler is doing what you've told it to do and null +1 = null.
You'll have to cast explicitly or check x.HasValue before attempting to add an int.
The reason for this is that the compiler creates a 'lifted' operator for nullable types - in this case it is something like:
public static int? operator +(int? a, int? b)
return (a == null || b == null) ? (int?)null : a.Value + b.Value
I think if you try to assign the result to a non-nullable value, the compiler will be forced to use the non-nullable overload and convert x to an int.
e.g. int i = x + 1; //throws runtime exception
Unfortunately it doesn't. The X in x = X + 1 is null as in the first line so you're adding 1 to null, which equals null.
As it's a nullable int, you can use x.HasValue to check if it has a value, and then x.Value to get the actual int value out
Regardless of whether x is actually never null, that's not even the point.
The point is, when have you ever seen a NullReferenceException when trying to perform an addition?
The following example doesn't throw a NullReferenceException either and is perfectly valid.
string hello = null;
string world = "world";
string hw = hello+world;
You would only get a NullReferenceException if you try to access a member on an object that is null.
int? can never be null because it is a struct. Structs live on the stack and the stack does not handle null well.
See What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it?
Also, the nullable types have 2 very useful properties : HasValue, Value
This code:
if (x != null)
return (int) x;
Should be refactored to this:
if (x.HasValue)
return x.Value;
I have this extract of C# source code:
object valueFromDatabase;
decimal result;
valueFromDatabase = DBNull.Value;
result = (decimal)(valueFromDatabase != DBNull.Value ? valueFromDatabase : 0);
result = (valueFromDatabase != DBNull.Value ? (decimal)valueFromDatabase : (decimal)0);
The first result evaluation throws an InvalidCastException whereas the second one does not.
What is the difference between these two?
UPDATE: This question was the subject of my blog on May 27th 2010. Thanks for the great question!
There are a great many very confusing answers here. Let me try to precisely answer your question. Let's simplify this down:
object value = whatever;
bool condition = something;
decimal result = (decimal)(condition ? value : 0);
How does the compiler interpret the last line? The problem faced by the compiler is that the type of the conditional expression must be consistent for both branches; the language rules do not allow you to return object on one branch and int on the other. The choices are object and int. Every int is convertible to object but not every object is convertible to int, so the compiler chooses object. Therefore this is the same as
decimal result = (decimal)(condition ? (object)value : (object)0);
Therefore the zero returned is a boxed int.
You then unbox the int to decimal. It is illegal to unbox a boxed int to decimal. For the reasons why, see my blog article on that subject:
Representation and Identity
Basically, your problem is that you're acting as though the cast to decimal were distributed, like this:
decimal result = condition ? (decimal)value : (decimal)0;
But as we've seen, that is not what
decimal result = (decimal)(condition ? value : 0);
means. That means "make both alternatives into objects and then unbox the resulting object".
The difference is that the compiler can not determine a data type that is a good match between Object and Int32.
You can explicitly cast the int value to object to get the same data type in the second and third operand so that it compiles, but that of couse means that you are boxing and unboxing the value:
result = (decimal)(valueFromDatabase != DBNull.value ? valueFromDatabase : (object)0);
That will compile, but not run. You have to box a decimal value to unbox as a decimal value:
result = (decimal)(valueFromDatabase != DBNull.value ? valueFromDatabase : (object)0M);
The type of the operator will be object and in case the result must be 0 it will be implicitly boxed. But 0 literal is by default has int type so you box int. But with explicit cast to decimal you try to unbox it which is not permitted (boxed type must much with the one you cast back to). That is why you can get exception.
Here is an excerpt from C# Specification:
The second and third operands of the ?: operator control the type of the conditional expression. Let X and Y be the types of the second and third operands. Then,
If X and Y are the same type, then this is the type of the conditional expression.
Otherwise, if an implicit conversion (§6.1) exists from X to Y, but not from Y to X, then Y is the type of the
conditional expression.
Otherwise, if an implicit conversion (§6.1) exists from Y to X, but not from X to Y, then X is the type of the
conditional expression.
Otherwise, no expression type can be determined, and a compile-time error occurs.
Your line should be:
result = valueFromDatabase != DBNull.value ? (decimal)valueFromDatabase : 0m;
0m is the decimal constant for zero
Both parts of a conditional operator should evaluate to the same data type
The x : y part need a common type, the database's value is likely some kind of float and 0 is an int. This happens before the cast to decimal. Try ": 0.0" or ": 0D".
Unless I'm mistaken (which is very possible) its actually the 0 that's causing the exception, and this is down to .NET (crazily) assuming the type of a literal so you need to specify 0m rather than just 0.
See MSDN for more info.
There are two different types for the compiler to decide (at compile time) which one to cast to decimal. This it can't do.
Your answer would work if you combined both:
result = (decimal)(valueFromDatabase != DBNull.Value ? (decimal)valueFromDatabase : (decimal)0);
At least, a similar situation casting into a parameter for me.