Webforms Refresh problem - c#

This is probably a simple question for every WebForms developer but I am knew to this scene. I have a page that has an "ADD" button on it that results in a jquery popup where the user can submit a form that will add an entry to the repeater on the page. My problem is that after the user adds an item, if they then hit the refresh button the item will get added again. I can't stop this with the page.ispostback because that would block the original add. What can I do here?

that's a common problem. Here's explanation and solution of the problem.
When a web form is submitted to a server through an HTTP POST request, a web user that attempts to refresh the server response in certain user agents can cause the contents of the original HTTP POST request to be resubmitted, possibly causing undesired results, such as a duplicate web purchase.
To avoid this problem, many web developers use the PRG(Post/Redirect/Get) pattern.
copied from wiki (LINK)
simplest solution can be Response.Redirect to the same page (i.e. if you page is named default.aspx write Response.Redirect("default.aspx")). if you do this browser refresh button will just load the page as if you have typed in address bar URL and navigated to it.
here's SO question How to stop unwanted postback that might be useful as well.

If there is an option to delete an item on the page (is there?), do you really have to be concerned with that happening? May want to think about that. Just a thought.


facebox in asp.net cannot postback

i have an aspx page with feedback form which rendered inside facebox. In the form, i have a button which used to submit the form. After this, the facebox closes and its opening the page which is loading in the facebox in another page. I did go through many q&a here and tried on many suggested answers such as the link attached as below but unfortunately I still cannot figure it out.
Facebox adding commas to input
Appreciate for any reply. thanks in advance.
You might want to try sticking your app in an UpdatePanel so that when you postback in your section it's not posting back the entire site to FaceBook. I'm not sure how your site is embedded into facebook, but if possible you might also try using iFrames to do the same thing (so that you're only posting back your frame, and not the entire facebook page). My guess is that the postback to facebook results in your page being overwritten (by facebook).
If you are having issues with posting back, the easiest way to force the postback is to trigger the __doPostBack method as in:
__doPostBack('uniqueid', 'args');
Regardless of the issue with the button click, this should do the job.

How to implement PRG pattern properly in asp.net webforms

I have a simple three page asp.net webforms site and having an issue with the back browser button that throws the popup "...Firefox must send any information that will repeat any action.." when hitting back on the step3.aspx.
The flow is: user lands on step1.aspx, session starts, and a user quotes on a product and gets redirected to step2.aspx. On step2.aspx, you confirm the purchase by clicking an asp:Button. The OnClick event handler, btnPurchase_Click, handles the logic for purchase and redirects, Response.Redirect("step3.aspx"), to step3.aspx. Step3.aspx simply displays the confirmation page (receipt details). The session is destroyed on step3 and when the user hits the back browser button, they are prompted with the resubmit post popup. Ideally, I want the user to hit step1 on hitting back without the resubmit prompt. Each page is set to no-cache and redirects to step1 if session is invalid.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a better flow?
This site will eventually be migrated to asp.net mvc/ajax which will most likely make the PRG workflow easier to implement but for now, looking for a relatively simple way.
A simple solution is to never allow a page to render on postback, but instead accept/store whatever information it was posted, and then redirect to the next page (or itself).
That way if a user hits the back button, it is going back to a GET, not a POST, and avoids the popup.
I give this question a try. The flow you mention will obstruct the pages normal function, which you of course already have in mind. Though, i would say it can be dangerous (against the function you expect) and contraproductive. Based on what I can see from your question, I would definitively remove Page2 and Page3 and keep all logic in same and single page.
I would also be happy to hear what you are trying to avoid, with this? Is it double posts? Like a double-post of a content in a shopping cart? Partial / uncomplete inserts of data input? With the described way to affect back-buttons, you may come around one problem but rise another. A big range of browsers that can act completely different on such work-arounds.
I see two good options,
Create three UserControls which every each of them have each page specific logic. You can programmatically load them into the page. I.e. on bnButton_Click Event. Usercontrols are loaded with LoadControl("PathToAscxFileOnDisk.ascx").
I would also think about three <asp:PlaceHolder></asp:PlaceHolder> or perhaps better <asp:Panel></asp:Panel> to put all logic into.
In this case you are completely free from the postback issues and can focus on moving your functions into business logic and have use the Code-File to control the flow on show/hide and populate the controls in/out from the panels/usercontrols. You can probably also control the postback / click-URL & push-enter-key.
And you mentioned Ajax,
Ajax is absolutely there to make your page stateless (which means you can work without cache, sessions, viewstate and so on. Though, the problem lies in the users possibility to navigate between pages. I would think even Ajax is of less help, while you keep the three-pages-solution.
I would personally say it is a simple task to move the aspx files into each ascx and create a aspx as a master-container. With that option you even avoid duplicate namings (like if you copy / paste the code into panels) and trouble with Page_Load flow/logic.
If I understand correctly you're not yet using the PRG.
On step 2, temporarily store the information and redirect to show it. How you do so depends a lot on your application: session, database, cookies, etc are all options with different caracteristics.
Then redirect to show that information.
Same goes on step 3.
If you hit back on step 3, you'll go to step 2. But given you're going back to a GET request, there won't be a warning. Like you said, your application destroys the session data on 3, so according to what you said the user would go to step3.
Maybe I'm missing something on what you said.

Whenever RewritePath() is called, Page.IsPostBack is false

I'm developing a custom URL Rewriter for a ASP.Net 3.5 project. This rewriter is not functionally different than most rewriters out there, the only difference being that the friendly URL collection is not loaded from a web.config file -- it's coming from a database instead. I made the naive assumption that it would be easy to develop a custom rewriter module from scratch, but now I know the mess I put myself in. I digress; let's go straight to the technical issues.
While testing the rewriter, I set up a friendly url that would take the user to a web form. Postbacks from this form should not alter the friendly address, as anyone would expect, so
http://my.web.site/app_root/FriendlyURL is always rewritten as http://my.web.site/app_root/not_friendly/form.aspx
Things are fine when the browser first loads the FriendlyURL. The page comes up and is completely functional. However, when the form is posted back to the server, the page simply reloads but, at server-side, IsPostBack is false. It's like F5 was hit, except that a HTTP POST had indeed occurred.
Unsurprisingly, when the interaction occurs through the "unfriendly" URL, the POST action triggers the postback as expected. This evidence suggests that HttpContext.RewritePath is somehow messing with the page lifecycle in a way that it loses sense of the postback operation. Any directions? Thanks.
Thanks to StackOverflow, another nearly-duplicate problem gave me hints about the core issue. In short,
Server-side components that set the PostBackUrl attribute mess up with path rewriting system during postbacks. Or the postback system is messed up during the path rewrite. (The causal relationship is unclear, but the effect is what I described in the question.)
Any asp:LinkButton, asp:Button or asp:ImageButton that sets PostBackUrl (either at form, master page, or user control levels) will cause web forms to include a __PREVIOUSPAGE hidden element whose contents are opaque, but it has some role during postbacks. This was my problem: there were several asp:LinkButtons that set the PostBackUrl attribute.
When the page (form + master page + user controls) is free of PostBackUrl'd elements, __PREVIOUSPAGE disappears and the postback mess up is gone. So after I reviewed each asp:LinkButton in the entire site, and transformed them into ordinary <a> elements, the problem was solved.

Change the url in browser from c# codebehind (NOT seo routing or URL rewriting)

I have a website where there is a lengthy list of items to display so I am using Pagination to make the load on server easier.
However, I am doing the pagination via Ajax so when the user clicks on Next Page or Previous Page linkbutton, the data repeater is refreshed with ajax.
This was working fine until, people started to click on the item and then click back, it takes them to the first page.
suppose you scan about 10 pages, by clicking on the "Next Page" button. The data changes, but the URL in the browser doesnt. And you think you found what you want so you click on it, the browser loads different page, and when you click back, the browser takes you to previous page but since the url did not change, you are back to page 1.
Currently, I have removed ajax so the url changes everytime, but I have seen several website re-write the url in browser when ajax even happens, and I was wondering if I could do the same.
Google search for url re-write digs up only seo routing stuff, nothing on what I actually want (i am sure i am not using the right words)
I was interested to know this problem, any clues or leads on this one?
ps: several questions here were kind of close, but was either too complicated or too deviated. sorry if its a duplicate.
The only part of an URL that you can change in js, client-side, without forcing browser to reload whole page is an anchor part (http://domain/page#anchor - the part after # sign). This part is used by many js application (e.g. Google Picassa), also by silverlight to provide browser history support. You'd have to set an anchor part when navigating to another page of your data. When the page is loaded, just check the anchor part and load appropriate page. Also, you'd have to periodically check for changes - this will happen when user uses back/forward feature in his/her browser. (There could be an event that is fired when that happens, I just haven't found it)

C# force page load on browser back click

I'd like to know how I can detect that the back button is clicked from the browser.
I have the following situation. On my website I have a search form. When you perform two search actions and then click the back button, the values of my dropdownbox are not stored correctly.
Imagine you search the first time on keywords, after that you search by titles. Now, when you click the back button, you see the results of the keywords, but in the dropdown, titles is still visible. I want keyword to be visible in the dropdown.
In my session I store what the search type is. So that's why I want to know how to force a page_load on the browser back button.
When I disable the cache I get this error message (IE 7) "Webpage has expired"
PS: I've read this thread, but it didn't answer my question (Forcing page refresh on click of back button)
Perhaps you're looking for the wrong solution (an ASP.NET solution rather than a browser solution). I think the controls display that way because the browser is trying to be helpful:
You visit search page, select keywords, POST request
The page displays keywords results, you select titles and POST request
The page displays title results, you click back button
The browser either displays the page as it looked when you left, or it re-POSTs your previous request. With the former, you see "titles" in dropdown; with the latter, you see "keywords" in dropsdown.
If this really bothers you, you could just spit out a little JavaScript to change the selected value when the page loads. Of course, if you have auto-postback on change to that value, this could introduce another problem.
Another solution is to generate a unique JavaScript variable on the server side (for example, a GUID) and write it to the page through perhaps a registered script. Next, on each page load you will check to see if a cookie exist with that same variable set, if one does, you can be assured that you are viewing a cached page and you should force a reload. Otherwise, store the variable to the same cookie for the next load.

