Name of object within another object - c#

I have a class called Prescriptions. It has properties that are other classes. So, for example, a property name of Fills would be from the PDInt class which has other properties about the value that I need.
If I want to set the value of the Fills property in the Prescription class it would be something like
Prescription p = new Prescription();
p.Fills.Value = 33;
So now I want to take the name of the Fills property and stuff it in a the tag property in a winform control.
this.txtFills.Tag = p.Fills.GetType().Name;
However when I do this, I get the base class of the property, not the property name. So instead of getting "Fills", I get "PDInt".
How do I get the instantiated name of the property?
Thank you.

Below is an extension method that I use it when I wanna work like you:
public static class ModelHelper
public static string Item<T>(this T obj, Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
if (expression.Body is MemberExpression)
return ((MemberExpression)(expression.Body)).Member.Name;
if (expression.Body is UnaryExpression)
return ((MemberExpression)((UnaryExpression)(expression.Body)).Operand)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
use it as :
var name = p.Item(x=>x.Fills);
For detail about how method works see Expression Tree in .Net

Check this blogpost which is helpful :
Do this you need to make USe of reflection feature of .net framework.
Something like this
Type type = test.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] propInfos = type.GetProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < propInfos.Length; i++)
PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo)propInfos.GetValue(i);
string propName = pi.Name;

You can get you like as this ? ↓
public class Prescription
public PDInt Fills;
public class PDInt
public int Value;
Prescription p = new Prescription();
foreach(var x in p.GetType().GetFields())
// var type = x.GetType(); // PDInt or X //Fills


Get Value from Override using Reflection

I want to get the value from a virtual property from a inherited class see my code below:
Base class:
public class TestBaseClass
public virtual int Index { get; }
Inherited class:
public class TestInheritedClass : TestBaseClass
public override int Index => 100; // I want to get this value using reflection
My Code:
static void Main(string[] args)
var assemblies = Assembly.LoadFile(args[0]);
foreach(var type in assembly.ExportedTypes)
foreach(var prop in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)
var value = prop.GetValue(typeof(int), null); // I expect to return 100 from override Index value
Did I missed something or did I made this all wrong? I'm trying to get the value 100 from the virtual property. Is there a way to get the value?
Is there a way to get the value?
Yes, there is a way.
Let's first see what you've done there:
prop.GetValue(typeof(int), null)
You're using this overload of PropertyInfo.GetValue. It expects the instance of the object from which to get the value as first parameter. Instead, you're passing typeof(int). That's not an instance of TestInheritedClass.
I will ignore the second parameter here, because we're not talking about an indexer.
You can read about that parameter in the documentation.
Instead you must create an instance of TestInheritedClass first:
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TestInheritedClass));
Then use it like this:
if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TestBaseClass))
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
var value = prop.GetValue(instance);

Getting instance someClass<T1,T2> gives error '... is a variable but is used like a type'

I have a MyWorker class.
public class MyWorker<T1, T2>
Dictionary<PropertyInfo, PropertyInfo> DirectionsStructs;
Dictionary<TypeInfo, TypeInfo> DirectionsClasses;
public MyWorker()
DirectionsStructs = new Dictionary<PropertyInfo, PropertyInfo>();
DirectionsClasses = new Dictionary<TypeInfo, TypeInfo>();
public void AddDirection(PropertyInfo propertyInfoSource, PropertyInfo propertyInfoTarget)
DirectionsStructs.Add(propertyInfoSource, propertyInfoTarget);
public void AddDirection2(TypeInfo typeInfoSource, TypeInfo typeInfoTarget)
DirectionsClasses.Add(typeInfoSource, typeInfoTarget);
public T2 Work(T1 t1Object)
T2 TargetObject = (T2)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T2));
foreach (var direction in DirectionsStructs) {/*some successfull stuff*/}
foreach (var direction in DirectionsClasses)
var typeInfoSource = direction.Key;
var typeInfoTarget = direction.Value;
//below code fails
MyWorker<typeInfoSource, typeInfoTarget> innerWorker = new MyWorker<typeInfoSource, typeInfoTarget>();
return TargetObject;
For structs like int and string property, i use AddDirection, for concrete classes like AnotherClass, i use AddDirection2.
By the way I can get PropertyInfo and TypeInfo with expressions. For simplicity I didn't write.
I want to use recursively in Work method when it is a concrete class.
But it gives error ... is a variable but is used like a type
Previously I wanted previously AddDirection method for classes.
It worked when T1 x property and T2 y property is same class.
But it failed when not same class.
Then I want to use recursively MyWorker class when source and target have different classes.
I don't know TypeInfo is correct. If I can get class type from PropertyInfo , that will be prettier.
But typeInfo and/or propertyInfo doesn't give me a way to create instance of MyWorker.
I searched for other asked questions but I couldn't get solutions.
What should I do?
I couldn't use like
var innerWorker = new MyWorker<typeInfoSource, typeInfoTarget>();
I needed to change DirectionsClasses from Dictionary<TypeInfo, TypeInfo> to Dictionary<PropertyInfo, PropertyInfo> .
Then I could create instance and use method like below.
foreach (var direction in DirectionsClasses)
Type innerMyWorkerType = typeof(MyWorker<,>);
Type constructedMyWorker = innerMyWorkerType.MakeGenericType(direction.Key.PropertyType, direction.Value.PropertyType);
var innerMyWorkerObject = Activator.CreateInstance(constructedMyWorker);
var type = innerMyWorkerObject.GetType();
var method = type.GetMethod("Work");
var innerWorkResult = method.Invoke(innerMyWorkerObject, new object[] { direction.Key.GetValue(t1Object) });
//Some stuff with innerWorkResult

Entity Framework execute query with not mapped properties. Expression tree

I want to execute linq method on iqueryable with an expression tree from function where I'm passing name of linq method and name of property. But my sample method works only with mapped properties. It throws an exception when I try to for example to find max of calculated property.
My classes:
public partial class Something
public int a { get; set; }
public int b { get; set; }
public partial class Something
public int calculated { get { return a * b; } }
Sample method:
public static object ExecuteLinqMethod(IQueryable<T> q, string Field, string Method)
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "p");
Expression prop = Expression.Property(param, Field);
var exp = Expression.Lambda(prop, param);
Type[] types = new Type[] { q.ElementType, exp.Body.Type };
var mce = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable),Method,types,q.Expression,exp);
return q.Provider.Execute(mce);
To be able to query on calculated properties, you have at least 2 options:
1) you store the calculated values in the db with the rows (or in a different table), and use them in your queries of course this requires datamodel change, and redundancy in data, but is the most performant way. But is not that exciting, so lets move on to
2) you need to be able to express the way you "calculate" the properties in a way that sql will understand, meaning the property needs to be replaced with a linq expression in the final query. I found in 2009 an amazing article from Eric Lippert on registering inline such properties, but I cannot find it anymore. As such here is a link to another, that has the same idea. Basically you define your calculation as an expression tree, and use the compiled version in your code.
To make it more convenient, you would attribute your property with a
class CalculatedByAttribute: Attribute
public string StaticMethodName {get; private set;}
public CalculatedByAttribute(string staticMethodName)
StaticMethodName = staticMethodName;
public partial class Something
public int calculated { get { return calculatedExpression.Compile()(this); } }
public static Expression<Func<Something, int>> calculatedExpression = s => s.a * s.b;
(of course you can cache the compilation) :)
Then in your method, if the property has your attribute, you get the static property value, and use that in your queries. Something along:
public static object ExecuteLinqMethod<T>(IQueryable<T> q, string Field, string Method)
var propInfo = typeof(T).GetProperty(Field);
LambdaExpression exp;
var myAttr = propInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CalculatedByAttribute), true).OfType<CalculatedByAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (myAttr != null)
exp = (LambdaExpression)typeof(T).GetField(myAttr.StaticMethodName, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(null);
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "p");
Expression prop = Expression.Property(param, Field);
exp = Expression.Lambda(prop, param);
Type[] types = new Type[] { q.ElementType, exp.Body.Type };
var mce = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable),Method,types,q.Expression,exp);
return q.Provider.Execute(mce);

Best way to assign property value dynamically based on the property name

I have a List that I am iterating through.
Inside the List<> are Argument classes which contain two properties 'PropertyName' and 'Value'
What I need to do is iterate through the collection of Arguments and assign the Value of that Argument to the Property (with the same name as current Argument) of a different class.
PropertyName: ClientID
Value: 1234
Members Class:
ClientID = {Argument Value here}
I hope this makes sense. I have a way of doing it, hard coding the properties of my class and matching it up with the Argument list.
Something like:
foreach(var arg in List<Argument>)
Members.ClientID = arg.Find(x => compareName(x, "ClientID")).Value;
//where compareName just does a simple string.Compare
But what would the BEST way be for something like this?
EDIT: Sorry about this guys and thanks for the replies so far. Here is what I didn't mention and might make a difference.
Each argument is a different property for the same class. I am iterating through the List and each one in there will be for the same Members class I have to populate.
I wanted to mention this because im thinking in the foreach I might have to use a switch to determine what 'PropertyName' I have for that Argument. ClientID is one of them but I believe there are 14 total properties in the Members class that need populated from the Collection.
Does that change things?
Thanks again
public object this[string propertyName]
Type myType = typeof(UserConfiguration);
PropertyInfo myPropInfo = myType.GetProperty(propertyName);
return myPropInfo.GetValue(this, null);
Type myType = typeof(UserConfiguration);
PropertyInfo myPropInfo = myType.GetProperty(propertyName);
myPropInfo.SetValue(this, value, null);
Then you can get/set properties within the class using
myClassInstance["ClientId"] = myValue;
If I understand what you're asking, perhaps something like this will work for you:
var argDict = arguments.ToDictionary(x => x.PropertyName, x => x.Value);
Members.ClientID = argDict["ClientID"];
If you need to do some special comparison on the keys you can provide the dictionary it's own IEqualityComparer. For example, this will make sure that the keys are treated case-insensitively:
var argDict = arguments.ToDictionary(x => x.PropertyName, x => x.Value,
This will work fine as long as the arguments list contains all the values you need. If some arguments might be missing, you'd have to do something like this:
if (argDict.ContainsKey("ClientID")) {
Members.ClientID = argDict["ClientID"];
Or possibly something like this:
Members.ClientID = argDict.ContainsKey("ClientID") ? argDict["ClientID"] : "DefaultValue";
I think that your basic intent is to set the value of a property on a target object based on the property name. Since you did not provide the Argument class I will assume it is defined like this:
public class Argument
public string PropertyName{get; set;}
public object PropertyValue{get;set;}
Further assume you have the class Blah defined like this:
public class Blah
public string AString{get; set;}
public int AnInt{get; set;}
public DirectoryInfo ADirInfo{get; set;}
If you wish to assign to the properties of a Blah object based on the values in List<Argument> you can do so like this:
List<Argument> arguments = new List<Argument>
new Argument(){PropertyName = "AString", PropertyValue = "this is a string"},
new Argument(){PropertyName = "AnInt", PropertyValue = 1729},
new Argument(){PropertyName = "ADirInfo", PropertyValue = new DirectoryInfo(#"c:\logs")}
Blah b = new Blah();
Type blahType = b.GetType();
foreach(Argument arg in arguments)
PropertyInfo prop = blahType.GetProperty(arg.PropertyName);
// If prop == null then GetProperty() couldn't find a property by that name. Either it doesn't exist, it's not public, or it's defined on a parent class
if(prop != null)
prop.SetValue(b, arg.PropertyValue);
This depends on the objects stored in Argument.PropertyValue having the same type as the property of Blah referred to by Argument.PropertyName (or there must be an implicit type conversion available). For example, if you alter the List<Argument> as follows:
List<Argument> arguments = new List<Argument>
new Argument(){PropertyName = "AString", PropertyValue = "this is a string"},
new Argument(){PropertyName = "AnInt", PropertyValue = 1729},
new Argument(){PropertyName = "ADirInfo", PropertyValue = "foo"}
you will now get an exception when attempting to assign to Blah.ADirInfo: Object of type 'System.String' cannot be converted to type 'System.IO.DirectoryInfo'

How to access a custom collection property by its property name

I want to implement a custom collection that contains instances of my class.
This is my class, a bit simplified here.
public class Property : IComparable<Property>
public string Name;
public string Value;
public string Group;
public string Id;
public int CompareTo(Property other)
return Name.CompareTo(other.Name);
I am adding instances of Property to a List collection
Public List<Property> properties;
I can iterate through properties or access a specific property through the index position.
I want to however be able to access the property by its Name such that
var myColor = properties["Color"].Value;
and I do not have an efficient way to do this. I assume that properties should be written as a custom list collection class to achieve this. Does anyone have a code sample I can look at?
Thanks for the help.
Easiest methods were already mentioned, but I see two:
Method 1
Convert to dictionary and lookup there.
var props = properties.ToDictionary( x => x.Name );
Property prop = props["some name"];
Method 2
Create your own collection type which would support indexing
by your arbitrary type.
public class PropertyCollection : List<Property>
public Property this[string name]
foreach (Property prop in this)
if (prop.Name == name)
return prop;
return null;
and use this collection instead
PropertyCollection col = new PropertyCollection();
col.Add(new Property(...));
Property prop = col["some name"];
You can use a Dictionary:
Dictionary<string, Property> properties = new Dictionary<string, Property>();
//you add it like that:
properties[prop.Name] = prop;
//then access it like that:
var myColor = properties["Color"];
Use a Dictionary<string,Property> for this purpose. The key will be the property name and the value will be the Property instance itself.

