I want to split the given string and remove the duplicate from that string. Like I have following string:
This is my first post in stack overflow, I am very new in development and I did not have much more idea about the how to post the question.
Now I want to split that whole string with white space and that new array will did not have duplicate entry.
How can I do this?
"This is my first post in stack overflow, I am very new in development and I did not have much more idea about the how to post the question."
.Split() // splits using all white space characters as delimiters
.Where(x => x != string.Empty) // removes an empty string if present (caused by multiple spaces next to each other)
.Distinct() // removes duplicates
Distinct() and Where() are LINQ extension methods, so you must have using System.Linq; in your source file.
The above code will return an instance of IEnumerable<string>. You should be able to perform most operations required using this. If you really need an array, you can append .ToArray() to the statement.
add the array into a HashSet<String>, this would remove the duplicates.
here is Micorosft documentation on HashSet..
static void Main()
string str = "abcdaefgheijklimnop";
char[] charArr = str.ToCharArray();
int lastIdx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length;)
for (int j = i + 1; j < str.Length - 1; j++)
if (charArr[i] == charArr[j])
int idx = i != 0 ? i - 1 : i;
lastIdx = j;
string temp = str.Substring(idx, j - idx);
I want to include two text box texts to one text box like this
both of them are multiline.
But I want special form of include, in other words I want to include them like this
textbox 1 texts: '' help''' '' other''
textbox 2 texts:' 1' '2' '' 3''
results: help1 _ help2 _ help3
Multiline textboxes return a string array with the lines in the Lines property. You could do something like this
string[] words = textBox1.Lines;
string[] numbers = textBox2.Lines;
var resultLines = new string[words.Length];
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) {
sb.Length = 0; // Reset StringBuilder for the next line.
for (int j = 0; j < numbers.Length; j++) {
if (sb.Length > 0) {
sb.Length--; // remove the last "_"
resultLines[i] = sb.ToString();
resultsTextBox.Lines = resultLines;
First we get the words and numbers arrays. Then we create a new array for the result. Since we want a result line for each word, we make it words.Length in size.
Then we loop through the words. We use a StringBuilder to build our new lines. This is more efficient as concatenation strings with +, as it minimizes copy operations and memory allocations.
In a nested loop we put the words and numbers together.
An elegant way to solve your issue is to make use of the String.Join method in C#. I'm adding this answer because I'm a big fan of the method and think it must be part of some answer to this question because it has to do with combining strings.
Here's the code that I'd use to solve the challenge:
string[] firstInput = textBox1.Lines;
string[] secondInput = textBox2.Lines;
var combinedInputs = new string[firstInput.Length];
var combinedLine = new string[secondInput.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < firstInput.Length; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < secondInput.Length; j++)
combinedLine[j] = firstInput[i] + secondInput[j];
//Combine all values of combinedLine with a '-' in between and add this to combinedInputs.
combinedInputs[i] = String.Join("-", combinedLine);
outputTextBox.Lines = combinedInputs; //the resulting output
I hope this answer helped aswell. And I'd like to give credits to Olivier for explaining the textbox part. Another thing that I'd like to add is that this answer isn't meant to be the most efficient, but is meant to be easy to read and understand.
I have a code to read data block inside MIFARE card.
The method rfidM1.ReadDataFromCardM1 will read a block and return value in string.
string memQuery = string.Empty;
int i = 0, j = 0;
sector = 4;
block = 4;
for (i = 0; i < block; i++)
for (j = 0; j < sector; j++)
memQuery += rfidM1.ReadDataFromCardM1(Convert.ToByte(j), Convert.ToByte(i), _Key1) + ",";
My intention is concating memQuery with comma. Example output here:
I concat memQuery with various ways, for example, using +=, StringBuilder or ArrayList but they didn't work because it always has an output like this when I put it in MessageBox.
It looks like string after that 0 cannot concat with other string after it. Why?
My intention is concating memQuery with comma
Wel, first get rid of the ArrayList and replace it with var memQuery = new List<string>();.
Inside your for-loops, decide what to with null or empty results. Add a null or skip the Add or ...
And then when the memQuery is filled correctly, you can do
string result = string.Join(",", memQuery);
string.Join() can handle nulls in the input sequence.
Hi i want to search for character in a string array but i need to search Between 2 indices. For example between index 2 and 10. How can I do that?
foreach (var item in currentline[2 to 10])
if (item == ',' || item == ';')
data += item;
As you can see, foreach enumerates over a collection or any IEnumerable.
As the comments say, you can use a for loop instead, and pick out the elements you want.
Alternatively, since you want to search for a character in a string, you can use IndexOf, using the start index and count overload to find where a character is.
As there is no use of the c++ in your code I will assume that it's a vestige of code.
You can simply addess your issue like this:
In the currentline
Take char from index 2 to 10
Till you find a char you don't want.
concatenate the resulting char array to a string.
Resulting Code:
var data = "##";//01234567891 -- index for the string below.
var currentline= "kj[abcabc;z]Selected data will be between: '[]';";
var exceptChar = ",;";
data += new string(
.TakeWhile(x=> !exceptChar.Contains(x))
There is a string method called string.IndexOfAny() which will allow you to pass an array of characters to search for, a start index and a count. For your example, you would use it like so:
string currentLine = ",;abcde;,abc";
int index = currentLine.IndexOfAny(new[] {',', ';'}, 2, 10-2);
Note that the last parameter is the count of characters to search starting at the specified index, so if you want to start at index 2 and finish at index 10, the count will be finish-start, i.e. 10-2.
You can search for characters in strings and get their indexes with this LINQ solution:
string str = "How; are, you; Good ,bye";
char[] charArr = { ',', ';' };
int startIndex = 2;
int endIndex = 10;
var indexes = Enumerable.Range(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1)
In this case we get Enumerable.Range(2, 9) which generates a sequence between 2 and 10 and the Where clause filters the indexes of the characters in str that are matching one of the characters inside charArr.
Thanks everey one finaly i fixed it by your guid thanks all
myarr = new mytable[50];
number_of_records = 0;
number_of_records = fulllines.Length;
for (int line = 1; line < fulllines.Length; line++)
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < record_lenth; i++)
string data = "";
string currentline = fulllines[line];
string value = "";
for (int x = c; x < fulllines[line].Length; x++)
value += currentline[x];
foreach (var item in value)
if (item == ',' || item == ';')
data += item;
I need to capitalize everything before the second - from the beginning of the string in .NET. What is the best way to do this? The string before the second dash can be anything. I need a new single string once this is complete.
Tt-Fga - Louisville - Kentucky
TT-FGA - Louisville - Kentucky
This should get the job done for your specific case:
public static string ToUpperUntilSecondHyphen(string text)
int index = text.IndexOf('-', text.IndexOf('-') + 1);
return text.Substring(0, index).ToUpper() + text.Substring(index);
A more generalized method could look something like this:
public static string ToUpperUntilNthOccurrenceOfChar(string text, char c, int occurrences)
if (occurrences > text.Count(x => x == c))
return text.ToUpper();
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < occurrences; i++, index++)
index = text.IndexOf(c, index);
return text.Substring(0, index).ToUpper() + text.Substring(index);
Identify the location of the hyphen with IndexOf. You'll have to use this function twice so that you can find the first hyphen, and then the second one.
Construct the substring that only contains the characters up to that with Substring. Construct the substring that contains all the remaining characters as well.
Upper case the first string with ToUpper.
Concatenate with the + operator.
You can use replace here.Replace with $1.upper() or something which is available in c#.
I went ahead and did this. If there is a better answer let me know.
var parts = #event.EventParent.Name.Split(new[] {'-'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
if (i >= 2)
parts[i] = parts[i].ToUpper();
#event.EventParent.Name = string.Join("-", parts);
I want to find the index of first capital letter occurrence in a string.
E.g. -
String x = "soHaM";
Index should return 2 for this string. The regex should ignore all other capital letters after the first one is found. If there are no capital letters found then it should return 0. Please help.
I'm pretty sure all you need is the regex A-Z \p{Lu}:
public static class Find
// Apparently the regex below works for non-ASCII uppercase
// characters (so, better than A-Z).
static readonly Regex CapitalLetter = new Regex(#"\p{Lu}");
public static int FirstCapitalLetter(string input)
Match match = CapitalLetter.Match(input);
// I would go with -1 here, personally.
return match.Success ? match.Index : 0;
Did you try this?
Just for fun, a LINQ solution:
string x = "soHaM";
var index = from ch in x.ToArray()
where Char.IsUpper(ch)
select x.IndexOf(ch);
This returns IEnumerable<Int32>. If you want the index of the first upper case character, simply call index.First() or retrieve only the first instance in the LINQ:
string x = "soHaM";
var index = (from ch in x.ToArray()
where Char.IsUpper(ch)
select x.IndexOf(ch)).First();
As suggested in the comments, here is another LINQ method (possibly more performant than my initial suggestion):
string x = "soHaM";
x.Select((c, index) => new { Char = c, Index = index }).First(c => Char.IsUpper(c.Char)).Index;
No need for Regex:
int firstUpper = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
firstUpper = i;
For the sake of completeness, here's my LINQ approach(although it's not the right tool here even if OP could use it):
int firstUpperCharIndex = -1;
var upperChars = x.Select((c, index) => new { Char = c, Index = index })
.Where(c => Char.IsUpper(c.Char));
firstUpperCharIndex = upperChars.First().Index;
First your logic fails, if the method returns 0 in your case it would mean the first char in that list was in upperCase, so I would recomend that -1 meens not found, or throw a exception.
Anyway just use regular expressions becasue you can is not always the best choise, plus they are pretty slow and hard to read in general, making yoru code much harder to work with.
Anyway here is my contribution
public static int FindFirstUpper(string text)
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
if (Char.IsUpper(text[i]))
return i;
return -1;
Using Linq:
using System.Linq;
string word = "soHaMH";
var capChars = word.Where(c => char.IsUpper(c)).Select(c => c);
char capChar = capChars.FirstOrDefault();
int index = word.IndexOf(capChar);
Using C#:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
string word = "soHaMH";
Match match= Regex.Match(word, "[A-Z]");
index = word.IndexOf(match.ToString());
Using loop
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < mystring.Length; i++)
if(Char.IsUpper(mystring, i))
i is the value u should be looking at;