I have an object, which holds an observable collection
Im trying to wrap my head around how to stick this all into a treeview.
So the main object would be a parent and items in observable collection are sub-children.
Currently the class has public string property which could be bound to a header.
Here are parts of the class:
public class ServerObject : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string _serverName;
ObservableCollection<string> _instanceList;
public ObservableCollection<string> InstanceList
get { return _instanceList; }
public string ServerName
get { return _serverName; }
_serverName = value;
public ServerObject(string name, string version)
ServerName = name;
_instanceList = new ObservableCollection<string>();
Thanks in advance.
The easiest way to do it is with HierarchicalDataTemplates. Define two or more templates. In the template declaration line add a type indicator for your object. Also, add an ItemsSource attribute which points to the next level down.
<HierarchicalDataTemplate Datatype="{x:Type local:mySerberObject}" ItemsSource="{Binding InstanceList}"/>
Bind the top level collection to the treeview, and you should be off and running. Style the datatemplates to suit your taste.
If you are currently using MVVM (or if you plan to start using it) check out the link below for a really good article about using the treeview with MVVM.
So I currently have a Window with a TabControl. The MainWindow has its own ViewModel and all the TabItems have their own ViewModels also.
I can easily change tabs from the MainWindow ViewModel through a bound SelectedIndex property. What I would like to do is change to another tab from code that runs within ANOTHER tab viewmodel. Since the Tabs are not part of the MainWindowViewModel, I am looking for a clean way to change the Tab without resorting to code behind to do it.
There are also cases, where I might need to change the tab from something such as a message prompt. I thinking my only way is to create and event and subscribe to that from MainWindowViewModel.
So I solved this with an EventAggregator.
public static class IntAggregator
public static void Transmit(int data)
if (OnDataTransmitted != null)
public static Action<int> OnDataTransmitted;
First ViewModel sends data.
public class ModifyUsersViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private void change_tab(int data)
Second ViewModel receives data and then does something with it.
public class MainWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int _Tab_SelectedIndex = 0;
public int Tab_SelectedIndex
return _Tab_SelectedIndex;
_Tab_SelectedIndex = value;
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Tab_SelectedIndex"));
public MainWindowViewModel()
IntAggregator.OnDataTransmitted += OnDataReceived;
private void OnDataReceived(int data)
Tab_SelectedIndex = data;
Rather than trying to bind to SelectedIndex, if the TabItems have their own view models, then you can create a property for each of those view models: IsSelected and then bind the TabItem.IsSelected property to that:
<TabItem IsSelected="{Binding IsSelected}">
This prevents the view models from needing to know the index of their corresponding TabItem, something I would argue is a detail that should be specific to the view and something the view model should not concern itself with. What if you add another TabItem or want to change the order? Now you've got changes to make in the view models for something that could be just simple change to the view.
I'm building an MVVM Light WPF app in Visual Studio 2015 with Entity Framework 6 (EF) providing the data. I have a ComboBox that displays the reasons why someone needs to take a drug test and it looks like this:
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding ReasonsForTest}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=ReasonsForTestVm,
DisplayMemberPath="Description" />
The ReasonsForTest is of type ReasonForTestViewModel class:
public class ReasonForTestViewModel: ViewModelBase
private int _ReasonForTestId;
private string _ReasonForTestAbbr;
private string _description;
public int ReasonForTestId
get { return _ReasonForTestId; }
if (value == _ReasonForTestId) return;
_ReasonForTestId = value;
public string ReasonForTestAbbr
get { return _ReasonForTestAbbr; }
if (value == _ReasonForTestAbbr) return;
_ReasonForTestAbbr = value;
public string Description
get { return _description; }
if (value == _description) return;
_description = value;
I have a data service class that contains the following code to fetch the data for the valid values of the ComboBox:
public async Task<ObservableCollection<ReasonForTestViewModel>> GetReasonsForTest()
using (var context = new MyEntities())
var query = new ObservableCollection<ReasonForTestViewModel>
(from rt in context.ReasonForTests
orderby rt.description
select new ReasonForTestViewModel
ReasonForTestId = rt.ReasonForTestID,
ReasonForTestAbbr = rt.ReasonForTestAbbr,
Description = rt.description,
return await Task.Run(() => query);
The view model populates the ComboBox using this:
var dataService = new TestDataService();
ReasonsForTest = await dataService.GetReasonsForTest();
The ComboBox has the correct data; however, it's not selecting the correct value when the app starts -- it's showing blank on load. The SelectedItem (ReasonsForTestVm) is also of that class type ReasonForTestViewModel and gets populated from the database with the one item for this person. I've stepped through the code to ensure ReasonsForTestVm has the correct data, and it does.
Here's the property for ReasonsForTestVm:
public ReasonForTestViewModel ReasonForTestVm
return _reasonForTestVm;
if (Equals(value, _reasonForTestVm)) return;
_reasonForTestVm = value;
What am I doing wrong here? I'm about to lose my mind!
Update: Sorry for the confusing name in the property above. Fixed.
Any WPF items control that extends Selector (such as ComboBox and ListBox) has two properties that are often used in conjunction: ItemsSource and SelectedItem.
When you bind a collection to ItemsSource, a representation of those items are shown in the UI. Each one of the representations is bound to an instance found within the collection bound to ItemsSource. If, for an example, you're using a DataTemplate to create that representation, you'll find within each that the DataContext will be one of those instances from the collection.
When you select one of these representations, the SelectedItemproperty now holds the instance from the collection that was bound to that representation.
This works perfectly through user interaction with the UI. However, there's one important caveat when interacting with these controls programmatically.
It's a very common pattern to bind these properties to similar properties in your view model.
public class MuhViewModel
public MuhItems[] MuhItems {get;} = new[]{ new Item(1), new Item(2) };
// I don't want to show INPC impls in my sample code, kthx
public MuhSelectedItem {get;set;}
bound to
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding MuhItems}"
SelectedItem="{Binding MuhSelectedItem}" />
If you try to manually update the selected item this way...
muhViewModel.MuhSelectedItem = new Item(2);
The UI will not change. The Selector sees that ItemsSource has changed, yes, but it doesn't find that instance in the ItemsSource collection. It doesn't know that one instance of Item with a value of 2 is equivalent to any other Item with the same value. So it does nothing. (That's a bit simplistic for what really happens. You can bust out JustDecompile and see for yourself. It gets real convoluted down in there.)
What you should be doing in this situation is updating SelectedItem with an instance found within the collection bound to ItemsSource. In our example,
var derp = muhViewModel.MuhItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MuhValue == 2);
muhViewModel.MuhSelectedItem = derp;
Side note, when tracking instances within a debug session, it helps to use Visual Studio's Make Object ID feature.
I'm new to the MVVM pattern and I have an assignment to implement a TreeView which acts like a work space viewer (sort of like eclipse's/vs's solution explorer).
The tree view can contain multiple types of items (like a file, a folder of other items etc).
I have created the Models (the Folder's model have Children (which can be any kind of item), Name etc).
Example model:
public class SystemFolder: IWorkspaceItem
string mTitle;
public ObservableCollection<IWorkspaceItem> Children { get; set; }
public string Path
get { return mTitle; }
mTitle = value;
public SystemFolder(string name, ItemType type, string path)
: base(name, type)
Path = path;
Children = new ObservableCollection<IWorkspaceItem>();
//add children here...
//Some more code here..
I've created a ViewModel for each model (Which all store the model's instance).
The ViewModels have the necessary properties that the view needs (like Title, Children etc).
Example ViewModel:
public class SystemFolderViewModel : TreeViewModelItem
SystemFolder mFolder;
ObservableCollection<TreeViewModelItem> mChildren;
public ObservableCollection<TreeViewModelItem> Children
get { return mChildren; }
// Constructor
public SystemFolderViewModel(SystemFolder folder, TreeViewModelItem parentWorkspaceItem)
: base(parentWorkspaceItem)
mFolder = folder;
public string Name
get { return mFolder.Name; }
set { Name = value; }
public string IconPath
get { return mFolder.ItemType.IconPath; }
set { IconPath = value; }
//Some more code here..
I've also implemented the View which defined the HierarchicalDataTemplate of each ViewModel.
It all works fine and I actually made a mockup.
Example of HierarchicalDataTemplate in View:
DataType="{x:Type local:SystemFolderViewModel}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Children}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Width="16" Height="16" Margin="3,0" Source="{Binding Path=IconPath}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>
The whole initialization:
Workspace data_model = new Workspace("Main Workspace", PredefinedTypes.GetWorkspaceType(), Database.GetItems());
TreeViewModel vm = new TreeViewModel(data_model);
WorkspaceView viewer = new WorkspaceView(vm);
//add to grid etc..
Now my problem is that my program is dynamic. Meaning, items can be added to the TreeView in run-time.
Now let me explain how I understand MVVM should work and please correct me.
The Data model provides the view with items.
So my program should only add items to the data model.
The main ViewModel of the tree holds a DataModel instance which hold the workspace's main children.
Each item that is added to the model should automatically update the ViewModel which in turn should update the view.
Since I only update the DataModel, when I add a child to one of its items, the ViewModel should find the corresponding item in the ViewModel and add a new child to it.
Why do I have to have two seperate collections? The DataModel's Children and the ViewModel Children.
I need every data model to inherit from INotifyPropertyChanged so it will update its ViewModel.
Also as I said, there are data models which have their own children. If that collection changes I need the collection in the item's ViewModel to change.
This all seems kind of dumb to me. Why should I get through all this trouble? Why can't I just add items to the ViewModel which will update the view?
What am I missing?
How do I need to go about with this?
If you need more info, please ask me and I will provide/explain.
Thank you!
This part is ready and operational:
"How to bind a column of ComboBox"
<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Bot Plate Thickness">
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding SteelThickness, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window}}" SelectedItem="{Binding BottomPlateThickness, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectionChanged="ComboBox_SelectionChanged" />
And this is the relevant part of my model:
public class GridModel : PropertyChangedBase
private string _BottomPlateThickness;
public string BottomPlateThickness
return _BottomPlateThickness;
if (_BottomPlateThickness != value)
_BottomPlateThickness = value;
This is another part:
public List<string> SteelThickness { get; set; }
SteelThickness = new List<string> { "0.3750", "0.4375", "0.5000", "0.6250", "0.7500", "0.8650", "1.0000" };
As you can see, the ComboBox contents are based on a static list. I read that in order to be able to be turned on/off, I have to base that column on an ObservableList<object>.
The answer is simple... you don't access a ComboBox in a specific row of a DataGridTemplateColumn. Why do so many people want to use WPF like WinForms?... it's not WinForms. I say this line so much that I'm starting to feel like a preacher... WPF is a data-centric language... that means that we manipulate data objects, not UI objects. Why not make your life easier and hold the metaphoric hammer by the handle instead of the head?
Thinking of this problem in terms of data, we have a collection of data objects. One object is represented by one row in the DataGrid, so one property of these objects will relate to the selected item from the ComboBoxes in question. Now if you were to make your life really easy, you'd add a new collection property into that class that you could bind to the ComboBox.ItemsSource property.
Now, to change the possible options in each ComboBox, all you need to do is to change the items in that collection property in your data bound object. You could define your 'unfiltered' collection in your data type as a static variable that each instance could share:
private static ObservableCollection<string> steelThickness = new
ObservableCollection<string> { "0.3750", "0.4375", "0.5000", "0.6250", "0.7500",
"0.8650", "1.0000" };
public ObservableCollection<string> ComboBoxItemsSource
get { return new ObservableCollection<string>(
steelThickness.Where(item => item.MeetsCertainCriteria(item))); }
private bool MeetsCertainCriteria(string item)
// return true or false for each item to adjust the members in the collection
// based on whatever your condition is
if ( ... ) return true;
return false;
The only points to note with this set up is that you'll have to manually call NotifyPropertyChange("ComboBoxItemsSource") when the collection is updated and that you'll need to use a OneWay Binding because it has no setter. Now, wasn't that easier?
I've started an MVVM project and now I'm stucking with correct DataBinding.
My project has:
A UserControl whit a ViewModel as DataContext like:
public partial class TestUserControl: UserControl
public TestUserControl()
this.DataContext = new TestUserControlViewModel();
ViewModel code is (BaseViewModel class contains PropertyChangedEventHandler):
public class TestUserControlViewModel : BaseViewModel
public KrankenkasseControlViewModel()
public IEnumerable<DataItem> GetAllData
IGetTheData src= new DataRepository();
return src.GetData();
IGetTheData is the interface to DataContext:
public interface IGetTheData
IEnumerable<DataItem> GetData();
and finally the DataRepository code:
public class DataRepository : IGetTheData
private TestProjectDataContext dax = new TestProjectDataContext();
public IEnumerable<DataItem> GetData()
return (from d in this.dax.TestData
select new DataItem
ID = d.ID,
SomeOtherData = d.SomeOtherData
My UserControl has a few TextBoxes, but what's the best way to bind correctly?
Thanks for your help, regards.
EDIT: Binding the data against multiple textboxes
After reading your comment, I will elaborate my example for textboxes.
First important thing is that the ViewModel will model the things in the View, so that the View gets all information it needs in the structure it needs. That means, if you have multiple textboses in the View, you will need multiple string Properties in your ViewModel, one for each textbox.
In your XAML you could have something like
<TextBox Text="{Binding ID, Mode=TwoWay}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding SomeOtherData, Mode=TwoWay}" />
and in your ViewModel
public class TestUserControlViewModel : BaseViewModel {
private string id;
private string someOtherData;
public TestUserControlViewModel() {
DataItem firstItem = new DataRepository().GetData().First();
this.ID = firstItem.ID;
this.SomeOtherData = firstItem.SomeOtherData;
public string ID {
get {
return this.id;
set {
if (this.id == value) return;
this.id = value;
public string SomeOtherData {
get {
return this.someOtherData;
set {
if (this.someOtherData == value) return;
this.someOtherData = value;
Here I assume that in your BaseViewModel there is an OnPropertyChangedEvent method to fire the corresponding event. This tells the View that the property has changed and it must update itself.
Note the Mode=TwoWay in the XAML. This means, that it doesn't matter on which side the value changes, the other side will reflect the change immediately. So if the user changes a value in a TwoWay bound TextBox, then the corresponding ViewModel property will automatically change! And also vice versa: if you change the ViewModel property programmatically, the View will refresh.
If you want to show multiple textboxes for more than one data item, then you must introduce more Properties in the ViewModel and bind them accordingly. Maybe a ListBox with a flexible number of TextBoxes inside is a solution then, like #Haspemulator already answered.
Binding the data against a collection control
In the TestUserControl I guess you have a control (like a ListView) to show the list of loaded things. So bind that control against the list in the ViewModel with
<ListView ... ItemsSource="{Binding GetAllData}" ... />
First you must understand that Binding means not "read the data and then forget the ViewModel". Instead you bind the View to the ViewModel (and its Properties) as long as the View lasts. From this point of view, AllData is a much better name than GetAllData (thanks #Malcolm O'Hare).
Now in your code, every time the View reads the AllData property, a new DataRepository is created. Because of the Binding, that is not what you want, instead you want to have one instance of DataRepository for the whole lifetime of the View, which is used to read the initial data and can later be used to update the View, if the underlying database changes (maybe with an event).
To enable such a behavior you should change the type of the AllData property to an ObservableCollection, so that the View can automatically update the list if changes occur.
public class TestUserControlViewModel : BaseViewModel
private ObservableCollection<DataItem> allData;
public TestUserControlViewModel() {
IGetTheData src = new DataRepository();
this.allData = new ObservableCollection<DataItem>(src.GetData());
public ObservableCollection<DataItem> AllData {
get {
return this.allData;
public void AddDataItem(DataItem item) {
Now if you call AddDataItem later, the ListView will update itself automatically.
Your Property Name is bad. You should call it AllData, not GetAllData.
Since you are returning a collection, you probably should be using some sort of list control (ListBox, ListView).
In that case you'd be doing
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding GetAllData}" />
Guten Abend. :) As it already mentioned, since you're returning the collection, it's better to use a ListBox. The comment about having ObservableCollection as a cache is also absolutely valid. I would add that if you need to have your data editable, you should use TextBox inside the ItemTemplate:
<TextBox Text={Binding SomeOtherData,Mode=TwoWay} />
In this case if user edits the text in the box, data will be updated in your data object, so that it could be saved in the database later.