I am trying to interface an ancient network camera to my computer and I am stuck at a very fundamental problem -- detecting the end of stream.
I am using TcpClient to communicate with the camera and I can actually see it transmitting the command data, no problems here.
List<int> incoming = new List<int>();
TcpClient clientSocket = new TcpClient();
clientSocket.Connect(txtHost.Text, Int32.Parse(txtPort.Text));
NetworkStream serverStream = clientSocket.GetStream();
byte[] command = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("i640*480M");
serverStream.Write(command, 0, command.Length);
Reading back the response is where the problem begins though. I initially thought something simple like the following bit of code would have worked:
while (serverStream.DataAvailable)
But it didn't, so I had a go another version this time utilising ReadByte(). The description states:
Reads a byte from the stream and
advances the position within the
stream by one byte, or returns -1 if
at the end of the stream.
so I thought I could implement something along the lines of:
Boolean run = true;
int rec;
while (run)
rec = serverStream.ReadByte();
if (rec == -1)
run = false;
//b = (byte)'X';
Nope, still doesn't work. I can actually see data coming in and after a certain point (which is not always the same, otherwise I could have simply read that many bytes every time) I start getting 0 as the value for the rest of the elements and it doesn't halt until I manually stop the execution. Here's what it looks like:
So my question is, am I missing something fundamental here? How can I detect the end of the stream?
Many thanks,
What you're missing is how you're thinking of a TCP data stream. It is an open connection, like an open phone line - someone on the other end may or may not be talking (DataAvailable), and just because they paused to take a breath (DataAvailable==false) it doesn't mean they're actually DONE with their current statement. A moment later they could start talking again (DataAvailable==true)
You need to have some kind of defined rules for the communication protocol ABOVE TCP, which is really just a transport layer. So for instance perhaps the camera will send you a special character sequence when it's current image transmission is complete, and so you need to examine every character sent and determine if that sequence has been sent to you, and then act appropriately.
Well you can't exactly says EOS on a network communication ( unless the other party drop the connection ) usually the protocol itself contains something to signal that the message is complete ( sometimes a new line, for example ). So you read the stream and feed a buffer, and you extract complete message by applying these strategies.
Okay from my knowledge UDP works like this:
You have data you want to send, you say to the UDP client, hey send this data.
The UDP client then says, sure why not, and sends the data to the selected IP and Port.
If it get´s through or in the right order is another story, it have sent the data, you didn´t ask for anything else.
Now from this perspective, it´s pretty much impossible to send data and assemble it.
for example, i have a 1mb image, and i send it.
So i send divide it in 60kb files (or something to fit the packages), and send them one by one from first to last.
So in theory, if all get´s added, the image should be exactly the same.
But, that theory breaks as there is no law that tells the packages if it can arrive faster or slower than another, so it may only be possible if you make some kind of wait timer, and hope for the best that the arrive in the order they are sent.
Anyway, what i want to understand is, why does this work:
void Sending(object sender, NAudio.Wave.WaveInEventArgs e)
if (connect == true && MuteMic.Checked == false)
udpSend.Send(e.Buffer, e.BytesRecorded, otherPartyIP.Address.ToString(), 1500);
while (connect == true)
byte[] byteData = udpReceive.Receive(ref remoteEP);
waveProvider.AddSamples(byteData, 0, byteData.Length);
So this is basically, it sends the audio buffer through udp.
The receiving par just adds the udp data received in a buffer and plays it.
Now, this works.
And i wonder.. why?
How can this work, how come the data is sent in the right order and added so it appears as a constant audio stream?
Cause if i would to this with an image, i would probably get all the data.
But they would be in a random order probably, and i can only solve that by marking packages and stuff like that. And then there is simply no reason for it, and TCP takes over.
So if someone can please explain this, i just don´t get it.
Here is a code example that is when sending an image, and well, it works. But it seems to work better when the entire byte array isn´t sent, meanign some part of the image is corrupted (not sure why, probably something to do with how the size of the byte array are).
using (var udpcap = new UdpClient(0))
udpcap.Client.SendBufferSize *= 16;
bsize = ms.Length;
var buff = new byte[7000];
int c = 0;
int size = 7000;
for (int i = 0; i < ms.Length; i += size)
c = Math.Min(size, (int)ms.Length - i);
Array.Copy(ms.GetBuffer(), i, buff, 0, c);
udpcap.Send(buff, c, adress.Address.ToString(), 1700);
using (var udpcap = new UdpClient(1700))
udpcap.Client.SendBufferSize *= 16;
var databyte = new byte[1619200];
int i = 0;
for (int q = 0; q < 11; ++q)
byte[] data = udpcap.Receive(ref adress);
Array.Copy(data, 0, databyte, i, data.Length);
i += data.Length;
var newImage = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(databyte));
You should be using TCP. You write: it´s pretty much impossible to send data and assemble it. for example, i have a 1mb image, and i send it. So i send divide it in 60kb files (or something to fit the packages), and send them one by one from first to last. ... But, that theory breaks as there is no law that tells the packages if it can arrive faster or slower than another, so it may only be possible if you make some kind of wait timer, and hope for the best that the arrive in the order they are sent. That's exactly what TCP does: ensure that all the pieces of a stream of data are received in the order they were sent, with no omissions, duplications, or modifications. If you really want to re-implement that yourself, you should be reading RFC 793 - it talks at length about how to build a reliable data stream atop an unreliable packet service.
But really, just use TCP.
You're missing a lot of helpful details from your question, but based on the level of understanding presented I'll attempt to answer at a similar level:
You're absolutely right, in general the UDP protocol doesn't guarantee order of delivery or even delivery at all. Your local host is going to send the packets (i.e. parts of your request message) in the order it receives them from the sending application, and from there its up to network components to decide how your request gets delivered. In local networks however (within a handful of hops of the original requester) there aren't really a lot of directions for the packets to go. As such they will likely just flow in line and never see a hiccup.
On the greater internet however, there is likely a wide variety of routing choices available to each router between your requesting host and the destination. Every router along the way can make a choice on which direction parts of your message take. Assuming all paths are equal (which they aren't) and guaranteed reliability of every network segment between the 2 hosts its likely to see similar results as within network (with added latency). Unfortunately neither of the posed conditions can be considered reliable (different paths on the internet perform differently depending on client and server, and no single path on the internet should ever be considered to be reliable (that's why it's a "net").
These are of course based on general observations from my own experience in network support and admin roles. Members of other StackExchange sites may be able to provide better feedback.
My Context
I have a TCP networking program that sends large objects that have been serialized and encoded into base64 over a connection. I wrote a client library and a server library, and they both use NetworkStream's Begin/EndReadandBegin/EndWrite. Here's the (very much simplified version of the) code I'm using:
For the server:
var Server = new TcpServer(/* network stuffs */);
Server.OnClientConnect += new ClientConnectEventHandler(Server_OnClientConnect);
void Server_OnClientConnect()
LargeObject obj = CalculateLotsOfBoringStuff();
Then the client:
var Client = new TcpClient(/* more network stuffs */);
Client.OnMessageFromServer += new MessageEventHandler(Client_OnMessageFromServer);
void Client_OnMessageFromServer(MessageEventArgs mea)
The client library has a callback method for NetworkStream.BeginRead which triggers the event OnMessageFromServer that passes the data as a string through MessageEventArgs.
My Problem
When receiving large amounts of data through BeginRead/EndRead, however, it appears to be fragmented over multiple messages. E.G. pretend this is a long message:
"This is a really long message except not because it's for explanatory purposes."
If that really were a long message, Client_OnMessageFromServer might be called... say three times with fragmented parts of the "long message":
"This is a really long messa"
"ge except not because it's for explanatory purpos"
Soooooooo.... takes deep breath
What would be the best way to have everything sent through one Begin/EndWrite to be received in one call to Client_OnMessageFromServer?
You can't. On TCP, how things arrive is not necessarily the same as how they were sent. It the job of your code to know what constitutes a complete message, and if necessary to buffer incoming data until you have a complete message (taking care not to discard the start of the next message I the process).
In text protocols, this usually means "spot the newline / nul-char". For binary, it usually means "read the length-header in the preamble the the message".
TCP is a stream protocol, and has no fixed message boundaries. This means you can receive part of a message or the end of one and the beginning of another.
There are two ways to solve this:
Alter your protocol to add end-of-message markers. This way you continuously receive until you find the special marker. This can however lead that you have a buffer containing the end of one message and the beginning of another which is why I recommend the next way.
Alter protocol to first send the length of the message. Then you will know exactly how long the message is, and can count down while receiving so you won't read the beginning of the next message.
I'm writing a message layer for my distributed system. I'm using IOCP, ie the Socket.XXXAsync methods.
Here's something pretty close to what I'm doing (in fact, my receive function is based on his):
What I've found now is that at the start of the program (two test servers talking to each other) I each time get a number of SAEA objects where the .Buffer is entirely filled with zeroes, yet the .BytesTransferred is the size of the buffer (1024 in my case).
What does this mean? Is there a special condition I need to check for? My system interprets this as an incomplete message and moves on, but I'm wondering if I'm actually missing some data. I was under the impression that if nothing was being received, you'd not get a callback. In any case, I can see in WireShark that there aren't any zero-length packets coming in.
I've found the following when I Googled it, but I'm not sure my problem is the same:
I am sure not what is going on in the linked example. It appears to be using asynchronous sockets in a synchronous way. I cannot see any callbacks or similar in the code. You may need to rethink whether you need synchronous or asynchronous sockets :).
To the problem at hand stems from the possibility that your functions are trying to read/write to the buffer before the network transmit/receive has been completed. Try using the callback functionality included in the async Socket. E.g.
// This goes into your accept function, to begin receiving the data
socketName.BeginReceive(yourbuffer, 0, yourbuffer.Length,
SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnRecieveData), socketName);
// In your callback function you know that the socket has finished receiving data
// This callback will fire when the receive is complete.
private void OnRecieveData(IAsyncResult input) {
Socket inSocket = (Socket)input.AsyncState; // This is just a typecast
// Pull the data out of the socket as you already have before.
// state.Data.Write ......
I have an asynchronous read method...
private void read(IAsyncResult ar) {
//Get the Server State Object
ServerState state = (ServerState)ar.AsyncState;
//read from the socket
int readCount = state.socket.EndReceive(ar);
//check if reading is done, move on if so, trigger another read if not
if (readCount > 0) {
//purge the buffer and start another read
state.socket.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, ServerState.bufferSize, 0, new AsyncCallback(read), state);
else {
//all bytes have been read, dispatch the message
The problem that I am having is that read is only 0 if the connection is closed. How do I say, this is the end of that message and pass the data on to the dispatcher, while leaving the socket open to accept new messages.
Thank you!
You should not rely on what is in the TCP buffer. You must process the incoming bytes as a stream somewhere. You can't really know whether its complete. Only one layer above can know when the message completed.
If you read HTTP responses the HTTP header will contain the byte count which is in the HTTP body. So you know how much to read.
You only know how much to read if the data follows a certain protocol and you interprete it. Imagine you receive a file over the socket. The first thing you would receive is the file size. Without that you would never know how much to read.
You should make your messages fit a particular format so that you can distinguish when they start and when end. Even if it is a stream of data it should be sent in packets.
One option is to send length of message first and then you know how much data to expect. But problem with that is if you loose sync you can never recover and you will never know what is message length and what is its content. It is good to use some special marking sequence to know when message begins. It is is not 100% error proof (sequence might appear in data) but certainly helps and allows to recover from sync loose. This is particularly important when reading from a binary stream like socket.
Even ancient RS232 serial protocol had its frame and stop bit to know when you got all the data.
I have a huge problem. Trying to create an app that has to have two parts: server and client side. Those two parts have to communicate somehow and exchange objects. I have decides to use Sockets because i'm not familiar with WCF, and i can test both parts on same computer (just put them to listen at address).
Now, when i try to send some "custom" serializable object from client i got "OutOfMemory" exception at server side! I read about Sockets, ways to send/receive objects, i have tried some code i found on net but no luck! I have no idea what's wrong with my code.
Here's my code:
This is test class defined in code of both sides:
class MyClass
public string msg="default";
Client-side sending code (works fine):
private void cmdSendData_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
MyClass test = new MyClass();
NetworkStream ns = new NetworkStream(m_socWorker); //m_socWorker is socket
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ns);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
bf.Serialize(ms, test);
MessageBox.Show("Length is: " + ms.ToArray().Length); //length is 152!
catch(System.Net.Sockets.SocketException se)
MessageBox.Show (se.Message );
Server-side code (the one that cause problems):
public void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
CSocketPacket theSockId = (CSocketPacket)asyn.AsyncState ;
NetworkStream ns = new NetworkStream(m_socWorker);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
ns.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(buffer.Length);
mem.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
mem.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
MyClass tst = (MyClass)bin.Deserialize(mem); //ERROR IS THROWN HERE!
catch (ObjectDisposedException )
System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0,"1","\nOnDataReceived: Socket has been closed\n");
catch(SocketException se)
MessageBox.Show (se.Message );
So, i got exception when i try to deserialize. Have no idea what's wrong.
I have threatened my code "if you continue causing problems i'll report you to StackOverflow guys" so here i'm :)
There is some very odd code there that:
assumes we read 1024 bytes without checking
copies the 1024 buffer
assumes the serialized data is 1024 bytes, no more no less
deserializes from that
IMO there is your error; you should be reading the correct number of bytes from the stream (usually in a loop). Generally, you would be looping, checking the return value from Read until either we have read the amount of data we wanted, or we get EOF (return <= 0).
Or better; use serializers that do this for you... For example, protobuf-net has SerializeWithLengthPrefix and DeserializeWithLengthPrefix that handle all the length issues for you.
Since you mention "custom" serialization - if you are implementing ISerializable it is also possible that the problem is in there - but we can't see that without code. Besides, the current buffer/stream is so broken (sorry, but it is) that I doubt it is getting that far anyway.
First, while I'm not certain if this is the cause of your issue directly, you have a serious issue with your reading logic.
You create a 1024 byte buffer and read into it without checking to see how much was actually read; if the incoming buffer only has 56 bytes, you'll only read 56 bytes (unless you use a blocking read on the socket itself, which could time out). Likewise, your buffer could have 2000 bytes in it, which means you'd have 976 bytes left in the buffer that won't get processed until you receive more data. That could be an entire object, and the client could be waiting on a response to it before it sends any more.
You then take that buffer and copy it again into a MemoryStream. Rather than doing this, just take the overload of the MemoryStream constructor that takes a buffer. You won't be copying the data that way.
You call EndReceive after you've processed the incoming data; while this may not actually cause an error, it's not in the spirit of the Begin/End old-style async pattern. You should call EndXXX at the beginning of your callback to get the result.
I realize that this is not a direct answer to your question, but you really need to reconsider your decision not to use WCF.
I was in the same boat as you a couple of months ago; I had not used WCF before, and I hadn't bothered to look at how things work in it. It was a very large black box to me, and I had done socket-based communication on other platforms, so it was a known quantity. Looking back, my choice to take the plunge into WCF was the best decision I could have made. Once you've wrapped your head around some of the concepts (bindings, contracts, and how to use the various attributes), development of the service is simple and you don't have to spend your time writing plumbing.
NetTcpBinding provides a TCP-based binding that can support long-lived connections and sessions (which is how I'm using it), and even takes care of keep-alive messages to keep the connection open via Reliable Sessions. It's as simple as turning on a flag. If you need something more interopable (meaning cross-platform), you can write your own binding that does this and keep your code as-is.
Look at some of the TCP WCF examples; it won't take you terribly long to get something up and running, and once you've reached that point, modification is as simple as adding a function to your interface, then a corresponding function on your service class.