I need to find certain elements within a memory mapped file. I have managed to map the file, however I get some problems finding the elements. My idea was to save all file elements into a list, and then search on that list.
How do I create a function that returns a list with all elements of the mapped file?
// Index indicates the line to read from
public List<string> GetElement(int index) {
The way I am mapping the file:
public void MapFile(string path)
string mapName = Path.GetFileName(path);
// Opening existing mmf
if (mapName != null)
_mmf = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting(mapName);
// Setting the pointer at the start of the file
_pointer = 0;
// We create the accessor to read the file
_accessor = _mmf.CreateViewAccessor();
// We mark the file as open
_open = true;
catch (Exception ex) {....}
// Trying to create the mmf
_mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(path);
// Setting the pointer at the start of the file
_pointer = 0;
// We create the accessor to read the file
_accessor = _mmf.CreateViewAccessor();
// We mark the file as open
_open = true;
catch (Exception exInner){..}
The file that I am mapping is a UTF-8 ASCII file. Nothing weird.
What I have done:
var list = new List<string>();
// String to store what we read
string trace = string.Empty;
// We read the byte of the pointer
b = _accessor.ReadByte(_pointer);
int tracei = 0;
var traceb = new byte[2048];
// If b is different from 0 we have some data to read
if (b != 0)
while (b != 0)
// Check if it's an endline
if (b == '\n')
trace = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(traceb, 0, tracei - 1);
trace = string.Empty;
tracei = 0;
traceb[tracei++] = b;
// Advance and read
b = _accessor.ReadByte(++_pointer);
The code is difficult to read for humans and is not very efficient. How can I improve it?
You are re-inventing StreamReader, it does exactly what you do. The odds that you really want a memory-mapped file are quite low, they take a lot of virtual memory which you only can make pay off if you repeatedly read the same file at different offsets. Which is very unlikely, text files must be read sequentially since you don't know how long the lines are.
Which makes this one line of code the probable best replacement for what you posted:
string[] trace = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path);
in this button click event I am trying to count strings from text file that are the same as in textboxes, then display number of them in label. My problem is that I have no idea how to count them-I'm talking about code inside if-statement. I would really appreciate any help.
private void btnCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string openFileName;
using (OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog())
if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
MessageBox.Show("You did not select OK");
openFileName = ofd.FileName;
FileStream fs = null;
StreamReader sr = null;
fs = new FileStream("x", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
sr = new StreamReader(fs);
string s = sr.ReadLine();
while (s != null)
s = sr.ReadLine();
s.Count = lblResult1.Text; //problem is here
else if(s.Contains(tbSecondClub.Text))
s.Count = lblResult2.Text; //problem is here
catch (IOException)
MessageBox.Show("Error reading file");
catch (Exception)
MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong");
if (sr != null)
Thanks in advance.
s.Count = lblResult1.Text; //problem is here
wait...you are saying here..
you have a variable (s)
and you access its property (Count)
and then set it to the label text(lblResult1.Text)
is that what you're trying to do? because the reverse seems more likely
Using LINQ you can get the number of occurences, like below:
int numOfOcuurences= s.Count( s=> s == tbFirstClub.Text);
lblResult1.Text = numOfOcuurences.ToString();
welcome to Stack Overflow.
I want to point out something you said.
else if(s.Contains(tbSecondClub.Text))
s.Count = lblResult2.Text; //problem is here
S is our string that we just read from the file.
You're saying assoung S.Count (The length of the string) to text.
I don't think this is what you want. We want to return the number of times specified strings show up in a specified file
Let's refactor this, (And add some tricks along the way).
// Let's create a dictionary to store all of our desired texts, and the counts.
var textAndCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>();
textAndCounts.Add(tbFirstClub.Text, 0); // Assuming the type of Text is string, change acccorrdingly
textAndCounts.Add(tbSecondClub.Text, 0);
//We added both out texts fields to our dictionary with a value of 0
// Read all the lines from the file.
var allLines = File.ReadAllLines(openFileName); /* using System.IO */
foreach(var line in allLines)
textAndCounts[tbFirstClub.Text] += 1; // Go to where we stored our count for our text and increment
textandCounts[tbSecondClub.Text] += 1;
This should solve your problem, but it's still pretty brittle. Optimally, we want to design a system that works for any number of strings and counts them.
So how would I do it?
public Dictionary<string, int> GetCountsPerStringInFile(IEnumerable<string> textsToSearch, string filePath)
//Lets use Linq to create a dictionary, assuming all strings are unique.
//This means, create a dictionary in this list, where the key is the values in the list, and the value is 0 <Text, 0>
var textsAndCount = textsToSearch.ToDictionary(text => text, count => 0);
var allLines = File.ReadAllLines(openFileName);
foreach (var line in allLines)
// You didn't specify if a line could maintain multiple values, so let's handle that here.
var keysContained = textsAndCounts.Keys.Where(c => line.Contains(c)); // take all the keys where the line has that key.
foreach (var key in keysContained)
textsAndCounts[key] += 1; // increment the count associated with that string.
return textsAndCounts;
The above code allows us to return a data structure with any amount of strings with a count.
I think this is a good example for you to save you some headaches going forward, and it's probably a good first toe-dip into design patterns. I'd suggest looking up some material on Data structures and their use cases.
I have a WCF service that query a database and returns a large number of records. There is so many records, that the server runs out of memory and fails before it can return.
So I want to send the records back as I fetch them from the database, or a set number back at a time.
For additional clarity, I cannot collect call records fetched into a collection on the server, as the server runs out of memory before I have collected all the records. I want to try and find away to send them back one by one or in chunks, in one call.
For example, in chunks:
Fetch first 1000 records
Add to collection
Send collection to client
Clear collection
Fetch next 1000 records, and repeat from step 2
So the idea I have how the web service code will look something like this:
Public IEnumerable<Customer> GetAllCustomers()
// Setup Query
string query = PrepareQuery();
// Create Connection
connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
var sqlcommand = connection.CreateCommand();
sqlcommand.CommandText = query.ToString();
// Read Results
var reader = sqlcommand.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
Customer customer = new Customer();
foreach (var column in Columns)
int fieldIndex = reader.GetOrdinal(column);
object value = reader.GetValue(fieldIndex);
customer[column.Name] = value;
yield return customer;
I don't want to consider paging as the Order By on the SQL server is slow.
Looking for way to do this in WCF
I think you answer your own question. There are 2 ways to do it, stream or chunk.
You can do streaming in wcf - see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wcf/feature-details/large-data-and-streaming
You get a Stream to write to, so you need to handle yourself how you are going to encode your data on that stream, and how you are going decode it at the client.
The alternative is you do chunking/paging. You just modify your service so it accepts e.g. a page number or some other way to indicate which page is needed.
Which one you do depends on the application, eg how much data? what is the nature of the client? is it possible to use some field to page on? etc etc
Here is some psudo code for making a stream that can do this on the server side. It is based on the example here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wcf/feature-details/how-to-enable-streaming
I'm not writing the full compilable code for you, but this is the gist of it.
In the server:
public Stream GetBigData()
return new BigDataStream();
BigDataStream (the non-implimented methods are not shown):
class BigDataStream : Stream
public BigDataStream()
// open DB connection
// run your query
// get a DataReader
// you need a buffer to encode your data between calls to Read
List<byte> _encodeBuffer = new List<byte>();
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
// read from the DataReader and populate the _encodeBuffer
// until the _encodeBuffer contains at least count bytes
// (or until there are no more records)
// for example:
while (_encodeBuffer.Count < count && _reader.Read())
// (1)
// encode the record into a byte array. How to do this?
// you can read into a class and then use the data
// contract serialization for example. If you do this, you
// will probably find it easier to prepend an integer which
// specifies the length of the following encoded message.
// This will make it easier for the client to deserialize it.
// (2)
// append the encoded record bytes (plus any length prefix
// etc) to _encodeBuffer
// remove up to the first count bytes from _encodeBuffer
// and copy them into buffer at the offset requested
// return the number of bytes added
public override void Close()
// close the reader + db connection
Thank to mikelegg & Reniuz for helping come to a solution. I wish I could give them the tick for the right answer, but I am a afraid the next developer to read this question would not fully benefit. So where is what I ended up with.
Setup the config files for the Server and Client (Follow link: Large Data and Streaming)
Followed this solution, can download source code from here
I had to change the DBRowStream.DBThreadProc method a bit to work so I post the source code:
DBRowStream Class:
void DBThreadProc(object o)
SqlConnection con = null;
SqlCommand com = null;
con = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(/*ConnectionString*/);
com = new SqlCommand();
com.Connection = con;
com.CommandText = PrepareQuery();
SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader();
int count = 0;
MemoryStream memStream = memStream1;
memStreamWriteStatus = 1;
while (reader.Read())
// Populate
Customer customer = new Customer();
foreach (var column in Columns)
int fieldIndex = reader.GetOrdinal(column);
object value = reader.GetValue(fieldIndex);
customer[column.Name] = value;
// Serialize: I used a custom Serializer
// but BinaryFormatter should be fine
DBDataFormatter.Serialize(memStream, customer);
if (count == PAGESIZE) // const int PAGESIZE = 10000
switch (memStreamWriteStatus)
case 1: // done writing to stream 1
memStream1.Position = 0;
// write stream 1 is done...waiting for stream 2
memStream = memStream2;
memStream.Position = 0;
memStream.SetLength(0); // Added:To Reset the stream. Else was getting garbage data back
memStreamWriteStatus = 2;
case 2: // done writing to stream 2
memStream2.Position = 0;
// Write on stream 2 is done...waiting for stream 1
// done waiting for stream 1
memStream = memStream1;
memStreamWriteStatus = 1;
memStream.Position = 0;
memStream.SetLength(0); // Added: Reset the stream. Else was getting garbage data back
count = 0;
if (count > 0)
switch (memStreamWriteStatus)
case 1: // done writing to stream 1
memStream1.Position = 0;
// END write stream 1 is done...waiting for stream 2
case 2: // done writing to stream 2
memStream2.Position = 0;
// END write stream 2 is done...waiting for stream 1
bDoneWriting = true;
bCanRead = false;
if (com != null)
com = null;
if (con != null)
con = null;
And then the Client side:
private static void TestGetRecordsAndDump()
const string FILE_NAME = "Records.CSV";
var file = File.AppendText(FILE_NAME);
long count = 0;
ServiceReference1.ServiceClient service = new ServiceReference1.DataServiceClient();
var stream = service.GetDBRowStream();
Console.WriteLine("Records Retrieved : ");
Console.WriteLine("File Size (MB) : ");
var canDoLastRead = true;
while (stream.CanRead && canDoLastRead)
Customer customer = DBDataFormatter.Deserialize(stream); // Used custom Deserializer, but BinaryFormatter should be fine
canDoLastRead = false; // Bug: stream.CanRead is not set to false at the end of stream, so I do this trick to know if I finished retruning all records.
Console.SetCursorPosition("Records Retrieved : ".Length, 0);
Console.Write(string.Format("{0} ", count));
Console.SetCursorPosition("File Size (MB) : ".Length, 1);
Console.Write(string.Format("{0:G} ", file.BaseStream.Length / 1024f / 1024f));
There is a bug I cannot seem to solve, that stream.CanRead is not set to false, then all the records have been returned, have not been able to work out why, but at least now, I can query large data sets, and return all records, with out the server or client running out of memory.
I have a folder containing .txt files which are numbered like so:
What I am trying to do is each time readNextFile(); is called, I want it to return the contents of the next file in that folder, and return string.Empty; if there is no file after the last one it read. I want to have a button that, when pressed, will make the program read the next file and do stuff with it's contents. The files might change between button presses. The way I did this before was this:
int lastFileNumber = 0;
string readNextFile()
string result = string.Empty;
//I know it is recommended to use as few of these as possible, this is just an example.
string file = Path.Combine("C:\Somewhere", lastFileNumber.ToString() + ".txt");
if (File.Exists(file))
result = File.ReadAllText(file);
return result;
Problem is there might sometimes be this kind of situation:
It would obviously get stuck at 1.txt because 2.txt doesn't exist. I need it to skip to the next existing file and read that one. And clearly it is not possible to just sort the file names alphabetically in a string array since the file names are not Padded, so doing that will result in 1000000000.txt being read right after 1.txt.
Any idea how I can achieve this?
You can use linq to check the next file based on the stored number. That is done after ordering the file by converting its name into integer representation:
int lastFileNumber = -1;
bool isFirst = true;
private void buttonNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int lastFileNumberLocal = isFirst ? -1 : lastFileNumber;
isFirst = false;
int dummy;
var currentFile = Directory.GetFiles(#"D:\", "*.txt", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
.Select(x => new { Path = x, NameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x) })
.Where(x => Int32.TryParse(x.NameOnly, out dummy))
.OrderBy(x => Int32.Parse(x.NameOnly))
.Where(x => Int32.Parse(x.NameOnly) > lastFileNumberLocal)
if (currentFile != null)
lastFileNumber = Int32.Parse(currentFile.NameOnly);
string currentFileContent = File.ReadAllText(currentFile.Path);
// reached the end, do something or show message
I don't think you can find what file is last without getting the whole list of files first. The sorting can be simplified by sorting by the file name length and then by the file name.
int currentFileNumber = -1;
string currentFileName;
string currentFileText;
string[] allFileNames;
string readCurrentFile()
if (allFileNames == null) allFileNames = (
from f in Directory.EnumerateFiles(#".", "*.*")
orderby f.Length, f select f).ToArray();
if (currentFileNumber >= allFileNames.Length) return null; // no files left
currentFileName = allFileNames[currentFileNumber];
currentFileText = File.ReadAllText(currentFileName);
return currentFileText;
catch (Exception ex) {
return readCurrentFile(); // get next file if any Exception
I do not want to read the whole file at any point, I know there are answers on that question, I want t
o read the First or Last line.
I know that my code locks the file that it's reading for two reasons 1) The application that writes to the file crashes intermittently when I run my little app with this code but it never crashes when I am not running this code! 2) There are a few articles that will tell you that File.ReadLines locks the file.
There are some similar questions but that answer seems to involve reading the whole file which is slow for large files and therefore not what I want to do. My requirement to only read the last line most of the time is also unique from what I have read about.
I nead to know how to read the first line (Header row) and the last line (latest row). I do not want to read all lines at any point in my code because this file can become huge and reading the entire file will become slow.
I know that
line = File.ReadLines(fullFilename).First().Replace("\"", "");
... is the same as ...
FileStream fs = new FileStream(#fullFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
My question is, how can I repeatedly read the first and last lines of a file which may be being written to by another application without locking it in any way. I have no control over the application that is writting to the file. It is a data log which can be appended to at any time. The reason I am listening in this way is that this log can be appended to for days on end. I want to see the latest data in this log in my own c# programme without waiting for the log to finish being written to.
My code to call the reading / listening function ...
//Start Listening to the "data log"
private void btnDeconstructCSVFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MySandbox.CopyCSVDataFromLogFile copyCSVDataFromLogFile = new MySandbox.CopyCSVDataFromLogFile();
My class which does the listening. For now it simply adds the data to 2 generics lists ...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MySandbox.Classes;
using System.IO;
namespace MySandbox
public class CopyCSVDataFromLogFile
static private List<LogRowData> listMSDataRows = new List<LogRowData>();
static String fullFilename = string.Empty;
static LogRowData previousLineLogRowList = new LogRowData();
static LogRowData logRowList = new LogRowData();
static LogRowData logHeaderRowList = new LogRowData();
static Boolean checking = false;
public void checkForLogData()
string[] logHeaderArray = new string[] { };
string[] badDataRowsArray = new string[] { };
//Get the latest full filename (file with new data)
//Assumption: only 1 file is written to at a time in this directory.
String directory = "C:\\TestDir\\";
string pattern = "*.csv";
var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directory);
var file = (from f in dirInfo.GetFiles(pattern) orderby f.LastWriteTime descending select f).First();
fullFilename = directory + file.ToString(); //This is the full filepath and name of the latest file in the directory!
if (logHeaderArray.Length == 0)
//Populate the Header Row
logHeaderRowList = getRow(fullFilename, true);
LogRowData tempLogRowList = new LogRowData();
if (!checking)
//Read the latest data in an asynchronous loop
private async void callDataProcess()
checking = true; //Begin checking
await checkForNewDataAndSaveIfFound();
private static Task checkForNewDataAndSaveIfFound()
return Task.Run(() => //Call the async "Task"
while (checking) //Loop (asynchronously)
LogRowData tempLogRowList = new LogRowData();
if (logHeaderRowList.ValueList.Count == 0)
//Populate the Header row
logHeaderRowList = getRow(fullFilename, true);
//Populate Data row
tempLogRowList = getRow(fullFilename, false);
if ((!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(tempLogRowList.ValueList, previousLineLogRowList.ValueList)) &&
(!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(tempLogRowList.ValueList, logHeaderRowList.ValueList)))
logRowList = getRow(fullFilename, false);
previousLineLogRowList = logRowList;
//System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); //Wait for next row.
private static LogRowData getRow(string fullFilename, bool isHeader)
string line;
string[] logDataArray = new string[] { };
LogRowData logRowListResult = new LogRowData();
if (isHeader)
//Asign first (header) row data.
//Works but seems to block writting to the file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
line = File.ReadLines(fullFilename).First().Replace("\"", "");
//Assign data as last row (default behaviour).
line = File.ReadLines(fullFilename).Last().Replace("\"", "");
logDataArray = line.Split(',');
//Copy Array to Generics List and remove last value if it's empty.
for (int i = 0; i < logDataArray.Length; i++)
if (i < logDataArray.Length)
if (i < logDataArray.Length - 1)
//Value is not at the end, from observation, these always have a value (even if it's zero) and so we'll store the value.
//This is the last value
if (logDataArray[i].Replace("\"", "").Trim().Length > 0)
//In this case, the last value is not empty, store it as normal.
else { /*The last value is empty, e.g. "123,456,"; the final comma denotes another field but this field is empty so we will ignore it now. */ }
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.Message == "Sequence contains no elements")
{ /*Empty file, no problem. The code will safely loop and then will pick up the header when it appears.*/ }
//TODO: catch this error properly
Int32 problemID = 10; //Unknown ERROR.
return logRowListResult;
I found the answer in a combination of other questions. One answer explaining how to read from the end of a file, which I adapted so that it would read only 1 line from the end of the file. And another explaining how to read the entire file without locking it (I did not want to read the entire file but the not locking part was useful). So now you can read the last line of the file (if it contains end of line characters) without locking it. For other end of line delimeters, just replace my 10 and 13 with your end of line character bytes...
Add the method below to public class CopyCSVDataFromLogFile
private static string Reverse(string str)
char[] arr = new char[str.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
arr[i] = str[str.Length - 1 - i];
return new string(arr);
and replace this line ...
line = File.ReadLines(fullFilename).Last().Replace("\"", "");
with this code block ...
Int32 endOfLineCharacterCount = 0;
Int32 previousCharByte = 0;
Int32 currentCharByte = 0;
//Read the file, from the end, for 1 line, allowing other programmes to access it for read and write!
using (FileStream reader = new FileStream(fullFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite, 0x1000, FileOptions.SequentialScan))
int i = 0;
StringBuilder lineBuffer = new StringBuilder();
int byteRead;
while ((-i < reader.Length) /*Belt and braces: if there were no end of line characters, reading beyond the file would give a catastrophic error here (to be avoided thus).*/
&& (endOfLineCharacterCount < 2)/*Exit Condition*/)
reader.Seek(--i, SeekOrigin.End);
byteRead = reader.ReadByte();
currentCharByte = byteRead;
//Exit condition: the first 2 characters we read (reading backwards remember) were end of line ().
//So when we read the second end of line, we have read 1 whole line (the last line in the file)
//and we must exit now.
if (currentCharByte == 13 && previousCharByte == 10)
if (byteRead == 10 && lineBuffer.Length > 0)
line += Reverse(lineBuffer.ToString());
lineBuffer.Remove(0, lineBuffer.Length);
previousCharByte = byteRead;
Im trying to send some object from a server to the client.
My problem is that when im sending only 1 object, everything works correctly. But at the moment i add another object an exception is thrown - "binary stream does not contain a valid binaryheader" or "No map for object (random number)".
My thoughts are that the deserialization does not understand where the stream starts / ends and i hoped that you guys can help me out here.
heres my deserialization code:
public void Listen()
bool offline = true;
new Action(() => offline = Offline));
while (!offline)
TcpObject tcpObject = new TcpObject();
IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
tcpObject = (TcpObject)formatter.Deserialize(serverStream);
if (tcpObject.Command == Command.Transfer)
SentAntenna sentAntenna = (SentAntenna)tcpObject.Object;
int idx = 0;
foreach (string name in SharedProperties.AntennaNames)
if (name == sentAntenna.Name)
if (idx < 9)
PointCollection pointCollection = new PointCollection();
foreach (Frequency f in sentAntenna.Frequencies)
pointCollection.Add(new Point(f.Channel, f.Intensity));
SharedProperties.AntennaPoints[idx] = pointCollection;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); // raise an event
serialization code:
case Command.Transfer:
Thread transfer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate
string aName = tcpObject.Object.ToString();
int indx = 0;
foreach (string name in names)
if (name == aName)
if (indx < 9)
while (true) // need to kill when the father thread terminates
if (antennas[indx].Frequencies != null)
lock (antennas[indx].Frequencies)
TcpObject sendTcpObject = new TcpObject();
sendTcpObject.Command = Command.Transfer;
SentAntenna sa = new SentAntenna(antennas[indx].Frequencies, aName);
sendTcpObject.Object = sa;
formatter.Serialize(networkStream, sendTcpObject);
catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); }
Interesting. There's nothing particularly odd in your serialization code, and I've seen people use vanilla concatenation for multiple objects in the past, although I've actually always advised against it as BinaryFormatter does not explicitly claim this scenario is OK. But: if it isn't, the only thing I can suggest is to implement your own framing; so your write code becomes:
serialize to an empty MemoryStream
note the length and write the length to the NetworkStream, for example as a simple fixed-width 32-bit network-byte-order integer
write the payload from the MemoryStream to the NetworkStream
rinse, repeat
And the read code becomes:
read exactly 4 bytes and compute the length
buffer that many bytes into a MemoryStream
deserialize from the NetworkStream
(Noting in both cases to set the MemoryStream's position back to 0 between write and read)
You can also implement a Stream-subclass that caps the length if you want to avoid a buffer when reading, bit that is more complex.
apperantly i came up with a really simple solution. I just made sure only 1 thread is allowed to transfer data at the same time so i changed this line of code:
formatter.Serialize(networkStream, sendTcpObject);
to these lines of code:
if (!transfering) // making sure only 1 thread is transfering data
transfering = true;
formatter.Serialize(networkStream, sendTcpObject);
transfering = false;