Counting groups of files based on size - c#

How can I simplify this? I am trying to get the count of Excel files from a directory and subdirectories based on their size. I have at least 10 different groupings.
var queryList2Only = from i in di.GetFiles("*.xls", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
.Where(f => f.Length <= 5120)
select i.Length;
if (queryList2Only.Any())
dest.WriteLine("Excel File <= 5 KB");
var queryList3Only = from i in di.GetFiles("*.xls", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
.Where(f => f.Length > 5120 && f.Length <= 10240)
select i.Length;
if (queryList3Only.Any())
dest.WriteLine("Excel File > 5 KB and <= 10 KB");
I need this
<= 5 KB,> 5 KB and <= 10 KB,> 10 KB and <= 20 KB,> 20 KB and <= 100 KB,> 100 KB and <= 1000 KB,> 1000 KB and <=5 MB,> 5 MB and <=10 MB,> 10 MB and <=20 MB,> 20 MB and <=50 MB,> 50 MB and <=100 MB
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DirectoryInfo Folder = new DirectoryInfo(textBox1.Text);
var _logFolderPath4 = Path.Combine(textBox1.Text.Trim(), "log");
if (Folder.Exists)
if (!Directory.Exists(_logFolderPath4))
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(#"D:\Material\");
bool time = false;
using (var dest = File.AppendText(Path.Combine(_logFolderPath4, "Excel.txt")))
if (!time)
dest.WriteLine("---------------------" + DateTime.Now + "---------------------");
time = true;
CountFiles(dest, di, #"*.txt");

You need to have your ranges in a collection, and enumerate over them.
Here is an example that should get you going - the sizes array contains the steps, of course you should choose the steps that makes sense to your application:
int[] sizes = Enumerable.Range(0,10).Select(n => (int)Math.Pow(2,n + 8)).ToArray();
int lower = 0;
foreach(var size in sizes)
var files = di.GetFiles("*.*").Where(f => f.Length >= lower && f.Length < size);
Console.WriteLine("Between {0} and {1} bytes:", lower,size);
foreach(var file in files)
lower = size;

You don't necessarily need LINQ for this. It would be more efficient for you to just loop through it. Though Rup's solution is a great use of LINQ here.
Here's a more complete version tailored for exactly what you want to do.
// count it
CountFiles(dest, di, #"*.xls");
public void CountFiles(TextWriter writer, DirectoryInfo directory, string searchPattern)
var counter = new FileGroupCounter
{ 5, Multiplier.K },
{ 10, Multiplier.K },
{ 20, Multiplier.K },
{ 100, Multiplier.K },
{ 1000, Multiplier.K },
{ 5, Multiplier.M },
{ 10, Multiplier.M },
{ 20, Multiplier.M },
{ 50, Multiplier.M },
{ 100, Multiplier.M },
foreach (var file in directory.EnumerateFiles(searchPattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories))
// or use GetFiles() if you're not targeting .NET 4.0
foreach (var result in counter)
writer.WriteLine("Excel File " + result);
// and the supporting classes
public enum Multiplier : long
K = 1 << 10,
M = 1 << 20,
G = 1 << 30,
T = 1 << 40,
public class FileGroupCounter : IEnumerable<FileGroupCounter.Result>
public ReadOnlyCollection<long> Limits { get { return roLimits; } }
public ReadOnlyCollection<int> Counts { get { return roCounts; } }
public ReadOnlyCollection<Multiplier> Multipliers { get { return roMultipliers; } }
public FileGroupCounter()
limits = new List<long>();
counts = new List<int>();
multipliers = new List<Multiplier>();
roLimits= limits.AsReadOnly();
roCounts= counts.AsReadOnly();
roMultipliers= multipliers.AsReadOnly();
private List<long> limits;
private List<int> counts;
private List<Multiplier> multipliers;
private ReadOnlyCollection<long> roLimits;
private ReadOnlyCollection<int> roCounts;
private ReadOnlyCollection<Multiplier> roMultipliers;
private long CalculateLength(int index)
return limits[index] * (long)multipliers[index];
public void Add(long limit, Multiplier multiplier)
int lastIndex = limits.Count - 1;
if (lastIndex >= 0 && limit * (long)multiplier <= CalculateLength(lastIndex))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("limit, multiplier", "must be added in increasing order");
public bool CountFile(FileInfo file)
if (file == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
for (int i = 0; i < limits.Count; i++)
if (file.Length <= CalculateLength(i))
return true;
return false;
public IEnumerator<Result> GetEnumerator()
for (int i = 0; i < limits.Count; i++)
if (counts[i] > 0)
yield return new Result(this, i);
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); }
public class Result
public long Limit { get { return counter.limits[index]; } }
public int Count { get { return counter.counts[index]; } }
public Multiplier Multiplier { get { return counter.multipliers[index]; } }
internal Result(FileGroupCounter counter, int index)
this.counter = counter;
this.index = index;
private FileGroupCounter counter;
private int index;
public override string ToString()
if (index > 0)
return String.Format("> {0} {1}B and <= {2} {3}B",
counter.limits[index - 1], counter.multipliers[index - 1],
counter.limits[index], counter.multipliers[index]);
return String.Format("<= {0} {1}B",
counter.limits[index], counter.multipliers[index]);

I think only real optimisation here would be to ensure you only call di.GetFiles("*.xls", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) once - since that will actually hit the filesystem rather than being lazily executed like most LINQ. Sure, the filesystem will cache the results of this but can't be slower to stay in memory and reuse the list.
Once you're in memory Jeff might be right - just count yourself - thought that doesn't seem very elegant :-) and it probably doesn't make a lot of difference here unless you're dealing with huge numbers. You just want to try and keep the number of allocations / reallocations down. With as much LINQ as I can cram in
var files = di.GetFiles("*.xls", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
// map to a list of numbers, 0 = up to 5K, 1 = 5-10, etc.
var sizes = files.Select(f => (f.Length / 5120));
var countsBySize = sizes.GroupBy(s => s)
.Select(g => new { Size = g.Key, Count = g.Count() })
.OrderBy(s => s.Size);
var results = countBySize.ToList();
which returns a list of 5K buckets and count of files in each bucket. If you're just going to foreach this then don't do the final ToList. If you wanted the individual files in each bucket you should group by the (f.Length / 5120) without selecting it first.


Finding how many times an instance happens in a list

I have a list and my goal is to determine how many times the values in that list goes above a certain value.
For instance if my list is:
List = {0, 0, 3, 3, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4}
Id like to know that there were two instances where my values in the list were greater than 2 and stayed above 2. So in this case there were 2 instances, since it dropped below 2 at one point and went above it again.
private void Report_GeneratorButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var current = _CanDataGraph._DataPoints[CanDataGraph.CurveTag.Current].ToList();
var SOC = _CanDataGraph._DataPoints[CanDataGraph.CurveTag.Soc].ToList();
var highcell = _CanDataGraph._DataPoints[CanDataGraph.CurveTag.HighestCell].ToList();
var lowcell = _CanDataGraph._DataPoints[CanDataGraph.CurveTag.LowestCell].ToList();
//Seperates current list into charging, discharging, and idle
List<double> charging = current.FindAll(i => i > 2);
List<double> discharging = current.FindAll(i => i < -2);
List<double> idle = current.FindAll(i => i < 2 && i > -2);
//High cell
List<double> overcharged = highcell.FindAll(i => i > 3.65);
int ov = overcharged.Count;
if (ov > 1)
Console.WriteLine("This Battery has gone over Voltage!");
Console.WriteLine("This battery has never been over Voltage.");
//Low cell
List<double> overdischarged = lowcell.FindAll(i => i > 3.65);
int lv = overdischarged.Count;
if (lv > 1)
Console.WriteLine("This Battery has been overdischarged!");
Console.WriteLine("This battery has never been overdischarged.");
//Each value is 1 second
int chargetime = charging.Count;
int dischargetime = discharging.Count;
int idletime = idle.Count;
Console.WriteLine("Charge time: " + chargetime + "s" + "\n" + "Discharge time: " + dischargetime + "s" + "\n" + "Idle time: " + idletime);
My current code is this and outputs:
This battery has never been over Voltage.
This battery has never been overdischarged.
Charge time: 271s
Discharge time: 0s
Idle time: 68
There are a great many ways to solve this problem; my suggestion is that you break it down into a number of smaller problems and then write a simple method that solves each problem.
Here's a simpler problem: given a sequence of T, give me back a sequence of T with "doubled" items removed:
public static IEnumerable<T> RemoveDoubles<T>(
this IEnumerable<T> items)
T previous = default(T);
bool first = true;
foreach(T item in items)
if (first || !item.Equals(previous)) yield return item;
previous = item;
first = false;
Great. How is this helpful? Because the solution to your problem is now:
int count = myList.Select(x => x > 2).RemoveDoubles().Count(x => x);
Follow along.
If you have myList as {0, 0, 3, 3, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4} then the result of the Select is {false, false, true, true, true, false, true, true, true}.
The result of the RemoveDoubles is {false, true, false, true}.
The result of the Count is 2, which is the desired result.
Try to use off-the-shelf parts when you can. If you cannot, try to solve a simple, general problem that gets you what you need; now you have a tool you can use for other tasks that require you to remove duplicates in a sequence.
This solution should achieve the desired result.
List<int> lsNums = new List<int>() {0, 0, 3, 3, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4} ;
public void MainFoo(){
int iChange = GetCritcalChangeNum(lsNums, 2);
Console.WriteLine("Critical change = %d", iChange);
public int GetCritcalChangeNum(List<int> lisNum, int iCriticalThreshold) {
int iCriticalChange = 0;
int iPrev = 0;
lisNum.ForEach( (int ele) => {
if(iPrev <= iCriticalThreshold && ele > iCriticalThreshold){
iPrev = ele;
return iCriticalChange;
You can create an extension method as shown below.
public static class ListExtensions
public static int InstanceCount(this List<double> list, Predicate<double> predicate)
int instanceCount = 0;
bool instanceOccurring = false;
foreach (var item in list)
if (predicate(item))
if (!instanceOccurring)
instanceOccurring = true;
instanceOccurring = false;
return instanceCount;
And use your newly created method like this
current.InstanceCount(p => p > 2)
public static int CountOverLimit(IEnumerable<double> items, double limit)
int overLimitCount = 0;
bool isOverLimit = false;
foreach (double item in items)
if (item > limit)
if (!isOverLimit)
isOverLimit = true;
else if (isOverLimit)
isOverLimit = false;
return overLimitCount;
Here's a fairly concise and readable solution. Hopefully this helps. If the limit is variable, just put it in a function and take the list and the limit as parameters.
int [] array = new int [9]{0, 0, 3, 1, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4};
List<int> values = array.ToList();
int overCount = 0;
bool currentlyOver2 = false;
for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
if (values[i] > 2)
if (!currentlyOver2)
currentlyOver2 = true;
currentlyOver2 = false;
Another way to do this using System.Linq is to walk through the list, selecting both the item itself and it's index, and return true for each item where the item is greater than value and the previous item is less than or equal to value, and then select the number of true results. Of course there's a special case for index 0 where we don't check the previous item:
public static int GetSpikeCount(List<int> items, int threshold)
return items?
.Select((item, index) =>
index == 0
? item > threshold
: item > threshold && items[index - 1] <= threshold)
.Count(x => x == true) // '== true' is here for readability, but it's not necessary
?? 0; // return '0' if 'items' is null
Sample usage:
private static void Main()
var myList = new List<int> {0, 0, 3, 3, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4};
var count = GetSpikeCount(myList, 2);
// count == 2

C# Simple Constrained Weighted Average Algorithm with/without Solver

I'm at a loss as to why I can't get this seemingly simple problem solved using Microsoft Solver Foundation.
All I need is to modify the weights (numbers) of certain observations to ensure that no 1 observation's weight AS A PERCENTAGE exceeds 25%. This is for the purposes of later calculating a constrained weighted average with the results of this algorithm.
For example, given the 5 weights of { 45, 100, 33, 500, 28 }, I would expect the result of this algorithm to be { 45, 53, 33, 53, 28 }, where 2 of the numbers had to be reduced such that they're within the 25% threshold of the new total (212 = 45+53+33+53+28) while the others remained untouched. Note that even though initially, the 2nd weight of 100 was only 14% of the total (706), as a result of decreasing the 4th weight of 500, it subsequently pushed up the % of the other observations and therein lies the only challenge with this.
I tried to recreate this using Solver only for it to tell me that it is the solution is "Infeasible" and it just returns all 1s. Update: solution need not use Solver, any alternative is welcome so long as it is fast when dealing with a decent number of weights.
var solver = SolverContext.GetContext();
var model = solver.CreateModel();
var decisionList = new List<Decision>();
decisionList.Add(new Decision(Domain.IntegerRange(1, 45), "Dec1"));
decisionList.Add(new Decision(Domain.IntegerRange(1, 100), "Dec2"));
decisionList.Add(new Decision(Domain.IntegerRange(1, 33), "Dec3"));
decisionList.Add(new Decision(Domain.IntegerRange(1, 500), "Dec4"));
decisionList.Add(new Decision(Domain.IntegerRange(1, 28), "Dec5"));
int weightLimit = 25;
foreach (var decision in model.Decisions)
model.AddConstraint(decision.Name + "weightLimit", 100 * (decision / Model.Sum(model.Decisions.ToArray())) <= weightLimit);
model.AddGoal("calcGoal", GoalKind.Maximize, Model.Sum(model.Decisions.ToArray()));
var solution = solver.Solve();
foreach (var decision in model.Decisions)
Debug.Print("Solution Quality: " + solution.Quality.ToString());
Any help with this would be very much appreciated, thanks in advance.
I ditched Solver b/c it didn't live up to its name imo (or I didn't live up to its standards :)). Below is where I landed. Because this function gets used many times and on large lists of input weights, efficiency and performance are key so this function attempts to do the least # of iterations possible (let me know if anyone has any suggested improvements though). The results get used for a weighted average so I use "AttributeWeightPair" to store the value (attribute) and its weight and the function below is what modifies the weights to be within the constraint when given a list of these AWPs. The function assumes that weightLimit is passed in as a %, e.g. 25% gets passed in as 25, not 0.25 --- ok I'll stop stating what'll be obvious from the code - so here it is:
public static List<AttributeWeightPair<decimal>> WeightLimiter(List<AttributeWeightPair<decimal>> source, decimal weightLimit)
weightLimit /= 100; //convert to percentage
var zeroWeights = source.Where(w => w.Weight == 0).ToList();
var nonZeroWeights = source.Where(w => w.Weight > 0).ToList();
if (nonZeroWeights.Count == 0)
return source;
//return equal weights if given infeasible constraint
if ((1m / nonZeroWeights.Count()) > weightLimit)
nonZeroWeights.ForEach(w => w.Weight = 1);
return nonZeroWeights.Concat(zeroWeights).ToList();
//return original list if weight-limiting is unnecessary
if ((nonZeroWeights.Max(w => w.Weight) / nonZeroWeights.Sum(w => w.Weight)) <= weightLimit)
return source;
//sort (ascending) and store original weights
nonZeroWeights = nonZeroWeights.OrderBy(w => w.Weight).ToList();
var originalWeights = nonZeroWeights.Select(w => w.Weight).ToList();
//set starting point and determine direction from there
var initialSumWeights = nonZeroWeights.Sum(w => w.Weight);
var initialLimit = weightLimit * initialSumWeights;
var initialSuspects = nonZeroWeights.Where(w => w.Weight > initialLimit).ToList();
var initialTarget = weightLimit * (initialSumWeights - (initialSuspects.Sum(w => w.Weight) - initialLimit * initialSuspects.Count()));
var antepenultimateIndex = Math.Max(nonZeroWeights.FindLastIndex(w => w.Weight <= initialTarget), 1); //needs to be at least 1
for (int i = antepenultimateIndex; i < nonZeroWeights.Count(); i++)
nonZeroWeights[i].Weight = originalWeights[antepenultimateIndex - 1]; //set cap equal to the preceding weight
bool goingUp = (nonZeroWeights[antepenultimateIndex].Weight / nonZeroWeights.Sum(w => w.Weight)) > weightLimit ? false : true;
//Procedure 1 - find the weight # at which a cap would result in a weight % just UNDER the weight limit
int penultimateIndex = antepenultimateIndex;
bool justUnderTarget = false;
while (!justUnderTarget)
for (int i = penultimateIndex; i < nonZeroWeights.Count(); i++)
nonZeroWeights[i].Weight = originalWeights[penultimateIndex - 1]; //set cap equal to the preceding weight
var currentMaxPcntWeight = nonZeroWeights[penultimateIndex].Weight / nonZeroWeights.Sum(w => w.Weight);
if (currentMaxPcntWeight == weightLimit)
return nonZeroWeights.Concat(zeroWeights).ToList();
else if (goingUp && currentMaxPcntWeight < weightLimit)
nonZeroWeights[penultimateIndex].Weight = originalWeights[penultimateIndex]; //reset
if (penultimateIndex < nonZeroWeights.Count() - 1)
penultimateIndex++; //move up
else break;
else if (!goingUp && currentMaxPcntWeight > weightLimit)
if (penultimateIndex > 1)
penultimateIndex--; //move down
else break;
justUnderTarget = true;
if (goingUp) //then need to back up a step
penultimateIndex = (penultimateIndex > 1 ? penultimateIndex - 1 : 1);
for (int i = penultimateIndex; i < nonZeroWeights.Count(); i++)
nonZeroWeights[i].Weight = originalWeights[penultimateIndex - 1];
//Procedure 2 - increment the modified weights (subject to a cap equal to their original values) until the weight limit is hit (allowing a very slight overage for the last term in some cases)
int ultimateIndex = penultimateIndex;
var sumWeights = nonZeroWeights.Sum(w => w.Weight); //use this counter instead of summing every time for condition check within loop
bool justOverTarget = false;
while (!justOverTarget)
for (int i = ultimateIndex; i < nonZeroWeights.Count(); i++)
if (nonZeroWeights[i].Weight + 1 > originalWeights[i])
if (ultimateIndex < nonZeroWeights.Count() - 1)
else justOverTarget = true;
if ((nonZeroWeights.Last().Weight / sumWeights) >= weightLimit)
justOverTarget = true;
return nonZeroWeights.Concat(zeroWeights).ToList();
public class AttributeWeightPair<T>
public T Attribute { get; set; }
public decimal? Weight { get; set; }
public AttributeWeightPair(T attribute, decimal? count)
this.Attribute = attribute;
this.Weight = count;

Combination Algorithm

Length = input Long(can be 2550, 2880, 2568, etc)
List<long> = {618, 350, 308, 300, 250, 232, 200, 128}
The program takes a long value, for that particular long value we have to find the possible combination from the above list which when added give me a input result(same value can be used twice). There can be a difference of +/- 30.
Largest numbers have to be used most.
Ex:Length = 868
For this combinations can be
Combination 1 = 618 + 250
Combination 2 = 308 + 232 + 200 +128
Correct Combination would be Combination 1
But there should also be different combinations.
public static void Main(string[] args)
//subtotal list
List<int> totals = new List<int>(new int[] { 618, 350, 308, 300, 250, 232, 200, 128 });
// get matches
List<int[]> results = KnapSack.MatchTotal(2682, totals);
// print results
foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", result));
internal static List<int[]> MatchTotal(int theTotal, List<int> subTotals)
List<int[]> results = new List<int[]>();
while (subTotals.Contains(theTotal))
results.Add(new int[1] { theTotal });
if (subTotals.Count == 0)
return results;
double mostNegativeNumber = subTotals[0];
if (mostNegativeNumber > 0)
mostNegativeNumber = 0;
if (mostNegativeNumber == 0)
subTotals.RemoveAll(d => d > theTotal);
for (int choose = 0; choose <= subTotals.Count; choose++)
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> combos = Combination.Combinations(subTotals.AsEnumerable(), choose);
results.AddRange(from combo in combos where combo.Sum() == theTotal select combo.ToArray());
return results;
public static class Combination
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int choose)
return choose == 0 ?
new[] { new T[0] } :
elements.SelectMany((element, i) =>
elements.Skip(i + 1).Combinations(choose - 1).Select(combo => (new[] { element }).Concat(combo)));
I Have used the above code, can it be more simplified, Again here also i get unique values. A value can be used any number of times. But the largest number has to be given the most priority.
I have a validation to check whether the total of the sum is greater than the input value. The logic fails even there..
The algorithm you have shown assumes that the list is sorted in ascending order. If not, then you shall first have to sort the list in O(nlogn) time and then execute the algorithm.
Also, it assumes that you are only considering combinations of pairs and you exit on the first match.
If you want to find all combinations, then instead of "break", just output the combination and increment startIndex or decrement endIndex.
Moreover, you should check for ranges (targetSum - 30 to targetSum + 30) rather than just the exact value because the problem says that a margin of error is allowed.
This is the best solution according to me because its complexity is O(nlogn + n) including the sorting.
V4 - Recursive Method, using Stack structure instead of stack frames on thread
It works (tested in VS), but there could be some bugs remaining.
static int Threshold = 30;
private static Stack<long> RecursiveMethod(long target)
Stack<long> Combination = new Stack<long>(establishedValues.Count); //Can grow bigger, as big as (target / min(establishedValues)) values
Stack<int> Index = new Stack<int>(establishedValues.Count); //Can grow bigger
int lowerBound = 0;
int dimensionIndex = lowerBound;
long fail = -1 * Threshold;
while (true)
long thisVal = establishedValues[dimensionIndex];
long afterApplied = target - thisVal;
if (afterApplied < fail)
lowerBound = dimensionIndex;
target = afterApplied;
if (target <= Threshold)
return Combination;
dimensionIndex = lowerBound;
if (dimensionIndex >= establishedValues.Count)
if (Index.Count == 0)
return null; //No possible combinations
dimensionIndex = Index.Pop();
lowerBound = dimensionIndex;
target += Combination.Pop();
Maybe V3 - Suggestion for Ordered solution trying every combination
Although this isn't chosen as the answer for the related question, I believe this is a good approach -, otherwise you could try the chosen answer (although the output for that is only 2 items in set being summed, rather than up to n items)) - it will enumerate every option including multiples of the same value. V2 works but would be slightly less efficient than an ordered solution, as the same failing-attempt will likely be attempted multiple times.
V2 - Random Selection - Will be able to reuse the same number twice
I'm a fan of using random for "intelligence", allowing the computer to brute force the solution. It's also easy to distribute - as there is no state dependence between two threads trying at the same time for example.
static int Threshold = 30;
public static List<long> RandomMethod(long Target)
List<long> Combinations = new List<long>();
Random rnd = new Random();
//Assuming establishedValues is sorted
int LowerBound = 0;
long runningSum = Target;
while (true)
int newLowerBound = FindLowerBound(LowerBound, runningSum);
if (newLowerBound == -1)
//No more beneficial values to work with, reset
runningSum = Target;
LowerBound = 0;
LowerBound = newLowerBound;
int rIndex = rnd.Next(LowerBound, establishedValues.Count);
long val = establishedValues[rIndex];
runningSum -= val;
if (Math.Abs(runningSum) <= 30)
return Combinations;
static int FindLowerBound(int currentLowerBound, long runningSum)
//Adjust lower bound, so we're not randomly trying a number that's too high
for (int i = currentLowerBound; i < establishedValues.Count; i++)
//Factor in the threshold, because an end aggregate which exceeds by 20 is better than underperforming by 21.
if ((establishedValues[i] - Threshold) < runningSum)
return i;
return -1;
V1 - Ordered selection - Will not be able to reuse the same number twice
Add this very handy extension function (uses a binary algorithm to find all combinations):
//Make sure you put this in a static class inside System namespace
public static IEnumerable<List<T>> EachCombination<T>(this List<T> allValues)
var collection = new List<List<T>>();
for (int counter = 0; counter < (1 << allValues.Count); ++counter)
List<T> combination = new List<T>();
for (int i = 0; i < allValues.Count; ++i)
if ((counter & (1 << i)) == 0)
if (combination.Count == 0)
yield return combination;
Use the function
static List<long> establishedValues = new List<long>() {618, 350, 308, 300, 250, 232, 200, 128, 180, 118, 155};
//Return is a list of the values which sum to equal the target. Null if not found.
List<long> FindFirstCombination(long target)
foreach (var combination in establishedValues.EachCombination())
//if (combination.Sum() == target)
if (Math.Abs(combination.Sum() - target) <= 30) //Plus or minus tolerance for difference
return combination;
return null; //Or you could throw an exception
Test the solution
var target = 858;
var result = FindFirstCombination(target);
bool success = (result != null && result.Sum() == target);
//TODO: for loop with random selection of numbers from the establishedValues, Sum and test through FindFirstCombination

How to convert a list with splitted strings to a possible value sets?

I need to implement a module which will convert a List which with splitted string values to a possible value sets.
For Example
consider the list contains following values
The module should convert the above list to list of possible value sets
thanks in advance
This will do it, although it will return your example in the opposite order:
static IEnumerable<string> Permutations(
IEnumerable<string> input,
char separator)
var sepAsString = separator.ToString();
var enumerators = input
.Select(s => s.Split(separator).GetEnumerator())
if (!enumerators.All(e => e.MoveNext())) yield break;
while (true)
yield return String.Join(sepAsString, enumerators.Select(e => e.Current));
if (enumerators.Reverse().All(e => {
bool finished = !e.MoveNext();
if (finished)
return finished;
yield break;
var list = new[] { "1", "1,2", "3", "4", "5" }.ToList();
var perms = Permutations(list, ',').ToList();
Rawling's answer is pretty solid, but i don't find it easy to read and understand. Here's another way, using less Linq.
private List<string> Process(IEnumerable<string> input)
List<string> data = new List<string>();
int preExpandCount = 0, offset = 0;
foreach (string inputItem in input)
List<string> splitItems = inputItem.Split(',').ToList();
if (data.Count > 0)
preExpandCount = ExpandList(data, splitItems.Count - 1);
offset = 0;
foreach (string splitItem in splitItems)
if (preExpandCount == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < preExpandCount; i++)
data[i + offset] = String.Format("{0},{1}", data[i + offset], splitItem);
offset += preExpandCount;
return data.OrderBy(e => e).ToList();
private int ExpandList(List<string> existing, int count)
int existingCount = existing.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
return existingCount;

How get range of numbers [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a C# type for representing an integer Range?
(10 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I have a interval of number [1, 20].
I want a method which returns me range of number available if I decide to ban range [15, 18]. My method should return me a list containing [1,15] and [18, 20]
Range object could looks like something like that
public class Range
int Start {get;set;}
int End {get;set;}
Any help would be appreciated.
What about this?
IEnumerable<int> range = Enumerable.Range(1, 20);
IEnumerable<int> banned = Enumerable.Range(15, 4);
return range.Except(banned);
The Enumerable class already has a static method which will return a range of values for you - might be simpler to just use those semantics.
This is one of the ways:
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] allNumbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 20).ToArray();
GetNumbers(ref allNumbers, new int[] { 16, 17 });
private static void GetNumbers(ref int[] nums, int[]exclude)
List<int> numsToExlucde =new List<int>();
numsToExlucde.InsertRange(0, exclude);
nums = nums.Where(w => !numsToExlucde.Contains(w)).ToArray();
You have four possible cases. The method could look like this (I assume that range contain integer numbers only):
public class Range
public int Start { get; set; }
public int End { get; set; }
public IList<Range> Exclude(Range r)
if (r.Start <= Start && r.End < End)
return new List<Range>{new Range { Start = r.End + 1, End = End }};
else if (r.Start > Start && r.End >= End)
return new List<Range>{new Range { Start = Start, End = r.Start - 1 }};
else if (r.Start > Start && r.End < End)
return new List<Range>
new Range { Start = Start, End = r.Start - 1 },
new Range { Start = r.End + 1, End = End }
return new List<Range>();
// ...
static void Main(string[] args)
Range r = new Range { Start = 1, End = 20};
var list = r.Exclude(new Range{ Start = 1, End = 2} );
This can help you remove a range from another, or from a set of ranges:
public class Range {
public int Start { get; private set; }
public int End { get; private set; }
public Range(int start, int end) {
Start = start;
End = end;
public IEnumerable<Range> RemoveFrom(Range range) {
return RemoveFrom(new Range[] { range });
public IEnumerable<Range> RemoveFrom(IEnumerable<Range> items) {
foreach (Range item in items) {
if (End >= item.Start && Start <= item.End) {
if (item.Start <= Start) {
yield return new Range(item.Start, Start);
if (item.End >= End) {
yield return new Range(End, item.End);
} else {
yield return item;
Range range = new Range(1, 20);
foreach (Range r in new Range(15,18).RemoveFrom(range)) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", r.Start, r.End);
1 - 15
18 - 20
Example of removing multiple ranges from other ranges:
Range[] items = new Range[] { new Range(1, 100), new Range(200, 300) };
Range[] exclude = new Range[] { new Range(25, 75), new Range(250, 280), new Range(90, 210) };
foreach (Range r in exclude) {
items = r.RemoveFrom(items).ToArray();
foreach (Range r in items) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", r.Start, r.End);
1 - 25
75 - 90
210 - 250
280 - 300
You need to traverse through the banned ranges and iteratively create the valid ranges while doing so.
public List<Range> getValidRanges(Range total, List<Range> banned)
List<Range> valid = new ArrayList<Range>();
int start = total.getStartTime();
for(Range range: banned)
valid.add(new Range(start,banned.getStart()));
start = banned.getEnd();
valid.add(new Range(start,total.getEnd()));
return valid;

