I'm working in C# Express 2010 program and in one form I have a question that its answers are two radio buttons with two selections Yes and No. When the user chooses yes, another hidden question should appear to the user in the same form to let him/her answer it.then depending on the user's answer, if it is yes, then a formula will be calculated. if he/she answers No, nothing will be calculated.
Thank you.
Any help is appreciated!
Try to handle the RadioButton.CheckedChanged event.
Also refer to the following:
RadioButton Class
Radio Button Control
EDIT: I should have written "CheckedChanged" not "Checked" Thanks, #Akram
You need to use the RadioButton.Checked event.
Then place your calculations and code to show the next question in the event handler.
Addition Info:
In your environment, click on the radio button on your form. Then under the properties window, click on the Events tab (the one that looks like a lightning bolt) and go to "Checked". Double Click on the evnt and the event handler will be stubbed out for you.
you can use the RadioButton.Checked
private void YESradioButton_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
label1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; // to show your question
and you can make :
private void NOradioButton_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
label1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; // to hide your question
This is the part of my form that I am asking about
This is the tab index:
The problem that the tab goes from Farmer Audi Status to Yes, then to Ownder Bank Name instead of going to No
please notice that the yes and no already have and respectively.
could you help me please?
both radio buttons has TabStop property to True
From How to: Set the Tab Order on Windows Forms (MSDN):
A radio button group has a single tab stop at run time. The selected button (that is, the button with its Checked property set to true) has its TabStop property automatically set to true, while the other buttons have their TabStop property set to false.
In other words, what you're seeing is normal. Those "Yes/No" radio buttons are in the same group, and you can't tab between radio buttons in the same group. As you tab, you'll only focus on the currently selected one, then move to the next control on the form (in your case, a TextBox).
To work around this, you could place each radio button in its own container (such as a Panel), which means you'd have two "groups" each with one radio button. But then you lose the built-in functionality that automatically deselects one radio button when you select the other. Your user will be able to select both radio buttons, so you'd need to add some logic that disables the other. If you decide to try that, experiment with the radio buttons' CheckedChanged or Click / MouseClick events.
As Steve said, and as stated in the answer he linked to, the way it works out-of-the-box is expected behavior for Windows, so think twice before overriding it unless you have a good reason for doing so.
It worked for me!
first you have to create a method like this:
private void TabStopChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
((RadioButton)sender).TabStop = true;
and then, put this in your Form_Load event:
private void Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (var item in this.Controls)
if (item.GetType() == typeof(RadioButton))
((RadioButton)item).TabStopChanged += new System.EventHandler(TabStopChanged);
For radio buttons, you don't have to use Tab to navigate. Just use right and left keys to traverse radio buttons.
Check out this link to read more - https://www.csun.edu/universal-design-center/web-accessibility-criteria-tab-order
Sorry for the simple question and also sorry if there is an answer on the site and I couldn't find.
I want to use same textbox in every tab that I use on my form. How can I do that?
Add this to the TabControl's SelectedIndexChanged event handler.
private void tabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Adding a control to one tab page's Controls collection automatically removes it from the others.
Note: I have tested it by adding two lables on the form above the tab control and added these two lines to the method shown above:
label1.Text = tabControl1.TabPages[0].Controls.Count.ToString();
label2.Text = tabControl1.TabPages[1].Controls.Count.ToString();
Put the TextBox in the parent control of the TabControl. It can hover over all the rest. You might need to rework the focus traversal though.
I currently have a tabcontrol on my windows form in visual studio, i would like it so that when the user clicks on a different tab that i can execute some code (for example populate a listbox).
when i double click on the tab it only brings up an onclick event for the body of the tabcontrol.
i was thinking that i may have to create a thread in the form load that will constantly check whether the tab index changes and if it does then execute some code. but surely there must be an easier way?
You can use TabControl.Selecting or TabControl.SelectedIndexChanged event
private void tabControl1_Selecting(object sender, TabControlCancelEventArgs e)
//Your code goes here.
You should look at TabControl events
I'm trying to call a method as soon as a TextBox on my screen gets 'un-focused' if that makes any sense? The user types in a username and as soon as that textbox loses focus I want to fire an event that checks if that username is indeed available.
There is a Control.Leave in C#, which I think is perfect for your purpose.
you can go to events of the textbox in visual studio, and find the Leave event.
The code generated will be like :
private void txtbox_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Check for available operation Code
Please explore the LostFocus event in a textbox. Hope it helps
select your object and to choose the panel of the properties and click on event.To unroll until LEAVE and double-click above.that will give you:
private void object_Leave( object sender, EventArgs e)
////put your code here
In WPF Try this:
This will work:
Go to the "properties" of your textbox. You will see a yellow lightning bolt in the first line tab. There you will find all possible events that can be triggered. Search for "Leave" entry, double-click it. There you can put whatever you want.
I have a windows form with a tool strip on it containing a text box and some buttons (think browser url bar with a go button, back, forward)
I want pressing enter to activate the goButton just as clicking it would, which I believe is what TextBox.AcceptsReturn = false is for.
I don't see anything that seems to fit the bill for "tell me what button on the form is the one that we will activate".
What am I missing?
A Form has a default button, but a specific control does not (out of the box anyway).
In your scenario, I would probably handle invoking the goButton.Click event by monitoring the keys pressed waiting for the Enter key to be pressed.
The easiest way is to set the forms "Accept Button" to the button control you want. This can be done in the designer.
I know this is an Old Question, but for someone who might to to lazy or just a beginner ,
handler might look like too much work ( though it isn't really )
But there is an easier work around for this,
you can make a panel for each of them ( 1 Textbox and 1 Button for Example ) , and set the Defaultbutton for Each panel as you need.
I used this for my site, where I had several Ajax panel , and I Wanted Each to have their own search box on different subjects and work with Enter Button.
Looks like an old question, but I will provide my solution.
private void ChangeDefaultButton()
if (this.TextBox.Focused)
this.AcceptButton = button;
this.AcceptButton = button1;
And then add this method to the Focus Events of the text boxes. Like...
private void TextBox_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void TextBox_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)