I am making a UserControl called VolumeScrollBar to control the volume a video player I am working on. Now the problem I am having is when I slide my SwitchPath it moves noticeable slower than my mouse. How can I fix this ?
note: everything is working but the speed.
Also, I am not using the built in sliding bar because I do not like how it looks. So I designed my own Volume scroll bar in Adobe Illustrator.
here is my XAML code:
<Canvas x:Name="VolumeScrollBarCanvas" Height="21" Width="160" >
<Path x:Name="Path_7" Width="15" Height="13" Canvas.Left="0.777" Canvas.Top="3.556" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 67.6183,648C 67.5503,648 67.4809,648.019 67.4156,648.061L 62.6556,651.173L 61.3916,652L 55.9996,652C 54.5276,652 53.3329,653.193 53.3329,654.667C 53.3329,656.14 54.5276,657.333 55.9996,657.333L 61.3916,657.333L 62.6556,658.16L 67.4156,661.272C 67.4809,661.315 67.5503,661.333 67.6183,661.333C 67.8169,661.333 67.9996,661.169 67.9996,660.937L 67.9996,654.667L 67.9996,648.395C 67.9996,648.164 67.8169,648 67.6183,648 Z M 66.6663,650.144L 66.6663,654.667L 66.6663,659.189L 63.3863,657.044L 62.1209,656.217L 61.7889,656L 61.3916,656L 55.9996,656C 55.2649,656 54.6663,655.401 54.6663,654.667C 54.6663,653.932 55.2649,653.333 55.9996,653.333L 61.3916,653.333L 61.7889,653.333L 62.1209,653.116L 63.3849,652.289L 66.6663,650.144 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Path x:Name="WhiteBarPath" Width="81" Height="7" Canvas.Left="46.111" Canvas.Top="6.223" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 176.667,657.333L 102,657.333C 100.167,657.333 98.6667,655.833 98.6667,654L 98.6667,654C 98.6667,652.167 100.167,650.667 102,650.667L 176.667,650.667C 178.5,650.667 180,652.167 180,654L 180,654C 180,655.833 178.5,657.333 176.667,657.333 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Path x:Name="Path_8" Width="13" Height="20" Canvas.Left="24.151" Canvas.Top="0.639" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 78.6667,645.333C 77.9893,645.333 77.3347,645.451 76.7067,645.648C 81.5307,646.025 85.3333,650.212 85.3333,655.333C 85.3333,660.455 81.5293,664.641 76.7067,665.019C 77.3347,665.216 77.9893,665.333 78.6667,665.333C 83.0853,665.333 89.3333,660.856 89.3333,655.333C 89.3333,649.811 83.0853,645.333 78.6667,645.333 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
<Path x:Name="Path_9" Width="9.26" Height="15" Canvas.Left="19.168" Canvas.Top="3.556" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 73.1609,648C 72.6636,648 72.1849,648.085 71.7236,648.231C 75.2609,648.508 78.0503,651.579 78.0503,655.333C 78.0503,659.088 75.2609,662.159 71.7236,662.436C 72.1849,662.581 72.6636,662.667 73.1609,662.667C 76.4009,662.667 80.9836,659.384 80.9836,655.333C 80.9836,651.283 76.4009,648 73.1609,648 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Path x:Name="Path_10" Width="4" Height="5" Canvas.Left="18.11" Canvas.Top="8.266" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 72.4039,652.71C 72.2399,652.71 70.9452,652.756 70.6665,652.81L 70.6665,657.311C 71.0052,657.364 72.3412,657.306 72.4039,657.306C 73.6732,657.306 74.7012,656.276 74.7012,655.007C 74.7012,653.739 73.6732,652.71 72.4039,652.71 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Path x:Name="ColorBarPath" Width="81" Height="7" Canvas.Left="46.111" Canvas.Top="6.223" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FF6557FF" Data="F1 M 176.667,657.333L 102,657.333C 100.167,657.333 98.6667,655.833 98.6667,654L 98.6667,654C 98.6667,652.167 100.167,650.667 102,650.667L 176.667,650.667C 178.5,650.667 180,652.167 180,654L 180,654C 180,655.833 178.5,657.333 176.667,657.333 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Ellipse x:Name="SwitchPath" MouseDown="SwitchPath_MouseDown" MouseMove="SwitchPath_MouseMove" Mouse.MouseUp="SwitchPath_MouseUp" Width="19" Height="19" Canvas.Left="115.444" Canvas.Top="0.889" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Path x:Name="Path_7_Copy" Width="15" Height="13" Canvas.Left="0.777" Canvas.Top="3.556" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 67.6183,648C 67.5503,648 67.4809,648.019 67.4156,648.061L 62.6556,651.173L 61.3916,652L 55.9996,652C 54.5276,652 53.3329,653.193 53.3329,654.667C 53.3329,656.14 54.5276,657.333 55.9996,657.333L 61.3916,657.333L 62.6556,658.16L 67.4156,661.272C 67.4809,661.315 67.5503,661.333 67.6183,661.333C 67.8169,661.333 67.9996,661.169 67.9996,660.937L 67.9996,654.667L 67.9996,648.395C 67.9996,648.164 67.8169,648 67.6183,648 Z M 66.6663,650.144L 66.6663,654.667L 66.6663,659.189L 63.3863,657.044L 62.1209,656.217L 61.7889,656L 61.3916,656L 55.9996,656C 55.2649,656 54.6663,655.401 54.6663,654.667C 54.6663,653.932 55.2649,653.333 55.9996,653.333L 61.3916,653.333L 61.7889,653.333L 62.1209,653.116L 63.3849,652.289L 66.6663,650.144 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<Path x:Name="Path_6" Width="13" Height="12" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Data="F1 M 61.5899,656.667L 56.0005,656.667C 54.8965,656.667 54.0005,655.769 54.0005,654.667C 54.0005,653.564 54.8965,652.667 56.0005,652.667L 61.5899,652.667L 67.3339,648.912L 67.3339,660.421L 61.5899,656.667 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Canvas.Left="1.777" Canvas.Top="4.056"/>
<TextBlock x:Name="Displaytxb" Height="18" Canvas.Left="136.069" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="100" Canvas.Top="1.917" Width="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Foreground="White"/>
and here is my code behind:
private void ChangeTheVolume(double newVolume)
if (newVolume < 0 || newVolume > 100) return;
newVolume = Math.Round(newVolume);
double tempVolume = (ValumeMaxHigh * newVolume);
ColorBarPath.Width = tempVolume;
double pointX = (LocationMaxHigh * newVolume) + 46.11;
Canvas.SetLeft(SwitchPath, pointX); // set the left position of rectangle to mouse X
Displaytxb.Text = Convert.ToString(newVolume);
VolumeOut = Volume;
private void SwitchPath_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
_handToolMove = true;
_startPoint = e.GetPosition(VolumeScrollBarCanvas);
double mouseCurrentLocation = Canvas.GetLeft(SwitchPath);
_mouseDownForHandToolOffSetX = _startPoint.X - mouseCurrentLocation;
private void SwitchPath_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (_handToolMove)
Point v = e.GetPosition(VolumeScrollBarCanvas);
Volume = 0.6933 * v.X + 1.24946035807;
private void SwitchPath_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (_handToolMove)
Point v = e.GetPosition(VolumeScrollBarCanvas);
Volume = 0.6933 * v.X + 1.25;
_handToolMove = false;
Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
public VolumeScrollBar()
RenderOptions.ProcessRenderMode = RenderMode.SoftwareOnly;
The issue here isn't the speed of the render but just in your geometry calculations. The volume is not scaling 1:1 with the mouse movement. (That is, in terms of y=mx+b, m needs to be 1).
So, this line in SwitchPath_MouseMove -
Volume = 0.6933 * v.X + 1.24946035807;
Would be better written as
Volume = (v.X - 46.11) / ValumeMaxHigh;
That markedly improves things after trying it out with your code.
In English, what we want is the position of the mouse X relative to the left edge of the slider, normalized by the total width of the track. So that means mouse X minus the left offset divided by the total available width - which you hard code in VolumeMaxHigh (which seems to be the actual width / 100, so this guarantees volume will always be out of 100).
If you had a much more complex graphic, you would want to use a RenderTransform during the mouse move, and set Canvas.Left only on the mouse up, but this is simple enough where performance is not the issue.
Anyway, if you were to consider redoing this I might suggest writing a general purpose slider of your own that is not dependent on any particular dimensions but rather learns its dimensions at runtime through ActualWidth and the like. The source code for WPF is online, specifically for Slider, which will show you how that would be done. Reproducing existing controls in your own coding style is one of the best ways to learn WPF IMO so I'd encourage it as a learning exercise.
You can almost certainly re-template Slider to get what you want too, and if all you want to do is solve the problem at hand and go home that's perfectly fine. But since you put in all this effort already it's worth learning how to do right, as sooner or later you'll come up with a genuine need to write a complex custom control.
Also whether you decide to re-template Slider or make your own, studying the default template for Slider will help too.
It might be interesting to give an idea how how I re template the slider for our brass sliders.
I'll miss out the complicated stuff for the brass teardrop since it's not relevent here.
This is a bit of a dirty approach but I don't need a bunch of functionality in a regular slider.
A slider has a track - the container for everything. In that go two repeatbuttons ( or buttons or whatever you wanted actually ) which kind of look like the track but clicking them moves your pointer.
Then there is the pointer itself which is a thumb. A thumb in wpf is something intended to be dragged.
<ControlTemplate x:Key="BrassSlider" TargetType="Slider">
<RowDefinition Height="10" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" MinHeight="{TemplateBinding MinHeight}" />
<RowDefinition Height="10" />
<Rectangle Grid.Row="1" Fill="Gray"
Height="13" VerticalAlignment="Center"
<DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="2"/>
<Rectangle Grid.Row="1"
Height="14" VerticalAlignment="Center"
<Track Grid.Row="1" x:Name="PART_Track"
<RepeatButton Style="{StaticResource SliderDecreaseButtonPlain}" Command="Slider.DecreaseLarge" />
<RepeatButton Style="{StaticResource SliderIncreaseButtonPlain}" Command="Slider.IncreaseLarge" />
<Thumb Style="{StaticResource SliderThumb}" Grid.ZIndex="30" />
Thumb, but without any teardrop complicated gubbins.
<Style x:Key="SliderThumb" TargetType="Thumb">
<Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="true" />
<Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="true" />
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Thumb">
<Control Template="{StaticResource TearDropPointer}" Height="40" Width="20" >
<DropShadowEffect />
And one of the buttons.
<Style x:Key="SliderDecreaseButtonPlain" TargetType="RepeatButton">
<Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="true" />
<Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="true" />
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="RepeatButton">
<Border SnapsToDevicePixels="True"
BorderThickness="0" Height="14"/>
You could easily make those repeatbuttons any shape you like defined by a geometry. Like you have.
Similarly, you can easily make the thumb an ellipse or whatever you fancy.
One other thing is worth mentioning.
When you see a named part in any reference template like that PART_Track above then that is likely used in the code for the control. If you miss any named parts out then there's a fair chance your control will not behave as you expect.
This slow response can happen also with a regular Slider. If this was the case I would recommend using the "Delay" to the binding of the Slider.
In your case we should do something similar : all mouse events should just keep the mouse point somewhere with no logic and no rendering. Parallelly , create a timer event to occur every 10 milliseconds (or so.. ) , and make the changes there. This way you can improve the system responsiveness.
The code behind may look as following:
Point _lastPoint;
Point _lastPointHandled;
public MainWindow()
DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer();
timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10);
timer.Tick += Timer_Tick; ;
private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_lastPoint != _lastPointHandled)
// do your things
_lastPointHandled = _lastPoint;
private void SwitchPath_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
_lastPoint = e.GetPosition(VolumeScrollBarCanvas);
private void SwitchPath_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
_lastPoint = e.GetPosition(VolumeScrollBarCanvas);
I can only get the paths visible on button-elements:
Margin="0 0 0 0"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=SearchTypes}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SearchType}">
Data="{Binding Converter={StaticResource searchtypetoimagepathconverter}}" />
My converter looks like this:
public class SearchTypeToImagePathConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
if ((SearchType)value == SearchType.Customers)
return App.Current.Resources["Geometry.User"];
return App.Current.Resources["Geometry.Share"];
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
return value.Equals(true) ? parameter : Binding.DoNothing;
Following xaml also works:
<ComboBox Grid.Column="0">
<ComboBoxItem Name="share">
<Path Stretch="Uniform"
Margin="0 0 0 0"
Fill="{TemplateBinding Foreground}"
Data="{StaticResource Geometry.Share}" />
<ComboBoxItem Name="user">
<Path Stretch="Uniform"
Margin="0 0 0 0"
Fill="{TemplateBinding Foreground}"
Data="{StaticResource Geometry.User}" />
So the result of converter is returning StreamGeometry that shows only in Path.Data inside a Button. I have no idea what it means.
What would be the correct parent for path-element?
A popular way to use xaml icons is as shown below. So to answer you question the parent of Path could be a VisualBrush.
<Path x:Key="Repeat" Data="M33.6412,13.3342 C34.1892,13.3157 34.7319,13.5192 35.13,13.9098 L35.481,14.2528 C35.481,14.2528 35.582,14.3529 35.7709,14.5368 C35.9579,14.7128 36.23,15.0029 36.5609,15.4108 C37.1629,16.2189 37.9739,17.4969 38.4219,19.3309 C38.8089,21.1459 38.7448,23.518 37.6809,25.8689 C37.1779,27.055 36.3619,28.151 35.374,29.135 C34.385,30.122 33.173,30.941 31.8641,31.526 C30.5591,32.123 29.1672,32.514 27.7932,32.7191 C26.6272,32.835 25.4812,32.949 24.3702,33.058 C22.3023,33.225 20.3734,33.306 18.7194,33.3311 C18.2234,33.337 17.7625,33.3311 17.3184,33.322 L17.3184,37.4851 C17.3184,37.9501 17.0455,38.3731 16.6175,38.5631 C16.1905,38.7541 15.6875,38.6781 15.3385,38.3651 C11.6946,35.1181 8.44271,30.534 8.10575,29.838 C7.94676,29.513 7.94773,29.134 8.10672,28.81 C8.44674,28.111 11.7056,23.539 15.3385,20.3029 C15.5615,20.1049 15.8435,20.0009 16.1305,20.0009 C16.2945,20.0009 16.4615,20.0329 16.6175,20.1029 C17.0455,20.2929 17.3184,20.7169 17.3184,21.1819 L17.3184,25.4649 L18.7194,25.4649 L24.3702,25.4649 L25.9463,25.4649 L26.7262,25.4649 L27.2972,25.443 C28.0551,25.394 28.7772,25.2489 29.4311,25.015 C30.7441,24.555 31.7651,23.706 32.385,22.7049 C33.01,21.7019 33.2271,20.5769 33.1671,19.6069 C33.113,18.6339 32.807,17.8179 32.546,17.2659 C32.494,17.1589 32.447,17.0689 32.4051,16.9849 C32.3871,16.9309 32.2491,16.7249 32.1991,16.6379 C32.065,16.4209 31.995,16.3049 31.995,16.3049 C31.4251,15.3779 31.7301,14.1728 32.679,13.6148 C32.9817,13.4363 33.3124,13.3453 33.6412,13.3342 z M22.5228,8.9E-05 C22.8046,0.003539 23.0829,0.107522 23.301,0.302508 C26.9451,3.5505 30.1972,8.13145 30.5352,8.83045 C30.6932,9.15446 30.6922,9.53443 30.5332,9.85644 C30.1932,10.5554 26.9351,15.1274 23.301,18.3644 C23.079,18.5624 22.796,18.6674 22.509,18.6674 C22.345,18.6674 22.179,18.6324 22.024,18.5634 C21.5949,18.3754 21.32,17.9504 21.32,17.4844 L21.32,13.2024 L19.9199,13.2024 L14.2688,13.2024 L12.6927,13.2024 L11.9117,13.2034 L11.3407,13.2234 C10.5837,13.2744 9.86266,13.4184 9.20768,13.6524 C7.89466,14.1114 6.8726,14.9604 6.25461,15.9604 C5.62861,16.9634 5.41059,18.0914 5.47059,19.0594 C5.52461,20.0343 5.83058,20.8484 6.09158,21.4004 C6.14462,21.5073 6.19162,21.5993 6.23459,21.6823 C6.25058,21.7353 6.3906,21.9433 6.43961,22.0283 C6.57261,22.2464 6.64359,22.3623 6.64359,22.3623 C7.21465,23.2883 6.90764,24.4953 5.95962,25.0523 C5.15259,25.5273 4.14457,25.3833 3.50851,24.7583 L3.15651,24.4143 C3.15651,24.4143 3.05653,24.3153 2.8675,24.1303 C2.67951,23.9523 2.40753,23.6643 2.07848,23.2563 C1.4755,22.4473 0.664446,21.1703 0.216437,19.3354 C-0.169559,17.5204 -0.105531,15.1484 0.956445,12.7964 C1.45951,11.6114 2.27648,10.5154 3.26454,9.53144 C4.25456,8.54444 5.46461,7.72646 6.77561,7.13946 C8.07966,6.54446 9.47166,6.15448 10.8467,5.94647 C12.0118,5.83145 13.1588,5.71946 14.2688,5.61048 C16.3368,5.44346 18.2669,5.35947 19.9199,5.33549 C20.416,5.33146 20.877,5.33549 21.32,5.34348 L21.32,1.18251 C21.32,0.716507 21.5949,0.292529 22.024,0.104512 C22.1833,0.032141 22.3537,-0.001981 22.5228,8.9E-05 z" Fill="Black" Stretch="Uniform" UseLayoutRounding="False"/>
<Path x:Key="Tablet" Data="M9.3486,21.052 C12.3243,21.076 14.586,23.011 14.586,26.307 L11.8403,26.307 C10.4715,26.307 9.3486,25.232 9.3486,23.859 C9.3486,23.859 9.3226,21.276 9.3486,21.052 z M35.334,15.289 C33.91,15.289 32.752,16.442 32.752,17.866 C32.752,19.292 33.91,20.448 35.334,20.448 C36.755,20.448 37.915,19.292 37.915,17.866 C37.915,16.442 36.755,15.289 35.334,15.289 z M9.51959,15.129 C11.4734,15.1341 14.5284,15.6521 17.266,18.4421 C19.2481,20.458 20.4901,23.01 20.4981,26.307 L17.4221,26.307 C17.415,24.327 16.524,22.117 15.091,20.657 C12.894,18.422 10.628,18.245 9.334,18.258 L9.334,15.1301 C9.39468,15.1292 9.45657,15.1289 9.51959,15.129 z M9.33399,9.19698 C11.922,9.19698 17.076,9.73195 21.519,14.2597 C24.555,17.3515 26.451,21.6913 26.47,26.306 L23.246,26.306 C23.227,22.3512 21.683,19.0074 19.198,16.4726 C15.56,12.7758 11.276,12.3308 9.33399,12.3308 z M20.055,5.01599 C15.143,5.01599 10.23,5.297 5.33398,5.75299 L5.33398,29.984 C10.23,30.44 15.143,30.718 20.055,30.718 C23.594,30.718 27.134,30.544 30.667,30.309 L30.667,5.42599 C27.134,5.19 23.594,5.01599 20.055,5.01599 z M20,0 C25.076,0 30.476,0.242004 35.531,0.718018 C38.066,0.958008 40,3.086 40,5.63 L40,30.104 C40,32.648 38.066,34.776 35.531,35.016 C30.476,35.494 25.076,35.737 20,35.737 C14.924,35.737 9.522,35.494 4.47,35.016 C1.935,34.776 0,32.648 0,30.104 L0,5.63 C0,3.086 1.935,0.958008 4.47,0.718018 C9.522,0.242004 14.924,0 20,0 z" Fill="Black" Stretch="Uniform" UseLayoutRounding="False"/>
<VisualBrush Visual="{StaticResource Repeat}" />
<Rectangle Fill="Black" Grid.Column="1">
<VisualBrush Visual="{StaticResource Tablet}" />
This demonstrates two ways. Use as an opacity mask or use as fill. This could be applied to any control for creating icon effect.
Put to ur example
<Path x:Key="Repeat" Data="M33.6412,13.3342 C34.1892,13.3157 34.7319,13.5192 35.13,13.9098 L35.481,14.2528 C35.481,14.2528 35.582,14.3529 35.7709,14.5368 C35.9579,14.7128 36.23,15.0029 36.5609,15.4108 C37.1629,16.2189 37.9739,17.4969 38.4219,19.3309 C38.8089,21.1459 38.7448,23.518 37.6809,25.8689 C37.1779,27.055 36.3619,28.151 35.374,29.135 C34.385,30.122 33.173,30.941 31.8641,31.526 C30.5591,32.123 29.1672,32.514 27.7932,32.7191 C26.6272,32.835 25.4812,32.949 24.3702,33.058 C22.3023,33.225 20.3734,33.306 18.7194,33.3311 C18.2234,33.337 17.7625,33.3311 17.3184,33.322 L17.3184,37.4851 C17.3184,37.9501 17.0455,38.3731 16.6175,38.5631 C16.1905,38.7541 15.6875,38.6781 15.3385,38.3651 C11.6946,35.1181 8.44271,30.534 8.10575,29.838 C7.94676,29.513 7.94773,29.134 8.10672,28.81 C8.44674,28.111 11.7056,23.539 15.3385,20.3029 C15.5615,20.1049 15.8435,20.0009 16.1305,20.0009 C16.2945,20.0009 16.4615,20.0329 16.6175,20.1029 C17.0455,20.2929 17.3184,20.7169 17.3184,21.1819 L17.3184,25.4649 L18.7194,25.4649 L24.3702,25.4649 L25.9463,25.4649 L26.7262,25.4649 L27.2972,25.443 C28.0551,25.394 28.7772,25.2489 29.4311,25.015 C30.7441,24.555 31.7651,23.706 32.385,22.7049 C33.01,21.7019 33.2271,20.5769 33.1671,19.6069 C33.113,18.6339 32.807,17.8179 32.546,17.2659 C32.494,17.1589 32.447,17.0689 32.4051,16.9849 C32.3871,16.9309 32.2491,16.7249 32.1991,16.6379 C32.065,16.4209 31.995,16.3049 31.995,16.3049 C31.4251,15.3779 31.7301,14.1728 32.679,13.6148 C32.9817,13.4363 33.3124,13.3453 33.6412,13.3342 z M22.5228,8.9E-05 C22.8046,0.003539 23.0829,0.107522 23.301,0.302508 C26.9451,3.5505 30.1972,8.13145 30.5352,8.83045 C30.6932,9.15446 30.6922,9.53443 30.5332,9.85644 C30.1932,10.5554 26.9351,15.1274 23.301,18.3644 C23.079,18.5624 22.796,18.6674 22.509,18.6674 C22.345,18.6674 22.179,18.6324 22.024,18.5634 C21.5949,18.3754 21.32,17.9504 21.32,17.4844 L21.32,13.2024 L19.9199,13.2024 L14.2688,13.2024 L12.6927,13.2024 L11.9117,13.2034 L11.3407,13.2234 C10.5837,13.2744 9.86266,13.4184 9.20768,13.6524 C7.89466,14.1114 6.8726,14.9604 6.25461,15.9604 C5.62861,16.9634 5.41059,18.0914 5.47059,19.0594 C5.52461,20.0343 5.83058,20.8484 6.09158,21.4004 C6.14462,21.5073 6.19162,21.5993 6.23459,21.6823 C6.25058,21.7353 6.3906,21.9433 6.43961,22.0283 C6.57261,22.2464 6.64359,22.3623 6.64359,22.3623 C7.21465,23.2883 6.90764,24.4953 5.95962,25.0523 C5.15259,25.5273 4.14457,25.3833 3.50851,24.7583 L3.15651,24.4143 C3.15651,24.4143 3.05653,24.3153 2.8675,24.1303 C2.67951,23.9523 2.40753,23.6643 2.07848,23.2563 C1.4755,22.4473 0.664446,21.1703 0.216437,19.3354 C-0.169559,17.5204 -0.105531,15.1484 0.956445,12.7964 C1.45951,11.6114 2.27648,10.5154 3.26454,9.53144 C4.25456,8.54444 5.46461,7.72646 6.77561,7.13946 C8.07966,6.54446 9.47166,6.15448 10.8467,5.94647 C12.0118,5.83145 13.1588,5.71946 14.2688,5.61048 C16.3368,5.44346 18.2669,5.35947 19.9199,5.33549 C20.416,5.33146 20.877,5.33549 21.32,5.34348 L21.32,1.18251 C21.32,0.716507 21.5949,0.292529 22.024,0.104512 C22.1833,0.032141 22.3537,-0.001981 22.5228,8.9E-05 z" Fill="Black" Stretch="Uniform" UseLayoutRounding="False"/>
<Path x:Key="Tablet" Data="M9.3486,21.052 C12.3243,21.076 14.586,23.011 14.586,26.307 L11.8403,26.307 C10.4715,26.307 9.3486,25.232 9.3486,23.859 C9.3486,23.859 9.3226,21.276 9.3486,21.052 z M35.334,15.289 C33.91,15.289 32.752,16.442 32.752,17.866 C32.752,19.292 33.91,20.448 35.334,20.448 C36.755,20.448 37.915,19.292 37.915,17.866 C37.915,16.442 36.755,15.289 35.334,15.289 z M9.51959,15.129 C11.4734,15.1341 14.5284,15.6521 17.266,18.4421 C19.2481,20.458 20.4901,23.01 20.4981,26.307 L17.4221,26.307 C17.415,24.327 16.524,22.117 15.091,20.657 C12.894,18.422 10.628,18.245 9.334,18.258 L9.334,15.1301 C9.39468,15.1292 9.45657,15.1289 9.51959,15.129 z M9.33399,9.19698 C11.922,9.19698 17.076,9.73195 21.519,14.2597 C24.555,17.3515 26.451,21.6913 26.47,26.306 L23.246,26.306 C23.227,22.3512 21.683,19.0074 19.198,16.4726 C15.56,12.7758 11.276,12.3308 9.33399,12.3308 z M20.055,5.01599 C15.143,5.01599 10.23,5.297 5.33398,5.75299 L5.33398,29.984 C10.23,30.44 15.143,30.718 20.055,30.718 C23.594,30.718 27.134,30.544 30.667,30.309 L30.667,5.42599 C27.134,5.19 23.594,5.01599 20.055,5.01599 z M20,0 C25.076,0 30.476,0.242004 35.531,0.718018 C38.066,0.958008 40,3.086 40,5.63 L40,30.104 C40,32.648 38.066,34.776 35.531,35.016 C30.476,35.494 25.076,35.737 20,35.737 C14.924,35.737 9.522,35.494 4.47,35.016 C1.935,34.776 0,32.648 0,30.104 L0,5.63 C0,3.086 1.935,0.958008 4.47,0.718018 C9.522,0.242004 14.924,0 20,0 z" Fill="Black" Stretch="Uniform" UseLayoutRounding="False"/>
<ComboBox Grid.Column="0" Height="40" Width="200">
<ComboBoxItem Name="share">
<Rectangle Height="40" Width="40">
<VisualBrush Visual="{StaticResource Repeat}" />
<ComboBoxItem Name="user">
<Rectangle Fill="Black" Height="40" Width="40">
<VisualBrush Visual="{StaticResource Tablet}" />
This is your exact use case. Do mark it as an answer if this helps for benefit of others.
EDIT you should add to Path element : Stroke="Red" and remove the button.
I agree with the comments saying that a parent shouldn't be necessary for the Path object, but to solve your problem, this might help: a Button is a ContentControl with added functionality. You don't need the added functionality, so try wrapping the Path in a ContentControl.
Button has default style and so it gives Stroke and Fill to make the StreamGeometry assigned in Button.Path.Data visible.
However ContentControl or plain Path element gets somehow invisible values for these so they are not shown.
This is bad answer, but I edited the question so many times already that I put answer here. Please make better answer with decent references and data and I accept it.
I have a big WPF application and I have to make it skinnable. My problem is that I have a lot of icons created with fireworks (so they are vector images).
Now, all of them are white. If I will want the entire application to have a blue theme, then all my icons has to be blue. I would like not to replace the pictures with others in order to do that. Is there any way to change the color of an image in WPF? A specific format?
In this case, you can use DrawingImage. He is responsible for displaying the Image, which consists of several parts of the vector graphics.
The DrawingGroup is a collection of figures, which can be accessed from the code and set the in the cycle for each desired color.
Here is a sample:
<DrawingGroup x:Key="drawingGroup">
<GeometryDrawing Brush="#FF22BAFD" Geometry="F1 M 14.72,15.68L 12.38,15.68L 7.205,5.92L 7.11,5.92L 2.29,15.68L 0,15.68L 6.58,2.56L 7.595,2.56L 14.72,15.68 Z "/>
<GeometryDrawing Brush="#FF22BAFD" Geometry="F1 M 21.585,25.6C 21.1017,25.6 20.69,25.4275 20.35,25.0825C 20.01,24.7375 19.84,24.3267 19.84,23.85C 19.84,23.37 20.01,22.955 20.35,22.605C 20.69,22.255 21.1017,22.08 21.585,22.08C 22.0783,22.08 22.4975,22.255 22.8425,22.605C 23.1875,22.955 23.36,23.37 23.36,23.85C 23.36,24.3267 23.1875,24.7375 22.8425,25.0825C 22.4975,25.4275 22.0783,25.6 21.585,25.6 Z "/>
<GeometryDrawing Brush="#FF22BAFD" Geometry="F1 M 28.625,25.6C 28.1417,25.6 27.73,25.4275 27.39,25.0825C 27.05,24.7375 26.88,24.3267 26.88,23.85C 26.88,23.37 27.05,22.955 27.39,22.605C 27.73,22.255 28.1417,22.08 28.625,22.08C 29.1183,22.08 29.5375,22.255 29.8825,22.605C 30.2275,22.955 30.4,23.37 30.4,23.85C 30.4,24.3267 30.2275,24.7375 29.8825,25.0825C 29.5375,25.4275 29.1183,25.6 28.625,25.6 Z "/>
<GeometryDrawing Brush="#FF22BAFD" Geometry="F1 M 35.665,25.6C 35.1817,25.6 34.77,25.4275 34.43,25.0825C 34.09,24.7375 33.92,24.3267 33.92,23.85C 33.92,23.37 34.09,22.955 34.43,22.605C 34.77,22.255 35.1817,22.08 35.665,22.08C 36.1583,22.08 36.5775,22.255 36.9225,22.605C 37.2675,22.955 37.44,23.37 37.44,23.85C 37.44,24.3267 37.2675,24.7375 36.9225,25.0825C 36.5775,25.4275 36.1583,25.6 35.665,25.6 Z "/>
<GeometryDrawing Brush="#FF22BAFD" Geometry="F1 M 48.96,25.155L 48.96,28.48L 47.36,28.48L 47.36,25.28C 45.1267,25.28 43.3133,24.8217 41.92,23.905L 41.92,21.12C 42.5267,21.6633 43.3567,22.1192 44.41,22.4875C 45.4633,22.8558 46.4467,23.04 47.36,23.04L 47.36,15.14C 45.08,14.04 43.6033,13.0258 42.93,12.0975C 42.2567,11.1692 41.92,10.0717 41.92,8.805C 41.92,7.30167 42.4325,6.0025 43.4575,4.9075C 44.4825,3.8125 45.7833,3.15667 47.36,2.94L 47.36,9.53674e-007L 48.96,9.53674e-007L 48.96,2.88C 51.12,2.94333 52.6133,3.23333 53.44,3.75L 53.44,6.4C 52.3167,5.60667 50.8233,5.18 48.96,5.12L 48.96,13.24C 51.1733,14.27 52.6867,15.2658 53.5,16.2275C 54.3133,17.1892 54.72,18.2833 54.72,19.51C 54.72,20.9867 54.2117,22.2267 53.195,23.23C 52.1783,24.2333 50.7667,24.875 48.96,25.155 Z M 47.36,12.37L 47.36,5.215C 46.4733,5.38833 45.7717,5.76917 45.255,6.3575C 44.7383,6.94583 44.48,7.66 44.48,8.5C 44.48,9.38 44.6908,10.1017 45.1125,10.665C 45.5342,11.2283 46.2833,11.7967 47.36,12.37 Z M 48.96,15.945L 48.96,22.915C 51.0933,22.4817 52.16,21.4133 52.16,19.71C 52.16,18.29 51.0933,17.035 48.96,15.945 Z "/>
<DrawingImage x:Key="drawingImage"
Drawing="{StaticResource drawingGroup}" />
<Image Name="TestImage"
Source="{StaticResource drawingImage}"
<Button Content="TestClick"
Click="Button_Click" />
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DrawingGroup group = this.Resources["drawingGroup"] as DrawingGroup;
foreach (GeometryDrawing geometry in group.Children)
geometry.Brush = Brushes.Red;
In this sample for each figure set the Red color. Also you can set different colors for each figure, which is in DrawingGroup.
Or you can use to Path if your icon fit into in it. In Resources App.xaml, <Window.Resources>, etc. add Path with key:
<Path x:Key="MyPath" Data="F1 M 0,0L ..." />
And in Style or where else use like this:
<Path x:Name="MyPathButton"
Fill="{StaticResource ButtonBackground}"
Data="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyPath}, Path=Data}" />
If they are all vector images then you should be able to export the paths directly and use them in a Path to which you apply colour separately.
see Xaml abbreviated syntax in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms747393(v=vs.110).aspx
and http://www.adobe.com/devnet/fireworks/articles/fw_xaml_panel.html