I have created a custom Property Selector to accept an array in the constructor to say which properties should be included in the search. The approach works well as long as there are no component types, but how do I deal with those? Here is an example:
public class Customer
public virtual int Id { get; private set; }
public virtual Name Name { get; set; }
public virtual bool isPreferred { get; set; }
public class Name
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Firstname { get; set; }
public string Lastname { get; set; }
public string Fullname { get; }
public class CustomerPropertySelector : Example.IPropertySelector
private string[] _propertiesToInclude = { };
public CustomerPropertySelector(string[] propertiesToInclude)
this._propertiesToInclude = propertiesToInclude;
public bool Include(object propertyValue, String propertyName, NHibernate.Type.IType type)
//...Checking for null and zeros etc, excluded for brevity
if (!_propertiesToInclude.Contains(propertyName))
return false;
return true;
I would like to be able to search by first name, but not necessarily last. The property name is Name however, so both first and last names seem to be part of the same property, and something like Name.Firstname, which would normally work as a criterion, doesn't seem to work here. What would be the best way around that?
Customer exampleCust = new Customer(FirstName: "Owen");
IList<Customer> matchedCustomers = _custRepo.GetByExample(exampleCust, new string[] { "Name.FirstName" });
Given that there are 2 customers in db, only one named "Owen", but both have isPreferred = false, I would like my query to only return the first one. Standard QBE will return both based on isPreferred property.
Thank you for the answers, the solution is mostly based on answer by therealmitchconnors, however I couldn't have done it without Mark Perry's answer either.
The trick was to realise that rather than including Name.FirstName property, I actually want to exclude Name.LastName, since QBE only allows us to exclude properties. I used a method adapted from therealmitchconnors's answer to help me determine fully qualified names of properties. Here is the working code:
public IList<T> GetByExample(T exampleInstance, params string[] propertiesToInclude)
ICriteria criteria = _session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T));
Example example = Example.Create(exampleInstance);
var props = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach (var prop in props)
var childProperties = GetChildProperties(prop);
foreach (var c in childProperties)
if (!propertiesToInclude.Contains(c))
return criteria.List<T>();
private IEnumerable<string> GetChildProperties(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property)
var builtInTypes = new List<Type> { typeof(bool), typeof(byte), typeof(sbyte), typeof(char),
typeof(decimal), typeof(double), typeof(float), typeof(int), typeof(uint), typeof(long),
typeof(ulong), typeof(object), typeof(short), typeof(ushort), typeof(string), typeof(DateTime) };
List<string> propertyNames = new List<string>();
if (!builtInTypes.Contains(property.PropertyType) && !property.PropertyType.IsGenericType)
foreach (var subprop in property.PropertyType.GetProperties())
var childNames = GetChildProperties(subprop);
propertyNames = propertyNames.Union(childNames.Select(r => property.Name + "." + r)).ToList();
return propertyNames;
I wasn't sure of the best way to determine whether a property was a component class or not, any suggestions on how to improve the code are very welcome.
The following code would replace the logic you are using to populate propertiesToInclude. I changed it from an array to a list so I could use the Add method because I am lazy, but I think you get the picture. This does only work for one sub-level of properties. For n levels you would need to recurse.
List<string> _propertiesToInclude = new List<string>();
Type t;
var props = t.GetProperties();
foreach (var prop in props)
if (prop.PropertyType.IsClass)
foreach (var subprop in prop.PropertyType.GetProperties())
_propertiesToInclude.Add(string.Format("{0}.{1}", prop.Name, subprop.Name));
I thought I had something but reading your question again you want to know why the QBE NHibernate code doesn't work with component properties.
I think you need to create a sub-criteria query for the Name part.
Perhaps something like this:
public IList<Customer> GetByExample(Customer customer, string[] propertiesToExclude){
Example customerQuery = Example.Create(customer);
Criteria nameCriteria = customerQuery.CreateCriteria<Name>();
propertiesToExclude.ForEach(x=> customerQuery.ExcludeProperty(x));
propertiesToExclude.ForEach(x=> nameCriteria.ExcludeProperty(x));
return customerQuery.list();
This is an example from the NHibernate Test Project, it shows how to exclude Component properties.
public void TestExcludingQBE()
using (ISession s = OpenSession())
using (ITransaction t = s.BeginTransaction())
Componentizable master = GetMaster("hibernate", null, "ope%");
ICriteria crit = s.CreateCriteria(typeof(Componentizable));
Example ex = Example.Create(master).EnableLike()
IList result = crit.List();
Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count);
master = GetMaster("hibernate", "ORM tool", "fake stuff");
crit = s.CreateCriteria(typeof(Componentizable));
ex = Example.Create(master).EnableLike()
result = crit.List();
Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
Source code link
I'm having a huge performance issue about mapping string property names and string property values to classes using reflection.
My issue now:
public class Person
public string Property1 { get; set; }
public string Property2 { get; set; }
public string Property3 { get; set; }
public string Property4 { get; set; }
// My class has around 100 properties
public string Property100 { get; set; }
I am mapping a key value pair collection to the class using reflection
[{"Property1": "some value"}, {"Property2": "something else"},{"Property3","Property4","value" }.....{"Property100","val"}]
It got to the point that I am now mapping around 10 000 class instances using reflection and the performance is to say it lightly bad.
Any ideas for eliminating the reflection would be greatly appreciated.
I see two options, if you need to avoid reflection for tasks like this(when code could be programatically generated).
First is Expressions I use it often, e.g. I saw some people write something like this
public class A
public Prop1 ...
public Prop100
public override ToString() => $"{nameof(Prop1)}={Prop1};...";
and so for all 100 properties, and always doing this manually.
And with Expression it can be easily automated, you just need to generate Expression for String.Concat and pass list of properties and names there.
For your example, it is not clear what are your data. How do you do lookup in the list?
Let's assume there is a dictionary<string,string>(you can transform your list of tuples to a dictionary), and all properties are strings as well.
Then we would need to generate a list assignment expressions like this
if(data.ContainsKey("Prop1")) result.Prop1 = data["Prop1"];
And the code would be complicated, anyway it would look like this
private static class CompiledDelegate<T>
public static Action<T, Dictionary<string, string>> initObject;
static CompiledDelegate()
var i = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Dictionary<string, string>), "i");
var v = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "v");
var propertyInfos = typeof(T).GetProperties().ToArray();
var t = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var contains = typeof(Dictionary<string, string>).GetMethod(nameof(Dictionary<string, string>.ContainsKey));
var getter = typeof(Dictionary<string, string>).GetProperties().First(x => x.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0);
var result = new List<Expression>();
foreach (var propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
var cst = Expression.Constant(propertyInfo.Name);
var assignExpression =
Expression.IfThen(Expression.Call(i, contains, cst),
Expression.Assign(Expression.PropertyOrField(v, propertyInfo.Name), Expression.MakeIndex(i, getter, new[] { cst })));
var block = Expression.Block(result);
initObject = Expression.Lambda<Action<T, Dictionary<string, string>>>(block, new ParameterExpression[] { v, i }).Compile();
It is an example, it would fail if there were non-string properties.
And it could be used like this
static void Main(string[] args)
var tst = new Test();
CompiledDelegate<Test>.initObject(tst, new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "S3", "Value3" },
{ "S2", "Value2" },
CompiledDelegate<Test>.initObject(tst, new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "S3", "Value3" },
{ "S1", "Value1" },
The second option is, actually, what it should be ideally imlemented like Using source generators I think such things do have to be done just in build time.
There is a lot of articles on msdn, for instance with samples. But it turned out to be not very easy to implement, even just a sample.
I can say, it didn't work for me, while I tried to do it according to samples.
In order to get it work I had to change TargetFramework to netstandard2.0, do something else...
But after all, when build was green, Visual Studio still showed an error.
Ok, it disappeared after VS restart, but still, that doesn't look very usable.
So, this is a generator, that creates a converter for every class with attribute.
It is again a sample, it doesn't check many things.
public class ConverterGenerator : ISourceGenerator
private static string mytemplate = #"using System.Collections.Generic;
using {2};
namespace GeneratedConverters
public static class {0}Converter
public static {0} Convert(Dictionary<string, string> data)
var result = new {0}();
return result;
public static string GetNamespaceFrom(SyntaxNode s)
if (s.Parent is NamespaceDeclarationSyntax namespaceDeclarationSyntax)
return namespaceDeclarationSyntax.Name.ToString();
if (s.Parent == null)
return "";
return GetNamespaceFrom(s.Parent);
public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
GetMenuComponents(context, context.Compilation);
private static void GetMenuComponents(GeneratorExecutionContext context, Compilation compilation)
var allNodes = compilation.SyntaxTrees.SelectMany(s => s.GetRoot().DescendantNodes());
var allClasses = allNodes.Where(d => d.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration)).OfType<ClassDeclarationSyntax>();
var classes = allClasses
.Where(c => c.AttributeLists.SelectMany(a => a.Attributes).Select(a => a.Name).Any(s => s.ToString().Contains("DictionaryConverter")))
foreach (var item in classes.Distinct().Take(1))
context.AddSource(item.Identifier.Text + "Converter", String.Format(mytemplate, item.Identifier.Text, SourceText.From(GenerateProperties(item)), GetNamespaceFrom(item)));
private static string GenerateProperties(ClassDeclarationSyntax s)
var properties = s.Members.OfType<PropertyDeclarationSyntax>();
return String.Join(Environment.NewLine,
properties.Select(p =>
var name = p.Identifier.Text;
return $"if(data.ContainsKey(\"{name}\")) result.{name} = data[\"{name}\"];";
public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
static void Main(string[] args)
var t1 = GeneratedConverters.TestConverter.Convert(new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "S3", "Value3" },
{ "S2", "Value2" },
Best performance without reflection would be manual mapping.
It seems your key/value pair collection is regular JSON. So you could use the JSONTextReader from JSON.NET and read the string. Then manually map the JSON properties to the class properties.
Like so:
JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(jsonString));
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.Value != null)
// check reader.Value.ToString() and assign to correct class property
More info can be found on the JSON.NET website : https://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/ReadingWritingJSON.htm
I have a collection of object in lst of type DataResponse and what I would like to do is sum up all the properties that are int and decimal of this collection and assign the result of each property to another object DataContainerResponse that has the same exact property names(and types) as the those that are being summed up.
I can do this manually by typing out each property by hand and do a .Sum(s=>s.<propertyname>. But that so 90s. Below is my fruitless attempt to juice it out. Frankly, I never assigned a var to a lambda expression before and I don't even know if it's possible .Sum(s=><var name>);
public DataAggragationResponse doAggregation(List<DataResponse> lst)
if (lst.Count == 0)
return null;
DataContainerResponse rd = new DataContainerResponse();
//If I do it manually typing each prop by hand.
rd.VIOL = lst.Sum(s => s.VIOL);
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in typeof(DataResponse).GetProperties())
rd.GetType().GetProperties().SetValue(lst.Sum(s => propertyInfo.Name[0]));
If you want to go with full reflection, you can try something like the following. I didnt optimize the code, did it as fast as I can. So sorry for the messy look and Im assuming the property names are same in the aggregated result class and the unit class that you are aggregating against.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var list = new List<DataResponse>();
list.Add(new DataResponse() { Stuff = 1, Stuff2 = 2 });
list.Add(new DataResponse() { Stuff = 1, Stuff2 = 2 });
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
var response = DoAggregationReflection(list);
var response2 = DoAggregation(list);
public static DataAggragationResponse DoAggregationReflection(List<DataResponse> lst)
if (lst.Count == 0)
return null;
DataAggragationResponse aggrResponse = new DataAggragationResponse();
var responseType = typeof(DataResponse);
var aggrResponseType = typeof(DataAggragationResponse);
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in typeof(DataResponse).GetProperties())
aggrResponseType.GetProperty(propertyInfo.Name).SetValue(aggrResponse, lst.Sum(x => (int)responseType.GetProperty(propertyInfo.Name).GetValue(x)));
return aggrResponse;
public static DataAggragationResponse DoAggregation(List<DataResponse> lst)
if (lst.Count == 0)
return null;
DataAggragationResponse aggrResponse = new DataAggragationResponse();
aggrResponse.Stuff = lst.Sum(x => x.Stuff);
aggrResponse.Stuff2 = lst.Sum(x => x.Stuff2);
return aggrResponse;
public class DataResponse
public int Stuff { get; set; }
public int Stuff2 { get; set; }
public class DataAggragationResponse
public int Stuff { get; set; }
public int Stuff2 { get; set; }
But, as a suggestion, if you want to go with this approach, its better if you can cache all the reflection invokes you're making as they are costly. And the 90's approach would still win in benchmark. Like the example above would benchmark like the following with the simple StopWatch.
Press any key to continue . . .
The first one is the execution time of DoAggregationReflection and the last one is the execution time of DoAggregation. You can optimize the reflection one as much as you want but I think it would still fail to compete with the basic one.
Sometime's the 90's are way better. ;) Although you'd still use LINQ to do the actual summation so that's not that 90's anymore as LINQ was born in 2007 according to wikipedia.
Hopefully this can help you. I wish I had kept the SO link to the question I pulled this from a while ago. Sorry to the original poster for not mentioning his/her name.
using System.Reflection;
public static Dictionary<string, string> GetPropertiesValue(object o)
Dictionary<string, string> PropertiesDictionaryToReturn = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (MemberInfo itemMemberInfo in o.GetType().GetMembers())
if (itemMemberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
//object PropValue = GetPropertyValue(OPSOP, item.Name);
//string itemProperty = itemMemberInfo.Name;
//string itemPropertyValue = o.GetType().GetProperty(itemMemberInfo.Name).GetValue(o, null).ToString();
//Console.WriteLine(itemProperty + " : " + itemPropertyValue);
PropertiesDictionaryToReturn.Add(itemMemberInfo.Name, o.GetType().GetProperty(itemMemberInfo.Name).GetValue(o, null).ToString());
return PropertiesDictionaryToReturn;
It's not exactly what you need but, I think you could adapt it.
I would rather take a different approach. I would dynamically build and compile (once) something like this:
Func<DataContainerResponse, DataResponse, DataContainerResponse> aggregateFunc =
(result, item) =>
result.Prop1 += item.Prop1;
result.Prop2 += item.Prop2;
result.PropN += item.PropN;
return result;
(if you wonder why the signature is like the above, the answer is - because it can be used directly for the following Aggregate overload).
Here is how it can be done:
static readonly Func<DataContainerResponse, DataResponse, DataContainerResponse>
AggregateFunc = BuildAggregateFunc();
static Func<DataContainerResponse, DataResponse, DataContainerResponse> BuildAggregateFunc()
var result = Expression.Parameter(typeof(DataContainerResponse), "result");
var item = Expression.Parameter(typeof(DataResponse), "item");
var propertyTypes = new HashSet<Type> { typeof(decimal), typeof(int) };
var statements = item.Type.GetProperties()
.Where(p => propertyTypes.Contains(p.PropertyType))
.Select(p => Expression.AddAssign(
Expression.Property(result, p.Name),
Expression.Property(item, p)));
var body = Expression.Block(statements
.Concat(new Expression[] { result }));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<DataContainerResponse, DataResponse, DataContainerResponse>>(
body, result, item);
return lambda.Compile();
and the usage is simple:
public DataContainerResponse DoAggregation(List<DataResponse> source)
return source.Aggregate(new DataContainerResponse(), AggregateFunc);
I dont know how to name the question properly, so fell free to change it. My question is, I have around 10 methods that look like:
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ReadUserAdditional()
EUser user = (EUser)Session["user"];
var json = new { result = true, user.Image, user.Biography };
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(json);
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ReadUserBasicInformation()
EUser user = (EUser)Session["user"];
var json = new { result = true, user.Name, user.Username};
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(json);
The methods are very similar, but they return different fields. Im thinking about refactoring all methods into one, receveing the fields to return as parameters. Is it a good idea? How can I do that? Reflection?
First of all you need to know that object and dictionary are presented in json simmilar.
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ReadUserAdditional()
return GetUserInfo(new []
new FieldInfo {Name = "Image", u => u.Image},
new FieldInfo {Name = "Biography", u => u.Biography}
private string GetUserInfo(FieldInfo[] infos)
EUser user = (EUser)Session["user"];
var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>{ { "result", true } };
foreach(var info in infos)
dictionary.Add(info.Name, info.Accessor(user));
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(dict );
public class FieldInfo
public Func<EUser, object> Accessor { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set;}
I don't think it's a terrible idea, especially if you have tons of these methods and want to simplify your API.
A few downsides:
1) Reflection comes at a perf cost. This probably doesn't matter a whole lot unless you're the size of Twitter.
2) There would potentially be security concerns if the data had any properties you do NOT wanting users getting access to, such as some sort of internal database keys or what not. Make sure every property on your class is one you're totally okay becoming public information.
You can use a lambda to refactor away the duplication:. This would reduce all your methods to a single line of code:
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ReadUserAdditional()
return GetUserJSON(x => new { result = true, x.Image, x.Biography });
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true]
public string ReadUserBasicInformation()
return GetUserJSON(x => new { result = true, x.Name, x.UserName });
private string GetUserJSON(Func<EUser, string> jsonFields)
EUser user = (EUser)Session["user"];
var json = jsonFields(user);
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(json);
Another approach is to use Automapper or similar library to project your data.
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string ReadUserAdditional()
return GetUserInfo<UserAdditionalDto>();
private string GetUserInfo<TDto>(FieldInfo[] infos)
EUser user = (EUser)Session["user"];
var dto = Mapper.Map<TDto>(user); // Mapper is Automapper entry class.
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(dto );
public class UserAdditionalDto
public string Image { get; set; }
public string Biography { get; set;}
Is it possible to modify the attribute of a property at runtime?
let's say I have some class:
public class TheClass
public int TheProperty { get; set; }
Is there a way to do this?
if (someCondition)
// disable attribute. Is this possible and how can this be done?
No this is not possible. You cannot modify attribute values from metadata, or metadata in general, at runtime
Strictly speaking the above is not true. There are certain APIs which do allow allow for some metadata generation and modification. But they are very scenario specific, (ENC, profiling, debugging) and should not be used in general purpose programs.
It depends; from a reflection perspective: no. You can't. But if you are talking about attributes used by System.ComponentModel in things like data-binding, they you can use TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes to append extra attributes. Or other customer models involving custom descriptors. So it depends on the use-case.
In the case of xml serialization, it gets more interesting. Firstly, we can use fun object models:
using System;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
public class MyData
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool NameSpecified { get; set; }
static void Main()
var ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyData));
var obj1 = new MyData { Id = 1, Name = "Fred", NameSpecified = true };
ser.Serialize(Console.Out, obj1);
var obj2 = new MyData { Id = 2, Name = "Fred", NameSpecified = false };
ser.Serialize(Console.Out, obj2);
The bool {name}Specified {get;set;} pattern (along with bool ShouldSerialize{name}()) is recognised and used to control which elements to include.
Another alternative is to use the non-default ctor:
using System;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
public class MyData
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
static void Main()
var obj = new MyData { Id = 1, Name = "Fred" };
XmlAttributeOverrides config1 = new XmlAttributeOverrides();
new XmlAttributes { XmlIgnore = true});
var ser1 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyData),config1);
ser1.Serialize(Console.Out, obj);
XmlAttributeOverrides config2 = new XmlAttributeOverrides();
config2.Add(typeof(MyData), "Name",
new XmlAttributes { XmlIgnore = false });
var ser2 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyData), config2);
ser2.Serialize(Console.Out, obj);
Note though that if you use this second approach you need to cache the serializer instance, as it emits an assembly every time you do this. I find the first approach simpler...
Attributes are baked into code at compilation time. The only way you can define new attributes at run time is to generate new code at runtime (using Reflection.Emit, for example). But you cannot change the attributes of existing code.
You can put Boolean variable in the class to disable/enable the property instead of disabling it at run time.
You might want to look at this http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/csharpgeneral/thread/5b0d356d-d006-43ff-bfcd-aa90dd8de6db
And Dave Morton's explanation on this blog http://blog.codinglight.com/2008/10/changing-attribute-parameters-at.html
Sounds like you want to consider implementing IXmlSerializable
You can implement IDataErrorInfo, then check range in Validate method.
public string this[string property] {
get { return Validate(property); }
public string Error { get; }
protected virtual string Validate(string property) {
var propertyInfo = this.GetType().GetProperty(property);
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
var result = Validator.TryValidateProperty(
propertyInfo.GetValue(this, null),
new ValidationContext(this, null, null) {
MemberName = property
if (!result) {
var validationResult = results.First();
return validationResult.ErrorMessage;
return string.Empty;
In sub class
protected override string Validate(string property) {
if (property == nameof(YourProperty)) {
if (_property > 5) {
return "_property out of range";
return base.Validate(property);
This is all in C#, using .NET 2.0.
I have two lists of objects. They are not related objects, but they do have certain things in common that can be compared, such as a GUID-based unique identifier. These two lists need to be filtered by another list which just contains GUIDs which may or may not match up with the IDs contained in the first two lists.
I have thought about the idea of casting each object list to just object and sorting by that, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to access the ID property once it's cast, and I'm thinking that the method to sort the two lists should be somewhat dumb in knowing what the list to be sorted is.
What would be the best way to bring in each object list so that it can be sorted against the list with only the IDs?
You should make each of your different objects implement a common interface. Then create an IComparer<T> for that interface and use it in your sort.
Okay, if you have access to modify your original classes only to add the interface there, Matthew had it spot on. I went a little crazy here and defined out a full solution using 2.0 anonymous delegates. (I think I'm way addicted to 3.0 Lambda; otherwise, I probably would've written this out in foreach loops if I was using 2005 still).
Basically, create an interface with the common properties. Make yoru two classes implement the interface. Create a common list casted as the interface, cast and rip the values into the new list; remove any unmatched items.
//Program Output:
Press any key to continue . . .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication8
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//test initialization
List<ClassTypeA> list1 = new List<ClassTypeA>();
List<ClassTypeB> list2 = new List<ClassTypeB>();
ClassTypeA citem = new ClassTypeA();
ClassTypeB citem2 = new ClassTypeB();
citem2.ID = citem.ID;
list1.Add(new ClassTypeA());
list2.Add(new ClassTypeB());
list2.Add(new ClassTypeB());
//new common list.
List<ICommonTypeMakeUpYourOwnName> common_list =
new List<ICommonTypeMakeUpYourOwnName>();
//in english, give me everything in list 1
//and cast it to the interface
ClassTypeA x) { return (ICommonTypeMakeUpYourOwnName)x; }));
//in english, give me all the items in the
//common list that don't exist in list2 and remove them.
common_list.RemoveAll(delegate(ICommonTypeMakeUpYourOwnName x)
{ return list2.Find(delegate(ClassTypeB y)
{return y.ID == x.ID;}) == null; });
//show list1
foreach (ClassTypeA item in list1)
//show list2
foreach (ClassTypeB item in list2)
//show the common items
foreach (ICommonTypeMakeUpYourOwnName item in common_list)
interface ICommonTypeMakeUpYourOwnName
Guid ID { get; set; }
class ClassTypeA : ICommonTypeMakeUpYourOwnName
Guid _ID;
public Guid ID {get { return _ID; } set { _ID = value;}}
int _Stuff1;
public int Stuff1 {get { return _Stuff1; } set { _Stuff1 = value;}}
string _Stuff2;
public string Stuff2 {get { return _Stuff2; } set { _Stuff2 = value;}}
public ClassTypeA()
this.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
class ClassTypeB : ICommonTypeMakeUpYourOwnName
Guid _ID;
public Guid ID {get { return _ID; } set { _ID = value;}}
int _Stuff3;
public int Stuff3 {get { return _Stuff3; } set { _Stuff3 = value;}}
string _Stuff4;
public string Stuff4 {get { return _Stuff4; } set { _Stuff4 = value;}}
public ClassTypeB()
this.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
Using only .NET 2.0 methods:
class Foo
public Guid Guid { get; }
List<Foo> GetFooSubset(List<Foo> foos, List<Guid> guids)
return foos.FindAll(foo => guids.Contains(foo.Guid));
If your classes don't implement a common interface, you'll have to implement GetFooSubset for each type individually.
I'm not sure that I fully understand what you want, but you can use linq to select out the matching items from the lists as well as sorting them. Here is a simple example where the values from one list are filtered on another and sorted.
List<int> itemList = new List<int>() { 9,6,3,4,5,2,7,8,1 };
List<int> filterList = new List<int>() { 2, 6, 9 };
IEnumerable<int> filtered = itemList.SelectMany(item => filterList.Where(filter => filter == item)).OrderBy(p => p);
I haven't had a chance to use AutoMapper yet, but from what you describe you wish to check it out. From Jimmy Bogard's post:
AutoMapper conventions
Since AutoMapper flattens, it will
look for:
Matching property names
Nested property names (Product.Name
maps to ProductName, by assuming a
PascalCase naming convention)
Methods starting with the word “Get”,
so GetTotal() maps to Total
Any existing type map already
Basically, if you removed all the
“dots” and “Gets”, AutoMapper will
match property names. Right now,
AutoMapper does not fail on mismatched
types, but for some other reasons.
I am not totally sure what you want as your end results, however....
If you are comparing the properties on two different types you could project the property names and corresponding values into two dictionaries. And with that information do some sort of sorting/difference of the property values.
Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
var classA = new ClassA{Id = newGuid};
var classB = new ClassB{Id = newGuid};
PropertyInfo[] classAProperties = classA.GetType().GetProperties();
Dictionary<string, object> classAPropertyValue = classAProperties.ToDictionary(pName => pName.Name,
pValue =>
pValue.GetValue(classA, null));
PropertyInfo[] classBProperties = classB.GetType().GetProperties();
Dictionary<string, object> classBPropetyValue = classBProperties.ToDictionary(pName => pName.Name,
pValue =>
pValue.GetValue(classB, null));
internal class ClassB
public Guid Id { get; set; }
internal class ClassA
public Guid Id { get; set; }
Count = 1
[0]: {[Id, d0093d33-a59b-4537-bde9-67db324cf7f6]}
Count = 1
[0]: {[Id, d0093d33-a59b-4537-bde9-67db324cf7f6]}
Thist should essentially get you what you want - but you may be better of using linq
class T1
public T1(Guid g, string n) { Guid = g; MyName = n; }
public Guid Guid { get; set; }
public string MyName { get; set; }
class T2
public T2(Guid g, string n) { ID = g; Name = n; }
public Guid ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
class Test
public void Run()
Guid G1 = Guid.NewGuid();
Guid G2 = Guid.NewGuid();
Guid G3 = Guid.NewGuid();
List<T1> t1s = new List<T1>() {
new T1(G1, "one"),
new T1(G2, "two"),
new T1(G3, "three")
List<Guid> filter = new List<Guid>() { G2, G3};
List<T1> filteredValues1 = t1s.FindAll(delegate(T1 item)
return filter.Contains(item.Guid);
List<T1> filteredValues2 = t1s.FindAll(o1 => filter.Contains(o1.Guid));