C# Linq Sum query on IDictionary - c#

I have an IDictionary<string,int> containing a distinct list of categories and respective counts with data looking something like this:
Category | Count
A | 2
B | 2
Z | 2
A_B | 1
A_B_C | 5
I'm looking for a query that sums the count of categories that start with common letters/string, so from the above the results I'm looking for is as follows:
Category | Count
A | 8 <- (a sum of A, A_B, A_B_C)
B | 2
Z | 2
A_B | 6 <- (a sum of A_B, A_B_C)
A_B_C | 5

var d = new Dictionary<string, int>()
{ "A", 2 },
{ "B", 2 },
{ "Z", 2 },
{ "A_B", 1 },
{ "A_B_C", 5 },
var d2 = d.Select(kvp => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(
d.Where(k => k.Key.StartsWith(kvp.Key))
.Sum(k => k.Value)))
.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

Dictionary<string, int> data = new Dictionary<string,int>();
data.Add("A", 2);
data.Add("B", 2);
data.Add("Z", 2);
data.Add("A_B", 1);
data.Add("A_B_C", 5);
var result = from d in data
select new {Key = d.Key, Sum = (from dt in data where dt.Key.StartsWith(d.Key) select dt).Sum(x=>x.Value)};
Linqpad code


How to get a Substring from a string in C# where the string has sequential numbers?

I have a Name, Value pair both strings stored in a dictionary.
Name | Value |
Dim1L9 | 10.98 |
Dim14L10 | 26.32 |
Dim14L11 | 95.25 |
Dim1L10 | 9.99 |
From this table i would like to get the sum of Dim1
10.98 + 9.99 = 20.97. How can i do this?
Just in case you want to get sum for all names:
var regex = new Regex(#"^[a-zA-Z]+(\d+)L\d+$");
var sumByDimension = from kvp in dictionary
let match = regex.Match(kvp.Key)
where match.Success
group kvp by match.Groups[1].Value into g
select new
Dimension = g.Key,
Sum = g.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value)
{ Dimension: "1", Sum: 20.97 }
{ Dimension: "14", Sum: 121.57}

C# linq query from sql server into one table

I have three tables. I would like to used C# linq to turn into one table.
For example:
| Name | DateId | TaskId |
| John | 2 | 32 |
| John | 3 | 31 |
| Mary | 1 | 33 |
| Mary | 2 | 31 |
| Tom | 1 | 34 |
| Tom | 2 | 31 |
| Tom | 3 | 33 |
| Id | Date |
| 1 | Monday |
| 2 | Tuesday |
| 3 | Wednesday |
| 4 | Thursday |
| 5 | Friday |
| Id | Task |
| 31 | School |
| 32 | Homework |
| 33 | Break |
| 34 | Teaching |
I would like to have a table like this:
| Person | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
| John | | Homework | School | |
| Mary | Break | School | | |
| Tom | Teaching | School | Break | |
I could not think of any good way doing this.
Any suggestion would be helpful
Starting from this set of data:
var schedules = new[] { new { Name = "John", DateId = 2, TaskId = 32},
new { Name = "John", DateId = 3, TaskId = 31},
new { Name = "Mary", DateId = 1, TaskId = 33},
new { Name = "Mary", DateId = 2, TaskId = 31},
new { Name = "Tom", DateId = 1, TaskId = 34},
new { Name = "Tom", DateId = 2, TaskId = 31},
new { Name = "Tom", DateId = 3, TaskId = 33}
var dates = new[] { new { DateId = 1, Desc = "Monday"},
new { DateId = 2, Desc = "Tuesday"},
new { DateId = 3, Desc = "Wednesday"},
new { DateId = 4, Desc = "Thursday"},
new { DateId = 5, Desc = "Friday"}
var tasks = new[] { new { TaskId = 31, Desc = "School"},
new { TaskId = 32, Desc = "Homework"},
new { TaskId = 33, Desc = "Break"},
new { TaskId = 34, Desc = "Teaching"}
You can do as follows:
var result = schedules
// First you join the three tables
.Join(dates, s => s.DateId, d => d.DateId, (s, d) => new {s, d})
.Join(tasks, s => s.s.TaskId, t => t.TaskId, (sd, t ) => new { Person = sd.s, Date = sd.d, Task = t })
// Then you Group by the person name
.GroupBy(j => j.Person.Name)
// Finally you compose the final object extracting from the list of task the correct task for the current day
.Select(group => new
Person = group.Key,
Monday = group.Where(g => g.Date.DateId == 1).Select(g => g.Task.Desc).FirstOrDefault(),
Tuesday = group.Where(g => g.Date.DateId == 2).Select(g => g.Task.Desc).FirstOrDefault(),
Wednesday = group.Where(g => g.Date.DateId == 3).Select(g => g.Task.Desc).FirstOrDefault(),
Thursday = group.Where(g => g.Date.DateId == 4).Select(g => g.Task.Desc).FirstOrDefault(),
Friday = group.Where(g => g.Date.DateId == 5).Select(g => g.Task.Desc).FirstOrDefault()
If you want to select only some days, you can return an object containing a dictionary instead of an object with a property per day.
The dictionary will contain key-value pairs with the key representing the day and the value representing the task.
See the following code:
var filter = new[] {2, 3};
var filteredResult = schedules
.Join(dates, s => s.DateId, d => d.DateId, (s, d) => new{ s, d})
.Join(tasks, s => s.s.TaskId, t => t.TaskId, (sd, t) => new { Person = sd.s, Date = sd.d, Task = t })
.Where(x => filter.Contains(x.Date.DateId))
.GroupBy(x => x.Person.Name)
.Select(group => new
Person = group.Key,
TasksByDay = group.ToDictionary(o => o.Date.Desc, o => o.Task.Desc)
foreach (var item in filteredResult)
foreach (var keyvaluepair in item.TasksByDay)
System.Console.WriteLine(keyvaluepair.Key + " - " + keyvaluepair.Value);
It is called "transpose".
var persons = new[] { new { name="John", dateId=2,taskId=32},
new { name="John", dateId=3,taskId=31},
new { name="Mary", dateId=1,taskId=33},
new { name="Mary", dateId=2,taskId=31},
new { name="Tom", dateId=1,taskId=34},
new { name="Tom", dateId=2,taskId=31},
new { name="Tom", dateId=3,taskId=33}
var dates = new[] { new { dateId=1, desc="Monday"},
new { dateId=2, desc="Tuesday"},
new { dateId=3, desc="Wednesday"},
new { dateId=4, desc="Thursday"},
new { dateId=5, desc="Friday"}
var tasks = new[] { new { taskId=31, desc="School"},
new { taskId=32, desc="Homework"},
new { taskId=33, desc="Break"},
new { taskId=34, desc="Teaching"}
var qry = from p in (from p in persons
join d in dates on p.dateId equals d.dateId
join t in tasks on (int)p.taskId equals (int)t.taskId
select new { name = p.name, monday = d.dateId == 1 ? t.desc : "", tuesday = d.dateId == 2 ? t.desc : "", wednesday = d.dateId == 3 ? t.desc : "", thursday = d.dateId == 4 ? t.desc : "", friday = d.dateId == 5 ? t.desc : "" })
group p by p.name into q
select new { q.Key, monday=q.Max(a => a.monday),tuesday=q.Max(a => a.tuesday), wednesday = q.Max(a=>a.wednesday), thursday = q.Max(a => a.thursday), friday=q.Max(a => a.friday)};
foreach ( var a in qry.ToList())
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}",a.Key, a.monday, a.tuesday, a.wednesday, a.thursday, a.friday));

Combine tables using row values as column LINQ C# SQL

I have a users table:
Id | Name | Age
1 | Steve | 21
2 | Jack | 17
3 | Alice | 25
4 | Harry | 14
I also have a table containing additional user info:
UId | Key | Value
1 | Height | 70
2 | Height | 65
2 | Eyes | Blue
4 | Height | 51
3 | Hair | Brown
1 | Eyes | Green
The UId column links to the Id column in the users table. As you can see, not all users have the same additional info present. Alice doesn't have a height value, Jack is the only one with an eye color value etc.
Is there a way to combine this data into one table dynamically using C# and LINQ queries so that the result is something like this:
Id | Name | Age | Height | Eyes | Hair
1 | Steve | 21 | 70 | Green |
2 | Jack | 17 | 65 | Blue |
3 | Alice | 25 | | | Brown
4 | Harry | 14 | 51 |
If a user does not have a value for the column, it can remain empty/null. Does this require some sort of data pivoting?
For the case, your user info fields are constant:
var result = users.GroupJoin(details,
user => user.Id,
detail => detail.Id,
(user, detail) => new
Height = detail.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == "Height").Value,
Eyes = detail.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == "Eyes").Value,
Hair = detail.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == "Hair").Value,
You can do it by utilising GroupJoin, example:
var users = new List<Tuple<int, string, int>> {
Tuple.Create(1, "Steve", 21),
Tuple.Create(2, "Jack", 17),
Tuple.Create(3, "Alice", 25),
Tuple.Create(4, "Harry", 14)
var userInfos = new List<Tuple<int, string, string>> {
Tuple.Create(1, "Height", "70"),
Tuple.Create(2, "Height", "65"),
Tuple.Create(2, "Eyes", "Blue"),
Tuple.Create(4, "Height", "51"),
Tuple.Create(3, "Hair", "Brown"),
Tuple.Create(1, "Eyes", "Green"),
var query = users.GroupJoin(userInfos,
u => u.Item1,
ui => ui.Item1,
(u, infos) => new { User = u, Infos = infos });
var result = query.Select(qi => new
Id = qi.User.Item1,
Name = qi.User.Item2,
Age = qi.User.Item3,
Height = qi.Infos.Where(i => i.Item2 == "Height").Select(i => i.Item3).SingleOrDefault(),
Eyes = qi.Infos.Where(i => i.Item2 == "Eyes").Select(i => i.Item3).SingleOrDefault(),
Hair = qi.Infos.Where(i => i.Item2 == "Hair").Select(i => i.Item3).SingleOrDefault()
First of all I have grouped the user details data using Feature (I have renamed the Key property with Feature to avoid confusion) & UId then I have used group join to combine both results using into g. Finally retrieved the result using specified feature.
var result = from user in users
join detail in details.GroupBy(x => new { x.UId, x.Feature })
on user.Id equals detail.Key.UId into g
select new
Id = user.Id,
Name = user.Name,
Age = user.Age,
Height = g.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Key.Feature == "Height") != null ?
g.First(z => z.Key.Feature == "Height").First().Value : String.Empty,
Eyes = g.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Key.Feature == "Eyes") != null ?
g.First(z => z.Key.Feature == "Eyes").First().Value : String.Empty,
Hair = g.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Key.Feature == "Hair") != null ?
g.First(z => z.Key.Feature == "Hair").First().Value : String.Empty,
I am getting following output:-
Here is the complete Working Fiddle.
Try this
var list = (from u in context.users
join ud in context.UserDetails on u.Id equals ud.UId
select new
var finallist = list.GroupBy(x => new { x.Id, x.Name,x.Age}).Select(x => new
Height = x.Where(y => y.Key == "Height").Select(y => y.Value).FirstOrDefault(),
Eyes = x.Where(y => y.Key == "Eyes").Select(y => y.Value).FirstOrDefault(),
Hair = x.Where(y => y.Key == "Hair").Select(y => y.Value).FirstOrDefault()
try this query
var objlist=( form a in contex.user
join b in contex.UserDetails on a.id equals a.Uid into gj
from subpet in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { Id=a.id, Name=a.name, Age=a.age, Height =subpet.Height,Eyes=subpet.Eyes, Hair=subpet.Hair}).ToList();

Sort several duplicate values in DataTable to one row

I've imported a DataTable from a SQL Database using SqlDataAdapter and Fill-Method.
My datatable looks like this:
Timestamp(unix time) | Value
x | 10
x | 42
x | 643
y | 5
y | 9
y | 70
...and so on. The table contains a lot of values (1000+) but has always three rows with the same timestamp.
Now I want it to look like this:
Timestamp(unix time) | Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3
x | 10 | 42 | 643
y | 5 | 9 | 70
How can I sort it this way?
(If there are more than three values, the programm should just insert the first three values it has found)
Thanks for any help!
Thanks for your approach! I solved it myself now.
This is how I've done it:
var grouped = from myRow in myDataTable.AsEnumerable()
group myRow by myRow.Field<int>("TIMESTAMP");
foreach (var timestamp in grouped)
string[] myRow = new string[5];
myRow[0] = timestamp.Key.ToString();
int i = 1;
foreach (var value in timestamp)
myRow[i] = value.Field<double>("VALUE").ToString();
if (i > 4)
I think this may also be solvable in SQL, but if you want to do it programmatically, I have tested the following in LinqPad:
void Main()
var list = new List<Tuple<string,int>> {
Tuple.Create("x", 10),
Tuple.Create("x", 42),
Tuple.Create("x", 643),
Tuple.Create("y", 5),
Tuple.Create("y", 9),
Tuple.Create("y", 70),
var result =
from grp in list.GroupBy(t => t.Item1)
let firstThree = grp.Select(t => t.Item2).Take(3).ToList()
select new {
Key = grp.Key,
Value1 = firstThree[0],
Value2 = firstThree[1],
Value3 = firstThree[2] };
foreach (var item in result)
It assumes that you have at least three elements, otherwise you'll get an out of range exception.
While the end result is an anonymous type, you could easily pipe the results of the operation into a DataRow instead.

linq joining, grouping, with parent roll-up

say I've got a DataTable in this format:
id | key1 | key2 | data1 | data2 | parentID
10 | AA | one | 10.3 | 0.3 | -1
10 | AA | two | 20.1 | 16.2 | -1
10 | BB | one | -5.9 | 30.1 | -1
20 | AA | one | 403.1 | -20.4 | 10
30 | AA | one | 121.5 | 210.3 | -1
and a second DataTable like so:
id | data
10 | 5500
20 | -3000
30 | 500
what I want to do is aggregate the data at the "id" level, with the second table's "data" field added to the first's net "data1", and "data2" just summed up by itself. I figured out how to do this, but what I'm stuck at is this: I want data for anything with "parentID" != -1 to be added to it's parent. so the output of the above data should be
id | data1 | data2
10 | 2927.6 | 26.2
30 | 621.5 | 210.3
is there an efficient way to do this?
edit: code sample
DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
dt1.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int));
dt1.Columns.Add("key1", typeof(string));
dt1.Columns.Add("key2", typeof(string));
dt1.Columns.Add("data1", typeof(double));
dt1.Columns.Add("data2", typeof(double));
dt1.Columns.Add("parentID", typeof(int));
DataTable dt2 = new DataTable();
dt2.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int));
dt2.Columns.Add("data", typeof(double));
dt1.Rows.Add(new object[] { 10, "AA", "one", 10.3, 0.3, -1 });
dt1.Rows.Add(new object[] { 10, "AA", "two", 20.1, 16.2, -1 });
dt1.Rows.Add(new object[] { 10, "BB", "one", -5.9, 30.1, -1 });
dt1.Rows.Add(new object[] { 20, "AA", "one", 403.1, -20.4, 10 });
dt1.Rows.Add(new object[] { 30, "AA", "one", 121.5, 210.3, -1 });
dt2.Rows.Add(new object[] { 10, 5500 });
dt2.Rows.Add(new object[] { 20, -3000 });
dt2.Rows.Add(new object[] { 30, 500 });
var groups = dt1.AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy(e => e["id"])
.Select(e => new
id = e.Key,
net_data1 = e.Sum(w => (double)w["data1"]),
net_data2 = e.Sum(w => (double)w["data2"])
.GroupJoin(dt2.AsEnumerable(), e1 => e1.id, e2 => e2["id"],
(a1, a2) => new
id = a1.id,
net_data1 = a1.net_data1 + a2.Sum(w => (double)w["data"]),
net_data2 = a1.net_data2
Unfortunately, SQL (and, by extension, LINQ) is not well-suited to recursion. Can the parentID column go multiple levels deep? Like this:
ID Parent
10 -1
20 10
30 10
40 20
If you want to retrace the steps up from ID 40 to ID 10, then you should abandon a SQL/LINQ approach and just do it in code.
It sounds like a good use of a group join. Something like this might work (though it's completely untested):
var items = from parent in context.dataTable
join child in context.dataTable on parent.id equals child.parentID into children
where parent.parentID == -1
select new { id = parent.id,
data1 = (parent.data1 + children.Sum(c => c.data1)),
data2 = (parent.data2 + children.Sum(c => c.data2)) };

