CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE = 0x00000021 - c#

I tried to pinvoke a PKCS#11 function in C#. I have a CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE error in this C# code:
[DllImport("D:/Program Files/Eracom/ProtectToolkit C SDK/bin/sw/cryptoki.dll",
SetLastError = true)]
private static extern UInt32 C_Encrypt(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
IntPtr pData, CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
out IntPtr pEncryptedData,out CK_ULONG pulEncryptedData);
/* ...Main... */
CK_BYTE[] text = new CK_BYTE[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
System.UInt32 t, tt = (System.UInt32)text.Length;
IntPtr pdata = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(text[0]*text.Length);
Marshal.Copy(text, 0, pdata, text.Length);
IntPtr chif = IntPtr.Zero;
tt = (System.UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(pdata);
rv = C_Encrypt(h, pdata, tt,out chif,out t);
What could be causing this error?

I resolved the problem by my self. The C_Encrypt function takes byte arrays as arguments, not pointers to integers; this made my size computations wrong.
[DllImport("D:/Program Files/Eracom/ProtectToolkit C SDK/bin/sw/cryptoki.dll",
SetLastError = true)]
private static extern UInt32 C_Encrypt(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
CK_BYTE[] pData, CK_ULONG ulDataLen,
CK_BYTE[] pEncryptedData, ref CK_ULONG pulEncryptedData);


Using WriteFile() function in C#

I'm trying to modify some code that dumps a specific file and I want to modify the first bytes of the dumped file.
I've already done it in a C equivalent program like this :
SetFilePointer(hDmpFile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
WriteFile(hDmpFile, "AA", 2, NULL, NULL);
I want to do the same thing in C# but I got some error regarding the WriteFile() function.
Here's what I've done so far :
public enum EMoveMethod : uint
Begin = 0,
Current = 1,
End = 2
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint SetFilePointer(
[In] SafeFileHandle hFile,
[In] int lDistanceToMove,
[Out] out int lpDistanceToMoveHigh,
[In] EMoveMethod dwMoveMethod);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", BestFitMapping = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public static extern bool WriteFile(
IntPtr hFile,
System.Text.StringBuilder lpBuffer,
uint nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
out uint lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
[In] ref System.Threading.NativeOverlapped lpOverlapped);
int moveDistanceHighBits = 0;
uint test = SetFilePointer(hDmpFile, 0, out moveDistanceHighBits, EMoveMethod.Begin);
uint test2 = WriteFile(hDmpFile, "AA", 2, null, null);
Here's the error I got when executing the file :
Unhandled Exception: System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
at Foo.Program.WriteFile(SafeFileHandle hDmpFile, String v1, Int32 v2, Object value1, Object value2)
at Foo.Program.Execute(String[] args)
at Foo.Program.Main(String[] args)
For the record, I'm an absolute disaster when it comes to coding and I've never done C#...

C# .NET ReadFile from USB AccessViolationException was unhandled

I am receiving an AccessViolationException when calling the ReadFile API. I have looked at all of the entries on StackOverflow dealing with similar issues and have not had any success deciphering what is wrong.
Here is the relevant code in question:
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr CreateFile([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string filename, UInt32 desiredaccess, UInt32 sharemode, IntPtr securityattributes, UInt32 creationdisposition, UInt32 flagsandattributes, IntPtr templatefile);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", BestFitMapping = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, out byte[] lpbuffer, UInt32 nNumberofBytesToRead, out UInt32 lpNumberofBytesRead, IntPtr lpOverlapped);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", BestFitMapping = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool WriteFile(IntPtr hFile, byte[] lpBuffer, UInt32 nNumberOfBytesToWrite, out UInt32 lpNumberOfBytesWritten, IntPtr lpOverlapped);
private IntPtr OpenPort(string port)
IntPtr printerhandle = IntPtr.Zero;
printerhandle = CreateFile(port,
(UInt32)(FileAccess.GENERIC_READ | FileAccess.GENERIC_WRITE),
return (printerhandle);
private bool WriteToPort(IntPtr printer, ref byte[] data)
bool success = true;
byte[] data2 = new byte[64];
byte[] dataread = new byte[64];
int index = 0;
int length = 64;
uint written = 0;
uint read = 0;
while ((index + length) <= data.Length)
Array.Copy(data, index, data2, 0, length);
success &= WriteFile(printer, data2, (uint)length, out written, IntPtr.Zero);
index += 64;
if ((index < data.Length) &&
((index + length) > data.Length))
length = data.Length - index;
Array.Copy(data, index, data2, 0, length);
success &= WriteFile(printer, data2, (uint)length, out written, IntPtr.Zero);
success &= ReadFile(printer, out dataread, 64, out read, IntPtr.Zero);
return success;
The exception occurs when the success &= ReadFile(printer, out dataread, 64, out read, IntPtr.Zero); line is executed.
Here is the relevant stack trace as reported by VS2013:
at System.StubHelpers.MngdNativeArrayMarshaler.ClearNative(IntPtr pMarshalState, IntPtr pNativeHome, Int32 cElements)
at APP_NET.Main.ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, Byte[]& lpbuffer, UInt32 nNumberofBytesToRead, UInt32& lpNumberofBytesRead, IntPtr lpOverlapped)
at APP_NET.Main.WriteToPort(IntPtr printer, Byte[]& data) in Main.cs:line 770
Any thoughts on what might be happening?
Because you have a wrong declaration of the ReadFile function. Remove out from the lpbuffer argument.
Import of the ReadFile:
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", BestFitMapping = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, byte[] lpbuffer, UInt32 nNumberofBytesToRead, out UInt32 lpNumberofBytesRead, IntPtr lpOverlapped);
Reading a file:
success &= ReadFile(printer, dataread, 64, out read, IntPtr.Zero);


__in ORHKEY Handle,
__in DWORD dwIndex,
__out PWSTR lpName,
__inout PDWORD lpcName,
__out_opt PWSTR lpClass,
__inout_opt PDWORD lpcClass,
__out_opt PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime
My code
[DllImport("offreg.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern uint OREnumKey(IntPtr Handle, IntPtr dwIndex, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]out StringBuilder lpName, ref IntPtr lpcName, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]out StringBuilder lpClass, ref IntPtr lpcClass, out System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime);
IntPtr myKey = hiveid;
IntPtr dwindex=(IntPtr)0;
StringBuilder lpName=new StringBuilder("",255);
IntPtr lpcName = (IntPtr)0;
StringBuilder lpClass=new StringBuilder("",255);
IntPtr lpcClass = (IntPtr)11;
System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime;
uint ret3 = OREnumKey(myKey, dwindex, out lpName, ref lpcName, out lpClass, ref lpcClass, out lpftLastWriteTime);
Problem can be in wrong StringBuilder Size, or FILETIME
2nd How i should call PWSTR param from C#?
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]out StringBuilder lpName is it correct?
This is a pretty standard Windows error code, it means that you called a winapi function and you didn't pass a big enough buffer. The only way to fix the problem is to pass a bigger buffer.
This looks a lot like a wrapper for RegQueryKeyEx(), which makes it very likely that you are passing bad data to the function. The lpcName argument is actually ref int, not IntPtr. And you are supposed to pass a variable that stores the size of the buffer you passed, 255 in your case. The lpcClass argument is similarly borked. This ought to fix it:
[DllImport("offreg.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern uint OREnumKey(
IntPtr Handle,
int dwIndex,
StringBuilder lpName,
ref int lpcName,
StringBuilder lpClass,
ref int lpcClass,
out System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime);
StringBuilder lpName=new StringBuilder("",255);
int nameSize = lpName.Capacity;
StringBuilder lpClass=new StringBuilder("",255);
int classSize = lpClass.Capacity;
System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime;
uint ret3 = OREnumKey(hiveid, 0, lpName, ref nameSize, lpClass, ref classSize, out lpftLastWriteTime);
if (ret3 != 0) throw new Exception("kaboom");
string name = lpName.ToString();
string className = lpClass.ToString();

NETCF how do I pass a struct by ref to DeviceIoControl

I am new to .NET compact framework. I need to call a DeviceIoControl function and pass structures as input and output parameters to the IOControl function.
In PInvoke/DeviceIoControl I found how to get access to the function itself. But how can I pass a pointer the structure as InBuf and OutBuf parameter?
The DeviceIoControl is defined as P/Invoke:
[DllImport("coredll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern int DeviceIoControlCE(
int hDevice, int dwIoControlCode,
byte[] lpInBuffer, int nInBufferSize,
byte[] lpOutBuffer, int nOutBufferSize,
ref int lpBytesReturned, IntPtr lpOverlapped);
The structures in question have this layout:
struct Query
int a;
int b;
char x[8];
struct Response
int result;
uint32 success;
void DoIoControl ()
Query q = new Query();
Response r = new Response();
int inSize = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(q);
int outSize = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(r);
NativeMethods.DeviceIoControlCE((int)handle, (int)IOCTL_MY.CODE,
ref q, inSize, ref r, outSize, ref bytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero);
When I try to compile this code I get the error:
cannot convert from 'ref MyNamespace.Response' to 'byte[]'
How can I pass the address of the struct to the DeviceIoControl function what expects a pointer to byte instead of struct ref?
The issue is that your P/Invoke declaration doesn't match your call. DeviceIoControl takes in pointers for the in/out paramters:
BOOL DeviceIoControl(
HANDLE hDevice,
DWORD dwIoControlCode,
LPVOID lpInBuffer,
DWORD nInBufferSize,
LPVOID lpOutBuffer,
DWORD nOutBufferSize,
LPDWORD lpBytesReturned,
So you can "adjust" your declaration in a lot of ways. The one in the link you provide uses a byte[] probably for convenience where they were using it. In your case, since you're passing simple structs (i.e. no internal pointers to other data), then the easiest "fix" is to just change you P/Invoke declaration:
[DllImport("coredll", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern int DeviceIoControl(
IntPtr hDevice,
IOCTL.MY dwIoControlCode,
ref Query lpInBuffer,
int nInBufferSize,
ref Response lpOutBuffer,
int nOutBufferSize,
ref int lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);
And you code should work. Note I also changed the types of the first two parameters to allow making your calling code more clear without casts.
If you find you need different signatures, simply overload the P/Invoke. For example, the Smart Device Framework code has at least 11 overloads for DeviceIoControl. Here are just some of them to give you a flavor:
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern int DeviceIoControl<TInput, TOutput>(
IntPtr hDevice,
uint dwIoControlCode,
ref TInput lpInBuffer,
int nInBufferSize,
ref TOutput lpOutBuffer,
int nOutBufferSize,
out int lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped)
where TInput : struct
where TOutput : struct;
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal unsafe static extern int DeviceIoControl(
IntPtr hDevice,
uint dwIoControlCode,
void* lpInBuffer,
int nInBufferSize,
void* lpOutBuffer,
int nOutBufferSize,
out int lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern int DeviceIoControl(
IntPtr hDevice,
uint dwIoControlCode,
IntPtr lpInBuffer,
uint nInBufferSize,
IntPtr lpOutBuffer,
uint nOutBufferSize,
out int lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern int DeviceIoControl(
IntPtr hDevice,
uint dwIoControlCode,
byte[] lpInBuffer,
int nInBufferSize,
IntPtr lpOutBuffer,
int nOutBufferSize,
out int lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);

Unmanaged dll function byte* parameter return in C#

I need to use an unmanaged VC++ dll.
It has the following two functions that require C# wrappers:
bool ReadData(byte* byteData, byte dataSize);
bool WriteData(byte* byteData, byte dataSize);
They both return true if they succeed, but false otherwise.
Currently in C# I have a class (WRAP) with functions:
[DllImport("kirf.dll", EntryPoint = "ReadData", SetLastError=true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
public static extern Boolean ReadData([Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex=1)]out Byte[] bytesData, Byte dataSize);
[DllImport("kirf.dll", EntryPoint = "WriteRFCard", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
public static extern Boolean WriteRFCard[In]Byte[] bytesData, [In]Byte dataSize);
I then have
byte[] newData = new byte[17];
byte dataSize = 17;
bool result = WRAP.ReadData(out newData, dataSize);
This always gives me a result=false, newData = null, and no error thrown(or rather it always come back successful).
byte[] bytesData = new Byte[] { (byte)0x9B, (byte)0x80, (byte)0x12, (byte)0x38, (byte)0x5E, (byte)0x0A, (byte)0x74, (byte)0x6E, (byte)0xE6, (byte)0xC0, (byte)0x68, (byte)0xCB, (byte)0xD3, (byte)0xE6, (byte)0xAB, (byte)0x9C, (byte)0x00 };
byte dataSize = 17;
bool actual = WRAP.WriteData(bytesData, dataSize);
Any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong?
This is how I eventually managed it:
[DllImport("kirf.dll", EntryPoint = "ReadData", SetLastError=true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
public static extern Boolean ReadData([Out] Byte[] bytesData, Byte dataSize);
[DllImport("kirf.dll", EntryPoint = "WriteData", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
public static extern Boolean WriteData([In] Byte[] bytesData, Byte dataSize);
Byte[] newData=new byte[17];
bool result = KABA_KIRF.ReadData(newData, (Byte)newData.Length);
bool result = KABA_KIRF.WriteData(data, datasize);
where data was a Byte[] parameter passed into the function.
Does ReadData create a new byte array? Otherwise, I don't think bytesData should be an out param.
Look at the PInvoke spec of ReadFile for comparison:
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, [Out] byte[] lpBuffer,
uint nNumberOfBytesToRead, out uint lpNumberOfBytesRead, IntPtr lpOverlapped);
lpNumberOfBytesRead is an out param, because ReadFile changes the value of it. i.e. if you pass a local variable for lpNumberOfBytesRead, ReadFile will change the value on the stack. The value of lpBuffer on the other hand is not changed: It still points to the same byte array after the call. The [In,Out]-Attributes tell PInvoke what to do with the contents of the array you pass.

