Trying to use Distinct() using a custom comparer and it gives me the error:
cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly
The Default comparer works fine but doesn't give the results I expect of course. How can I fix this?
public class TimeEntryValidation
public string EmployeeID { get; set; }
public string EmployeeLocation { get; set; }
public string EmployeeDepartment { get; set; }
public int RowIndex { get; set; }
public class MyRowComparer : IEqualityComparer<TimeEntryValidation>
public bool Equals(TimeEntryValidation x, TimeEntryValidation y)
return (x.EmployeeDepartment == y.EmployeeDepartment && x.EmployeeLocation == y.EmployeeLocation);
public int GetHashCode(TimeEntryValidation obj)
return obj.EmployeeID.GetHashCode();
void Query(List<TimeEntryValidation> listToQuery)
var groupedData =
from oneValid in listToQuery
group oneValid by oneValid.EmployeeID
into g
where g.Count() > 1
select new {DoubleItems = g};
var listItems = groupedData.Distinct(new MyRowComparer());
The type of groupedData is some IEnumerable<{an anonymous type}> whereas MyRowComparer is IEqualityComparer<TimeEntryValidation>
It's unclear whether you intended listItems to be a list of groups, or whether you wanted the actual items themselves.
If it's the latter, you probably want something like this:
void Query(List<TimeEntryValidation> listToQuery)
var groupedData = from oneValid in listToQuery
group oneValid by oneValid.EmployeeID
into g
where g.Count() > 1
select g ;
var listItems = groupedData.SelectMany(group => group).Distinct(new MyRowComparer());
//listItems is now an IEnumerable<TimeEntryValidation>
I have the following objects:
public class TestResult
public string SectionName { get; set; }
public int Score { get; set; }
public int MaxSectionScore { get; set; }
public bool IsPartialScore { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int NumberOfAttempts { get; set; }
public class TestResultGroup
public TestResultGroup()
Results = new List<TestResult>();
Sections = new List<string>();
public List<TestResult> Results { get; set; }
public List<string> Sections { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Rank { get; set; }
So, a TestResultGroup can have any number of results of type TestResult. These test results only differ by their SectionName.
I have a List<TestResultGroup> which I need to sort into descending order based on a score in the Results property, but only when Results has an item whos SectionName = "MeanScore" (if it doesnt have this section we can assume a score of -1). How would I go about ordering the list? Ideally I would also like to apply the result of this ordering to the Rank property.
Many Thanks
List<TestResultGroup> groups = ...
// group test result groups by the same score and sort
var sameScoreGroups = groups.GroupBy(
gr =>
var meanResult = gr.Results.FirstOrDefault(res => res.SectionName == "MeanScore");
return meanResult != null ? meanResult.Score : -1;
.OrderByDescending(gr => gr.Key);
int rank = 1;
foreach (var sameScoreGroup in sameScoreGroups)
foreach (var group in sameScoreGroup)
group.Rank = rank;
// to obtain sorted groups:
var sortedGroups = groups.OrderByDescending(gr => gr.Rank).ToArray();
Or even write one expression with a side effect:
List<TestResultGroup> groups = ...
int rank = 1;
var sortedGroups = groups
gr =>
var meanResult = gr.Results.FirstOrDefault(res => res.SectionName == "MeanScore");
return meanResult != null ? meanResult.Score : -1;
.OrderByDescending(grouping => grouping.Key)
.SelectMany(grouping =>
int groupRank = rank++;
foreach (var group in grouping)
group.Rank = groupRank;
return grouping;
.ToArray(); // or ToList
I have the below class and linq query I am using to populate a grid!
The Title is the same for every row returned. What I am trying to do is populate mString with the distinct Title from the query so I can bind it to a seperate textblock.
I probably didnt need to show all the code, but maybe it will help. How can I show the distinct Title.
public class Items
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Details { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public int NewNumber { get; set; }
private ObservableCollection<Items> mItem = new ObservableCollection<Items>();
private string mString = string.Empty;
public string SpecTitle
get { return mString; }
public ObservableCollection<Items> GetItems
get { return mItem; }
Here is the linq query
var results = (from z in mContext.View
orderby z.ItemNumber ascending
where z.ItemId == mId
select new Items()
Id = z.ItemId,
Details = z.Details,
Title = z.ItemTitle,
NewNumber = z.ItemNumber
List<Items> mNewItems = results.ToList();
mNewItems.ForEach(y => mItem.Add(y));
var titleList = mNewItems.Select(i => i.Title).Distinct().ToList();
Converting my comment into an answer:
just do Items.Select(x => x.Title).Distinct();.
There is an additional library called moreLinq that has an extenction distinctby that you can you to distinct based on the given key.
it would as simle as this
var results = (from z in mContext.View
orderby z.ItemNumber ascending
where z.ItemId == mId
select new Items()
Id = z.ItemId,
Details = z.Details,
Title = z.ItemTitle,
NewNumber = z.ItemNumber
You can implement your custom comparer for distinct:
public class ItemsComparer : IEqualityComparer<Items>
public bool Equals(Items x, Items y)
return x.Title == y.Title;
public int GetHashCode(Items obj)
return obj.Title.GetHashCode();
then just use
var titleList = mNewItems.Distinct(new ItemsComparer()).Select(t=>t.Items);
I an having Two Lists. I want to get the matched and unmatched values based on ID and add the results to another List. I can get both of these using Intersect/Except.
But I can get only ID in the resultant variables (matches and unmatches) . I need all the properties in the Template.
List<Template> listForTemplate = new List<Template>();
List<Template1> listForTemplate1 = new List<Template1>();
var matches = listForTemplate .Select(f => f.ID)
.Intersect(listForTemplate1 .Select(b => b.ID));
var ummatches = listForTemplate .Select(f => f.ID)
.Except(listForTemplate1.Select(b => b.ID));
public class Template
public string ID{ get; set; }
public string Name{ get; set; }
public string Age{ get; set; }
public string Place{ get; set; }
public string City{ get; set; }
public string State{ get; set; }
public string Country{ get; set; }
public class Template1
public string ID{ get; set; }
If you don't want to implement IEquality for this simple task, you can just modify your LINQ queries:
var matches = listForTemplate.Where(f => listForTemplate1.Any(b => b.ID == f.ID));
var unmatches = listForTemplate.Where(f => listForTemplate1.All(b => b.ID != f.ID));
You might want to check for null before accessing ID, but it should work.
You are looking for the overloaded function, with the second parameter IEqualityComparer. So make your comparer ( example: ), and use the same comparer in intersect / except.
And for the generic part: maybe you should have a common interface for templates e.g. ObjectWithID describing that the class have a string ID property. Or simply use dynamic in your comparer (but I think this is very-very antipattern because you can have run time errors if using for the bad type).
You also have a problem: intersecting two collections with two different types will result in a collection of Object (common parent class). Then you have to cast a lot (antipattern). I advise you to make a common abstract class/interface for your template classes, and it is working. If you need to cast the elements back, do not cast, but use the visitior pattern:
Example (good):
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Template> listForTemplate = new Template[] {
new Template(){ID = "1"},
new Template(){ID = "2"},
new Template(){ID = "3"},
new Template(){ID = "4"},
new Template(){ID = "5"},
new Template(){ID = "6"},
List<Template1> listForTemplate1 = new Template1[] {
new Template1(){ID = "1"},
new Template1(){ID = "3"},
new Template1(){ID = "5"}
var comp = new ObjectWithIDComparer();
var matches = listForTemplate.Intersect(listForTemplate1, comp);
var ummatches = listForTemplate.Except(listForTemplate1, comp);
foreach (var item in matches) // note that item is instance of ObjectWithID
Console.WriteLine("{0}", item.ID);
foreach (var item in ummatches) // note that item is instance of ObjectWithID
Console.WriteLine("{0}", item.ID);
public class ObjectWithIDComparer : IEqualityComparer<ObjectWithID>
public bool Equals(ObjectWithID x, ObjectWithID y)
return x.ID == y.ID;
public int GetHashCode(ObjectWithID obj)
return obj.ID.GetHashCode();
public interface ObjectWithID {
string ID { get; set; }
public class Template : ObjectWithID
public string ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Age { get; set; }
public string Place { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
public class Template1 : ObjectWithID
public string ID { get; set; }
Press any key to continue . . .
For comparison, this should also work (the first part is a variation on #MAV's answer):
var matches = from item in listForTemplate
join id in listForTemplate1 on item.ID equals id.ID
select item;
var unmatches = listForTemplate.Where(item => matches.All(elem => elem.ID != item.ID));
matches and unmatches will both be IEnumerable<Template> which is the type you require.
However, MAV's answer works fine so I'd go for that one.
As mentioned, Implement the IEqualityComparer<T> interface.
IEqualityComparer<T> MSDN
Then use this as an argument in your method for Except() and Intersect()
There is a good example of how to do so on the link for the Intersect() method.
If you don't absolutely have to use LINQ, why not code something like this?
var matches = new List<Template>();
var unmatches = new List<Template>();
foreach (var entry in listForTemplate)
bool matched = false;
foreach (var t1Entry in listForTemplate1)
if (entry.ID == t1Entry.ID)
matched = true;
if (!matched)
A disadvantage of the LINQ approach is that you're traversing the lists twice.
I want to return an anonymous type from a compiled query, which selects multiple columns from two tables.
I tried using:
public static Func < DBEntities, string>
but not able to compile it. I tried creating a new datatype BOMWorkOrder but could not make it work. May be ia m missing some syntax.
public static Func<DBEntities, string, IQueryable<BOMWorkOrder>> compiledWorkorderQuery =
CompiledQuery.Compile((DBEntities ctx, string bomNumber) =>
from items in ctx.BM10200
from orders in ctx.BM10300
where orders.Parent_Component_ID == -1 &&
orders.ITEMNMBR == bomNumber &&
orders.TRX_ID == items.TRX_ID
select new
{ bomWorkOrder =
where work order will be:
public class BOMWorkOrder
public DateTime TransactionDate { get; set; }
public string TransactionId { get; set; }
public string ItemNumber { get; set; }
public int AssemblyQuantity { get; set; }
Since you've created the type BOMWorkOrder, use that type rather than an anonymous type:
... select new BOMWorkOrder
TransactionDate = items.TRXDATE,
TransactionId = orders.TRX_ID,
ItemNumber = orders.ITEMNMBR,
AssemblyQuantity = orders.Assemble_Quantity
If you return a list of anonymous objects, you will not be able to access the properties ( unless you use dynamic )
You're just missing the type name in your select:
select new BOMWorkOrder
TransactionData = items.TRXDATE,
TransactionId = orders.TRX_ID,
ItemNumber = orders.ITEMNBBR,
AssemblyQuantity = orders.Assemble_Queantity,
select new bomWorkOrder
TransactionDate =items.TRXDATE,
TransactionId =orders.TRX_ID,
ItemNumber =orders.ITEMNMBR,
AssemblyQuantity =orders.Assemble_Quantity
I have a query that works fine when using an anonymous type but as soon as I try to un-anonymize it it fails to select all values into the class.
here is the linq i'm using (in combination with Subsonic 3):
var producten = (from p in Premy.All()
join pr in Producten.All() on p.dekking equals pr.ID
where p.kilometragemax >= 10000 &&
p.CCmin < 3000 &&
p.CCmax >= 3000 &&
p.leeftijdmax >= DateTime.Today.Subtract(car.datumEersteToelating).TotalDays / 365
group p by new { pr.ID, pr.Naam, pr.ShortDesc, pr.LongDesc } into d
select new
ID = d.Key.ID,
Dekking = d.Key.Naam,
ShortDesc = d.Key.ShortDesc,
LongDesc = d.Key.LongDesc,
PrijsAlgemeen = d.Min(x => x.premie),
PrijsAlgemeenMaand = d.Min(x => x.premie),
PrijsMerkdealerMaand = d.Min(x => x.premie),
PrijsMerkdealer = d.Min(x => x.premie)
When I change it to:
List<QuotePremies> producten = (from p in Premy.All()
join pr in Producten.All() on p.dekking equals pr.ID
where p.kilometragemax >= 10000 &&
p.CCmin < 3000 &&
p.CCmax >= 3000 &&
p.leeftijdmax >= DateTime.Today.Subtract(car.datumEersteToelating).TotalDays / 365
group p by new { pr.ID, pr.Naam, pr.ShortDesc, pr.LongDesc } into d
select new QuotePremies
ID = d.Key.ID,
Dekking = d.Key.Naam,
ShortDesc = d.Key.ShortDesc,
LongDesc = d.Key.LongDesc,
PrijsAlgemeen = d.Min(x => x.premie),
PrijsAlgemeenMaand = d.Min(x => x.premie),
PrijsMerkdealerMaand = d.Min(x => x.premie),
PrijsMerkdealer = d.Min(x => x.premie)
in combination with this class:
public class QuotePremies
public byte ID { get; set; }
public string Dekking { get; set; }
public string ShortDesc { get; set; }
public string LongDesc { get; set; }
public decimal PrijsAlgemeen { get; set; }
public decimal PrijsAlgemeenMaand { get; set; }
public decimal PrijsMerkdealer { get; set; }
public decimal PrijsMerkdealerMaand { get; set; }
it doesn't give me an error but all values in the class are 0 except for QuotePremies.ID, QuotePremies.ShortDesc and QuotePremies.LongDesc. No clue why that happens.
See if using conversion helps
PrijsAlgemeen = Convert.ToDecimal(d.Min(x => x.premie))
I believe the problem has to do with casting. Why not write and extension method for IEnumberable which would take this query result and return a collection of List. It could look something like this:
public static class Extensions
// extends IEnumerable to allow conversion to a custom type
public static TCollection ToMyCustomCollection<TCollection, T>(this IEnumerable<T> ienum)
where TCollection : IList<T>, new()
// create our new custom type to populate and return
TCollection collection = new TCollection();
// iterate over the enumeration
foreach (var item in ienum)
// add to our collection
return collection;
Thanks to kek444 for helping me with a similar problem