Builds with referenced assemblies on the network - c#

We are starting a new project, and we would like to put some of the assembly references on a networked drive (in the future, these assemblies will be "dropped" by a build server on to the network location).
I had thought that I read somewhere that Visual Studio is smart about network locations, and that when it detects an assembly on a network drive, it would copy the assembly locally and only update it if the assembly changes. I cannot seem to replicate that behavior, though -- every time I build (even a "normal" build, not a rebuild), VS re-downloads the referenced assemblies from the network connection. If your connection happens to be over a VPN, you can really feel it (adds minutes to the build time).
Was I wrong about VS's build behavior, or is there something that I need to do to enable it?

Keep the references local but introduce a pre-build step to copy them down locally using robocopy. Robocopy is part of the OS in Vista onwards and can be installed as part of the resource kit in previous version of windows (like XP).
Here is an msbuild target to invoke robocopy:
<Target Name="SyncReferences">
<Message Text="RemoteReferencesRoot:$(RemoteReferencesRoot)" />
<Message Text="LocalReferencesRoot:$(LocalReferencesRoot)" />
<!-- ensure required properties are set -->
<Error Condition="'$(RemoteReferencesRoot)'==''" Text="RemoteReferencesRoot property not set." />
<Error Condition="'$(LocalReferencesRoot)'==''" Text="LocalReferencesRoot property not set." />
<!-- Robocopy can't handle trailing slash nicely the way we're going to call it -->
<Error Condition="HasTrailingSlash('$(RemoteReferencesRoot)')" Text="RemoteReferencesRoot has a trailing slash. '$(RemoteReferencesRoot)'" />
<Error Condition="HasTrailingSlash('$(LocalReferencesRoot)')" Text="LocalReferencesRoot has a trailing slash. '$(LocalReferencesRoot)'" />
<!-- ensure source and target directories exist -->
<Error Condition="!Exists('$(RemoteReferencesRoot)')" Text="$(RemoteReferencesRoot) does not exist." />
<Error Condition="!Exists('$(LocalReferencesRoot)')" Text="$(LocalReferencesRoot) does not exist." />
<!-- remember to ignore the exit code as robocopy can return values other than 0 -->
<Exec Command='Robocopy /mir /z "$(RemoteReferencesRoot)" "$(LocalReferencesRoot)"' IgnoreExitCode='true'>
<Output PropertyName="RoboCopyExitCode" TaskParameter="ExitCode"/>
<Message Text="RoboCopyExitCode:$(RoboCopyExitCode)" />
<!--Robocopy exit code:-->
<!-- 0 No errors occurred and no files were copied.-->
<!-- 1 One of more files were copied successfully.-->
<!-- 2 Extra files or directories were detected. Examine the log file for more information.-->
<!-- 4 Mismatched files or directories were detected. Examine the log file for more information.-->
<!-- 8 Some files or directories could not be copied and the retry limit was exceeded.-->
<!-- 16 Robocopy did not copy any files. Check the command line parameters and verify that Robocopy has enough rights to write to the destination folder.-->
<Error Condition="$(RoboCopyExitCode)>3" Text="Robocopy returned exit code '$(RoboCopyExitCode)' which indicates a failure." />

Here's another option for you. Basically adding a pre-build event that checks to see if the network location assemblies are newer.

What I can recommend is the procedure we use at my company. We have a networked repository of internal assemblies, let's call it \\AssembliesRepository. However, we don't directly reference off of it (what happens if you lose network connectivity?). Instead, each machine has a local folder, let's go with C:\Assemblies, that mirrors \\AssembliesRepository. We use SyncToy to handle mirroring the two locations, and Task Scheduler to run SyncToy at whatever interval we deem appropriate (currently every 15 minutes during the work day). Using this setup, we never need direct access to \\AssembliesRepository, we just drop assemblies in the local folder, and SyncToy handles the rest. Every 15 minutes we have new assemblies, so we build with the latest internal assemblies at all times. Even the build server is setup this way. I can't promise this works for you, but it certainly reduces burden on the network either way.


LibVLCSharp How To Determine Which DLLs Are Required By An Application?

I am using LibVLCSharp to play an RTSP stream in my Winforms application. The library is great and everything is working fine. However, my ram usage of the application jumped from around 20-30MB to around 140MB! In addition, I have to include about 140MB worth of DLL files with my application, despite the executable being 2MB! The library right now is bascailly the whold VLC media player application bundled with my app.
I only use very limited capabilites of the library (only streaming from an RTSP URL and displaying it in a form, without even and playback capabilities), so I figured there must be a way to include the required DLLs for my app with the program.
Testing my theroy, I tried to randomly remove some DLLs from the libVLC directory. By some guessing and trial and error, I was actually able to remove ~20MB from the library and the stream worked just fine. For example, by removing the DLLs under audio directory, the stream worked well but had no audio (which I don't need in my case). Unfortunately, there is still about ~120MB of DLLs.
I tried searching how to only include the DLLs required by the used features, or how to determine such DLLs such that the rest can be deleted, but I couldn't find any solution.
A similar unanswered question here on stackoverflow: Libvlc - minimal files (functions) set for streaming out
There is no such guidelines because it really depends on what you are trying to do with your app. For example, libavcodec is needed in 99% of the builds, but whether you need the D3D9 plugin depends on the machines on which you will install the app.
Once you have determined what to exclude, you may use exclusion lists in your csproj, like this :
<!-- You can exclude plugin-by-plugin: -->
<VlcWindowsX64ExcludeFiles Include="plugins\gui\libqt_plugin.dll" />
<!-- You can exclude a whole folder. Notice how the wildcard is mandatory when doing exclude on folders -->
<VlcWindowsX64ExcludeFiles Include="plugins\lua\%2A" />
<!-- You can exclude with wildcards -->
<VlcWindowsX64ExcludeFiles Include="plugins\%2A\%2Adummy%2A" />
<!-- You can exclude the same files for Windows x86 -->
<VlcWindowsX86ExcludeFiles Include="#(VlcWindowsX64ExcludeFiles)" />
If you want to only include the plugins you selected, you can do it that way instead :
<!-- Includes the codec folder. Notice how the wildcard is mandatory when doing include on folders -->
<VlcWindowsX64IncludeFiles Include="plugins\codec\%2A" />
<!-- You can include plugin-by-plugin -->
<VlcWindowsX64IncludeFiles Include="plugins\audio_output\libdirectsound_plugin.dll" />
<!-- You can include with wildcards all in d3d9/d3d11 -->
<VlcWindowsX64IncludeFiles Include="plugins\d3d%2A\%2A" />
<!-- You can still exclude things from what you have included -->
<VlcWindowsX64IncludeFiles Include="plugins\codec\libddummy_plugin.dll" />
<!-- You can include the same files for Windows x86 -->
<VlcWindowsX86IncludeFiles Include="#(VlcWindowsX64IncludeFiles)" />
Please see the full documentation here :

EXE file is not working

I have a .msi (windows installer package) file into my project . I generated .exe file from .msi file successfully but whenever I try to open that .exe file or run as administrator it does nothing . How to solve this? Anything will help regarding this . Please help
Here is my code for .msi file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="" xmlns:util="">
<?include Defines.wxi?>
<ComponentGroup Id="MenuComponents" Directory="ProductMenuFolder">
<Component Id="ProductMenuComponents" Guid="*">
<!--<Shortcut Id="UninstallPackage" Directory="ProductMenuFolder" Name="Uninstall package"
Target="[System64Folder]msiexec.exe" Arguments="/x {[ProductCode]}" Description="Uninstalls $(var.YourApplicationReference.TargetName)"/>-->
<RemoveFolder Id='ProductMenuFolder' On='uninstall' />
<RegistryValue Root='HKCU' Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]'
Type='string' Value='' KeyPath='yes' />
<ComponentGroup Id="ProductComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
<Component Id="FileWatcher">
<File Source="$(var.FileWatcher.TargetPath)" />
<!--Register this file as a Windows service-->
<ServiceInstall Id="ServiceInstaller"
Description="Sends Incoming mainframe files to the Webservice"
<ServiceConfig Id="svcConfig" DelayedAutoStart="yes" OnInstall="yes" OnReinstall="yes" OnUninstall="no" />
<!--Set the user to be used by the service-->
<util:User Id="ServiceUser" Name="[ACCOUNT]" Password="[PASSWORD]" CreateUser="no" LogonAsService="yes" UpdateIfExists="yes" />
<!--Added example of how to stop service automatically-->
<ServiceControl Id="ServiceControl" Stop="both" Remove="uninstall" Name="FileWatcher" Wait="yes" />
<Component Id="FileWatcher.Files" Guid="*">
<!--<Component Id="MAIDFileWatcher.Files" Guid="*">-->
<File Id="filB93E7D71690869B9CD2D0A479DB69C6C" Source="$(var.FileWatcher.TargetDir)\ExceptionHandling.dll" />
<File Id="fil487232F7A833919419AF9537A4390083" Source="$(var.FileWatcher.TargetDir)\ExceptionHandling.xml" />
<File Id="filDE3649B71309470D2D7C086E0FAABAE8" Source="$(var.FileWatcher.TargetDir)\itextsharp.dll" />
<File Id="filF73350F1AEF9ECF2621D4E63B9823029" Source="$(var.FileWatcher.TargetDir)\FileWatcher.exe.config" KeyPath='yes'/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="">
<?include Version.wxi?>
<?include Defines.wxi?>
<Product Id="$(var.PRODUCTCODE)" Name="$(var.PRODUCTNAME)" Language="1033" Version="$(var.REVISION)" Manufacturer="$(var.MANUFACTURER)" UpgradeCode="$(var.UPGRADECODE)">
<Package InstallerVersion="400" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" Comments="$(var.COMMENTS)" Description="$(var.DESCRIPTION)" />
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed." />
<MediaTemplate EmbedCab="yes" />
<Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="$(var.PRODUCTNAME)" Level="1">
<ComponentGroupRef Id="ProductComponents" />
<ComponentGroupRef Id="MenuComponents"/>
<UIRef Id="USERUI" />
<?include Actions.wxi?>
You can debug an msi installation with a command line like this:
msiexec /i someapplication.msi /L*vx log.txt
This will run the installer and output log info to a file called log.txt.
See also: Windows Installer Command Line Options
Another pro tip is to debug your installer in a virtual machine. Take a snapshot before installing so you can roll back, or repeat the installation after making code changes and start from a reproducible state. I can't imagine debugging installers without Hyper-V - it's essential to me.
This is basically just shooting from the hip, please ignore whatever is not relevant (maybe check the very last three bullet points first):
Best practice: first of all, you are installing multiple binaries with a single component. This is a violation of component creation best practice.
For something this small I would suggest you use one component per file. This solves all kinds of future problems with patching, upgrades and other things.
What happens if the component rules are broken? Please skim this, or take our word for it and just use one file per component. At least make a separate component for all binaries (required).
A little blurb about the nature and philosophy of component GUIDs: Change my component GUID in wix? Some find it helpful to understand the mysterious and always troublesome component GUIDs.
If you insist on using multiple files per component, make sure that the key file for the component is a versioned file. I would think WiX would auto-magic this.
If you don't have a versioned key file, you could risk the component not installing at all if there are files already in the target location.
If you do have a versioned key file, make sure that your install has a higher version binary than the one it may encounter on disk at the target location (if any). Please read about the MSI file versioning rules for an explanation.
Logging: Does your application have a log feature (by default, or one that you can enable) which you can use for debugging? Maybe to the system's event log? Wouldn't services write there?
Dependencies: Also, did you check the pointers I provided earlier with regards to dependency checking? C# Debug folder when copied to another location does not run the exe.
Checking first the modules view in Visual Studio, and then using Dependencies.exe to check for missing dependencies?
Using procmon.exe is a little involved, but almost always reveals surprises and problems that can be hard to detect in other ways: Registering a CPP dll into COM after installation using Wix Msi installer
Does Fuslogvw.exe tell you anything? (.NET assembly binding failures).
Service Credentials: are you sure that those login credentials are getting applied during installation?
Did you try to set them manually to see if the service will run then? Did you add these properties to the SecureCustomProperties list of properties allowed to pass to deferred installation mode?
I think WiX has "auto-magic" here and does this for you, I forget. Check SecureCustomProperties in the property table of your final, compiled MSI using an appropriate tool, for example Orca.
With that delayed service start setting, is the service even running? (got to mention it at least). Or did you say it crashes on launch?
Hard-coded references: pointers to missing resources.
Did you check all the manifest files and config files (FileWatcher.exe.config) for anything funky that points to resources on your developer box (erroneous, hard-coded references)?
Could there be lacking resource files? (images, dlls, etc...).
Architecture & runtime requirements: is the target computer the same architecture as your developer machine? Just to chalk it up, surely you would see a warning about this?
What is the CPU targeted by your code? Any CPU? Did you try to manually register the files on another machine (a clean virtual machine maybe).
Is there anything special about the problem, target computer? Does it have weird policies? Does it have security software blocking things? Does it lack a common runtime component that is installed on your development computer? (.NET, VC++ runtime, VC runtime, java, etc...). These are the things a procmon.exe session should reveal, or a check with Dependencies.exe should show.
Are you using the notorious FileSystemWatcher .NET class? I have used it only once many years ago, but it caused me a lot of grief and I had to stop using it. It did crash my service file regularly.
I will dig up some links here if you are using this class.
Found a couple for now: FileSystemWatcher events raising twice despite taking measures against it and FileSystemWatcher vs polling to watch for file changes.
When I have installed my EXE under %PROGRAMDATA% I had the same issue
When I have installed my EXE under %PROGRAMFILES% I solved the problem

Web Application Build Error: The CodeDom provider type Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider could not be located

I'm building/packing a web application in a build server, and it fails with the following message:
ASPNETCOMPILER error ASPCONFIG: The CodeDom provider type
"Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider, CppCodeProvider, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" could not be
This is the build server environment:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
TeamCity 8.0.4
.NET 4.5
Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET 4
Windows SDK for Windows 8 and .NET 4.5
Portable Class Library Tools
It is a ASP MVC 4 web application, targeting .NET 4.5.
The build configuration consists in building the solution with MSBuild, and deploying it to a package, so I can publish it later.
Through the log of TeamCity, I can see the error arising when MSBuild runs aspnet_compiler.exe.
The builds with no problem in my DEV machine and can also publish it to a local IIS without problems.
Does anyone know what may be causing this issue?
See my answer below.
For me this error was popping up in VS2017 when building the web project. The fix was to make the node_modules directory hidden in File Explorer. Apparently this stops the ASP.NET compiler from scanning all these files and thus prevents the error.
This post gave me an important clue: apparently ASP.NET precompilation scans the project and output files and tries to compile every source file it finds in its way, despite its language (see here).
In the case, my web app depends on a project which includes some unmanaged dll along a ".h" file. These files are copied to the output directory ("Copy if newer") so I can pinvoke it at runtime.
It seems ASP.NET precompilation finds the ".h" and tries to compile it, even though there is no need of it. And, as I see it, it fails because my build server does not has the tools for the job (it looks like CppCodeProvider comes with the .NET 2.0 SDK).
When I changed the project not to copy those files to the output directory, the build ran fine. I also tested copying the files, but with "PrecompileBeforePublish" set to false in the publish profile, and it also worked.
Now I have some options, but I don't like any of them:
Disable "PrecompileBeforePublish". I believe the main disadvantage of that is the app users experience will be slower on the first site access.
Try to exclude files from the output folder and add them again after pre-compilation. That seems a lot of work for something I shouldn't be worrying in first place.
Try to tell "aspnet_compiler.exe" to exclude the offending files/folder when executing. I don't know how to do it using the publish profile, because I only have control over "PrecompileBeforePublish". Also, it seems "aspnet_compiler.exe" does not offer that option (here and here).
I think for now I'll disable "PrecompileBeforePublish", because it seems a fast path with few caveats. But I believe there should be a better way to handle it, excluding folders or file types from precompilation using the publish profile.
For the benefit of those who find this later on google...
Root Cause
As the error implies, the assembly "Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider" couldn't be found.
This was added to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) as part of Visual Studio 2015 installation, but not Visual Studio 2017.
The Fix
The proper fix is to add the missing reference to the GAC.
Run the "Developer Command Prompt" as admin, and run the following
gacutil /i "path to CppCodeProvider.dll"
or gacutil /i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2
C:\Windows\System32>gacutil /i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2
Microsoft (R) .NET Global Assembly Cache Utility. Version 4.0.30319.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Assembly successfully added to the cache
On next build the following error is no longer thrown.
ASPNETCOMPILER error ASPCONFIG: The CodeDom provider type "Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider, CppCodeProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" could not be located.
This started happening when I updating to VS2017. The problem for me was node.js, if I deleted the node_modules folder then the project would build without errors. It turns out that changing the value of MvcBuildViews to false in the csproj file as suggested by anders here fixes it. This isn't ideal though since mvc views won't be compiled until IIS renders them. Personally, I just hide the node_modules folder to get around the issue but I wanted to add this answer in case it helps shed some light on the underlying issue for someone else.
In my case I had added an angular website to my solution which caused this error.
Resolved the error with following steps.
On the menu bar, choose Build > Configuration Manager.
In the Project contexts table, exclude the angular website (which contained node_modules)
In the Build column for the project, clear the check box.
Choose the Close button, and then rebuild the solution.
In my scenario, I have to ship a Perl interpreter with my ASP.Net website (don't ask why I need Perl, and I'm sorry I do in advance!), and that included .c files that caused the aspnet_compiler.exe to error out, as others have mentioned being their problem. The perl directory is in my bin folder, and is required at runtime.
The trouble I found was when you attrib +H the folder, it indeed was skipped by aspnet_compiler, but then wouldn't be in my publish output folder. So I had to hack it even more by hiding the folder, compile views, unhide folder, and then copy folder to the right location. This involved modifying the original AspNetPreCompile task. See below:
<!-- Overwrite AspNetPreCompile task because it was trying to compile .c files found in the Perl directory. This prevents that but still copies Perl to publish file. -->
<!-- Taken from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v15.0\Web\Transform -->
<Target Name="AspNetPreCompile" DependsOnTargets="$(AspNetPreCompileDependsOn)" Condition="'$(AspNetPreCompile)' != 'false'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(UseMetabasePath)' == 'true'" >
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(UseMetabasePath)' != 'true'" >
<!-- Modification #1. -->
<Exec Command="attrib +H "$(IntermediateOutputPath)AspnetCompileMerge\Source\bin\perl"" />
<!-- Modification #2. -->
<Exec Command="attrib -H "$(IntermediateOutputPath)AspnetCompileMerge\Source\bin\perl"" />
Removing APP_DATA is done here so that the output groups reflect the fact that App_data is
not present
<RemoveDir Condition="'$(DeleteAppDataFolder)' == 'true' And Exists('$(_PostAspnetCompileMergeSingleTargetFolderFullPath)\App_Data')"
Directories="$(_PostAspnetCompileMergeSingleTargetFolderFullPath)\App_Data" />
<CollectFilesinFolder Condition="'$(UseMerge)' != 'true'"
RootPath="$(_PostAspnetCompileMergeSingleTargetFolderFullPath)" >
<Output TaskParameter="Result" ItemName="_AspnetCompileMergePrecompiledOutputNoMetadata" />
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(UseMerge)' != 'true'">
<FileWrites Include="$(_PostAspnetCompileMergeSingleTargetFolderFullPath)\**"/>
<!-- Modification #3. -->
<Perl Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)AspnetCompileMerge\Source\bin\perl\**\*.*" />
<!-- Modification #4. -->
<Copy SourceFiles="#(Perl)" DestinationFolder="$(_PostAspnetCompileMergeSingleTargetFolderFullPath)\bin\perl\%(RecursiveDir)"></Copy>
DO NOT modify the original .targets file, copy this into your .csproj file as a child to the <project> node.
Key takeaways:
Use Exec command to attrib +H Directory before running aspnet_compiler.exe via the AspNetCompiler task, and attrib -H Directory afterwards.
Create an ItemGroup to suck in all the files that still need to be copied.
Run the Copy task, utilizing that ItemGroup to put the files where they need to be in order for the rest of the publish task to include them. We get to use all of the variables that Microsoft made when authoring this Task, so we can use those here too.
Pro to modifying the original task: very little changes about the normal behavior, so it should still just work.
Possible con to modifying the original task: Microsoft might change this task in the future, making our copy out of date.
If you don't have my weird requirements, the simpler solution to hiding a folder is as follows:
<Target Name="Test" BeforeTargets="AspNetPreCompile">
<Exec Command="attrib +H Directory" />
<Target Name="Test" AfterTargets="AspNetPreCompile">
<Exec Command="attrib -H Directory" />
Answer inspired by the comment twamley made in Arthur Nunes answer.
In my case it was the node_modules folder. I made this change in my csproj file for my .net 4.8 app to fix it.
This will just add the hidden attribute to the node_modules folder and then unhide it after the Razor pages are compiled.
<Target Name="MvcBuildViews" AfterTargets="AfterBuild" Condition="'$(MvcBuildViews)'=='true'">
<Exec Command="attrib +H "$(ProjectDir)node_modules"" />
<AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="temp" PhysicalPath="$(WebProjectOutputDir)" />
<Exec Command="attrib -H "$(ProjectDir)node_modules"" />
Try doing the folowing.
Setting RequireTargetFramework to 4.0.
Link:ASPNETCOMPILER error ASPCONFIG: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler' or one of its dependencies
In my case the issue was that the web config of a parent solution (root level project) in IIS had this in it's web config (by mistake, not sure how it got there). Took a long time to track down, because nothing I could do in my solution/project could affect it in any way.
So might be worth checking the web.config of all that might be involved.
For me this error was showing when my website's physical path was invalid in IIS. To resolve that right click on website (Manage website -> Advanced settings -> Physical Path).
In my case, on a new machine, installed VS2017 and opened an core 1.1 web application from source control. The error showed up. I installed node.js and the project compiled.
My solution to this error was a combination of two pre-existing answers on this page. I had a .h file in my web project directory that had not caused a problem until I tried to build the project on a VS 2017 machine.
In my case I simply zipped it up, but the upshot seems to be that you can no longer keep unrelated code files in the web directory or VS will trip up trying to compile them.
I solved it with deleting node modules folder then running npm i from git bash and not from VS2019 built in terminal.
Copy cppprovider.dll from Visual Studio 2015 installation path to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
An easy way to solve is that to reference the CppCodeProvider.dll.
It may locate at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio{version}\{edition}\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies
For example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies\CppCodeProvider.dll
It will be in the bin folder.
I moved my solution from VS2019 to VS2022 and was having this error when I tried to publish solution. This is how I made the error disappear.
Right-click on References>> Add References
Then Search for Microsoft.VisualC
tick Microsoft.VisualC and Microsoft.VisualC.VSCodeProvider
click ok.
Error gone!
I installed VS2019 on a new laptop but kept getting the same error message as the OP. (it still worked fine on my desktop PC).
After a day or so of trying every answer on here and Google, and getting no joy, I tried using, from the toolbar, Build -> Publish Web App, which built my website into the Publish folder ok.
I then took this 'Publish' folder and copied it to a new place on my C:drive.
Then after closings and re-opening VS2019, started with "continue without code".
Then File -> Open -> Web Site... select my 'Publish' folder, and hooray I can now build and debug my project locally.
The issue was occurring for me when I was building a web project with node_modules. I fixed the error by enabling Desktop development with C++ option in my Visual Studio installer.
In Visual Studio 2017 CppCodeProvider.dll is getting shipped with “Desktop development with C++” as a result installing “Desktop development with C++” should resolve the issue.

TransformXml Web.config while publishing

I'm trying to use the TransformXml task to get all the config transformed at one shot irrespective of the build configuration that is selected in visual studio. I'm able to accomplish it by editing the .csproj file and here is it.
<UsingTask TaskName="TransformXml" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll"/>
<Target Name="TransformWebConfig" AfterTargets="AfterPublish">
<TransformXml Source="$(SolutionDir)WCFServices\Web.config"
StackTrace="true" />
The problem here is while I do a publish, the transformed config files gets placed in the output dir but this happens before the delete operation. I would need the configs to be transformed after the delete operation.
Please advise?
Beware MSBuild and VSBuild DO differ. Afterpublish is VERY limited
Try having msbuild save the emitted sln Also here.
Have you verified the file is getting transformed at the expected time? Add in a <message importance="high" text="Doing Custom Transform" /> before your transformxml call, then another message with different text Finished Custom Transform after this call.
This post speaks directly to your desire to do things involving the specialized publishing targets.
General msbuild debugging information:
Hopefully this behavior IS msbuild dependant instead of VSBuild, since the two build processes differ. If you are in luck and this is following the same behavior as MSBuild would follow the msbuild debugging process:
As with any magical behavior in msbuild, in your CSProj file look for any import target= code and go find those files. Following these through will lead you to the part that is making the decision about any of this.
Also you can attach VS's debugger to your build process - +
Determining build order
Also in crank up the build verbosity temporarily

aspnet_compiler looking for jsharp code provider on a C# mvc2 application

I am compiling an MVC2 application in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit. I am running the following as a post-build event command:
aspnet_compiler.exe -v / -p \
It results in the following error:-
The CodeDom provider type "Microsoft.VJSharp.VJSharpCodeProvider, VJSharpCodeProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" could not be located
I have no J# in my solution. I've downloaded the J# 2.0 redistributable package Second Edition, but that didn't help.
The funny thing is, I ran this in a BRAND NEW MVC2 solution and got the same error! So it has nothing to do with my application.
What am I missing that's causing this error?
I have read many other posts that say you need to install the redistributable, add a reference in web.config etc. but they didn't help.
Any ideas??
I had this happen today, and found a solution of sorts.
I'm using VS 2010 and an ASP.NET MVC 3 site, using Razor, running in IIS (not IIS Express or Cassini).
In my case this error cropped up in my .cshtml views. For any view I opened, the first #using line was underscored with the error:
C:\PathToMyCode\PathToMyViews\Index.cshtml: ASP.NET runtime error: Could not load file or assembly 'VJSharpCodeProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. An error relating to security occurred. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8013150A)
There were also bizarre errors throughout the page, such as ambiguous references between two assemblies with the same name (e.g. a supposedly conflict between "System.Web.Helpers" and "System.Web.Helpers").
The cause: I was running the web site under a user account that didn't have sufficient permissions. The account had the IIS_IUSRS role, but apparently there's some other role or access it needs to make this work, or it may need access to a particular folder it couldn't get to.
Unfortunately, I don't know what it is, and I'm not excited about the idea of wasting hours to figure it out after I already spent way too much time trying to figure out how this happened in the first place.
But giving that user the Administrators role resolved the error.
I realize this isn't an ideal solution, but I hope at least it gets some people unstuck. If anyone figures out exactly what permissions are necessary to prevent this error, comment below and perhaps we can narrow it down.
#Adrian - I had this problem today and fixed it nearly straight away, it was trying to compile J# in a C# project, weird error. But the problem was I copied a .java file into my project folder and the issue occured. Once I removed that, it all compiled again fine.
#Kyralessa : I was having the exact same error. Adding the Administrators role to the user under which the website was running "fixed" the problem but as you said it is not an ideal solution.
So I was fiddling around with IIS settings and under the Basic settings of the website I switched to "Application user (pass-through authentication)" and the problem disappeared. The app pool still runs under the same (non-admin) user so there is no security issue.
Try installing one of the packages below:
This got me past the error when none of the other solutions would work.
I was having this same error when I set MvcBuildViews property in the csproj to true. After much research and trial/error, I learned that the problem was because our site had .java files in the site's structure. These java files were not a part of the solution, simply loose files. The Aspnetcompiler task runs from the project root, so it finds all kinds of issues like duplicate web.configs and *.java files.
To deal with this, I created the following target in the MVC project file I was trying to debug:
<Target Name="MvcBuildViews" AfterTargets="Build" Condition="'$(MvcBuildViews)'=='true'">
<!-- This task performs compilation of the CSHTML files in the web structure
and will generate compiler errors if there are issues in the views, such as missing
resource strings, broken class locations, etc.
Due to an issue with the AspNetCompiler task identifing .java files as candidates for
compilation, we will temporarily rename all of the java files in the project to .xyz
so they are skipped by aspnet compiler. Then we rename them back.
Extra web.configs also cause an error, so those are temporarily moved. -->
<CreateItem Include="$(ProjectDir)**\*.java">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="JavaFolderA"/>
<CreateItem Include="$(ProjectDir)obj\**\web.config">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="ExtraWebConfigsA"/>
<Move SourceFiles="#(JavaFolderA)" DestinationFiles="#(JavaFolderA->'$(ProjectDir)%(RecursiveDir)%(FileName).xyz')"/>
<Move SourceFiles="#(ExtraWebConfigsA)" DestinationFiles="#(ExtraWebConfigsA->'$(ProjectDir)%(RecursiveDir)%(FileName).ccc')"/>
<AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="temp" PhysicalPath="$(WebProjectOutputDir)" />
<CreateItem Include="$(ProjectDir)**\*.xyz">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="JavaFolderB"/>
<CreateItem Include="$(ProjectDir)obj\**\web.ccc">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="ExtraWebConfigsB"/>
<Move SourceFiles="#(JavaFolderB)" DestinationFiles="#(JavaFolderB->'$(ProjectDir)%(RecursiveDir)%(FileName).java')"/>
<Move SourceFiles="#(ExtraWebConfigsB)" DestinationFiles="#(ExtraWebConfigsB->'$(ProjectDir)%(RecursiveDir)%(FileName).config')"/>
Hope this saves someone the 3 hours it took me to figure out...
Because this does add more time to the build, you may choose to add to the condition at the top to only perform this check during Release style builds:
<Target Name="MvcBuildViews" AfterTargets="Build" Condition="'$(MvcBuildViews)'=='true' AND '$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">

