I want to ask this question because of some safety mechanism for my code.
This may seem like useless, but it already made me lose much time debugging.
public class AnimalClass
virtual void Mod{}
virtual void UpdateSomeValues{}
public class CatClass : AnimalClass
override void Mod{}
override void UpdateSomeValues{}
Is there a way in C# to automatically fire up Cat's UpdateSomeValues function whenever Cat's Mod function is called (without having to call it manually from Cat's Mod function)?
And if possible, make it the same for all derived classes?
No. You could solve that issue by introducing another, protected method that derived classes can override, and make the public one call into it once all the necessary processing is done:
public class AnimalClass
public void Mod()
// do stuff
protected virtual ModImpl() {}
With that derived classes would implement ModImpl() if they want to do some extra processing, and you're sure that // do stuff still happens when Mod is called.
I came across a posting where it is said that MustBeCalled() method will get called if we have the Abstract class do the calling in this manner.
public abstract class AbstractClass
public void PerformThisFunction()
public void MustBeCalled()
//this must be called when AbstractMethod is invoked
//could also be public if desired
protected abstract void AbstractMethod();
public class ImplementClass : AbstractClass
protected override void AbstractMethod()
//when called, base.MustBeCalled() must be called.
//how can i enforce this?
But how does MustBeCalled() method get called?
In what order things are called here?
If you call PerformFunction() first, then everything will execute in the intended order, where that order is specified in the order of the lines of code in PerformFunction(). If you call AbstractMethod() directly, there's no guarantee that MustBeCalled() will ever be called. However, I notice that you have AbstractMethod() marked as protected, which means that outside consumers of your class will not be able to call it directly. They'll have to use PerformFunction() -- this is good, as there is now only one public way to invoke your internal methods, and that way guarantees the order that you need.
In truth, there is a level at which you can only guarantee that things happen by choosing to write code to make them happen. You can't, for example, guarantee that code is going to implement a game of Tetris except by actually writing that code and choosing to implement it in such a way that it produces Tetris behavior. The type system and the public/protected/private modifiers can help some by preventing some misuse (as your internals are not accessible and thus cannot be invoked by consumers of your module), but they can only go so far. This is such a case.
You cannot enforce how an implementation to call a method when invoked. The implementation could do its own thing entirely, or do nothing.
public class ImplementClass : AbstractClass
protected override void AbstractMethod()
// this is a perfectly valid implementation
A better implementation could be.
public abstract class AbstractClass
public void PerformThisFunction()
private void MustBeCalled()
protected virtual void AbstractMethod()
This way refactoring tools will at least create the desired boilerplate code:
public class ImplementClass : AbstractClass
protected override void AbstractMethod()
However, the person overriding AbstractMethod still needs to call base.AbstractMethod, this is not enforced by the compiler at all.
I'm having a problem with a program I'm writing, where my virtual functions don't seem to be behaving the way they should.
I have a class with a virtual function, and a derived class that overrides it. When I call the function, the override isn't called, but the base is. This is something I've done a million times before and I have no idea how that behaviour can break in such as simple case.
As an example:
public class ClassA
public DoStuff()
protected virtual MyVirtual()
Console.WriteLine("Base MyVirtual Called");
public class ClassB : ClassA
protected override MyVirtual()
Console.WriteLine("Overridden MyVirtual Called");
ClassA test = new ClassB;
This example is just for effect (I haven't compiled it to check it, I'm just demonstrating). I just want to know what can break that so the override isn't called. I can't paste my specific code, but it is theoretically as simple as that.
The inheritance hierarchy is just the two classes
There's no sealed modifiers
The class is created via a simple call to new for the inherited class
The virtual function is protected and called from a public function in the base class just like that
How could that possibly break or what could interfere with that behaviour? The project is quite complicated, but this is nothing new that I'm implementing. In my specific code, there is even another virtual function written exactly the same way and inherited the same way, that works fine. I even made the new function by copy/pasting that one and renaming, so the syntax should be identical (I did rebuild them from scratch when they didn't work, but no difference to their behaviour).
Anyway, I'm at my wits end and I can't spend days searching for an obscure reason for this, so any ideas of where to start looking would be hugely appreciated.
If you fix the errors it compiles successfully and behaves as you would expect.
Fixed version:
public class ClassA
public void DoStuff()
protected virtual void MyVirtual()
Console.WriteLine("Base MyVirtual Called");
public class ClassB : ClassA
protected override void MyVirtual()
Console.WriteLine("Overridden MyVirtual Called");
ClassA test = new ClassB();
Overridden MyVirtual Called
This basically means that, contrary to your statements, your code isn't "theoretically as simple as that", my guess is that you are not actually overriding in B class.
If you have several classes in the inheritance chain, you may want to check that all the methods with the same name in those classes (if they exist) have "override"
Is there a construct in Java or C# that forces inheriting classes to call the base implementation? You can call super() or base() but is it possible to have it throw a compile-time error if it isn't called? That would be very convenient..
I am mainly curious about overriding methods.
There isn't and shouldn't be anything to do that.
The closest thing I can think of off hand if something like having this in the base class:
public virtual void BeforeFoo(){}
public void Foo()
//do some stuff
public virtual void AfterFoo(){}
And allow the inheriting class override BeforeFoo and/or AfterFoo
Not in Java. It might be possible in C#, but someone else will have to speak to that.
If I understand correctly you want this:
class A {
public void foo() {
// Do superclass stuff
class B extends A {
public void foo() {
// Do subclass stuff
What you can do in Java to enforce usage of the superclass foo is something like:
class A {
public final void foo() {
// Do stuff
// Then delegate to subclass
protected abstract void fooImpl();
class B extends A {
protected void fooImpl() {
// Do subclass stuff
It's ugly, but it achieves what you want. Otherwise you'll just have to be careful to make sure you call the superclass method.
Maybe you could tinker with your design to fix the problem, rather than using a technical solution. It might not be possible but is probably worth thinking about.
EDIT: Maybe I misunderstood the question. Are you talking about only constructors or methods in general? I assumed methods in general.
The following example throws an InvalidOperationException when the base functionality is not inherited when overriding a method.
This might be useful for scenarios where the method is invoked by some internal API.
i.e. where Foo() is not designed to be invoked directly:
public abstract class ExampleBase {
private bool _baseInvoked;
internal protected virtual void Foo() {
_baseInvoked = true;
// IMPORTANT: This must always be executed!
internal void InvokeFoo() {
if (!_baseInvoked)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Custom classes must invoke `base.Foo()` when method is overridden.");
public class ExampleA : ExampleBase {
protected override void Foo() {
public class ExampleB : ExampleBase {
protected override void Foo() {
I use the following technique. Notice that the Hello() method is protected, so it can't be called from outside...
public abstract class Animal
protected abstract void Hello();
public void SayHello()
//Do some mandatory thing
Console.WriteLine("something mandatory");
public class Dog : Animal
protected override void Hello()
public class Cat : Animal
protected override void Hello()
Example usage:
static void Main(string[] args)
var animals = new List<Animal>()
new Cat(),
new Dog(),
new Dog(),
new Dog()
animals.ForEach(animal => animal.SayHello());
Which produces:
You may want to look at this (call super antipatern) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_super
If I understand correctly you want to enforce that your base class behaviour is not overriden, but still be able to extend it, then I'd use the template method design pattern and in C# don't include the virtual keyword in the method definition.
No. It is not possible. If you have to have a function that does some pre or post action do something like this:
internal class Class1
internal virtual void SomeFunc()
// no guarantee this code will run
internal void MakeSureICanDoSomething()
// do pre stuff I have to do
// do post stuff I have to do
internal virtual void ThisCodeMayNotRun()
// this code may or may not run depending on
// the derived class
I didn't read ALL the replies here; however, I was considering the same question. After reviewing what I REALLY wanted to do, it seemed to me that if I want to FORCE the call to the base method that I should not have declared the base method virtual (override-able) in the first place.
Don't force a base call. Make the parent method do what you want, while calling an overridable (eg: abstract) protected method in its body.
Don't think there's any feasible solution built-in. I'm sure there's separate code analysis tools that can do that, though.
EDIT Misread construct as constructor. Leaving up as CW since it fits a very limited subset of the problem.
In C# you can force this behavior by defining a single constructor having at least one parameter in the base type. This removes the default constructor and forces derived types to explcitly call the specified base or they get a compilation error.
class Parent {
protected Parent(int id) {
class Child : Parent {
// Does not compile
public Child() {}
// Also does not compile
public Child(int id) { }
// Compiles
public Child() :base(42) {}
In java, the compiler can only enforce this in the case of Constructors.
A constructor must be called all the way up the inheritance chain .. ie if Dog extends Animal extends Thing, the constructor for Dog must call a constructor for Animal must call a constructor for Thing.
This is not the case for regular methods, where the programmer must explicitly call a super implementation if necessary.
The only way to enforce some base implementation code to be run is to split override-able code into a separate method call:
public class Super
public final void doIt()
// cannot be overridden
protected void doItSub()
// override this
public class Sub extends Super
protected void doItSub()
// override logic
I stumbled on to this post and didn't necessarily like any particular answer, so I figured I would provide my own ...
There is no way in C# to enforce that the base method is called. Therefore coding as such is considered an anti-pattern since a follow-up developer may not realize they must call the base method else the class will be in an incomplete or bad state.
However, I have found circumstances where this type of functionality is required and can be fulfilled accordingly. Usually the derived class needs a resource of the base class. In order to get the resource, which normally might be exposed via a property, it is instead exposed via a method. The derived class has no choice but to call the method to get the resource, therefore ensuring that the base class method is executed.
The next logical question one might ask is why not put it in the constructor instead? The reason is that it may be an order of operations issue. At the time the class is constructed, there may be some inputs still missing.
Does this get away from the question? Yes and no. Yes, it does force the derived class to call a particular base class method. No, it does not do this with the override keyword. Could this be helpful to an individual looking for an answer to this post, maybe.
I'm not preaching this as gospel, and if individuals see a downside to this approach, I would love to hear about it.
On the Android platform there is a Java annotation called 'CallSuper' that enforces the calling of the base method at compile time (although this check is quite basic). Probably the same type of mechanism can be easily implemented in Java in the same exact way. https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/annotation/CallSuper
I've been doing some mocking with RhinoMocks and it requires that mocked methods be made virtual. This is fine except we have a custom framework which contains the methods that I want to mock which are currently not marked as virtual.
I can't forsee any problem with making these methods virtual but I was wondering what are some potential dangers of making methods virtual that I should look out for?
Actually it can be very problematic if the method is not designed to be overridden and someone overrides it. In particular, never call a virtual method from a constructor. Consider:
class Base {
public Base() {
protected virtual void InitializeComponent() {
class Derived : Base {
private Button button1;
public Derived() : base() {
button1 = new Button();
protected override void InitializeComponent() {
button1.Text = "I'm gonna throw a null reference exception"
The Derived class may not be aware that the virtual method call will result in its InitializeComponent method being called before a single line of its own constructor has run.
If you have users that override your virtual methods you can't seal them again without breaking code.
Any virtual methods you call from the constructor may fall down to derived implementations and if they don't call the base method and the constructor depends on it, the object may be in an invalid state
Ayende has a nice treatment of how virtual methods work: