Entity Wrapper - Custom - c#

I would like find a workaround to accomplish a simple solution in order to automatize certain operation through EF.
What I need it's takeover during saving and retrieving process to modifying query result, but this class will be able to make that work for any type entities.
Example: I have a MyTestDb. So in my C# project I create a new entity model (MyTEstDbModel.edmx), with relative POCO class generation.
Well, a point of interest could be implementing a new custom class like following:
class Example
private ObjectContext _context;
private Example(ObjectContext obj) { _context = obj; }
public void Store(ObjectSet<???generic???> os)
// problem here: I dont't know the type contained in ObjectSet
// but if I Knew its type, I could make a work like this:
// -> foreach every instance in objectSet to check if exist some property
// via reflection, if i found them, then I set always the same values.
// Why this? Because all my db contains some common filed
// like (createdByUser, TimeToUpdate, and so on..), so it wold be boring
// setting all those fileds from any point of program.
public void Retrive(ObjectSet<???generic???> os)
// here problem too: all my queries will be filtered by one or more value
// fileds, but I cannot use lambaExpression cos I don't Know the type
// contained in objectSet<..>
finally, by any point of program, the code should appear like following:
Example obj = new Example(myEntityContext); //-> global
var result = myEntityContext.ObjectSetTyped.Where(..lambaExpression..condition)
result.someProperty = "...";
obj.Store(result); // store method will fill all other boring filed automatically.
Can anyone give me some tips, help, suggestion about my issue?
Thanks in advance...
Now, just only another problem. I'd to filter my ObjectSet through retrieve method like following:
public void Retrieve<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity> ooo) where TEntity : IC
ooo = ooo.Where(p => p.Filed == "MyDefaultValue");
But, from external method, not objectSet result is affect by my filter.
How so..?
MyEntities ent = new...
MyWrapper wrap = new MyWrapper();
//problem here -> users objectSet is always the same..

Define interfaces which will allow you to do this. For example:
public interface IEntity
DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }
string CreatedBy { get; set; }
You need to "implement" this interface in your entities. You can for example either modify T4 template generating entities or implement it in partial class. Both properties must be already defined in the model so the implementation is only declarative:
public partial class MyEntity : IEntity // That's all
{ }
Now you can define Store like:
public void Store<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : IEntity
Same can be done with query but you can for example define custom extension method:
public static IQueryable<TEntity> GetUserEntities(this IQueryable<TEntity> query, string user)
where TEntity : IEntity
return query.Where(e => e.CreatedBy == user);
You will simply define your query like:
var result = myEntityContext.MyEntities.GetUserEntities("someName");
Other approach is defining simply GetQuery on your custom context:
public IQueryable<T> GetQuery<T>() where T : IEntity
var query = GetObjectSetSomehow;
return query.ApplyGlobalConditions(); // Just another extension with your conditions
I'm not a big fan of the repository pattern but generally what you are trying to do is close to generic repository so check for example this post. It is just some example which can be further extended.

yeah, I just want a generic approach, likewise I realized with dataset and datatable.. but it seems impossible to achieve..
..ehmm..however, let me show yuo following code snippet, dynamic keyword looks like something to hopeful.... maybe I'm colse to solution..?
public ObjectSet<dynamic> Retrieve(string entity, string context)
Type myObjectContextType = Type.GetType(context);
ConstructorInfo cs = myObjectContextType .GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
dynamic myObjContext = cs.Invoke(new object[] { });
Type t = Type.GetType(entity);
ConstructorInfo xi = t.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
dynamic UserEntity = xi.Invoke(new object[] { });
!problem here!
ObjectSet<?????> os = myObjContext.UserEntity.Where(...)
return ...
I'm very surprised..EF is a great instruments to develope more efficiently ways but too little "generalizalbe"


How to iterate through an ICollection type property with reflection

The title covers a very tiny part of what I'm trying to achieve, so be informed ahead. I'm trying to build a generic way of properly updating collection properties of an entity when that entity itself is updated. In the nutshell I want to do something similar to the approach explained here but I want to go generic way. For that I have created an attribute called EntityCollectionPropertyAttribute and marked those properties of entities that
I need to be updated too. Here's an example:
public class Teacher{
public int TeacherId{get;set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
public class Student{
public int StudentId{get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
public virtual ICollection<Teacher> Teachers{get;set;}
public bool IsPropertyAnEntityCollection(PropertyInfo prop){
return Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(EntityCollectionPropertyAttribute));
public void Update<T>(T entity)where T:class{
DbEntityEntry entry = MyDbContext.Entry(entity);
foreach (var prop in entry.Entity.GetType().GetProperties())
//Here's where I get stuck
Lets say the parent entity that has been updated is a Student. Besides Name (and possibly ID) properties, I need the Teachers to be updated as well. So in the commented area I need something like this:
var updatedTeachers=studentEntity.Teachers.ToList();
but of course generic way. I will also have to look inside the DbContext for the teachers DBSet independently. So I will need something like this too:
var exisitingTeachers=MyDbContext.Teachers.ToList();
Any ideas how to do this?
You can call ToList method by passing property value prop.GetValue(entity) in this method:
private IList CollectionToList(object value)
var collectionType = value.GetType().GenericTypeArguments.First();
var method = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToList");
var genericMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(collectionType);
return (IList)genericMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { value });
In this way you will be able to iterate through collection.
If type of property value List or Array and there is no need in creating new collection you can just cast value to IList and iterate through it.
For getting values from database context you can use Set method:
var dbset = MyDbContext.Set(prop.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments.First());
dbset also could be passed to CollectionToList method, but in that way you will load all table rows from table which could take a lot of time and memory.

Property Type as Generic parameter

I'm trying to figure out how I can make a Generics call take a variable for the Type. In the call below it take a type "DAL.Account" and works fine.
var tst = ctx.GetTable<DAL.Account>().Where(t => t.Sbank == "000134");
I want to change that so that I can pass a variable in place of the "DAL.Account". Something like this but I know that won't work as you can't pass property as a Type.
ctx.GetTable<Criteria.EntityType>().Where(LinqToSQLHelper.BuildWhereStatement(Criteria.StateBag), Criteria.StateBag.Values.ToArray())
Below is the shell pieces of code I think explains what I'm trying to do. Generics is not my strong suit so I'm looking for some help. Is there anyway that I can make this happen?
//Stores a "Type" that indicates what Object is a Criteria for.
public class AccountCriteria : IGeneratedCriteria
public Type EntityType
get {return typeof(DAL.Account);}
//I have added a function to the DataContext called "GetTable"
// And then used it as an example in a Console App to test its functionality.
public class ADRPDataContext : NHibernateDataContext
public CodeSmith.Data.NHibernate.ITable<T> GetTable<T>() where T : EntityBase
var tb = new CodeSmith.Data.NHibernate.Table<T>(this);
return tb;
// console application that uses DataContext.GetTable
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var ctx = new ADRPDataContext())
var tst = ctx.GetTable<DAL.Account>().Where(t => t.Sbank == "000134");
//ExistsCommand class that uses the EntityType property of the Critera to generate the data.
public class ExistsCommand
private IGeneratedCriteria Criteria { get; set; }
protected override void DataPortal_Execute()
using (var ctx = new DC.ADRPDataContext())
//This was my first attempt but doesn't work becuase you can't pass a property in for a Type.
//But I can figure out how to write this so that it will work.
Result = ctx.GetTable<Criteria.EntityType>().Where(LinqToSQLHelper.BuildWhereStatement(Criteria.StateBag), Criteria.StateBag.Values.ToArray()).Count() > 0;
You are looking to instantiate a generic type. Some info can be found here
This is a simple example demonstrating how to instantiate a List with a capacity of 3. Here is a method that you can call to create a generic when you don't know the type:
public static Object CreateGenericListOfType(Type typeGenericWillBe)
//alternative to the followin:
//List<String> myList = new List<String>(3);
//build parameters for the generic's constructor (obviously this code wouldn't work if you had different constructors for each potential type)
object[] constructorArgs = new Object[1];
constructorArgs[0] = 3;
//instantiate the generic. Same as calling the one line example (commented out) above. Results in a List<String> with 3 list items
Type genericListType = typeof(List<>);
Type[] typeArgs = { typeGenericWillBe };
Type myNewGeneric = genericListType.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
object GenericOfType = Activator.CreateInstance(myNewGeneric, constructorArgs);
return GenericOfType;
And here is some sample code that will show you the example method works:
List<String> Strings = (List<String>)InstantiateGenericTypeWithReflection.CreateGenericListOfType(typeof(String));
//demonstrate the object is actually a List<String> and we can do stuff like use linq extensions (isn't a good use of linq but serves as example)
Console.WriteLine("item index 2 value: " + Strings.Where(strings => strings == "2").First());
In your example, replace your GetTable<Criteria.EntityType>() with CreateGenericTableOfType(Criteria.EntityType). This will return a generic table of whatever type you pass in. You will of course need to implement the method properly (handle constructor args, change List to Table etc).
I think you need to change the way you're doing this slightly, and instead use generics instead of the EntityType property. Perhaps something along the lines of the following:
// Create an abstract class to be used as the base for classes that are supported by
// ExistsCommand and any other classes where you need a similar pattern
public abstract class ExtendedCriteria<T> : IGeneratedCriteria
public ExistsCommand GetExistsCommand()
return new ExistsCommand<T>(this);
// Make the non-generic ExistsCommand abstract
public abstract class ExistsCommand
protected abstract void DataPortal_Execute();
// Create a generic sub-class of ExistsCommand with the type parameter used in the GetTable call
// where you were previously trying to use the EntityType property
public class ExistsCommand<T> : ExistsCommand
protected override void DataPortal_Execute()
using (var ctx = new DC.ADRPDataContext())
Result = ctx.GetTable<T>().Where(LinqToSQLHelper.BuildWhereStatement(Criteria.StateBag), Criteria.StateBag.Values.ToArray()).Count() > 0;
// Derive the AccountCriteria from ExtendedCriteria<T> with T the entity type
public class AccountCriteria : ExtendedCriteria<DAL.Account>

Extracting instances from a list based on a given Type variable

I fear this is going to be a big setup for a simple question. As to complexity of the answer, I fear what I might be getting into...
I am building an application that will be used to help transform data from a source database with one table structure to a target database with a different structure. The target database will contain data already, and thus the process must be able to maintain ID-based relationships from the source when inserting to the target, where the newly-inserted items will get new IDs. Assume that each source table will be transformable to a single target table.
Minimal code, with necessary class/interface structure:
public interface IDataSetStorable { }
public class InMemoryDataSet : List<IDataSetStorable>
public AbstractDataEntity FindEntity(string id, Type type)
// The question will be about this method
return new object() as AbstractDataEntity;
public class EntityList<T> : Dictionary<string, T>, IDataSetStorable where T : AbstractDataEntity
public void AddEntity(T entity)
this.Add(entity.ID, entity);
public abstract class AbstractDataEntity
public string ID { get; set; }
public abstract class DataItem<S, T> : AbstractDataEntity { }
// There will be a set of these three classes per source DB table
public class SourceType { }
public class TargetType { }
public class TransformationType : DataItem<SourceType, TargetType> { }
InMemoryDataSet holds the tables, represented by instances of (for example) EntityList<TransformationType>. There will be a TransformationType for each mapping of SourceType to TargetType, where each of those is likely to be a class from a DataContext. There will be one per source DB table, though many of those tables may map to a single target DB table.
The use of IDataSetStorable as a marker interface allows for the storage of EntityList<>s with many different subtypes within an instance of InMemoryDataSet.
During the transformation of any item from the source DB, it can only be inserted into the target DB if we know the appropriate target-DB IDs for its foreign keys. To do this the code will find all its dependencies from the source DB and transform them BEFORE attempting to transform the item under consideration. Recursively, this should ensure that the first things inserted into the target DB have no dependencies, get their new IDs, and can then be looked up when inserting things that depend on them.
An instance of InMemoryDataSet will provide the lookup facility, which should be passed an ID (from the source DB) and a parameter of type Type, representing the TransformationType which deals with transforming the type of item being looked up.
Example of that: Table1 has two fields, id and table2_id, the latter referencing Table2, and its field id. The lookup call would be (kinda pseudocode-y):
var entity = myDataSet.FindEntity([table1.table2_id], typeof(Table2TransformationType));
Then entity should be of type Table2TransformationType (inheriting eventually from AbstractDataEntity), and would represent the row from Table2 with ID matching that passed to the method.
And finally, to the question:
In the FindEntity() method, how can I find if there is an EntityList<whatever the passed type was> present? My thought was to use something like:
foreach (var entityList in this)
// work out if entityList is an EntityList<passed-in type>;
Simple question! But I don't know how I can do this last part :(
You need to check:
If the Type for the current item entityList represents a generic type
If that generic type represents EntityList<>
If the generic argument to that type is of the passed in type
Try this:
if (entityList.GetType().IsGenericType &&
entityList.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(EntityList<>) &&
entityList.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0] == type)
Edit: Was getting the generic arguments off of the wrong type. Fixed.
OK, managed to make this work using a bit of Reflection. Kirk Woll got me started looking in the right places, though in the end the solution hasn't used his suggestions. There is an additional method, public T RetrieveEntity(string id), in the EntityList<T> class in order to make it easier to get a single item out of the Dictionary by key when using Type.GetMethod():
public class EntityList<T> : Dictionary<string, T>, IDataSetStorable where T : AbstractDataEntity
public void AddEntity(T entity)
this.Add(entity.ID, entity);
public T RetrieveEntity(string id)
return this[id];
Then we have the guts of the FindEntity(string id, Type type) method:
public class InMemoryDataSet : List<IDataSetStorable>
public AbstractDataEntity FindEntity(string id, Type type)
// Make an instance of the passed-in type so that invoking
// TryGetValue will throw an exception if operating on an
// EntityList which is not of the correct type.
var sample = type.GetConstructor(new Type[]{}).Invoke(new object[]{});
foreach (var entityList in this)
// This doesn't manage to set sample to the found entity...
bool idFound = (bool)entityList.GetType().GetMethod("TryGetValue").Invoke(entityList, new object[] { id, sample });
if (idFound)
// So we dig it out here with the method added to EntityList<>
sample = entityList.GetType().GetMethod("RetrieveEntity").Invoke(entityList, new object[] { id });
return (AbstractDataEntity)sample;
catch (Exception ex)
// Likely some kind of casting exception
return null;
At the point of calling FindEntity() we knew what the desired type was, and so casting the AbstractDataEntity that it returns is trivial.
Use Linq:
Dictionary<string, Type> a = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
var allOfMyType = a.Where(x=> (x.Value.Name == "MyType"));

Using reflection to address a Linqed property

I'm trying to writing a generic method that will load a record of a specific type, with a specific ID. Here's one way that works:
public abstract class LinqedTable<T> where T : LinqableTable {
public static T Get(long ID) {
DataContext context = LinqUtils.GetDataContext<T>();
var q = from obj in context.GetTable<T>()
where obj.ID == ID
select obj;
return q.Single<T>();
public abstract class LinqableTable {
public abstract long ID { get; set; }
You can ignore the call to LinqUtils.GetDataContext<T>(); that's a utility function I've got to deal with the fact that I have multiple data contexts in my program. The point is that now I can declare any of my classes as subclasses of LinqableTable, and I can easily instantiate a record of that table just by calling LinqedTable<MyType>.Get(ID).
This has some limitations, however. Firstly, it forces all of my tables to have an I
identity field of type long, named ID. Secondly, because I'm using an abstract method, I am forced to go to the O/R designer and change the inheritance property of every ID field in my system to "override".
I want more flexibility than that. So naturally, I tried reflection, and came out with the following:
public abstract class LinqedTable<T> where T : LinqableTable {
public static T Get(long ID) {
DataContext context = LinqUtils.GetDataContext<T>();
var q = from obj in context.GetTable<T>()
where obj.IDValue == ID
select obj;
return q.Single<T>();
public abstract class LinqableTable {
internal long IDValue {
get { return (long)IDProperty.GetValue(this, null); }
set { IDProperty.SetValue(this, value, null); }
internal PropertyInfo IDProperty {
get { return this.GetType().GetProperty(IDPropertyName); }
internal protected virtual string IDPropertyName {
get { return "ID"; }
Theoretically, this allows me to override the ID column name, the cast to long should be OK with any integral data type, and I don't need to go defining all my ID columns as overrides.
Linq doesn't like this. On the call to q.Single<T>(); I get a runtime error:
The member 'EISS.Utils.LinqableTable.IDValue' has no supported translation to SQL.
OK, today I learned that Linq does some kind of magic on the back end; it doesn't instantiate obj and just read the IDValue property. So must be there's some attribute that needs to be set on the IDValue property that lets Linq do its thing.
But what?
Linq to SQL tries to translate your linq-query into SQL, but it does not know how to translate your property to a column name in the DB.
A good explanation can be found here on SO:
simple linq to sql has no supported translation to SQL
But how to solve it, is another matter. I have with succes used the apporoach from this thread:
Or you can use dynamic query as mentioned here by scott guthrie:
Having read these posts: Generic Data Access using LINQ to SQL and C#,
LINQ-to-SQL: Generic Primary Key function and
Calling a generic method with Type
My colleague and I came up with the following digest:
We added the following method to our datacontext (in a partial class).
public T GetInstanceByPrimaryKey<T>(object primaryKeyValue) where T : class
var table = this.GetTable<T>();
var mapping = this.Mapping.GetTable(typeof(T));
var pkfield = mapping.RowType.DataMembers.SingleOrDefault(d => d.IsPrimaryKey);
if (pkfield == null)
throw new Exception(String.Format("Table {0} does not contain a Primary Key field", mapping.TableName));
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "e");
var predicate =
Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(param, pkfield.Name), Expression.Constant(primaryKeyValue)), param);
return table.SingleOrDefault(predicate);
Then, where we need to instanciate from the type name and primary key value:
string name = "LinqObjectName";
int primaryKey = 123;
var dc = new YourDataContext();
Type dcType = dc.GetType();
Type type = dcType.Assembly.GetType(String.Format("{0}.{1}", dcType.Namespace, name));
MethodInfo methodInfoOfMethodToExcute = dc.GetType().GetMethod("GetInstanceByPrimaryKey");
MethodInfo methodInfoOfTypeToGet = methodInfoOfMethodToExcute.MakeGenericMethod(name);
var instance = methodInfoOfTypeToGet.Invoke(dc, new object[] { primaryKey });
return instance;
Hope this helps!
Since LINQ statements referred to a LINQ-to-SQL IQueryable are translated to SQL queries, you will have to use the AsEnumerable extension (which will in turn cause a read of all the items in the database) and do reflection-related stuff on that IEnumerable.
As required here's a clarificationAs specified in a comment, what I meant was something like:
(from obj in context.GetTable<T>() select obj).AsEnumerable().Where(x => x.IDValue == ID)
Unlike a query executed on an IQueryable, which can be perfectly translated to SQL such as
context.GetTable().Where(x => x.Text == "Hello")
which gets converted to something similar to
a query executed against an IEnumerable - in your case - will be executed by fetching all the entries of your table and then applying code-wise the specified filter.

LinqToSql and abstract base classes

I have some linq entities that inherit something like this:
public abstract class EntityBase { public int Identifier { get; } }
public interface IDeviceEntity { int DeviceId { get; set; } }
public abstract class DeviceEntityBase : EntityBase, IDeviceEntity
public abstract int DeviceId { get; set; }
public partial class ActualLinqGeneratedEntity : DeviceEntityBase
In a generic method I am querying DeviceEnityBase derived entities with:
return unitOfWork.GetRepository<TEntity>().FindOne(x => x.DeviceId == evt.DeviceId);
where TEntity has a contraint that is it a DeviceEntityBase. This query is always failing with an InvalidOperationException with the message "Class member DeviceEntityBase.DeviceId is unmapped". Even if I add some mapping info in the abstract base class with
[Column(Storage = "_DeviceId", DbType = "Int", Name = "DeviceId", IsDbGenerated = false, UpdateCheck = UpdateCheck.Never)]
Wow, looks like for once I may be able to one-up #MarcGravell!
I had the same problem, then I discovered this answer, which solved the problem for me!
In your case, you would say:
return unitOfWork.GetRepository<TEntity>().Select(x => x).FindOne(x => x.DeviceId == evt.DeviceId);
and Bob's your uncle!
LINQ-to-SQL has some support for inheritance via a discriminator (here, here), but you can only query on classes that are defined in the LINQ model - i.e. data classes themselves, and (more perhaps importantly for this example) the query itself must be phrased in terms of data classes: although TEntity is a data class, it knows that the property here is declared on the entity base.
One option might be dynamic expressions; it the classes themselves declared the property (i.e. lose the base class, but keep the interface) - but this isn't trivial.
The Expression work would be something like below, noting that you might want to either pass in the string as an argument, or obtain the primary key via reflection (if it is attributed):
static Expression<Func<T, bool>> BuildWhere<T>(int deviceId) {
var id = Expression.Constant(deviceId, typeof(int));
var arg = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
var prop = Expression.Property(arg, "DeviceId");
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(
Expression.Equal(prop, id), arg);
This kind of heirarchial mapping isnot possible with LinqToSql. The the mapping is setup it cannot map to properties in base classes. I went around on this for a couple of months when it first came out. The best solution is to use the entity framework. It gives you much more flexibility with creating your object model. It will allow you to do exactly what your trying to do here.
Here is some information on the entity framework: MSDN Article
Try .OfType<>() as posted here https://stackoverflow.com/a/17734469/3936440, it works for me having the exact same issue.

