When should I use multiple class libraries in .NET. I have a situation where I need to use the functionalities of Microsoft Office Object Model to check certain attributes of Microsoft Office files. Should I use different class libraries to process different file types.
eg:- 1 library for word files,
1 library for ppt,
so on.
Or should I stuff everything into a single class library.
What are the question that i should to self before going to build multiple class libraries.
Think about your consumers: If somebody might want to use the library for word files without the extra overhead of having all the other libraries, then separate them. If not, don't.
That said, keep in mind that separate assemblies is not necessarily the same as separate projects. You may want to use separate projects for each of these, even if you end up combining them into one big assembly in the end (see Single assembly from multiple projects). I've found it to be easier to manage version control on smaller projects.
It depends a bit on how and where you plan to use this functionality.
If you're going to be using portions of the functionality from multiple applications, and each application will only need to handle one of the files (or at least not all of them), then it makes sense to separate out libraries by file types.
However, if all of your applications will typically handle every type of file, keeping them together will reduce the maintenance overhead of your solution.
Keep It Simple. If you have no technial reason to seperate, don't do it.
The answer to this is mostly personal opinions. There are many times technical reasons or "best practices" patterns and dictate how you should separate code.
1) what (possible) other programs will reuse the same classes, and will they be deployed at the same location?
2)I have a small group of classes that have little or no dependency on the rest of the system; would it make logical sense to group them together in a class library?
My team and I are looking for evidence to support either a multi library approach for like functionality, or condensing all of this functionality within a single service layer. It's important to note that this is going to be sitting behind a web api and either approach is valid, but we need to decide which holds more benefit. To illustrate the layer(s) we are looking at the following is what we'll have:
Services ---- This is what we're looking at
Bear in mind that if we did use the multi library approach we would still have a Services project, but it would be much thinner and have more specific functionality. We are not planning to independently deploy these libraries, but have everything needing to reference them either in the same solution, or access them via the web api.
What the rest of us would propose is something like the following:
Services.Geography ---
Services.Membership --- This is the alternative approach
Services.ProductDelivery ---
The benefits we see in the first option is having all of this code organized within a single library which allows for easier extraction of duplicate code, potentially unit testing, and perhaps some relief from the build process.
The benefits of option two are having a clear delineation in functionality between projects, having isolated code which is potentially portable should the need arise, and generally being able to independently work on and configure different facets of the application.
The drawbacks we see in option one are that the Service layer now becomes responsible for each facet of the application, which bloats that library and in my opinion sort of violates Single Responsibility. We realize that rule is not as applicable to libraries so much as it is methods and classes, but it still seems like there are other benefits to be had by separating functionality. There's also the potential to mistakenly place code somewhere it doesn't belong, or use classes available to the entire project where they may not apply.
The drawbacks in option two are an obvious increase in overhead on project builds, working in configs (even though this may be desirable) and potentially cluttering the solution with more projects than necessary. I think we'd plan to consolidate like functionality into single projects (ie, we might build multiple implementations of ProductDelivery within that project to be able to switch between them or use different ones for different reasons).
We realize all of our business rules can be accomplished with either approach, we just have reached an impasse in deciding which approach is better practice.
So the question is, which of these two approaches is better practice?
I have 2 things that can make me think to chose the first option:
Your services use only one data layer library.
Your services are really short (something like implementing just the CRUD)
Split in libraries, a class that count few lines in an entire library, can be awkward. Unless, you know it will grow a lot after (in several classes, of course).
If not, I would say the option 2, is better because:
it's easier to replace a part of the service like that. Change the library that you want, and it's done.
it should be more abstracted, if you want to avoid strong coupling between each library
it should be easier to test a specific part of it.
it should be more configurable, and you can configure all of them in the project that references all of them (Even, if one or several libraries doesn't change a lot of things).
it should be less like a god library
it might be more exportable for some others projects, depending on how specialized your libraries are.
And I disagree, for these points:
a single library which allows for easier extraction of duplicate code
If you are careful, your duplicate code, can be extracted in a parent library, common to all the others. So all your duplicate code, should be automatically extracted (Except, if there is a lack of communication or people prefer to copy/paste code. But, one library would not change that. It might even be harder to find where the code already exists).
potentially unit testing
Why several libraries have to be more difficult to test ?
If you have several libraries, you will have to make them more abstracted, to allow the change. And then, your testing should be easy.
and perhaps some relief from the build process.
Why ? If all your libraries are well named, where would be your problems ?
Deploying a dll or several dlls, shouldn't be that hard.
If it's about the configuration, one library or more, you will still have the same configuration to make, not necessarily more (but probably a bit more).
I also disagree for the single responsability doesn't apply to libraries. It is.
Each library, should be responsible for one business, not all of them. If you finish with a set of libraries, it can become a framework. Even, for a framework, you will finish to have a single responsability but much more general, than the responsibility of methods, classes, libraries, etc...
But you might want an opinion from a more advanced architect/developer than me.
If someone disagree with me, don't hesitate to comment my answer. I would be happy to learn from your knowledge
With the comments from my first answer in mind.
The current plan is to have a single data layer. Many of our potential
other libraries would be third party api wrappers that don't
necessarily need to interact with the database. Those that do could
potentially have their own data layer which may or may not interact
with the same database or an independent database. I think doing that
makes them self contained and able to exist without the rest of the
solution. Still not totally sure if this is the approach we want to
take yet though.
Dependency injection ?
StructureMap as our IoC dependency resolver
You will end up with several libraries, unless, all your libraries you use, have to use themselves together.
You will either have your services becoming kind of proxies for the third party libraries, or your services will use proxies for the third party libraries.
But anyway, the proxy parts, should not be together in same library. It would be harder to change the third party library, if you do that.
If you chose the solution where your services use proxies for the third party libraries. You can inject these proxies into your services easily, thanks to the dependency injection.
If you change of third party library, change the proxy implementation and change the injection, and it's done.
But, if you chose to make your services the proxies. It's almost the same, but you have one layer less. And your service implementations have to be exported in different libraries. You will also have to be more careful when changing your service, because you will endup breaking things elsewhere in your app.
For that last point, having a proxy layer used by your services, sounds better to me, at the moment.
I'm still thinking. It will have more edits to come I imagine
I would like to know which is the best way to organize the dll tools.
For example, I can have a project that has all the class tools the the company has been implement. For example, class to work with strings, class to work with files... and so on. I mean, a generic dll with tools that I can use in many projects. This would be a generic myCompaty.Utils.dll for example.
Other way it to have many dlls, of for each type of work. For example, I could have a myCompany.Utils.Files, other myCompany.Utils.Strings... etc.
With the first option, I would have only one dll, but if two persons need to add or fix something, only can work one person, because if two persons work at the same time, when one of the person compiles the new dll, the other person loses the work.
If I have many dlls, one for each kind of type of work, then is more difficult that two persons need to modify the same dll, because it's possible that each person is responsible of one of the dlls. However, the problem is that in this way, when I deploy the application, I would have a lot of dlls in the program directory.
So I would like to know which is the best practice when is created dlls.
From your question it is clear that you are using no versioning system. Try checking out something like Tortoise SVN - then, you will have no problems with several people working on same piece of software.
Regarding DLLs - I would go with having multiple DLLs, each only containing a specific type of utility methods. It will make deployment simpler. If you would do the opposite, that is, have a single DLL for all your utility methods, you would need to redeploy it everytime anything in it changes - you change the code responsible for working with files, you have to ship the whole DLL that will contain unrelated code, too. Whereas if you'll have multiple DLLs, you only need to redeploy the one that has really changed.
Basically it's going to depend on the number of classes, interfaces and delegates that your library is going to own.
Imagine the case you've 3000 classes in your "Company.Shared.dll" and you're developing a Web application. 600 of 3000 classes are for mobile development. What's the chance of using them in your Web application development? Zero.
So why you'd be deploying a 3000-classes-assembly for a Web application development if you only need Web development-related classes? Library size is greater than a Web-specific one as first can contain code for a lot of things which wouldn't be working in Web development.
For that reason you'd have a shared library called Company.Shared.Web.dll and a common to all development scenarios called Company.Shared.dll.
You can use above logic for other cases and scenarios.
Apart from the versioning system, (should be a must when more than half developer works on a project), it's really crazy that your organization allows everyone to change the base library (or libraries) on which every other project depends on. This will be evolve in a mess very quickly.
In my shop only one/two people are allowed to change anything there. And these guys are the most skilled and valuable colleagues.
For the subdivision of functionality present in the library I am not concerned with the big one DLL. It's true that I need to redistribute all even when we change a little bit of code (and when your code is mature and well tested this happens very rarely), but keeping track of every dll shipped for this project or for that project outweights the cost of the single one DLL
I've gotten to the point where I have made a few classes that I have found to be rather useful for a variety of different projects, they're either extensions of the already existing .Net ones or something entirely new.
Although I may not use them for EVERY project I would most certainly use them again at some point, my questions is what is the best way to keep these stored?
I was thinking about compiling them into a .dll that I can simply reference if necessary but at the moment there are only about 4 different classes, I've always thought that a .dll is more suited towards a larger amount of classes.
Would it just be simpler to store them somewhere in the cloud so I can access them from pretty much any computer?
What has worked best for you?
Edit: I'll be using more than one computer as I sometimes use the university computer facilities.
The classes range from memory management helper classes in XNA to niche functions in regular .Net/C#
If the classes don't fit together naturally as an assembly, keep the source files somewhere like Github and include them in your projects where needed. You can always rearrange them into components at a later date, when you feel it's worthwhile.
Are these classes in any way related? If you want to use one of them, do you need the others? If not, then those don't belong in a common package together.
Robert C. Martin provides some decent introduction in the chapter "Principles of Package and Component Design" of his book "Agile Software Development". There is also a C# adapted version with very similar content called "Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C#".
What I'm just saying is, packaging components is not only about thinking components X and Y are "cool enough" to be reused, but also about how you organize things and how well libraries or packages fit into the big picture.
You could compile them as a DLL and install them to the GAC. Then you can reference the DLLs from any project you need, just like any native C# library.
And I agree with Jim Brissom. Compile only the classes that go together as one assembly.
I keep my common classes in sourcegear and then share them into any projects as required.
When/where do you decide to split a large Visual Studio project into smaller multiple projects? If it can be reusable? when project is too big? (but how big is too big?)
and When you do split the project, do you,
group by database tables
group by similar functionality
Pros of many projects:
Easier to isolate code for unit testing. I like to isolate code that has a dependency on a big external server thing, for example code that talks to the SMTP server gets its own assembly, code that talks to the database gets it's own assembly, code that talks to the webserver, code that is pure business logic like validations.
Pros of few projects:
Visual studio goes faster
Some developers just don't get your vision
about dividing up responsibilities
and will start putting classes
everywhere, so you end up with the
pain of extra projects and the
benefits of putting everything into
one project.
Each project has a configuration and when you make a decision about project configuration, often you have to make the same chagne everywhere, such as setting or changing the strong name key
Pros of many Solutions
You hit the maximum project level later.
Only the stuff in your current solution gets compiled everytime you hit f5
If the project isn't expected to change in the life of your application, why re-compile it over and over? Call it done and move it to its own solution.
Cons of many Solutions
It's up to you to work out the dependencies between solutions and manually compile the dependencies first. This leads to complicated build scripts.
Projects should be cohesive. Logic should be related, and accomplishing a similar goal
This answer will depend on the size of the product you are supporting. In general we organize our projects along domain and logic. And we will divide those even further, the more you divide the more organize you must be, or you are going to hit the dreaded recursive dependency issue.
When I do choose to break up project it is when it grows to be too large or two areas are becoming too similar.
When complexity is rising I do not split by tables, i generally split functionality.
Re-usability is another excellent time to reduce lines of code, as well as introduce a new project. However be careful how many "utility" libraries you introduce because they do have impact on readability/understandability.
I do not think there is a line in sand that says, if you hit 3k SLOC, you have too much. It all is contextual.
I always have several projects (and therefore a solution) , instead of one project with all of my source in it.
In some cases, it is unavoidable because you are using and open source library and want to be able to debug it. But more pragmatically, I typically have my applications provide functionality via plugins. This allows me to change the behavior or offer a user-selectable behavior at runtime. In the non-plugin case, it allows you to update one portion of your program without updating everything. There are also cases where you can provide the main apparently, and only download the modules / assemblies when you need them.
One other reason is that you can create smaller test apps to exercise an assembly, rather than building a very large solution and potentially requiring a user to execute several (and irrelevant) GUI operations before even reaching the part you want to test. And this isn't just a testing concern -- maybe you have less-savvy users in your organization that only want to be presented with the bits that concern them.
When the overall purpose of the project remains the same, but the number of classes is becoming large, I tend to create folders and namespaces to better group functionality within the project. Classes that are coupled to each-other tend to go in the same folder/namespace, so that if I need to understand a given class, the related classes are nearby in the Solution Explorer. I usually only create new projects if I realize that a particular piece of functionality is very different in purpose or if there is a common dependency between existing projects.
I usually wind up with a few relatively small Framework projects that define interfaces for loose coupling between other projects, with larger projects for the different types of concrete functionality. That's always at least one project for the UI and one project for logic and data (often split into two projects if the data layer becomes very large in its own right.)
I move code to a new project, if it has general functionality (theoretically) usable by other projects too. If the project is large, because it represents a complex problem, then namespaces provide a great way to bring order in the code. Here you can for example introduce a (sub-)namespaces for each SQL table, etc. etc.
I'm currently working on two social networking sites that have a lot in common, yet are distinctively different. I find myself writing a lot of the same code for both (including UI), and was wondering if there is a best practice that will limit duplicating code.
One of the main problems is that these projects are very independent of eachother and will likely have more differences than similaries soon. Also, once the initial work is done, they might be handed off to other programmers, so having shared code libraries might end up being a big problem.
Any suggestions from people that might have had to deal with a similiar situation?
PS: I'm the only developer on both of these projects, and it looks like it's going to stay that way for a while.
Abstracting shared functionality back to a framework or library with defined interfaces and default implementations is a common way to handle this. For example, your plugin architecture, if you choose to support one, is probably something that could be shared among all of your projects. Most of the time the things you want to share are pretty basic functionality or relatively abstract functionality that can be easily customized. The former are easier to recognize and factor out to common libraries. The latter may sometimes be more work than simply re-implementing the code with minor changes (sharing patterns rather than code).
One thing you want to be careful of is to let the actual re-use drive the design of common libraries rather than coming up with a shared architecture in advance. It's very tempting to get caught up in framework design and abstracting it out for shared use. Unfortunately you often find that the shared use never develops or develops in a different direction than you expected and you end up rewriting or throwing away much of the framework -- or even worse, keeping and maintaining unused code. Let YAGNI (you aren't gonna need it) be your guide and delay refactoring to common libraries until you actually have a need.
There are a couple (at least) of different approaches here, and you could certainly use both. Firstly you could remove some common code in to a separate project and just call that code staticaly. This is pretty easy to do and I sometimes take this approach with simple helper functions that probably don't belong in a class in my main project - a good example would be a math library or something like that. The other approach is to extract common functionality in to a class or interface which you then inherit and extend. Depending on what code you are looking to reuse you might use either (or both) of these approaches.
I suspect you will find it easier than you think. Try it with some simple code, set up a new project in the same solution, reference your library from your existing code and see how it goes. There is also no reason not to reference your shared project in multiple solutions either.
Having shared code libraries need not be a problem if the development gets handed off. For now you can have your 2 sites reference the same library (or libraries) which you maintain, but if and when you split the projects out to other teams you can give a copy of the shared code to each team.