Getting The Method That A Method Was Called From? [duplicate] - c#

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How can I find the method that called the current method?
(17 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Is it possible to determine the calling method name "Eat Pizza" in PostError?
I guess I could pass "EatPizza" as one of the arguments, but that would require changes each time the method name changes (unnecessary maintenance). But then, I wasn't even able to find the method name "EatPizza" in the context of "EatPizza" (using stacktrace, getframe, getmethod).
public void EatPizza(Pizza p){
if(p==null){ //A arbitrary made up error
p.Slices -= 1;
public void PostError(){
//Basically posting to database the name of the method
//Tried this, didn't work: (new StackTrace(true)).GetFrame(5).GetMethod().Name
//Is it possible to determine the calling method name "Eat Pizza" in this context?
When I try different values (0 to StackTrace.FrameCount-1) in StackTrace.GetFrame, I get the following values, when I just want "EatPizza":

You were on the right track with creating a StackTrace object, but you seem to have misunderstood the argument to GetFrame. Frames are numbered from the bottom-most frame, so:
GetFrame(0) would return PostError
GetFrame(1) would return the caller of PostError
So just try this:
var trace = new StackTrace(true);
Personally, I would prefer to get the entire stack trace rather than just the caller, so I'd do this:
var trace = new StackTrace(true);

Is it possible to determine the calling method name "Eat Pizza" in PostError? I guess I could pass "EatPizza" as one of the arguments, but that would require changes each time the method name changes (unnecessary maintenance).
Calling PostError in all the methods in which something could go wrong is also "unnecessary maintenance". It also complicates the execution flow of your program, because you will have to check for errors all over the place, and high-level processes will have to check if the low level processes completed successfully.
It is better to use the exception handling structures provided by the CLR and C#.
The exact location in which the error occured is stored in the exception's StackTrace property.
pubic void BigDinnerEatingProcess()
catch (PizzaNotDeliveredException ex)
MessageBox.Show("Dinner was not eaten. Please make sure the pizza is delivered.");
public void EatPizza(Pizza p)
if (p == null)
throw new PizzaNotDeliveredException();
private void PostError(Exception ex)
string errorLocation = ex.StackTrace;


Break out of parent function?

public static void CacheUncachedMessageIDs(List<int> messageIDs)
var uncachedRecordIDs = LocalCacheController.GetUncachedRecordIDs<PrivateMessage>(messageIDs);
if (!uncachedRecordIDs.Any()) return;
using (var db = new DBContext())
The above method is repeated regularly throughout the project (except with different generics passed in). I'm looking to avoid repeated usages of the if (!uncachedRecordIDs.Any()) return; lines.
In short, is it possible to make the LocalCacheController.GetUncachedRecordIDs return the CacheUncachedMessageIDs method?
This will guarantee a new data context is not created unless it needs to be (stops accidentally forgetting to add the return line in the parent method).
It is not possible for a nested method to return from parent method.
You can do some unhandled Exception inside GetUncachedRecordIDs, that will do the trick, but it is not supposed to do this, so it creates confusion. Moreover, it is very slow.
Another not suggested mechanic is to use some goto magic. This also generates confusion because goto allows unexpected behaviour in program execution flow.
Your best bet would be to return a Result object with simple bool HasUncachedRecordIDs field and then check it. If it passes, then return. This solution solves the problem of calling a method, which is Any() in this case.
var uncachedRecordIDsResult = LocalCacheController.GetUncachedRecordIDs<PrivateMessage>(messageIDs);
if(uncachedRecordIDsResult.HasUncachedRecordIDs) return;
My reasoning for lack of this feature in the language is that calling GetUncachedRecordIDs in basically any function would unexpectedly end that parent function, without warning. Also, it would intertwine closely both functions, and best programming practices involve loose coupling of classes and methods.
You could pass an Action to your GetUncachedRecordIDs method which you only invoke if you need to. Rough sketch of the idea:
// LocalCacheController
void GetUncachedRecordIDs<T>(List<int> messageIDs, Action<List<int>> action)
// ...
if (!cached) {
// ...
public static void CacheUncachedMessageIDs(List<int> messageIDs)
LocalCacheController.GetUncachedRecordIDs<PrivateMessage>(messageIDs, uncachedRecordIDs => {
using (var db = new DBContext())
// ...

Using Reflection to get the field/property that is being null compared?

How do I know the log the last property that is null?
For example,
var a = "somevalue";
if(a == null)
Log.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "Property : a is null");
//blah blah
Like how I use the reflection to get the current method name, there should be some means by which I can log the latest local variables (or a property or fields)
that is being compared ? I use, log4net by the way to log the errors.
1) Is there any method to achieve this or should we manually log it?
2) Is there any custom method that prints the class -> MethodName -> Propertyname(or FieldName) that is null?
Thanks for your time in advance.
As mentioned by #fsimonazzi, "a" would be a local variable.
That being said there is still no way to examine the current compare operation as in MSIL there is no formal concept of an IF block - only conditional jumps.
If you wanted to get really crazy with the reflection, you may be able to find the current executing instruction and look around near that for a variable, but even then, you will not find the name - only a reference - as names are only used prior to compilation.
Either way, reflection is not going to help you here.
Instead, try using Exceptions - specifically ArgumentNullException. This body of code would become:
void doStuff(string param1, int param2)
if (param == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("param1", "param1 must not be null");
if (param2 < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("param2", "param2 should be non-negative.");
//method body
then, when you call the method, you can catch the exception and log it - no matter what it may be.
public static void Main(string[] args)
doStuff(null, 3);
catch (Exception ex)
Tools like FxCop can help make sure that you are properly validating each parameter.
Properties are actually implemented as methods, so reflection could help you there. If, for example, you were validating in a property and wanted to log the position automatically, you could.
private object _cachedObject = null;
public object CachedObject
if (_cachedObject == null)
log(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "creating cached object");
_cachedObject = createCachedObject();
return _cachedObject;
The .Net Framework 4.5 also brings with it a new attribute that can be used to replace the MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name construct you are using to get the method name. See [CallerMemberNameAttribute][3].

Return from a Class Execution using an Event or ..?

I'm going to provide a simple example of what I'm trying to do -- hopefully it is possible?
I basically have a class that does a whole ton of formatting/analyzing to the data. As a result, there a lot of things that can go wrong with this. The problem I have is handling the class when things go wrong. I want all execution of this class to stop once an error has occurred.
This class (AnalyzingStuff) is called from a parent form that does various things based on the result of this classes execution.
Ideally, I would fire an event named say "ABORT".
So in this code here I do the following:
Class AnalyzingStuff{
public event EventHandler ABORT;
public AnalyzingStuff(){
for(int i = 0; i < 999999; i ++){
private void AnalyzeSomeStuff(){
this.ABORT.Invoke(this, null);
Calling this 'ABORT' event, I would stop the execution of this class (stop the loop and not do anything else). I could also catch this event handler in some other parent form. Unfortunately, I can't find any way of stopping the execution of this class.
Ideas so far:
The obvious answer is to simply set a flag and constantly check this flag over and over in multiple places, but I really don't like this approach (my current implementation). Having to check this after every single method call (there are MANY) is ugly codewise.
I thought maybe a background worker or something where you could cancel the execution of the DoWork?
Use a form as a base class for the AnalyzingStuff so I can simply call "this.Close();".
What do you think is the best approach to this situation? Are these the best solutions? Are there any other elegant solutions to what I want here or am I going completely in the wrong direction?
EDIT: I have a series of try/catch blocks used throughout this code that is used to handle different errors that can occur. Unfortunately, not all of them call for an Abort to occur so they need to be caught immediately. Therefore, try/catch not the most ideal approach.. or is it?
Don't do analysys in the constructor. Do it in a main Analyze() method.
Use exceptions. If you want to abort because of a fatal error, throw a fatal exception. That is, throw an exception that you don't catch within the scope of the main analysis method.
class Analyzer
public Analyzer()
// initialize things
public void Analyze()
// never catch a fatal exception here
... optionally call more methods here ...
catch (NonFatalException e)
// handle non fatal exception
... optionally call more methods (wrapped in try..catch) here ...
private void AnalyzeStuff()
// do stuff
if (something nonfatal happens)
throw new NonFatalException();
if (something fatal happens)
throw new FatalException();
var analyzer = new Analyzer();
catch (FatalException)
Console.WriteLine("Analysis failed");
If you don't like using exception this way, you can accomplish the same thing by having every analysis method return a bool:
if (!AnalyzeStuff())
return false;
if (!AnalyzeMoreStuff())
return false;
return true;
But you end up with a lot of return statements or a lot of braces. It's a matter of style and preference.
Could you throw an Exception if things go wrong, and run a try catch around where you call the method in the loop?
if you do this you could do stuff if the class fails (which you will put in the catch), and stuff you could do to close connections to database ++ when it is done.
or you could make the methods return an int, to tell if the execution of the method was valid. ex. return 0; is valid execution, return 1-500 would then might be different error codes. Or you might go for the simple version of passing a bool. If you need to return values from methods other than the error code you could pass these as OUT variables. example following:
Class AnalyzingStuff{
public AnalyzingStuff(){
for(int i = 0; i < 999999; i ++){
if (!AnalyzeSomeStuff() || !AnalyzerSomeOtherStuff())
private bool AnalyzeSomeStuff(){
return false;
return true;
You can of course use your event. I just removed it for the simplicity of it.

Writing code to fire the last method to throw an exception in a multi-threaded web app

I was writing some try-catch blocks for various methods today, and thought to myself it would be good to have utility method which would automatically call the method again for a number of times specified in a parameter, at a certain time.
However, I thought to myself, the method/property etc which will cause an exception will be at the top of the stacktrace (do property calls get put on the stacktrace?) in a single threaded application (so an application with no code relating to threading). So I can simply get the method name at the top and dynamically call it again.
So I would have code like:
string s = StackTrace.GetFrame(0).GetMethodName; (I can't remember the exact syntax).
With this method, I can execute it using an activator or one of several other ways.
But in a multi-threaded application, I could have several methods firing at once and I wouldn't know which one finishes first/last. So I can't expect a method for which I write a try-catch block to be at the top of the stack.
How would I go about achieving this?
Please don't do this. It's a really, really, really, really, really bad idea.
Maybe not as bad as deleting files randomly, if the hard drive runs out of room - but just about as bad.
While I question the need for an auto retrying mechanism (does randomly retrying really help you out in so many situations that you need a utility method?) - using StackTrace and Reflection is, at best, a terribly complicated solution.
Not that I suggest that anyone actually use this code, but I'd probably go with a delegate based approach to this particular problem:
public static class Extensions {
public static void Try(this Action a, int maxTries) {
new (Func<bool>(() => { a(); return true; })).Try(maxTries);
public static TResult Try<TResult>(this Func<TResult> f, int maxTries) {
Exception lastException = null;
for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++) {
try {
return f();
} catch (Exception ex) {
lastException = ex;
throw lastException;
Usage is a bit unorthodox, but fairly clear I think:
// Set a property
new Action(() => myObject.Property = 5).Try(5);
// With a return value
var count = new Func<int>(() => myList.Count).Try(3);
You can't inline a lambda to a method, but you could have a somewhat fluent interface:
() => MyObject.Property = 5
And multi line methods:
Utilities.Try(() => {
MyObject.Property1 = 5;
MyObject.Property2 = 6;
MyObject.Property3 = 7;
Mark's code is probably better, but here's mine...
If you really want to do something like this, I'd use code something like this. Yes, you still have to manually call it, but your idea of indiscriminately retrying ALL excepting methods is a really, really bad idea.
public class TryAgain
public delegate void CodeToTryAgain ();
public static void Repeat<E>(int count, CodeToTryAgain code) where E : Exception
while (count-- > 0)
catch (E ex)
Console.WriteLine("Caught an {0} : {1}", typeof(E).Name, ex.Message);
// ignoring it!
And then you'd call your failing method, ThrowTwice, or whatever you want to do, like this:
TryAgain.Repeat<MyException>(5, delegate()
In this example, the Repeat method will ignore all exceptions of type MyException, trying to call ThrowTwice up to 5 times...
You can add your own sleeping and time-outs, and whatever.

Enforcing required function call

I have a "Status" class in C#, used like this:
Status MyFunction()
if(...) // something bad
return new Status(false, "Something went wrong")
return new Status(true, "OK");
You get the idea.
All callers of MyFunction should check the returned Status:
Status myStatus = MyFunction();
if ( ! myStatus.IsOK() )
// handle it, show a message,...
Lazy callers however can ignore the Status.
MyFunction(); // call function and ignore returned Status
Status myStatus = MyFunction();
} // lose all references to myStatus, without calling IsOK() on it
Is it possible to make this impossible? e.g. an throw exception
In general: is it possible to write a C# class on which you have to call a certain function?
In the C++ version of the Status class, I can write a test on some private bool bIsChecked in the destructor and ring some bells when someone doesn't check this instance.
What is the equivalent option in C#?
I read somewhere that "You don't want a destructor in your C# class"
Is the Dispose method of the IDisposable interface an option?
In this case there are no unmanaged resources to free.
Additionally, it is not determined when the GC will dispose the object.
When it eventually gets disposed, is it still possible to know where and when you ignored that specific Status instance?
The "using" keyword does help, but again, it is not required for lazy callers.
I know this doesn't answer your question directly, but if "something went wrong" within your function (unexpected circumstances) I think you should be throwing an exception rather than using status return codes.
Then leave it up to the caller to catch and handle this exception if it can, or allow it to propogate if the caller is unable to handle the situation.
The exception thrown could be of a custom type if this is appropriate.
For expected alternative results, I agree with #Jon Limjap's suggestion. I'm fond of a bool return type and prefixing the method name with "Try", a la:
bool TryMyFunction(out Status status)
If you really want to require the user to retrieve the result of MyFunction, you might want to void it instead and use an out or ref variable, e.g.,
void MyFunction(out Status status)
It might look ugly but at least it ensures that a variable is passed into the function that will pick up the result you need it to pick up.
The problem with exceptions is that if it's something that happens a little too often, you might be spending too much system resources for the exception. An exception really should be used for exceptional errors, not totally expected messages.
Even System.Net.WebRequest throws an exception when the returned HTTP status code is an error code. The typical way to handle it is to wrap a try/catch around it. You can still ignore the status code in the catch block.
You could, however, have a parameter of Action< Status> so that the caller is forced to pass a callback function that accepts a status and then checking to see if they called it.
void MyFunction(Action<Status> callback)
{ bool errorHappened = false;
if (somethingBadHappend) errorHappened = true;
Status status = (errorHappend)
? new Status(false, "Something went wrong")
: new Status(true, "OK");
if (!status.isOkWasCalled)
throw new Exception("Please call IsOK() on Status").
MyFunction(status => if (!status.IsOK()) onerror());
If you're worried about them calling IsOK() without doing anything, use Expression< Func< Status,bool>> instead and then you can analyse the lambda to see what they do with the status:
void MyFunction(Expression<Func<Status,bool>> callback)
{ if (!visitCallbackExpressionTreeAndCheckForIsOKHandlingPattern(callback))
throw new Exception
("Please handle any error statuses in your callback");
bool errorHappened = false;
if (somethingBadHappend) errorHappened = true;
Status status = (errorHappend)
? new Status(false, "Something went wrong")
: new Status(true, "OK");
MyFunction(status => status.IsOK() ? true : onerror());
Or forego the status class altogether and make them pass in one delegate for success and another one for an error:
void MyFunction(Action success, Action error)
{ if (somethingBadHappened) error(); else success();
I am fairly certain you can't get the effect you want as a return value from a method. C# just can't do some of the things C++ can. However, a somewhat ugly way to get a similar effect is the following:
using System;
public class Example
public class Toy
private bool inCupboard = false;
public void Play() { Console.WriteLine("Playing."); }
public void PutAway() { inCupboard = true; }
public bool IsInCupboard { get { return inCupboard; } }
public delegate void ToyUseCallback(Toy toy);
public class Parent
public static void RequestToy(ToyUseCallback callback)
Toy toy = new Toy();
if (!toy.IsInCupboard)
throw new Exception("You didn't put your toy in the cupboard!");
public class Child
public static void Play()
Parent.RequestToy(delegate(Toy toy)
// Oops! Forgot to put the toy away!
public static void Main()
In the very simple example, you get an instance of Toy by calling Parent.RequestToy, and passing it a delegate. Instead of returning the toy, the method immediately calls the delegate with the toy, which must call PutAway before it returns, or the RequestToy method will throw an exception. I make no claims as to the wisdom of using this technique -- indeed in all "something went wrong" examples an exception is almost certainly a better bet -- but I think it comes about as close as you can get to your original request.
Using Status as a return value remembers me of the "old days" of C programming, when you returned an integer below 0 if something didn't work.
Wouldn't it be better if you throw an exception when (as you put it) something went wrong? If some "lazy code" doesn't catch your exception, you'll know for sure.
Instead of forcing someone to check the status, I think you should assume the programmer is aware of this risks of not doing so and has a reason for taking that course of action. You don't know how the function is going to be used in the future and placing a limitation like that only restricts the possibilities.
That would sure be nice to have the compiler check that rather than through an expression. :/
Don't see any way to do that though...
You can throw an exception by:
throw MyException;
public class MyException : Exception
// For guidelines regarding the creation of new exception types, see
// and
public MyException () { }
public MyException ( string message ) : base( message ) { }
public MyException ( string message, Exception inner ) : base( message, inner ) { }
protected MyException (
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context )
: base( info, context ) { }
The above exception is fully customizable to your requirements.
One thing I would say is this, I would leave it to the caller to check the return code, it is their responsability you just provide the means and interface. Also, It is a lot more efficient to use return codes and check the status with an if statement rather than trhowing exceptions. If it really is an Exceptional circumstance, then by all means throw away... but say if you failed to open a device, then it might be more prudent to stick with the return code.
#Paul you could do it at compile time with Extensible C#.
GCC has a warn_unused_result attribute which is ideal for this sort of thing. Perhaps the Microsoft compilers have something similar.
One pattern which may sometimes be helpful if the object to which code issues requests will only be used by a single thread(*) is to have the object keep an error state, and say that if an operation fails the object will be unusable until the error state is reset (future requests should fail immediately, preferably by throwing an immediate exception which includes information about both the previous failure and the new request). In cases where calling code happens to anticipate a problem, this may allow the calling code to handle the problem more cleanly than if an exception were thrown; problems which are not ignored by the calling code will generally end up triggering an exception pretty soon after they occur.
(*) If a resource will be accessed by multiple threads, create a wrapper object for each thread, and have each thread's requests go through its own wrapper.
This pattern is usable even in contexts where exceptions aren't, and may sometimes be very practical in such cases. In general, however, some variation of the try/do pattern is usually better. Have methods throw exception on failure unless the caller explicitly indicates (by using a TryXX method) that failures are expected. If callers say failures are expected but don't handle them, that's their problem. One could combine the try/do with a second layer of protection using the scheme above, but I'm not sure whether it would be worth the cost.

